Maria Ho (June A 2018)



在朝聖期間,加拿大主辦中心Pat的提醒,我留意到名牌後面聖母媽媽的信息:Decide for God, little children, and you will find in God the Peace your hearts seek. 原來,聖母媽媽一早已知道我內心的不安,藉著朝拜聖體她提醒我,多陪伴耶穌,在主內尋找平安!所以回港後,我每天都頌唸玫瑰經和33天祈禱奉獻,我亦會多參加朝拜聖體。雖然我還是在祈禱中祈求我尚未領洗的兒子早日領洗,祈求主賜他健康,但是,我心境總算比以前平安多了!



Peace in Lord be with you

Maria Ho
June A 2018

Ada Chi Yin Luk (June A 2018)

I had a wonderful time and filled with blessings from Medjugorje. Thank you Jesus & Mother Mary for this invitation. No doubt that I’ll bring my husband back to Medjugorje next time.

ada-luk-2018JuneAAs you said my mind still remember the many graces & blessings we had in Medjugorje. I’m really treasure every moments there.

Talking about the nametag, of course I noticed that all our group members with a different message from our Blessed Mother. Mine is “Little children, may hope in a better tomorrow be always in your heart.” Our Lady Queen of Medjugorje Message 01/25/2015.
We are all so blessed and will try our very best to share the joy, peace, love, prayerful heart, and many blessings with our friends & family.

In fact I have shared my fruitful pilgrimage to my family & friends already upon arrival to Hong Kong. And also I remember the five stones from Medjugorje need to be followed and proceeded in my daily life.

Praise be our Lord! & God bless to everyone!

Ada Chi Yin Luk
June A 2018

Alan Sak Lun Chan (June A 2018)

我是第一次到默主哥耶朝聖,報名之前曾有朋友對我說,這朝聖團並不適合我這個只喜歡吃喝玩樂的人,在默主哥耶這個小鎮每天都是参加彌撒,玫瑰經,朝拜聖體…… 過不了2天你會感到很悶很沒趣。

直至要交費之前也有一點點憂慮,幸好得到好朋友 Danny 及太太的鼓勵,亦想考驗一下自己才確認成行,旅程中自己感受是每天都在親近天主,親近聖母媽媽,沒有如此的親近,感恩的是之前的憂慮一掃而空,只感到滿懷的恩寵,在十多天的旅程當中給我的印象是宗教氣氛十分濃厚,當地居民對信仰渴求很熱烈,每日的多台彌撒都坐無虛席,在街上很容易看到手持念珠邊行邊頌念玫瑰經的民眾,在我們攀登聖母山及十字架山的艱辛路上,大家都悉力以付,特別是年長者為要登頂所付出毅力都令人倍添感動,在旅程接近尾聲的一天,一位團友對我說因她沒有看見會旋轉的太陽,聞不到玫瑰花香也沒有感受到其他異像而有㸃失望,最初我也有同感,但之後回想自己也不是為此而來,主要是為自己的靈修,在信仰生活上增添對天主及聖母媽媽的虔敬。


After Medjugorje pilgrimage I have more trust in God 。

Alan Sak Lun Chan陳錫麟
June A 2018

Hilarie Lai (June A 2018)

Having been a legionary during secondary school, I had always had a special connection with the Virgin Mary. We prayed the rosary in every meeting and were told to pray it as much as we could etc. but it was nowhere close to what I have experienced in Medjugorje.

medj_8A few days before heading to Medjugorje, I was excited to see what I was going to get out from this place but I did not have a great deal of expectations. My knowledge about this place was minimal, where I did not even know much about the visionaries or that apparitions are still ongoing. I thought it was just another place where the Virgin Mary has once appeared. However, since the first day of my arrival, everything has gone so smoothly and I thought it must have been my calling to come here.

As soon as I arrived, the group leader handed me a name tag with a message from our Lady, she said “Dear children, through love you will achieve everything, even what you think is impossible.” Immediately after that, I felt like our Lady had already answered my prayer. At that moment, I was buzzing with anticipation of what our Lady wanted me to do for her and to humbly take from this place.

For the first few days of pilgrimage, the evening programs were not the most ideal thing I have ever imagined. To be honest, I think I have fallen asleep in most of the rosary sessions. However, my thoughts and feelings towards prayers and rosary were completely overturned on the night where our Lady’s apparition took place in the Apparition Hill. I felt like praying with heart is the most essential thing to do, praying rosary is just like communicating with our Lady whilst holding the rosary is just like holding our Lady’s hand. Having prayed with heart, we could truly be our Lady’s extended hand to help those who has not known God and God’s love. Even solely thinking of how joyful and happy our Lady would be when we pray our rosary, everything is just worth it. At that moment, in my mind, the one mission in my life is to live like our Lady so that I could go to heaven. (I even secretly wished that I could die right after the minute I did my confession!)

The eleven days were life changing, it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. God is giving all of us everything we are and everything we have, it might be difficult for us to realise what he has done for us as there is too much going on in our lives and we have always ignored the simplest thing that gives us true joy. Medjugorje, I think, it’s a place where you find peace, joy, purity and love. With zero distraction, it’s a place where you could completely connect with God, where you could feel the presence of God through the help of our Lady. After the pilgrimage, I feel that I have a deeper connection with our Lady. I would never have thought that our heavenly mother loves us so much before I went there, she once said “If you knew how much I love you, you’d cry for joy.”

