In 1962, the idea came that I should write a book which quoted Jesus, and Jesus alone. The work
began in 1970, but it took until the year 2020 before it was considered finished. The name of the book is Do Whatever Jesus Tells You!
In the meantime, in March of 1984, I had printed what was erroneously thought to be the finalized version – 2500 copies. They were supposed to be given away, or sold (if possible). But five months later, 2000 copies were still in the basement of my house. What was to be done with them?
It so happened, earlier in the year that I had been made aware of Medjugorje. This place of Mother Mary’s apparition was mentioned at several prayer-group meetings which I had been attending regularly every month. In addition, half a dozen published articles written about her apparitions were given to me by members of the same charismatic group. I had read them all.
By August, the 2000 left-over copies of Do Whatever Jesus Tells You! weighed so heavily on my
mind that, in desperation, I decided to go to Medjugorje to ask for help from Mother Mary. That was the reason I travelled to Medjugorje the first time.
Soon afterwards, Henry Kovačić at the Ave Maria Centre of Peace, having heard about my journey to Medjugorje, invited me to join his organization on the west end of Toronto. This institution aimed at promoting the apparitions of Mother Mary. From then on, together with Henry, we spread Our Lady’s messages throughout Ontario and Canada, and took small groups of pilgrims to Medjugorje every summer.
Henry decided to print all my books, and distributed them from his Centre.
Later, a Chinese group in the north part of Toronto got interested in Medjugorje as well.
We held meetings to share information about Our Lady’s apparitions, and organized pilgrimages to the holy village too. Later, the group incorporated itself as the Medjugorje Centre of Canada (MCC). Anyone can connect with them here:
My books are posted on its website under the heading “Spiritual Readings”.
The titles are:
The original compilation of Our Lady’s messages in the book Mother Mary Speaks from Medjugorje
had only 50 pages and few commentary words; the messages were presented simply in chronological
order. Over the years the book became richer, with commentaries, and was organized into categories under topical headings. For the sake of the Chinese pilgrims and their contacts, it was soon translated into Traditional and Simplified Chinese. That brought ever more Chinese community Catholics (in Canada, and Hong Kong and China) to appreciate and love Mother Mary.
Without saying, it brought me to greater love and appreciation towards her. It led me to greater love
and appreciation for God. It led me to learn to live the following important guidance with increasing understanding and faith: “Little children, how many graces the Most High has given to you and how many graces he desires to give to you! But, little children, your hearts are closed and you live in fear, and you do not permit Jesus to let his love and his peace overcome your hearts and begin to reign in your lives. To live without God means to live in darkness and never to come to know the Father’s love and his care for each of you.” (12/25/2015)
If my memory serves me correctly, I would surmise that I have visited Medjugorje close to 70 times. Like other pilgrims, every morning I participated at the Mass in the language of my choice in the church, and attended the talks presented by local and visiting priests and pilgrimage group leaders during the day. Whenever there were bus trips to events at nearby churches and shrines (like Mostar, Široki Brijeg, Tihaljina, …) I would go along. And of course, the evening programme with Rosary and Mass was a must, as well as the late night Adoration exposition of the Holy Eucharist and sharing by the priest from the outside altar.
Medjugorje attracted me predominantly because of the holiness which could be felt everywhere
around the shrine, especially in the people who were seen praying inside the Church, in the chapel, on the roads, on the mountains, in front of statues at the many locations of worship on the Church grounds, around the parish, and at the homes of friends whom I visited.
I was deeply inspired and moved by the prayerfulness and holy conversations of the locals and
pilgrims, and felt very comfortable doing the same at every opportunity which presented itself. And so, besides attendance at all the programmes in the parish, what took up quite a bit of my time during each pilgrimage was praying, conversing, and writing down how I would spread Our Lady’s messages. I wanted very much that everyone in the world would do the same as the people of Medjugorje. How could I keep my mouth shut about such prayerful conduct and behaviour as found in this sacred place?
And back in Toronto, at the Ave Maria Centre and the Medjugorje Centre of Canada (MCC), when the Lord gave me the opportunity to write about and propagate these activities, I did just that! What great gifts these two organisations turned out to be. Through them, the means and channels were there for me to promote Our Lady’s apparitions and her messages around the world.
Thanks be to God.
by Patricia
Find out more about Medjugorje and what our pilgrim says about Medjugorje!
