by Patricia
Find out more about Medjugorje and what our pilgrim says about Medjugorje!
Reporter: Hello! Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself?
Pilgrim: I am a Catholic young adult and currently live in the Rockies region in Canada. I am a cradle Catholic. I was born into a Roman Catholic family, which made me a Catholic as well! Catholic education played a very important role in my life. It is a preparation for life which in itself is a preparation for eternal life!
Reporter: Wonderful! How did you come across to Medjugorje?
Pilgrim: Medjugorje came into my life as a “surprise”. I first learnt about Medjugorje when I was a participant of a youth prayer community. The community is founded on Medjugorje spirituality. Eucharistic adoration, rosary, confession and teachings are the focus of the prayer meetings. During these meetings, I was touched by the compassionate love of the Eucharistic Lord and wanted to deepen my relationship with Him. When I was introduced to Medjugorje at one of the events, I knew immediately that I must visit Our Lady in Medjugorje to renew my relationship with God and Mother Mary.
Reporter: Would you like to tell us a bit more about your recent pilgrimage to Medjugorje?
Pilgrim: Last September, I received a “surprise” from Jesus and Our Lady to visit Medjugorje with Medjugorje Centre of Canada. Medjugorje is a beautiful Catholic village with a strong devotion to Jesus and Our Lady through daily participation of liturgy, daily recitation of rosary, Lectio Divina, fasting and monthly confession. Our Lady called these practices the “five stones”. These five stones, which I have adopted in my spiritual life, developed my spiritual potential, nourished my soul and helped me conquer human sin. Through fasting, I created more room for God in my life by detaching from social media, instant messaging, internet surfing and TV. Monthly confessions helped me become more aware that I am loved by a compassionate and contemplative God, whose healing and reconciliation could redeem my human condition from the inside. Without the five stones, I am unable to experience the beauty and the greatness of the grace which God is offering me.
Reporter: Sounds like the five stones that were introduced by Our Lady in Medjugorje brought joy and peace in your life! What else did you experience in Medjugorje?
Pilgrim: Silence and solitude are always an important lesson for me in Medjugorje. In silence and solitude, I learn a deeper wisdom, a broader outlook in my everyday life and a brighter vision on God’s closeness and love. Mother Mary is my model as she is a woman wrapped in silence. In order to pray well, I learn that I need to pray in a quiet place so that the exterior silence matches with the interior silence in my heart. Praying is not about mechanically reciting words, while thinking of other things. It is about making time for God and resting in Him in silence. I also learnt to live in the present moment in a spirit of reflection, by listening to and internalizing what the Spirit might be speaking to me.
During my pilgrimage, I was especially touched by a spirit of gentleness in my heart. Gentleness is a reflection of God’s love which leads to gratefulness and humility. I am reminded to be gentle with myself, especially when I make the same mistakes, because Christ is gentle and this is part of His character. This helps me to be kind and gentle to others as well.
Reporter: It’s lovely to hear your inspirations from your recent pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Would you like to share any final words with our readers?
Pilgrim: I would like to conclude my sharing with my experience of hiking the Cross mountain for the first time. Before the hike began, I thought the hike was physically, mentally and spiritually challenging. However, the Spirit inspired me that God’s love is great enough to overcome any challenges. All I have to do is to surrender and have trust in God as He will provide. I did what I was told. I later discovered God is a good and compassionate Father because a few experienced pilgrims accompanied and coached me during the hike. I was very grateful of His providence, and I learnt that I must love and trust in Him in order to have courage and confidence in living out my Christian life.