There is one thing that is vital for any of us, we do not necessarily have to tell people what God’s love is or spread the messages of our Lady by words as it is hard for people who has never experienced to understand. Instead, we apostles, should walk and live the way like Jesus did, so people could see and understand God’s love through each and every one of us. The Queen of Peace once said, “An impure heart cannot do correct and just things; it is not an example of the beauty of God’s love to those who surround it and to those who have not come to know that love.” “My children, do not forget that you are not in this world only for yourselves, and that I am not calling you here only for your sake.”

My first ever experience in Medjugorje was magnificent, it is like experiencing Heaven on Earth. I am so blessed to have this invitation from our Lady, and I thank God for that.

Hilarie Lai
June A 2018

Rose Chu (June A 2018)

Pilgrimage to Medugorje – June 16 – 27, 2018 Group A

Pilgrimage to Medugorje June 16 Group A, some personal feelings to share, I have never joined any pilgrimage before, did not expect anything at all, on first day travel, transit at Turkey Istanbul , felt very congested in the airport, on arrival at Sarajevo, we boarded on to a coach, I was told the journey will take 3 hours to reach Medugorje, coach was up n down the mountain, the first instinct to me it was like a fairy land due to after rain , it was misty between mountains, we were lucky then, it was sunny, we also had a nice lunch break, fresh grilled fish n roasted lamb, felt so peaceful on coach, indeed with the help of Fr Leung led Rosary journey to Medugorje.

June 17, Three of us sharing one room, we were lucky to have air conditioner, I was told some rooms were steaming hot n unable to sleep.

First day evening was heavy rain, we had to rush into St James Church, all soaked wet, didn’t know what was going on, our group members were scattered around, then realized it’s Rosary time, then Mass, forgot about the dampness soaked through, enjoyed n felt so blessed that evening!

June 18, We had Chinese Mass in a small Chapel, then attended Fr Leon talk, but unfortunate most of the session was dozed off, good job can recap the talk through youtube!

June 19, morning 6am apparition hill was another experience to me, climb up the hill n had prayers on each stop, we didn’t finish go up the hill but stopped at the white status of Mother Mary, we all had our different spots to say our intentions! That evening we had confessions session, due to too long queue with Fr Leung, in order to catch up the adoration at 10-11pm, I had my confession with an Irish Father, precise n clean that he forgave my sins in the name of God!

June 20, Fr Leung run an English mass at St James Church, in order to sit on the front row, few of us had to stand very close to the front benches , that day we started our commitment for every Wednesday fasting, however, this doesn’t last, but my weekly Friday Prayer group also committed fasting habit!

We had sharing in the afternoon back in Panorama hotel attic , very touching n felt joyful with tears.Each of us basically introduced ourselves n why we wanted to join this pilgrimage.

June 21 went to blue cross mountain early morning, it wasn’t easy n glad I did the whole trip without much problem!

June 22, went to Tihalijna church, amazing beautiful Mother Statue, we presented flowers n Fr Leung run a Chinese Mass, we had sharing at Panorama that afternoon, again it was touching to know why some people joined so many times of pilgrimage!

June 23, Morstar visit , an old town. exit to Medugorje, back to our old self of touring n shopping n eating lovely meal.

June 24, sister Emmanuel’s talk was a bit repeating n dozed off! Mass at Mother’s village, it was a good experience to know how they support the orphanage !

June25, Chinese mass n met other group, Linda Siu/Ming sir (RIS ex-chairman) n their children, it’s their 2nd time visit, they claimed its phenomenon to see so many people this time!

June 26, met Roland at Panorama n was lucky to see him the next week after I got back at St Joseph church n had shared with many prayer group members with his CDs

June 27, leaving day n met group B that afternoon, 邵衛青執事 shared his experience in Medugorje, very touching n coincidence, I met this couple in Lourdes, France July 7 !

Overall, everyday Rosary, mass n adoration session had really shown me the power of group prayer, that is why prayer group should have to meet up at least weekly in order to pray for each other!

The church fountain is our water refill place, what we called holy water, brought some back for sick friends.

The open area altar is our daily 6pm putting our little chairs n mats for Rosary, holy blessings n mass!

**every day evening 6:40pm, bell rang, it means Mother Mary presence, very quiet n peaceful, every time, I looked up the sky, it’s so blue that it seems like a picture rather than a real sky, noticed the bright stars were moving very fast during adoration time between 10-11pm!

May I present my gratitude to

  1. Fr Leung, he is really God sent, pleasant, humorous, helpful person.
  2. Our group leader Irene Paul, undoubted very helpful n generous on all view volunteer
  3. Kevin n Glenda been supporting HK group so much, appreciate
  4. Our tour guide Marijan Drmic, she looks very much like Mother Mary leading us this trip, tks to her patience.
  5. Our group C leader Virginia, known her better
  6. My gratitude to Pat, non stop updating us with all news from Medugorje n strengthen our faith 🙏🙏🙏

Rose Chu
June A 2018



By Justina Wong

Hi 敬愛的梁達材神父,各位親愛的主内兄弟及姊妹 : I am Justina, 很榮幸今次能參加由默主歌耶中心所舉辨由June 25, 2016至July 7,2016之由梁神父带領神師之B團!

