A lot of life changing experiences start hereTestimonials are listed by chronological by the most recent date of submission. If you would like to share your experience, blessings and graces, please submit your sharing to admin@medjugorjeca.org.

Small sharing by Andrew Yeung (Aug 4, 2021)
In 1962, the idea came that I should write a book which quoted Jesus, and Jesus alone. The workbegan in 1970, but it took until the year 2020 before it was considered finished. The name of the book is Do Whatever Jesus Tells You! In the meantime, in March of 1984, I...
Patricia Leung (Sept 2019)
by Patricia Find out more about Medjugorje and what our pilgrim says about Medjugorje! Reporter: Hello! Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself? Pilgrim: I am a Catholic young adult and currently live in the Rockies region in Canada. I am a cradle Catholic. I was...
Kitty Kit Tsing Chan (June B 2018)
2015年我第一次到墨主哥耶朝聖,那年一齊參與的家人有母親,弟妹和弟婦共6人,兩個弟弟至少有20年沒上教堂,當時他們的參與我是很緊張的, 怕他們不厭煩,整天扳起臉,問梁神父意見,神父的答案祈禱交付,不用煩,是聖母的邀請,一切不是問題;感恩過程沒有我擔心的情況出現,回港後弟婦對信仰的熱忱也令弟弟慢慢轉變,也時常出現在教堂內,還跟我參與善會;在那次朝聖中,我也懇求聖母...
Maria Chee Lee (June B 2018)
「用心祈禱,在祈禱中把自己完全交託給耶穌。」 是我在這次默主哥耶朝聖之旅最大的得著。 從來沒有像今次出門時的輕鬆和平靜,多謝默主哥耶中心提供的備忘手冊和33天準備奉獻之旅,就把這十天時間全部奉獻,空虛自己,跟隨聖母媽媽一起,完全信賴祂,感覚像兩歲小孩子出門一樣,十分安心呀! 果然,剛踏入旅館, 隊長Lucia 便派發名牌,聖母媽媽給我的第一個訉息,便是在每天祈禱中,毌忘天主賜予一切旳恩惠感恩和讚頌祂的仁慈,提醒我不要做個忘恩負義的人! 我本是「電器盲」,本來稍微掛心一些的事,如挿蘇開關,電話傳訉問題,同房姊妺一一幫我解決了.真好!...
Lise Ng (June B 2018)
各位主內的兄弟姊妹, 你們好!我是Lise 伍雲姿,剛參加完2018 默主哥耶朝聖B團,應Pat Young的邀請,分享一下今次朝聖的得着和經驗。 朋友去年參加了由加拿大默主哥耶朝聖中心主辦的朝聖團,回來後傳給我一些有關聖母媽媽顯現時的訊息,還有”默主哥耶訊息”的中文譯本電子書,看完後開始很嚮往這個地方。剛好有朋友也很想去,便一齊報名,但參加者眾多,要2019才有位,後來有人退出,我和朋友方可補上。非常感恩可以參加到今次朝聖,想必是聖母媽媽願意給我一個再教育的機會。...
Lisa Ly (June B 2018)
我在舊年發生了一件事, 令我好不開心。 最苦的, 是這件事是沒辦法同任何人講或宣洩, 包括屋企人或朋友, 只能自己默默承受。 唯有自己祈禱,尋求心靈上的平靜, 雖然, 祈禱後可以有小小的安慰,但仍然感到苦惱,不安及孤單。 舊年11月,有個教友朋友同我提起 ‘默主歌耶’,她本身去過兩次, 問我是否想同她再去。 我一口答應。 第一次踏足 ‘默主歌耶’,第一眼見到的是,好藍的天好白的雲, 一望無際, 感覺天空離我好近,自己的心好似打開了, 好似伸出雙手,就可以觸摸到在天上的天父及聖母媽媽。...
Freddy Foster (June B 2018)
You can feel momma Mary 's mantle surrounding you once you set foot in Medjugorje. The peace and joy you feel cannot be put in words.Participating in the evening programs of rosaries , mass and adorations is so meaningful and joyous and everyone is so engrossed you...
Fiona Li (June B 2018)
在默主哥耶的十一天, 沒有思鄉的感覺; 反而覺得時間過得太快, 逗留的日子太短 。 每天早起晚歸,每天出席兩台彌撒, 領兩次聖體 , 在St. James廣場坐至少三小時, 但 一點也不覺得辛苦,一點也不覺得悶, 沒有刻板的感覺; 反而不想錯過任何一個活動, 希望擔凳仔坐頭位。 在默主哥耶 , 學懂怎樣祈禱,開始感受到前所未有的平安及天主的臨在 ---------這是這次朝聖的最大得益之一。 在當地看到有一些字句寫著聖母說: 「If you knew how much I love you, you would cry with...
Bernadette Tak Chun Leung 梁德珍 (June B 2018)
2015年是我第一次參加MCC舉辦的默主哥耶朝聖,也是我人生的第一次朝聖,感覺新奇,過程中是懵懵懂懂的,但我還是認真地投入去,特別喜歡黃昏的節目,唸玫瑰經,參與彌撒,朝拜聖體,需然我不明白他們的語言,但我感受到那溫柔婉約的氣氛,是我從來都沒有經歷過的,那種平安和互愛使我感到很幸福。 回港後,我重新尋找自己想要的是什麼,我開始返聖堂參與彌撒,學習祈禱,參加再慕道班,認識了一些新朋友。 2018年的黙主哥耶朝聖是延續著2015年的,希望能繼續努力學習,盼望著的日子終於來到,懷著感恩的心來到聖母媽媽的跟前,有說不出的喜悅。...
Jane Lee (June B 2018)
Alleluia! Such a blessed fruitful trip. I did not see Mother Mary physical in Medjugorje. I did not experience what you said about “Dancing Sun. I did not see any miracle at all. Simply saying, I need not bring along my brain with me in this trip. Once I was loaded at...
Maria Ho (June A 2018)
我抱著好奇和觀望的心參加我的第一次朝聖"默主歌耶朝聖之旅",很多人都說在那裡都會感受到聖母的信息,但以我這卑微的信德,我會感受到嗎? 在出發前的見面會中收到一袋刋物時,更令我猶疑驚訝,原來朝聖前是要這麼認真準備的,我可以做得到嗎?因此我也不敢怠慢了!...

