- Nationals of the countries listed below shall be exempted from the visa regime when entering and staying in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina up to 90 days: USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Singapore, Mexico, Republic of Korea, and 60 other countries. Citizens of the following special administrative zones who shall not be required to have visa when entering and staying in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina within 90 days: Hong Kong (Peoples` Republic of China), and Macao (Peoples` Republic of China).Was this helpful?80
Hits: 635 - It is important to have insurance, both travel and medical. This is purchased at the time of deposit payment for the pilgrimage. Those who have insurance from elsewhere (such as credit card, work or pension plans)should indicate it.Was this helpful?40
Hits: 441 The weather in Medjugorje is best in September and May. Most of late spring and the first few weeks of autumn are pleasant, although one should bring along a collapsible umbrella, and a windbreaker with a hood to ward off the occasional blast of cold air from the north.
For comparison, the climate of Medjugorje is similar to that of Siena, near Rome, and that of Roseburg, near Portland, Oregon, in the USA.
Winter is wet and cool. Snow rarely falls in this region as the temperature seldom dips below freezing, and Medjugorje is only 200m above sea level. The average daytime temperature is approximately 10° C (50° F). All rooms are outfitted with heaters.
The summer months are very hot and dry.
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Hits: 543The time difference between Medjugorje and the East Coast of America is six hours.Daylight savings time begins in Europe on the last Sunday of March, and ends on the last Sunday of October.
On the airplane, you may be able to catch only two hours of light sleep.To allow your body to adjust, take it easy during the first couple of days after your arrival.
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Hits: 440To guard against delayed flights and temporary misdirection (or loss)of baggage by the airline, you must carry with you onto the plane a small overnight bag which contains your medicines and a simple change of clothes. Your travel documents, money and charge cards should, of course, stay with your person at all times.
Use durable but lightweight luggage. A 60 cm (24 inch) suitcase with wheels is best. The airlines allow only one piece of check-in luggage per ticket. Charges are levied on more pieces. Be sure the labels provided by the airline are clearly marked with your name and destination. Before the return trip, remove all previous labels so as not to confuse the ground crew.
Do not bring too much clothing. The people who go to Medjugorje dress very simply and modestly. Hand washed clothes will dry in the sun in a few hours. In an emergency, one may ask for the use of washers, dryers and ironing equipment.
There are laundry services in the village. The word for this is Čistionica.
Wear comfortable walking shoes.
Electric outlets are circular, recessed 3/4", and of the type that accepts two round prongs. Voltage is 220, as opposed to 110 in North America. Adapters are necessary for hair dryers, electric shavers and chargers - unless you have dual voltage. Your local hardware store should have small adapters as well as extension plugs.
Frizerski salon is the term for hair salon. There are several in Medjugorje. (You may borrow a hair dryer from your host.)
Pack a flashlight in case you want to be present at the night apparition to Ivan on the hill. (When in Medjugorje, check at the Information Office beside the church whether any night apparitions are expected.) Even in summer, the mountain air can be cool in the evening. If you have difficulty with that, take along a light jacket.
During the hot season, a bottle of mosquito repellent is useful, as is medication for disinfecting insect-bites. Against mosquitoes, your hosts may provide a very effective device which is plugged into the electric outlet before you go to bed. It is called "Aparat protiv komaraca." You can also buy it at the stores in Medjugorje. It is not expensive. Be advised, though, that the chemical it emits may be harmful to people with allergies.
A watch is essential, preferably with alarm capabilities. Small packages of paper tissue are handy too, as are plastic bottles for drinking water, and extra batteries for cameras, flashlights, recorders, radios, laptops and Iphones.
Do not place batteries of any kind in your check-in luggage. They are not permitted in the cargo-hold of airplanes.
Please bring a Misalette with the daily Mass readings, your Bible, rosary, a book for spiritual guidance, and pen and paper in case you have thoughts to jot down.
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Hits: 557In Canada, to find out what can be carried onto an aircraft, please call the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority at 1-888-294-2202, or go to www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca.
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Hits: 324In the hot months, it is better not to stay in the sun too long, especially between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The mornings and late afternoons are refreshing; use them to climb the hills.
Wear a hat. Put on sunscreen.
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Hits: 484The houses are well constructed and clean. All hotels and pensions (bed-and-breakfast) have private showers in each room, with hot and cold water.
Towels, liquid soap and paper are supplied for your bathroom needs. Please do not expect 5-star hotel service. The low prices charged do not allow for daily changes of towels and sheets. Please make your own beds, and treat wet towels as you would at home by hanging them up to dry for re-use.
Slide your luggage under the bed; this gives you more space to move about.
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Hits: 648Yes. Please be careful that the shower floors can be very slippery, especially when soap is present. When soaping and rinsing your feet, it is safest to do so in a kneeling position.
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Hits: 476Water and electricity are extremely expensive in Medjugorje. Please use the minimum. Do not keep water running in the shower while applying shampoo or soap. It would be nice if some pilgrims shower in the afternoons instead of everyone doing so in the mornings or nights.