在很早2007年,因兒子大學二年级由于讀書壓力大,故得了一個中國人很少有此病而西方人才多有之结腸炎病,他惟有停學,甚麽活動都停了,他由out of town 搬回家裹休養,我和我先生担心不已,因恐怕他有癌症,故我為他勞碌照顧他,终於我太緊張及担心過度,我又有一個嚴重失眠症,每天甚至一秒都不能睡到覺,甚麼方法及中丶西药都無效,最後我還變了怕見人,不外出及所有家務及甚麽事情都無能力做到之人。


在會中,得到會中之教友祝福及同情我們,並由分享知道去了默主歌耶的弟兄及姊妹回來後有很多得着及改變,而且有些生病教友,去了默主歌耶朝聖之後痊癒了。當時會中有位教友很有愛心將一條由默主歌耶朝聖買的手鍊帶在我手上,而且有些教友提議我和兒子應往默主歌耶地朝聖求聖母媽媽幫忙。所以我便了解怎樣報名,之後便想報我和兒子一起參加,但可惜當時團滿了,所以立即交全費報下一季之團,但最後退回全數支票,因不成團。可能聖母媽媽覺得我和兒子準備不久,或我兒子不適合有病去,或是受魔鬼之阻礙,總之算了。後來又有一位熱心教友,她說她有一位朋友將會往默主歌耶朝聖,她提議我們全家人可分別寫上一封祈禱祝福文入好後交给她朋友带往给聖母,那時,我還順便交奉獻金交给她的朋友,最後她朋友朝聖完回來說她將我們之奉獻金做了彌撒,至此以後,我和兒子之病慢慢康復過來,足足兩年之惨痛變了有曙光,就這樣我想往默主歌耶朝聖之心便擱至了。後來在今年年頭,在我幫生命恩泉書舍當義工之一天,遇上 Lucia Ng 上來書舍時,她舆另一書舍義工談論她父親由于去了默主歌耶後由不信天主教,但朝聖完回來後,便主動參加慕道班後便領诜了,而和她談論之義工,異口同聲說她丈夫也是像Lucia父親去完當地後一樣回來慕道领洗了。

當時便觸動我心 ,Lucia 並說今年將有兩團由梁神父带領,由于我喜歡梁神父能即塲傳譯,因對我平日多數參加中文彌撒比較方面,所以我就不久決定報了B團,因那天剛是小女開始放暑假。後來不久由B團領隊Sally 口中知道另一領隊是駱曦,所从我很高興及興奮不已,因我在中華殉道聖人堂一早就認識他,很熟他,並喜歡他的電台廣播,我覺得真是天主送给我的禮物,能夠咁喬參加由他一起帶領之團,我覺得今次很值得,沒有報错名了。知道駱曦一定给我們由静默之朝聖带來歡笑,果然不負所望!

在今次朝聖中,每日天氣非常好,沒有下着雨(除第一曰在往默主歌耶途中),並見到聖母兩次顯現,很blessed. 但我覺得來這裹朝聖,我們見不見到聖母不重要,因我們心中已有聖母存在!


最後一天之早上的彌撒中又大哭了,因我捨不得離開這默主歌耶尤如上了天堂的地方,因這裹大家所有兄弟姊妹都是熱心愛天主,恭敬聖母,愛聖母的地方,大家互愛,無世俗之憂,住、食、安排接送,及安排所有宗教神修活動非常有系统及極之好,St James Church 之安排唸玫瑰經,彌撒,治癒彌撒及明供聖體都很好,我們天天如是都不覺得苦悶,早上中文彌撒由梁神父主持,聽到他的講道非常好。


好彩现在科技進步,尚有whatsapp 繼續保持大家聯络。


1) 每日唸玫瑰經
2) 每日彌撒並领聖体
5) 每日看聖經


最後,最大之得着認識到為我們努苦功高,在朝聖前及朝聖中為我們準備及安排所有资料及活動之兩位人物: Pat 及 Sally 及還有最大之得着更加是認識到香港及多倫多所有B團之兄弟及姊妹啊!
好,大家有機會再見! 願主赐你們平安,主寵常臨!

(June Group B 2016)

Thank you for your invitation to Medjugorje

Thank you for your invitation to Medjugorje

mary_mother3By Sally Fong

Dear Blessed Mother,

Thank you for your invitation to Medjugorje. With all the books and articles I read about this place, I had been hoping to come one day but never thought I would be here so soon. You have once again taught me to put everything in your hands and just ask for your help.

I have never had such a peaceful mind leaving my children for such a long time. These twelve days have been the longest but the most fruitful pilgrimage journey I ever had. As the days passed, I discovered the inner peace that we can all gain when we open our hearts to Lord Jesus and accept him.

Your messages are so gentle and humble. You always address us as ‘Dear little children’ and end with ‘Thank you for having responded to my call.’ You have shown us how to be gentle and loving to our kids as parents, and pray with them every day. I enjoy every quiet moment when I pray to God.

Although I did not experience any miraculous wonders that people described in Medjugorje, it is no longer necessary. As Jesus said, “Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe.” My faith in God has strengthened. You have opened my heart to learn how to be closer to him. Much more than ever before, I have enjoyed the Holy Mass, praying the Rosaries and participating in the Adoration. Reading the messages you gave us through the visionaries brings such an internal peace and joy. I am determined not to be fearful to live your messages and bear witness for Jesus. I understand it can be a difficult path but you have reassured me that with persistent prayer and a lot of faith, God will always be on my side.

