Spiritual Readings
Apart from Tradition, the Bible is not the Word of God
By Edmond Lo, M.T.S., catechist of the Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church Unlike our Protestant counterparts who promote “Bible alone” (sola Scriptura), the Catholic Church teaches that the Bible cannot be properly understood without the teaching and guidance of the...
Article on humility
(Taken from Magnificat Vol. XXXVIII, No. 4) In the School of Our Lord Jesus Christ Father John Gregory of the Trinity, O.D.M. Our Lord expects us to have true humility, not just a show of humility. We sometimes imagine that humility consists in saying, “I am but dust...
St. Gertrude’s prayer, with extension
On March 18th 2001, Mother Mary said to the visionary Mirjana in Medjugorje, “Today I call you to love and mercy. Give love to each other as your Father gives it to you. Be merciful – with the heart. Do good works, not letting them wait for you too l…
Two prayers based on Jesus’ Gospel
The Holy Spirit comes to a person in special ways at Baptism, Confirmation, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Marriage, Holy Orders, the Sacrament of the Healing of the Sick; he comes when we love God by keeping Jesus’ commandments; he comes when it is...