Reporter: Hello! Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself?
Pilgrim: I am a Catholic young adult and currently live in the Rockies region in Canada. I am a cradle Catholic. I was born into a Roman Catholic family, which made me a Catholic as well! Catholic education played a very important role in my life. It is a preparation for life which in itself is a preparation for eternal life!
Reporter: Wonderful! How did you come across to Medjugorje?
Pilgrim: Medjugorje came into my life as a “surprise”. I first learnt about Medjugorje when I was a participant of a youth prayer community. The community is founded on Medjugorje spirituality. Eucharistic adoration, rosary, confession and teachings are the focus of the prayer meetings. During these meetings, I was touched by the compassionate love of the Eucharistic Lord and wanted to deepen my relationship with Him. When I was introduced to Medjugorje at one of the events, I knew immediately that I must visit Our Lady in Medjugorje to renew my relationship with God and Mother Mary.
Reporter: Would you like to tell us a bit more about your recent pilgrimage to Medjugorje?
Pilgrim: Last September, I received a “surprise” from Jesus and Our Lady to visit Medjugorje with Medjugorje Centre of Canada. Medjugorje is a beautiful Catholic village with a strong devotion to Jesus and Our Lady through daily participation of liturgy, daily recitation of rosary, Lectio Divina, fasting and monthly confession. Our Lady called these practices the “five stones”. These five stones, which I have adopted in my spiritual life, developed my spiritual potential, nourished my soul and helped me conquer human sin. Through fasting, I created more room for God in my life by detaching from social media, instant messaging, internet surfing and TV. Monthly confessions helped me become more aware that I am loved by a compassionate and contemplative God, whose healing and reconciliation could redeem my human condition from the inside. Without the five stones, I am unable to experience the beauty and the greatness of the grace which God is offering me.
Reporter: Sounds like the five stones that were introduced by Our Lady in Medjugorje brought joy and peace in your life! What else did you experience in Medjugorje?
Pilgrim: Silence and solitude are always an important lesson for me in Medjugorje. In silence and solitude, I learn a deeper wisdom, a broader outlook in my everyday life and a brighter vision on God’s closeness and love. Mother Mary is my model as she is a woman wrapped in silence. In order to pray well, I learn that I need to pray in a quiet place so that the exterior silence matches with the interior silence in my heart. Praying is not about mechanically reciting words, while thinking of other things. It is about making time for God and resting in Him in silence. I also learnt to live in the present moment in a spirit of reflection, by listening to and internalizing what the Spirit might be speaking to me.
During my pilgrimage, I was especially touched by a spirit of gentleness in my heart. Gentleness is a reflection of God’s love which leads to gratefulness and humility. I am reminded to be gentle with myself, especially when I make the same mistakes, because Christ is gentle and this is part of His character. This helps me to be kind and gentle to others as well.
Reporter: It’s lovely to hear your inspirations from your recent pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Would you like to share any final words with our readers?
Pilgrim: I would like to conclude my sharing with my experience of hiking the Cross mountain for the first time. Before the hike began, I thought the hike was physically, mentally and spiritually challenging. However, the Spirit inspired me that God’s love is great enough to overcome any challenges. All I have to do is to surrender and have trust in God as He will provide. I did what I was told. I later discovered God is a good and compassionate Father because a few experienced pilgrims accompanied and coached me during the hike. I was very grateful of His providence, and I learnt that I must love and trust in Him in order to have courage and confidence in living out my Christian life.