Jesus endured all the pain and suffering to save us, and all we have to do is to say ‘Yes’ to accept him to come into our hearts. A lot of times, our hearts are occupied with materialistic spirits, egoism, pride and external beauty, and we never leave any room for God. Now that we are returning to our homes and our routine lives, there will be a lot of temptations, and Satan will take every chance to make us deviate from the path of holiness.

Blessed Mary, please help every one of us to remember and live your messages to prepare for eternity, be humble, pray a lot, accept every new day from the Lord with love and trust, and express our gratitude to him in our evening prayer for everything he gave us. Do not let our conversion stop. It is a life-time process. Our life-style serves as an example to unbelievers so that more people can get to know the positive value of Catholic faith, love, hope and truth. Help us to put God in the first place in our lives, be simple and not worry about tomorrow. Help us to try to do everything in simplicity and trust – to fulfill the will of Our Lord.

I am looking forward to return to your school of life and love.

From your loving child,

Sally Fong.
(Pilgrim, October 2010)

Jim Caviezel talks about Medjugorje

Jim Caviezel talks about Medjugorje

Jim Caviezel is the actor who portrayed Jesus in the movie The Passion of the Christ. Part of his personal religious experience on the making of the film is revealed in the interview below.

• In February Jim Caviezel made his sixth pilgrimage to Medjugorje and afterwards travelled to Vienna where he gave an interview to Christian Stelzer for the magazine Oase des Friedens. The Croatian translation is published in the latest edition of the Medjugorje parish magazine Glasnik mira.

• Jim, how did you hear about Medjugorje?

My wife came to Medjugorje while I was in Ireland, shooting the movie Monte Cristo. Things were not that great although I worked seven days a week. One day she called me, and I could notice in her voice that there was a change. She started talking about Medjugorje, and how one of visionaries was about to come to Ireland. I interrupted her by saying: “Listen, I really have some serious stuff to do. I am not able now to go into anything with any of the visionaries.” Besides that, I thought that as Catholic I do not have to necessarily accept Lourdes or Fatima or Medjugorje. That is how I thought. I remember that in the catholic school I attended earlier in my life, once we heard about Medjugorje we were thrilled, but we found out soon that the local bishop was objecting and considered the apparitions to be false, and so we lost our interest immediately.

The visionary Ivan Dragicevic came to Ireland and I knew straightaway that I would not have time for him, since I had to work all the time. One day my movie partner Jim Harris wasn’t feeling well, so I got the day off and I was able to attend an apparition. I stood at the very back of the packed church and I wasn’t quite sure about what was going on. But when the man next to me in his wheelchair fell down on his knees at the time of apparition I was deeply moved. I thought: this handicapped man, despite all of his pains, is kneeling down on cold stone floor and he is praying! Today I realise it was only God who knew me so well that He knew where exactly He needed to touch me to get my attention!

Although it might sound strange, on the following Sunday I got another day off and I was able to meet with Ivan, which was my wife’s special wish. During the time of apparition I knelt close to him and I said in my heart: “Ok, here I am. I am ready. Do with me what you want.” In the same moment I felt as something was fulfilling me. It was very simple, and yet unique. When I got up, tears were running down my cheeks and I started to cry with all of my heart.

Ivan told me: “Jim, man always finds time for what he loves. If somebody who doesn’t have any time finds a girlfriend and falls in love with her, he will always find time for her. People don’t have time for God because they do not love Him.” And he continued: “God is inviting you to pray with the heart.” I asked him: “How am I supposed to do that?” “By starting to pray”, he replied. In that moment the doors of my heart were opened. I couldn’t even dream about that being possible. We went to restaurant, and I must admit that the wine and food I had was never as tasteful as on that particular night.

Something started to change within me. My wife wanted to teach me on many occasions in the past how to pray the Rosary, but I always refused to learn. Now I wanted to pray but I did not know exactly how to do that. I just felt that my heart was opened. One morning as I was driving to work, I said to the driver that was taking me for filming every day: “I don’t know how you feel about this, but I would want to start to pray the Rosary.” To my amazement, he just replied: “Okay, let’s pray.”

In the warm light of love that I felt within me, I was able to realise where I really was, how many temptations I had, where were my feelings, how weak I was and how strictly I judged other people.

• When did you come to Medjugorje for the first time?

After filming was completed, and that was in Malta, I decided to come to Medjugorje. When I was 20, an inner voice would say to me that I should become an actor. When I spoke about that with my father, he used to say: “If God wants something of you it is for you to become a priest. Why would He want you to become an actor?” I did not understand either at that time.

Again, I asked myself the same question, does God want me to become an actor, to make lots of money and to become rich? I was aware of the imbalance in the world between those who have a lot and those who barely have enough for survival, and I knew that is not what God wanted, and was I to make a choice to seek wealth that does not provide permanent happiness, or to serve God who wants to guide my life?

At that time, Medjugorje reminded me of Bethlehem and I thought, just as Jesus was born in a small place, in the same way the Mother of God is appearing in a poor village in between hills. Those four days I spent in Medjugorje at that time were my turning point. In the very beginning I was still amazed at how much people prayed in Medjugorje. Everything reminded me of basketball camp. There you do not play just one match a day, but continually. The same as in school where you do not read just once a day, but always, repeatedly. In those first days in Medjugorje I felt inner unrest while I was praying, because I was not used to praying that much, and I was asking God to help me. After four days the only thing I wanted to do was to pray. Whenever I prayed I felt connected with God. That was my experience I would wish for every Catholic! Maybe as a child, I felt something similar and I forgot about it. Now it was given to me again.