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Hits: 448Most arrangements usually include two meals. Breakfast consists of cheese, cold cuts, bread, butter, jam, milk, coffee and tea. For dinner, there is always soup, salad, meat (chicken, pork, veal), fish on Wednesdays and Fridays, bread, potatoes, vegetables and dessert. You or your group may request the food to be prepared according to your taste, e.g., less salt or oil.
Water from the tap is safe to drink, but if you prefer, there is bottled water, pop, wine, beer, coffee, tea, and sok - a fruit drink.
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Hits: 600Many stores can be found throughout the village. Here you may purchase fruit, snacks, drinks, and household items such as laundry detergent, hygienic articles and disposable diapers.
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Hits: 451Dollar vs. Euro The unit of legal tender in Bosnia and Hercegovina is the Convertible Mark, the KM. Stores appreciate being paid in Euros or American dollars. (At present, 2 KMs equal 1 Euro, €.)
Money may be exchanged at your home bank, at airports, in the bank (banka) in Medjugorje, and at the post office in Medjugorje - including the small one next to the parish bookstore. Small bills are better to carry - so that stores can make change with less difficulty.
Some hotels, restaurants and services may take major credit cards.
The currency in nearby Croatia is the Kuna.
Please do not bring coins from Canada or Australia. The banks do not take them for conversion into their own denominations. In fact, the Medjugorje staff would be grateful if you use bills to buy your country's coins from the parish to take home with you. Instead of dropping loose change into the collection basket daily, consider giving a bill every few days.
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Hits: 492European plug with two circular metal pinsDual voltage small appliances (iron, hair dryer, shaver, kettle, etc.). The power supply in Medjugorje is 220 V. Use only European plug with two circular metal pins for the wall outlets. Ensure that the camera/battery chargers are good for the range from 100V to 240V and bring an adapter.
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Hits: 304The first-aid station, Maltezer, with ambulance, is on the west side of the church, near the washrooms. It is open from 9am to 9pm from the end of April to the end of October. Their doctors are very well-trained. No fee is charged, but a donation is greatly appreciated.
If a doctor or nurse is needed at the hotel, your host or tour guide will call one for you in the village.
There is a medical clinic in the nearby town of Čitluk, and a hospital in the historic city of Mostar, forty minutes' drive away.
A good dentist is Dr. Davor Planinić. Your host can take you to him. His modern clinic is just beyond the Apparition Hill area, on the road to Šurmanci.
The word for pharmacy is farmacija, or apoteka, or lijekarna. The one in the enclosed laneway between the church and the main street is convenient.
Do not forget to bring along your personal medicines.
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Hits: 331Near the church one can find clean washroom facilities, as well as fountains for drinking water.
The polite word for washroom in Croatian is "toaleta." The usual sign indicating a washroom is W.C. (pronounced ve-tse.)
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Hits: 447Medjugorje offical web-site: www.medjugorje.hr
For English language, click on the word "English". Choose your topics from the index across the top of the page.
Or visit the English version of Medjugorje's offical website: www.medjugorje.ie
E-mail: medjugorje-mir@medjugorje.hr
You may send your prayer intentions through molitvene.nakane@medjugorje.hr
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Hits: 285There is a map of the region printed in the flyer available at the Information Office next to St. James' Church in Medjugorje, another on the wall inside the Information Office, and one of the local area on a large board in the church grounds.
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Hits: 254Trained and authorized guides in all the major languages may be hired by the day.
If you are on your own, after the English Mass (usually at 10 a.m. on weekdays, and noon on Sundays), find and join any group from North America or the British Commonwealth. Failing that, ask for help at the Information Office.
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Hits: 296The new generation in Medjugorje is quite well traveled. The people are in close contact with the outside world and are knowledgeable and wise. Do not treat them as ignorant peasants. If you under-estimate them, you may be making a fool of yourself. As well, they are potentially very wealthy. The price of real estate in this village is comparable to that in most large cities.
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Hits: 408It is useful to make a one-page calendar for the days of your pilgrimage, and leave space to write down the things you need to do.
Expect large gatherings of pilgrims in Medjugorje at the Youth Festival (starting on July 31st), on the anniversary of Our Lady's apparition there (June 25th), on the feast of the Triumph of the Cross (September 14th - always celebrated on the Sunday on Cross Mountain on that day or the Sunday before), Holy Week, and Assumption Day (August 15).
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Hits: 304The Medjugorje parish requires seeing the celebret of visiting priests. On arrival at the parish, each priest should present his celebret to the Information Office where a copy will be made and filed. The Information Office will then issue him a badge which in effect allows him to celebrate Mass and hear Confessions in the parish. If a priest does not have the badge, he may not perform these functions in the parish.
In addition, Masses for small groups may be celebrated in the Adoration Chapel. But this has to be arranged by your official local guide.
The bishop does not permit Mass to be celebrated in the hotels, pensions, houses, fields or hills. He does not allow healing programmes, retreats, Confessions or other such activities to be held in these places.