2015年我第一次到墨主哥耶朝聖,那年一齊參與的家人有母親,弟妹和弟婦共6人,兩個弟弟至少有20年沒上教堂,當時他們的參與我是很緊張的, 怕他們不厭煩,整天扳起臉,問梁神父意見,神父的答案祈禱交付,不用煩,是聖母的邀請,一切不是問題;感恩過程沒有我擔心的情況出現,回港後弟婦對信仰的熱忱也令弟弟慢慢轉變,也時常出現在教堂內,還跟我參與善會;在那次朝聖中,我也懇求聖母 ,如可以也邀請我兩個囝囝到墨主哥耶與祂親近,因我感受他們兩人像牛像馬,每天營營役役地工作,把自己當全能,天天都說累,主日要上班就自然不上教堂,就算到教堂都不停看手機,心不在焉,不懂用心祈禱,不懂把面對的問題交付,祈求天父帶領;當我回港後,我嘗試和細囝Leo提議他參與朝聖,他的答案是無錢無時間,他任職服務行業,不能請太長的假期,雖然他沒答應,我還是替他先報名,他會不會或能不能去,就袛有祈禱,祈求聖母俯聽!直到2018 年6月26日出發,我更相信聖母媽媽一直為我代禱,她很清楚一個做媽媽的心情和期盼;在我第二次朝聖中感受的恩寵更令我心中激動,事緣就是有一天,團友Ben 問誰可協助分擔在彌撒中輔祭職務,Leo毫不猶疑說他可以,因他在10歲離港前是在聖德肋撒堂當輔祭的,但我卻問他,你能嗎?你超過20多年沒上過祭台了。我的懷疑態度,當時就被眾多的主內兄弟姊妹說我不對,Leo對輔祭工作的熱誠,對用餐的自動幫忙,對上落聖母山、十字架山需幫忙的協助,那裡需要協助的他都自動自覺地出現的,那次朝聖過程中,就像一個天使穿插其中,看在眼裡我記起多次神父常提到,聖母對每事都默存心中,反覆思量的這兩句話語;Leo 是我的兒子,我總覺他多方面沒做好自己,他人的事卻做很多,太沒分寸 ,但在其他人的眼中,他是這樣優秀的;雖然這次朝聖團沒有令Leo改變什麼,但卻改變了我對他的看法,少了挑剔,多了包容;因我不時提醒自己要學習聖母,對上主的依賴,把一切都交付給天主;只有我能學到,有了改變,身邊的人就會看我對上主的的交付,對上主依賴,繼而分享到真正的平安。
Kitty Kit Tsing Chan
June B 2018
果然,剛踏入旅館, 隊長Lucia 便派發名牌,聖母媽媽給我的第一個訉息,便是在每天祈禱中,毌忘天主賜予一切旳恩惠感恩和讚頌祂的仁慈,提醒我不要做個忘恩負義的人!
我本是「電器盲」,本來稍微掛心一些的事,如挿蘇開關,電話傳訉問題,同房姊妺一一幫我解決了.真好! 多倫多小組,Margaret 姊妺是笫四次前來,提示我要注意的事,不計其數。例如甚麼時候要帶跪墊和摺椅,吃餐和周囲環境。像大姐姐關懷備至,我還有什么掛心呢!
解決了起居飲食問題,接著是甚麼呢?在我還沒有想到時,小組的姊妹己提我填入辦妥修和聖事的時間。當晩,天氣稍涼,下毛毛雨,在告解亭外等候Fr Leung ,雨點灑在臉上,省察痛悔已罪,Father 語重心長, 赧我罪過,解我心結,皈依天主。感謝Father!
接下來的日子,便是依照導遊小姐和領隊安排,在這個寧靜的小山窩, 聖母揀選的聖地,過著無憂無慮的生活。除了上聖母顯現山和聖十字架上外,每天早餐後,便到小聖堂參與由Father 主持中文彌撒,聆聽天主聖言。下午四時三十分晚餐後,便與萬人以上,來自不同國家和族裔的教友一同誦唸玫瑰經,參與黃昏彌撒聖祭,主內共融合一,十分陶醉!每當下午六時四十分鈡聲敲響,心情十分激動,感到聖母媽媽親身臨在。
這十天的奇妙旅程,心神沒有想到世俗的事,一心只想像小孩子倚偎在聖母懷抱中。此刻想到天主經首幾句﹕「願你的國來臨,願你的旨意奉行在人間,如同在天上」。在這十天默主哥耶朝聖之旅中,善牧Father 就像在世的耶穌,身體力行,循循善誘,盡責的領隊們如同宗徒,我們就像一班心、身靈有病得以治癒的婦女。大家一同生活,一同祈禱,同心合意,就像活在天堂裏相親愛呀!