The same experience continued back at home. In our family we live the sacraments together. As we drive the kids to school we pray the Rosary together. Sometimes when I don’t start to pray my son starts first.

That was the time immediately after we finished shooting the “Passion”, and at that time I was able to experience all conflicting forces within me regarding that movie.

• Can you tell us why felt that way, and what was the connection between that movie and Medjugorje?

You are probably familiar with expression “to cross the rubicon”. That means it is not possible to go back, you reach the point of no return. The “Passion” was such a rubicon for me. When shooting started, I was 33 years old, just like Jesus. I always wondered if I was even worthy to play Jesus. Ivan Dragicevic encouraged me and said that God does not always necessarily choose the best, which is something he sees in his own situation. If it wasn’t for Medjugorje I wouldn’t have ever agreed to take that part because it was in Medjugorje that my heart opened to prayer and to the sacraments. If I wanted to play Jesus I knew I needed to be very close to him. Every day I went to confession and I attended Eucharistic Adoration. Mel Gibson was coming to Holy Mass as well with the condition that Holy Mass was in Latin. That was good because in that way I learned Latin.

There were always new temptations from which I needed to defend myself, and in those inner battles I used to feel great inner peace – for instance, in the scene where the Mother of God approaches me, and I say to her: “Look, I make everything anew.” We repeated that scene four times and I felt every time that I was standing too much in the forefront. Then somebody hit the cross and my left shoulder was dislocated. Due to that sudden and sharp, intense pain, I lost balance and I fell under the weight of the cross. I hit the dusty ground with my face and the blood gushed forth suddenly from my nose and mouth. I repeated the words Jesus said to His mother: “Look, I make everything anew.” My shoulder was in incredible pain when I took the cross again and felt how precious it was. At that point, I stopped acting and you could only see Jesus. He came forward as to the answer to my prayers: “I want people to see you, Jesus, not me!”

Thanks to continuous prayer of the Rosary – I can’t begin to tell how many Rosaries I said during the time of shooting – I was able to experience a special grace. I knew I wasn’t supposed to use bad language, I knew I couldn’t be rude if I wanted to say something to members of the crew. Most of them did not know about Medjugorje, they were all great actors and we were lucky to get them. But how was I to bring Medjugorje to them, if not by my own life? Medjugorje for me means to live the sacraments and be in unity with the Church. Thanks to Medjugorje I started to believe that Jesus was really present in the Eucharist and that he forgives my sins. Through Medjugorje I experienced how the Rosary is a powerful prayer and what a gift we have when we attend Holy Mass every day.

How could I help other people to increase their faith in Jesus? I realised that this can only happen if Jesus is present in me through the Eucharist, and so people would see Jesus through my life. When we were shooting the scene of the Last Supper I had an inner pocket made in my clothes where I placed some relics of saints and a relic of Christ’s Cross. I had strong desire for Jesus to be really present and so I asked the priest to expose the Blessed Sacrament. At first, he did not want to do that, but I was persistent in asking because I was positive that people would recognise Christ more if I myself was looking at Him. The priest was standing with the Blessed Sacrament in his hands next to cameraman and together with him, he approached me. When people watch the movie and see a shimmer in my eyes, they are not aware that they really see Jesus, a reflection of the consecrated Host, in my eyes. The same was in the scene of Crucifixion: the priest was there, he held the Blessed Sacrament in his hands and I prayed all the time.

The biggest challenge in the movie was not, as I originally thought, to memorise all the texts in Latin, Armenian or Hebrew, but all those physical efforts I needed to overcome. During the last scene, my shoulder was sprained and it became dislocated every time somebody hit the cross. While we filmed the scenes of the scourging, I was twice caught by those whips and I had 14cm wound on my back. My lungs were full of fluid and I had pneumonia. Chronic sleep deprivation should be added to that, since for months I had to get up at 3.00 in the morning because make-up would take almost eight hours.

Another special challenge was the cold weather, temperatures hardly above zero, which was especially difficult to endure in the Crucifixion scene. My whole costume was made of one single piece of light fabric. While we were shooting the last scene, the clouds were very low and lightning struck the cross to which I was tied. Suddenly everything was silent around me and I felt my hair standing on edge. About 250 people who were around me saw my whole body being illuminated and they all saw fire on the left and on the right side of me. Many were shocked at what they saw.

I know that the “Passion” is movie of love, maybe one of the greatest of such movies. Jesus today is subject of many controversies, more than ever before. There are so many factors that threaten this created world, but faith in Jesus is the source of joy. I think God is calling us in a special way in this time, and we need to answer that call with our whole heart and whole body.


Thoughts on Medjugorje

Thoughts on Medjugorje

stjameschurch20090626_sBy Pearl Tam

When I first decided to go to Medjugorje, I didn’t have any expectations. Sure, I knew there was a lot of praying, and I’d probably grow spiritually, but I didn’t know that I would witness so many miraculous and wondrous things. I also never thought that my life would change as a result of the Medjugorje experience.

In order to understand why I went to Medjugorje, we have to start at the beginning. My husband had osteoarthritis, and by November 2006 his knees were in such a bad state that the surgeon recommended double-knee replacement surgery as soon as possible. He was reluctant to go through such a drastic step, but I urged him to think “long term”. We didn’t know it at the time, but he was falling into a depression.