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Hits: 303The church is the focal point of the village. It has 600 seats inside, and several thousand outside. It is moderately air-conditioned in the summer, and heated in the winter.
It has a total number to 61 confessionals available for confession.
During the warmer months, there was a time recorded, where there were more than 300 priests were willing to hear confessions.
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Hits: 376The evening Mass and Adoration at the Church are often very crowded. It is good to take along a foldable stool. Several varieties are sold in the stores in Medjugorje, and are not very costly. It is also good to bring a rubber kneeler (available in places at home that sell gardening material).
The evening Mass is in Croatian, but is translated into several languages and broadcast over FM radio. If you wish, bring (or buy there) a small radio with earphones.
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Hits: 391A small area just west of the church is where one may light vigil candles. The donations go towards maintaining the church.
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Hits: 365It is the practice of pilgrims to Medjugorje that soon after their decision to embark on their holy journey, they offer to bring with them any prayer intentions that friends and relatives may have. Each person in private lists the petitions on a piece of paper. He or she places the paper inside an envelope and seals it. On the outside of the envelope is written: "Intentions." No money or cheques are enclosed. No names or signatures are necessary. The pilgrims take these petitions to the visionaries or leave them at the Information Office. At the apparition, the seers will recommend them to the Blessed Virgin. Later, the unopened letters are burned.
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Hits: 345It is also customary for pilgrims to familiarize themselves with the messages of Mother Mary and to put them into practice, and prepare their hearts especially for 33 days before their departure with the Thirty-three Day Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The book OUR LADY SPEAKS FROM MEDJUGORJE contains her messages organized according to subject matter. Please read a message daily and live it.
The prayer of Thirty-three day Consecration to The Immaculate Heart of Mary is also available online in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English. Audio is also available for the Chinese version, so that you can follow and pray along together online as well. (Note: The dates listed in the website version of the book are listed according to the regular schedule. Pilgrims are advised to begin the preparation 33 days prior to the pilgrimage.)
Some prepare themselves by offering a novena nine days before departure. This may consist of daily Mass and rosary, extra quiet times with the Lord, and prayers for openness to the Holy Spirit's guidance and inspiration.
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Hits: 420Your passport must be valid until at least six months beyond your re-entry back home.
No visas are required by North Americans, but are required by landed immigrants.
Pilgrims from overseas visiting or passing through North America with visas must make sure they have multiple entry visas back to Canada or the USA and in the countries in transit along the pilgrimage route.Was this helpful?10
Hits: 290Children traveling alone or with one parent. Children under 18 years of age traveling alone need photocopy of birth certificates and a notarized letter of consent from both parents.
Traveling with one parent children need a notarized letter of consent from the absent parent, plus photocopies of birth certificates.
If the surnames of the children are different from the surname of the parent (the mother, for example) documents and birth certificate papers with notarized signatures must be presented to prove the relationship between the children and parent.
A widow or widower traveling with children needs to present the death certificate of the deceased spouse.
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Hits: 171Yes, there are several. One is at the Irish Centre on the main road near the Church and taxi stand. You leave laundry with them before noon, and can pick them up before noon two days later. The rates for pants and shirts are good.
Another one is on the main road about 10 minutes’ walk from the Church towards Cross Mountain. It is called Kemijska Čistionica.
You can wash small things such as socks and underwear in your hotel.
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Hits: 407
St. James Church The visionaries and priests in Medjugorje receive a large volume of mail every day from all over the world. It is better not to write to them because they are much too busy to read or answer letters. But if you really have a need, you may try to reach them through the Parish Office.
Church of Saint James
Župni Ured, Crkva Svetoga Jakova, Gospin Trg 1,
88266 Medjugorje,
Bosna i HercegovinaThey will include you in their prayers, but do not expect a written reply.
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Hits: 153The main post-office is located about 5 minutes' walk straight ahead from the front of the church, then across the bridge. It provides full mail service, telephones, fax, and computers for e-mail and internet. A branch office is next to the parish Information Office.
To phone North America from Medjugorje, first dial 001, then the area code and number. To call Medjugorje from North America, dial 011-387-36 and then the local number. All houses have telephones. Long distance calls can be made to them directly.
Parish Office Telephone Number: 387-36-650-206 (or 651-310).
Fax Number: 387-36-651-444.
Information Office Telephone/Fax: 387-36-651-988.Internet access is available at internet cafes and at some hotels and pensions through WiFi.
Internet computers and fax machines can also be found in some houses, business establishments and travel agencies.
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Hits: 222
Taxis are plentiful. The main stop is outside the church. A sign indicates the prices to local areas, to airports and other places of interest.
If a taxi is needed further from the church, your host or guide can order it easily by phone.
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Hits: 188If you go independently and plan to rent an automobile, your travel agent can book it for you. It is best if you can drive a manual stick shift vehicle. Automatic cars are available, but they are hard to come by, and are very costly. In any case, reserve your vehicle and pay for everything before you leave home. Be sure to take along your driver's license, map, and the prepaid car voucher which your travel agent will give you.
Gasoline is twice as expensive as in America.
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Hits: 195