「耶穌走遍各城各村講道,宣傳天主國的喜訉,同他在一起的有那十二宗徒,還有幾個曾附過悪魔戓或患病而得治好的婦女。」 (路8:1-2)
Maria Chee Lee
June B 2018
你們好!我是Lise 伍雲姿,剛參加完2018 默主哥耶朝聖B團,應Pat Young的邀請,分享一下今次朝聖的得着和經驗。
在人性方面,體驗到團友的無私,互助互愛,犧牲共融的精神,這特別在登聖母顯現山及十字架山時彰顯無遺,願主及聖母媽媽賜福這些天使般的團友繼續有能力去無私助人。出色的領隊Ben和Lucia, 盡責的組長們,皆使行程流暢及充滿愉悅。
在神修方面,慶幸有如慈父般的梁神父帶領,及資深導遊Marijana的妥善安排及講解,確是大開眼界,獲益良多。每晚的戲肉就在晚飯後,五時四十五分就乘車往St. James Church, 六時開始唸玫瑰經,不同國家的神父用本國語言領唸,大家就用自己的語言續唸,很感受到天主教的公教性。每晚六時四十分,是聖母媽媽的顯現時間,大家暫停頌唸,約一, 兩分鐘後再繼續,完成後用克羅地亞語唱聖母德敘禱文,非常悅耳動聽,不其然也隨著默主哥耶黃昏祈禱手冊一起詠唱,七時開始克羅地亞語彌撒,其間有英語翻譯。逢星期二,四,六彌撒後有一小時明恭聖體,從前朝拜聖體無什感覺,但在黙主哥耶美麗的天空下,加上Melinda 美妙的小提琴及歌聲,令我既陶醉,又感動,感受到天主的臨在及無比的大愛,在星期五朝拜十字架時也有這樣的觸動。其他活動如探訪戒毒所,保護婦女中心,及Jakov(神視者), Patrick 及Melinda的分享,還有Sister Emmanuel講解守齋的力量等等,都使我重新反省自己在信,望,愛三德方面,皆需要日新又新。
最後要提提的是每位團員名牌內都有一個聖母媽媽給我們獨一無二的訊息,而我的是 “In this time of grace, let the cross be for you a sign-post of love and unity through which true peace comes.“ 這不正是我最需要的內心平安嗎?感謝聖母媽媽給我的禮物,我會緊記並實行。
Lise Ng
June B 2018
我在舊年發生了一件事, 令我好不開心。 最苦的, 是這件事是沒辦法同任何人講或宣洩, 包括屋企人或朋友, 只能自己默默承受。 唯有自己祈禱,尋求心靈上的平靜, 雖然, 祈禱後可以有小小的安慰,但仍然感到苦惱,不安及孤單。
舊年11月,有個教友朋友同我提起 ‘默主歌耶’,她本身去過兩次, 問我是否想同她再去。 我一口答應。 第一次踏足 ‘默主歌耶’,第一眼見到的是,好藍的天好白的雲, 一望無際, 感覺天空離我好近,自己的心好似打開了, 好似伸出雙手,就可以觸摸到在天上的天父及聖母媽媽。 每日的頌念玫瑰經及彌撒,及朝拜聖體等,大家齊心祈禱,讚美天主父及聖母媽媽的氣氛, 令人心情舒暢, 好希望那個時刻可以停留,變成永遠。
今次聖母媽媽邀請我來‘默主歌耶’,我覺得是要鞏固及增強我的信德, 她好明確的, 針對我個人的問題,給我兩個信息, 第一個信息是透過 Sister Emmanuel 的口: 去‘默主歌耶’前一晚,我在youtube上睇到 Sister Emmanuel 的一個演講,她說,聖母媽媽 要求我們將我們的一切問題,煩惱,憂慮,痛苦 等等 全部交給‘她’去處理,做為交換條件, 聖母媽媽要我們心無旁騖的, 專心的為 ‘她’的意願祈禱。 另一個信息就是寫在我名牌上的信息 :‘親愛的孩子,不要害怕,我永遠與你同在’。 我由內心深處感受到聖母媽媽, 真的看透了我的苦腦,不安及孤單。 一直以來, 自己以為每星期日去望彌撒,就是一個虔誠的天主教徒, 每日的祈禱就是念一篇天主經,聖母經, 聖三光榮經。 到了‘默主歌耶’, 這個大家稱為‘聖母學堂’的地方, 改變了我以往的思維。 的確,在過去一年, 我不斷在自己的問題上打轉,雖然有祈禱,卻對天主及聖母媽媽沒有足夠的信德。
藉著在‘默主歌耶’那段日子的祈禱及念玫瑰經, 感受到聖母媽媽就在我身邊, 做我靠山,我已對舊年的事慢慢釋懷。 我會努力, 實行聖母媽媽交給我們的功課 – 5粒石子的意願,並期望有更多人可以蒙受邀請, 去‘默主歌耶’, 去更加親近聖母媽媽。
Lisa Ly
June B 2018
You can feel momma Mary ‘s mantle surrounding you once you set foot in Medjugorje. The peace and joy you feel cannot be put in words.Participating in the evening programs of rosaries , mass and adorations is so meaningful and joyous and everyone is so engrossed you can feel the harmony and the blessings we are all getting from Our Lord through Mother Mary.Father Peter Leung daily mass and sermons are a great inspiration to us.Marijana thoughtful arrangement and Lidija and Mario treatment of the pilgrims as friends rather then guests is a great help too.I hope to continue this feeling by bringing Mother Mary’s blessings to as many as possible through prayers and sharing my experience with others.