After the surgery and a few months’ recuperation, he went back to work. However, his heart and mind were not in it. He sank deeper into his depression, but refused to get help. It became increasingly difficult for him to get through each day. Things came to a head in March 2008, when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. He finally took early retirement in August 2008.

Meanwhile I was trying to do everything I could to help him, physically and mentally. He finally agreed to get help, and went on medication for both his depression and Parkinson’s. I relied heavily on the support and encouragement of friends. In November 2008 the last straw was my mom’s fall at home. She was rushed to hospital, and had to have major hip surgery. So, in addition to taking care of one person at home, I had a second person to take care of, and ended up running around constantly.

When one of my friends heard about my situation, she lent me Andrew Jerome Yeung’s “Our Lady Speaks from Medjugorje”. I put it in the family room, and whenever I had a few minutes or when I needed something to lift me up, I’d open the book and read a few paragraphs. Somehow it always soothed me, and I’d feel better afterwards. The more I read, the more I felt the urge to go there and see for myself what it was all about.

In February 2009, two friends told me they had signed up to go to Medjugorje in June. I felt that it was a sign for me to go as well. However, since my husband is not Catholic, I knew he wouldn’t want to go with me. I asked a good friend, Mona, if she wanted to go. She isn’t Catholic either, but somehow I felt she would fit in with the group. The two of us went to a slide show about Medjugorje, and decided that we’d go together. We both paid our deposit. Mona also told me that if at any time my husband decided to go, she’d give up her seat for him.

Meanwhile I asked my husband if he wanted to go with me. He didn’t, but knew that he couldn’t prevent me from going. He tried to make me feel guilty about leaving him at home. He would say things like, “I won’t be here when you come back.” I began to doubt if he would be OK while I was gone. That’s when the first “miracle” or “unusual coincidence” happened.

I was in a department store with my son. I told him that I’d wait for him in the book section while he went to get a few things. The store had undergone some renovations, and the book section was right in front of me. There were some books in the “Chicken Soup” series, and the word “Catholic” happened to be on one of the covers. I took the book from the shelf, and opened it to read a story. Out of 101 stories in the book, I had opened it to a story on Medjugorje! It was written by someone who had witnessed a miracle while she was there. To me, that was a sign that I was to go, regardless. It also meant that my husband would be fine while I was away.

After that, the time just flew by. My mom was finally well enough to be discharged from the rehab hospital, and entered an excellent nursing home at the end of May. That was one less thing to worry about.

The departure day finally arrived. After attending mass at the airport, we were on our way. Our group encountered lots of trials and tribulations along the way, including missed flights and connections, lost luggage, and human incompetence. However, the graces that we all received from Jesus and Our Lady more than made up for all the inconvenience and setbacks. We all witnessed miracles and experienced unusual coincidences, and felt that we were blessed indeed.

Personally, I saw the sun changing and pulsating on four occasions. When I experienced it the first time, I thought it was my imagination, but several other people also saw it, and the descriptions were the same! So it wasn’t just me “seeing things”.

The first Sunday we were there, Mona and I met a Monsignor from the U.S. We shared a meal together, and I had a chance to tell someone in person about the ups and downs in my life over the past two and a half years. When I was done, I felt as if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. After he heard the stories, he gave us crucifixes that had been blessed by the Pope a few days earlier, when he was in Rome. The meeting was truly special, and I don’t think we’ll ever forget it. He also gave crucifixes to my husband and my mom – another blessing indeed!

ivan_talk20090626_sAnother unusual event/miracle that I witnessed occurred during a talk given by Ivan, one of the visionaries. He was sitting on the stage, in front of a white screen. I had always thought that the screen blocked a beautiful picture of Our Lady, and wondered why it wasn’t rolled up. That afternoon, during the talk, I saw that the screen behind Ivan had a picture of the bottom part of a long grey skirt, with many folds in the front. At first I thought that the folds were actually part of the screen itself, but then I saw that the two upper corners of the screen were white, while the rest was grey, showing that indeed there was a picture of a skirt, offering protection around Ivan while he was talking. Since the visionaries said that Our Lady wore a grey skirt, it added to the authenticity of the picture.

apphill_20090624_sOne of the most memorable experiences was climbing Apparition Hill. The climb had been delayed a few times because of the weather, but that particular Friday we had been invited by Our Lady herself (through Ivan, one of the visionaries). It wasn’t raining during the day, which was good, since the flesh is weak. However, there was a tiny drizzle after supper. Our group decided to press on. I even took all the statues, rosaries, medals, oil, etc. in a bag, and lugged it up the hill with me. By the time we arrived at the top, the rain started coming down in earnest. In a way, the rain was a deterrent to some pilgrims, so the hilltop wasn’t as crowded as it might have been. We found spots to sit down, and we found ourselves right next to Ivan’s prayer group! It was as close to holiness as we could possibly get. That in itself was a minor miracle, since many other pilgrims were there ahead of us.

We sat in the rain for four hours, praying and talking quietly. The rain never let up, and the night got cooler, but somehow, nobody got sick. Some time before 9 o’clock, Ivan’s prayer group began to sing, and everyone joined in. It was one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever encountered. It was as if everyone was one, and everyone was singing Our Lady’s praises. Just after 9:30, the rain began to peter out, and about 10 minutes after that, Our Lady appeared to Ivan. We could feel something different in the atmosphere, and felt that it was indeed a privilege to be part of the group. The message itself was worth the wait. Our Lady was very, very happy, and gave us her Motherly Blessing – something rare, to be cherished and passed on.