Ada Chi Yin Luk (June A 2018)
I had a wonderful time and filled with blessings from Medjugorje. Thank you Jesus & Mother Mary for this invitation. No doubt that I’ll bring my husband back to Medjugorje next time. As you said my mind still remember the many graces & blessings we had in...
Alan Sak Lun Chan (June A 2018)
我是第一次到默主哥耶朝聖,報名之前曾有朋友對我說,這朝聖團並不適合我這個只喜歡吃喝玩樂的人,在默主哥耶這個小鎮每天都是参加彌撒,玫瑰經,朝拜聖體…… 過不了2天你會感到很悶很沒趣。 直至要交費之前也有一點點憂慮,幸好得到好朋友 Danny...

Hilarie Lai (June A 2018)
Having been a legionary during secondary school, I had always had a special connection with the Virgin Mary. We prayed the rosary in every meeting and were told to pray it as much as we could etc. but it was nowhere close to what I have experienced in Medjugorje. A...

Rose Chu (June A 2018)
Pilgrimage to Medugorje – June 16 – 27, 2018 Group A Pilgrimage to Medugorje June 16 Group A, some personal feelings to share, I have never joined any pilgrimage before, did not expect anything at all, on first day travel, transit at Turkey Istanbul , felt very...

By Justina Wong Hi 敬愛的梁達材神父,各位親愛的主内兄弟及姊妹 : I am Justina, 很榮幸今次能參加由默主歌耶中心所舉辨由June 25, 2016至July 7,2016之由梁神父带領神師之B團! 在很早2007年,因兒子大學二年级由于讀書壓力大,故得了一個中國人很少有此病而西方人才多有之结腸炎病,他惟有停學,甚麽活動都停了,他由out of town...

Thank you for your invitation to Medjugorje
By Sally Fong Dear Blessed Mother, Thank you for your invitation to Medjugorje. With all the books and articles I read about this place, I had been hoping to come one day but never thought I would be here so soon. You have once again taught me to put everything in...
Jim Caviezel talks about Medjugorje
Jim Caviezel is the actor who portrayed Jesus in the movie The Passion of the Christ. Part of his personal religious experience on the making of the film is revealed in the interview below. • In February Jim Caviezel made his sixth pilgrimage to Medjugorje and...

Thoughts on Medjugorje
By Pearl Tam When I first decided to go to Medjugorje, I didn't have any expectations. Sure, I knew there was a lot of praying, and I'd probably grow spiritually, but I didn't know that I would witness so many miraculous and wondrous things. I also never thought that...
Medjugorje needs no defence
By Andrew Yeung “If this enterprise, this movement of theirs is of human origin it will break up of its own accord; but if it does in fact come from God you will not only be unable to destroy them, you might find yourself fighting against God” (Acts 5:38-39). Jesus...

尹雅白神父 前言: 五年前教友給我介紹過默主歌耶,我那時一點也沒有把它放在心上。三年前又有教友向我提及默主歌耶,說他已三次往默主歌耶朝聖,對他的信仰生活有了很 大的改變,他並希望我能有機會參加二零零五年五月份的朝聖團,發動全體華人教友到默主哥耶為中國教會祈禱。可惜那年在滿地可發生了許多事,特別是我的腦要 動手術,因為在左腦下髓內生了一顆瘤,五月底由一位著名的腦科專家施了五個小時手術,順利而成功地取出,並在短短數星期療養後復原。感謝天主,賜我再次有 能力侍奉祂;並有機會來到多倫多,為這裡的華人服務。...

江綏蒙席神父的分享 – 信不信由你
日期: 二零零八年十月二日至十月十四日 朝聖地: Medjugorje (中譯: 黙主歌耶), Bosnia 國家 主辦者: 加拿大黙主哥耶中心 隨團神師: 江綏蒙席神父 (美國), 尹雅白神父 (加拿大中華殉道聖人堂副本堂) 領隊: James Shek 導遊: Ivana Vasilj 參加人士: 共四十六名, 中間有一位是加藉教友Lawrence Clarry Szabo 及一位來自中國大陸之Paul Ma, 他是本隊唯一講國語者. 本隊共分五組, 並指定一組長: A 組: Paul Kwan B組: Tommy Chen...

Spiritual Reflections on My 34th Birthday
BY Odilia Lee Peace Families and Friends! Thank you much for all your birthday blessings I thank God for my life and I thank God for all your love and care. The past year was a turning point of my life. I want to share my spiritual reflections with you on this special...