Freddy Foster
June B 2018
在默主哥耶的十一天, 沒有思鄉的感覺; 反而覺得時間過得太快, 逗留的日子太短 。 每天早起晚歸,每天出席兩台彌撒, 領兩次聖體 , 在St. James廣場坐至少三小時, 但
一點也不覺得辛苦,一點也不覺得悶, 沒有刻板的感覺; 反而不想錯過任何一個活動, 希望擔凳仔坐頭位。 在默主哥耶 , 學懂怎樣祈禱,開始感受到前所未有的平安及天主的臨在 ———這是這次朝聖的最大得益之一。
在當地看到有一些字句寫著聖母說: 「If you knew how much I love you, you would cry with joy.」 ——- 我把它翻譯為「倘若你知道我有多愛你, 你會喜極而泣 。」。 這句話觸動了我的心靈…… 聖母太過謙卑。
以往犯了十誡, 以為辦了告解便可以, 誰知自己有多傷透了耶穌及聖母的心…..
以往睇完風水 , 安放所謂的「法寶」; 知錯後, 拆下「法寶」,辦過告解,以為了事。 現在才知天主一直容忍自己收藏「法寶」, 沒有把其棄掉棄絕….
以往親友長輩送贈一些迷信的東西, 口說不信,但仍把其收藏, 現在才知天主一直容忍自己自欺欺人,沒有把其棄掉棄絕….
實在太多類似不同的例子…… 現在懂得堅決的棄絕。 感謝天主、聖母給我有悔改皈依的機會。
Fiona Li
June B 2018
Bernadette Tak Chun Leung梁德珍
June 2018B
Such a blessed fruitful trip.
I did not see Mother Mary physical in Medjugorje.
I did not experience what you said about “Dancing Sun.
I did not see any miracle at all.
Simply saying, I need not bring along my brain with me in this trip. Once I was loaded at Sarajevo airport. It seemed that my mind was out of the time frame. My mind seem to be blank and all empty. I only followed what the tour guide and co-ordinators told me to do by following all the events. Let God’s will be done on me.
It is a strong booster for a lukewarm Catholic, like me.
If you are going to visit Medjugorje, please do not expect any sign; the greatest sign from God is HE has given HIS BELOVED SON to us, whom is dying on the Cross, redeeming us. Thus, if we do not believe on this, there is no point to search other sign coming up in our life.
If God let you see a sign, you can see HIS sign anywhere, no need to fly that far.
“If you knew how much I love you, you would cry to joy”. I always ponder this in my heart. Why is she saying this?
I once asked myself too, she really loves us? Show me? Show me how?
From this sentence, Mother Mary is assuming that we (human) did not know how much she has been loving us.
True, we do not know, we do not realize, we do not care the goodness she has done for us, we take it for granted, we take it as it should be that way naturally.
We focus on sadness, worries, burdens, broken hearts, hatred, anger, jealousy and money more, the time we spend on counting those is more than counting on the blessings we receive. It shows our greediness.
Thank and pray.
If we keep thanking and praying, it means we keep Jesus in our hearts, we cannot go far wrong.
Go to Medjugorje and get your own booster.
I simply treated this trip as a retreat and have a chance to soak myself into the mercy of God.
At last, I need to thank Pat, Kelvin, Glenda, Irene, Marijana (the tour guide), and Fr. Peter. Without them, my dream would never come true.
Jane Lee
(June B 2018)