Going down the hill was difficult, to say the least. It was dark, and the rocks were slippery. However, I had a guardian angel in the person of Francis (from our group). He used his flashlight to show the way, and held my hand to make sure I’d have a good grip. I had a cane in my other hand, so I felt safe and secure, even though the rocks were treacherous. Before we knew it, we had made our way down the hill, and we were on our way home. Miraculously, nobody got hurt coming down the slippery mud and rocks.

I was told that Cross Mountain was higher than Apparition Hill, and the climb would be three times as bad. It too, had been delayed because of bad weather. When we finally made the climb on a nice breezy day, I didn’t feel that it was a “bad” climb. It was indeed higher than Apparition Hill, but by then we were “seasoned climbers”, and everyone made it to the top without any mishap. Even the ladies who were in their 70’s made it. Along the way we stopped to say the Way of the Cross, so it was extremely meaningful. Even though we started the climb at 5 a.m., the mountain was becoming alive with pilgrims. I just felt so sorry for the locals who live in that neighbourhood! By the time we made it to the top, other groups were pressing on us, and we only had enough time to take a group photo before we had to move on.

Coming down the mountain wasn’t easy, but compared to the descent from Apparition Hill, it was a piece of cake. The weather was nice and dry, and we drew strength from each other. Ahead of me was the couple who had told me about Medjugorje. They were holding hands all the way, and it was very touching. It reminded me of life itself, where husband and wife are there to help and support each other. In my case, I was on my own, looking out for myself. That was a reflection of this particular stage of my life, when I am on my own, and making my way without the support or physical presence of my husband. However, when I looked around me, there were members of the group all about me, extending a helping hand when needed, pointing out pitfalls, and offering words of encouragement. That’s all that was needed to reassure me that all was well, and I was well taken of.

Our Lady reserved the best for the last. During the Adoration of the Eucharist on Saturday night, I saw something brown inside the Eucharist when the priest held it up for Adoration. It looked as if there was some dirt inside the white host. Then I connected the “dirt” with the colour of wood. At first I didn’t know what it was, but after a while it dawned on me that the brown wood was part of the cross that Jesus had to carry. I asked Mona if she saw it, and she did. So did several other group members. Again, it wasn’t my imagination.

At the last mass we attended on Sunday night, I smelled incense at least three times, signifying that God was there. I also smelled roses, even though there are no rose plants in Medjugorje. The first whiff was a very pungent scent, like a strong perfume. However, no one was wearing perfume! The scent came back two more times, signifying that Our Lady was there as well. Mona and several group members smelled the incense, and someone else from the group also smelled the roses. That’s further proof that it wasn’t my imagination! It’s as if Our Lady was telling me that I was given special graces to do her work, and the signs were her words of encouragement.

The fact that the climb up the Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain was delayed a few times actually helped in my Medjugorje experience. To me, everything happened in the proper sequence, and I was ready for the next step when it came about. If we had gone up Cross Mountain before I was ready, I wouldn’t have derived so much from it. Again, the saying “To everything there is a season” makes so much sense!

The trip home was extremely smooth, even though we only had 20 minutes to make a connection in Munich. Again, that was a sure sign that we had special protection.

As for my husband and son, well, they survived without me, even though I had to vacuum the floor as soon as I took off my shoes. The air conditioner also broke down while I was gone, but one phone call to our handyman resulted in his coming to install a new unit the very next day. That in itself was another miracle! Getting a new air conditioner the very next day in summer in Toronto is totally unheard of!

After I came home, my life slowly began to change. There was a time, before I got married, when I went to mass every Sunday. However, after I got married, and then had a family, the timing became more difficult. As the years went by, I only went to mass twice a year, at Christmas and Easter. After I came back from Medjugorje, I have been going every Sunday. There’s an added difference – now I’m going because I want to get closer to Jesus, not because it’s a mortal sin or because it’s a Catholic duty.

Even though I didn’t go to mass regularly, I used to pray every day, and often. However, I didn’t pray the rosary, because it was so long and “boring”. When we were in Medjugorje, we went to a talk given by Sister Emmanuel. She taught us how to pray the rosary, and now I find that it’s the most beautiful prayer of all. I still don’t say it every day, but I say the peace rosary, and I find that it, too, is very powerful. Now, every morning, in addition to doing exercises to maintain my physical health, I’m saying extra prayers as well, to sustain my spiritual health.

cross_from_monsignorAnother change is that I am wearing the crucifix that the Monsignor gave me, together with a Miraculous Medal. Before I went away, I wouldn’t have dreamt of doing something like that – an external sign of my being a Catholic. Now I want the whole world to know. In addition, I made a shrine at home, dedicated to Our Lady, and the display includes the five stones collected from Apparition Hill. This is a far cry from what my home was like before my trip – there were no displays to indicate that I was Catholic!

The most dramatic change is the fact that now I have peace of mind. Faced with all the obstacles at home, I used to worry a lot, and at times I would get mad at my husband for not doing anything to help himself. However, after my trip, I don’t worry at all, and I seldom get mad at my husband any more. I’ve learned to offer my trials and tribulations to Jesus and Our Lady, and I’m bearing my cross willingly. It has made me more calm and patient, and I’m trying to take all the ups and downs in stride. Of course, at the back of my mind is the reassurance that Jesus and Mary are there with me all the way.

On the pilgrimage I witnessed so many things that were “out of the ordinary” that I’m afraid I will take all these things for granted. I have to continue to pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit and Our Lady, so that I will have the strength to do God’s will. Our Lady asked us to go to mass, to pray, read the Bible, go to confession, and fast. All these things are happening, with the exception of fasting. However, I know that with determination and prayer, I will be able to do that too, some day.

Medjugorje needs no defence

Medjugorje needs no defence

St. James Church in MedjugorjeBy Andrew Yeung

“If this enterprise, this movement of theirs is of human origin it will break up of its own accord; but if it does in fact come from God you will not only be unable to destroy them, you might find yourself fighting against God” (Acts 5:38-39).

Jesus was only a little baby when Herod planned to kill him in Bethlehem. From age 30, he was targeted for destruction by those who did not really know him. The worshippers at a synagogue in Nazareth tried to throw him off a cliff. Later on, many leaders of his own religion persecuted him, laid traps to catch him with tricky questions, and plotted to arrest him for crimes punishable by death. They told lies against him by twisting the facts. They insulted and beat him. “But he remained silent and made no reply” (Mk 14:61). Before his death, he prayed, “Father, forgive them; they know not what they do” (Lk 23:34). When they crucified him they thought he was destroyed. On the third day, he rose again. His followers increased and multiplied by leaps and bounds over the centuries.

Similar persecutions have been waged against the apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje – from the beginning by Communist officials and then by members inside the Church. The Franciscan priests in Medjugorje do not verbally defend Mother Mary’s apparitions. They do not have to, for it will come to pass that “nothing is covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known” (Mt 10:26).
When will this happen? A hint to the answer is found in the book Our Lady Speaks from Medjugorje, page 18. “Remember: on the first day of her apparitions in Medjugorje in 1981, Our Lady was holding in her arms an infant whom she showed to the visionaries, and whom she kept covering and uncovering with her veil. How old would this child be today, in terms of earthly years?”

In 2010, a member of Our Lady’s prayer group, a man whom I knew since the 1980’s, talked to me about the baby that Mother Mary was holding. He was deeply aware that the beginning of fulfillment was close at hand – in this decade. He then told me that he himself expected the daily apparitions to end near the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s appearance in Fatima. “Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima,” said Pope John Paul II to Bishop Pavao Hnilica in 1984.

When I met the person who wrote The Medjugorje Message blog, I asked him about the prospect of the Vatican granting “international shrine” status to Medjugorje. (See “Medjugorje and Shrine status.”) He told me he was unable to get definitive answers from the parish staff. So I asked a top official among the Franciscan priests. He did not answer my question specifically either, but said, “Medjugorje is very well protected by the Vatican!” Twice he asserted it.

Since the early years, another high-ranking Franciscan priest in the parish began corresponding with a man in the Vatican about the apparitions, a man whose previous title was Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.

Towards the end of the week during Cardinal Ratzinger’s visit to the University of Toronto in 1986, he delivered a brilliantly erudite speech to a packed house at Varsity arena, followed by tough audience participation questions – which he answered most admirably. The next day, Saturday, he celebrated Holy Mass at St. Basil’s Church on campus. After the Mass, a reception was held in his honour at Charbonnel hall. There was food and drink, but he did not partake of any. Instead, for two hours, he graciously stood to greet and speak with each person who came to meet him.
Half way through the reception, I was given enough courage to get in line to ask him about Medjugorje. When my turn arrived, I asked, “Your Eminence, what is your opinion on Medjugorje?” He answered unequivocally, “Many good spiritual things are happening there.” That made me extremely happy. I went back to my chair and sat down in sheer delight. Then the thought came: Why don’t I give him a copy of The Way to Medjugorje? So I went to the car, got the book, and waited in line again. The Cardinal was obviously interested in the little book. He looked at it for quite a long while, opening up to several pages. I had feared that he would toss the book onto a nearby sofa. But instead, this was what took place: he put it carefully inside his left inner suit pocket!

In 2012, I again spoke with the high-ranking Franciscan priest in the parish and asked about Pope Benedict’s commission of inquiry into Medjugorje. He said it was a high-powered commission consisting of very well educated cardinals and professors of theology and related subjects. He said that the Vatican usually did not authenticate apparitions until after they were finished (as in Fatima which took till 1931 for final approval – 14 years later). But he added that Pope Benedict would announce pastoral directives soon.

In the Gospel, Simon of Cyrene, without uttering a single word, helped Jesus on the way to redeem the world. As the hour draws near in Medjugorje, how can we be Simon of Cyrene to Jesus’ Mother?
She says, “There are many people who do not want to understand my message and accept with seriousness what I am saying, and therefore I call you and ask that, by your lives and your daily life, you witness my presence” (06/25/1991).
Today I invite all of you who have heard my message of peace to realize it in your life with seriousness and love. There are many who think that they are doing a lot by talking about the messages but do not live them” (05/25/1991).
Little children, let holiness be for you always in the first place in your thoughts and in each situation, in work and in speech” (08/25/2001).
“Especially live the fast, because by fasting you will achieve – and cause me joy – the fulfilling of the whole plan which God is planning here in Medjugorje” (09/26/1985).