



Altar of Outdoor

Altar of Outdoor


五年前教友給我介紹過默主歌耶,我那時一點也沒有把它放在心上。三年前又有教友向我提及默主歌耶,說他已三次往默主歌耶朝聖,對他的信仰生活有了很 大的改變,他並希望我能有機會參加二零零五年五月份的朝聖團,發動全體華人教友到默主哥耶為中國教會祈禱。可惜那年在滿地可發生了許多事,特別是我的腦要 動手術,因為在左腦下髓內生了一顆瘤,五月底由一位著名的腦科專家施了五個小時手術,順利而成功地取出,並在短短數星期療養後復原。感謝天主,賜我再次有 能力侍奉祂;並有機會來到多倫多,為這裡的華人服務。


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默主哥耶訊息為了預備這次的朝聖,因為要作隨團神師,這才使我有興趣去研究在默主哥耶所發生的事。想不到在我的書架上,已經放了一本由本堂教友葉少玲姊妹所翻譯的書﹝默 主哥耶訊息﹞, 只是我以前大意,從來沒有去翻閱,現在預備啟程前才拿來仔細閱讀。這是一本由一位路德會基督教兄弟,原名Wayne Weible 譯名韋寶榮所寫,內容非常豐富感人,使我得益良多。


無巧不成書。首先說說翻譯這本書的葉少玲姊妹,她原是聖瑪加利大堂的教友,來多倫多後,已經成了中華殉道聖人堂的教友,最近又被選為聖若瑟會的會 長,而我又是聖若瑟會的神師。這次我才問起她翻譯時的經過。原來她費了一年半時間才翻成,曾因身體有病欲中途放棄,就在那時,在她的電腦中顯出了默主歌耶 聖母的像,因此才毅然抱病把書譯成,當她脫稿時,電腦中的聖母像也就同時消失了!您說這是不是奇蹟,但對葉少玲姊妹來說,她會深信不疑了!


現在講到作者韋寶榮, 據他自我介紹,他是一位很冷淡的路德會的基督徒,以前他從不喜歡去教會,更談不到會成為一位熱心的天主教徒。事情就是那麼奇妙,他曾因為在看電視錄影時, 心中很清楚地聽到聖母對他講話,要他為默主哥耶工作,因此他自己反反覆覆說了許多遍:「我的天主,我的天主,為甚麼是我?」「我對顯現或天主教會一無所 知,不合資格,對童貞瑪利亞的認識就只有那一點點,她是被揀選為生育耶穌基督的人。」為甚麼她要我傳揚由她帶去默主哥耶的訊息呢?韋寶榮自認不配也不堪當 參與這種神聖的事。因為他自覺犯過許多罪,根本不堪當之感不是因為他謙遜,而是一種痛楚的認知。經過很長的一段時間的反省後,他說:「在自傷自憐的創痛 中,上主愛情的臨在卻不曾離棄我,好像有另一個聲音在我五內響起,向我保證,無論我在自己眼中如何不堪,祂也不會不接納我。」

看到這位路德會基督徒因被召叫去寫默主哥耶的經歷,已經使我感慨萬千。我真後悔前幾年對默主哥耶聖母的顯現事蹟一點也不關心,完全沒有放在心上。心 裡總在想,教迋還沒有正式承認的聖母顯現,最好還是不要去理,這樣的思想在我心中作怪,因此一而再,再而三,一直推到今年。而今年的朝聖團的確給了我一個 全新的認識和思想的改變。我再去找一些有關默主哥耶的資料,發現有許多地方與露德聖母及花蒂瑪聖母顯現時雷同之處。比方在露德的顯現中,政府逼害恐嚇伯爾 納德,本堂神父和當地主教也很懷疑,甚至父母也禁止她去見聖母,在花蒂瑪,不是也一樣嗎?


作者韋寶榮不但是一位美國路德會的基督徒,他還是讀新聞學出身,他成功地辦了四份報紙,他的專欄受到讀者的歡迎,但是他對報導默主哥耶的心情,與他 讀新聞學的背景有很大的矛盾和衝擊。他認為作新聞工作者不應對這些有關宗教神秘顯現的事拉上關係。但他的思潮中很清晰,有一個聲音命令式地叫他記錄下來, 報導出來。

當他第一篇特稿報導默主哥耶時,他預計一定有許多向他投訴反對他的回應。想不到第一個電話就是向他恭賀,原來是一位美國神父打來的電話,感謝他報導 了默主哥耶。因為他曾與美國一百名神父前往默主哥耶,在那裡他們親身經驗看到所發生的事,回到美國後他向當地的傳媒講述,包括各大報紙,電臺,電視,但是 沒有一位新聞工作者願意報導這件事。因為一般傳媒都不願相信,並認為看見這事顯現的人,都可能精神不正常。

自從韋寶榮的專欄報導以後,在美國的反應相當好,許多讀者都很喜歡聽到默主哥耶聖母的訊息,就連基督教浸信會的教友也很感興趣。韋寶榮在他的第一篇 專欄報導中說,他由於好奇心觀看那卷影帶時,突然聽到一股內心才感受到的聲音,它是耳朵聽不到的,它說:「你是我的兒子,我要你做我聖子的工作,寫下關於 默主哥耶的事蹟,你將不再從事新聞工作,你要畢生宣揚這訊息。」結果,韋寶榮真的放棄了他的新聞工作,放棄他的事業,專心去做默主哥耶的事業,他寫的默主 哥耶的著作在兩年之中,已有八百多萬冊,流傳到世界各地。如果公教報的讀者還沒有認識默主哥耶,相信現在已是時機了!



十月二日下午四時上機前,在多倫多皮爾遜國際機場的小堂舉行了一台彌撒。這是我所見過的最好的機場聖堂,有一切為舉行彌撒的設備,包括聖爵、祭衣、 彌撒書、酒、水、和麵餅,一概俱全,大家為這次的朝聖旅程祈禱平安順利,多獲神益。因為那天是護守天使節,我在講道中告訴大家,有四十六位天使陪伴,一同 朝聖。上機後,經過八個小時抵達維也納,再轉到薩拉熱窩,乘旅遊巴士五個小時到達這個前南斯拉夫的一個村莊。我們到達時已經入夜,下住到一家由教友辦的小 型旅社,接待我們的人都是熱心的教友,故此覺得很舒服又安全。這裡離那座著名的聖雅各伯堂很近,步行二十分鐘就可到達。我們前後十天的朝聖都集中在這附近 了。

聖雅各伯堂 聖雅各伯堂:

默主哥耶的聖雅各伯堂,現在已是很著名的堂區了,每年來此朝聖參與彌撒的人,不下數十萬,包括有許多主教神父和修士修女。聖堂前面是一個大廣場,聖 堂有個雙塔尖頂,高聳雲霄,非常雄偉,聖堂約可容一千五百人,每天早晚都有彌撒,重點是在晚間彌撒,因為每天晚上六時彌撒是一台共祭彌撒,來自世界各地的 朝聖者都齊來參與。我們朝聖團因為人數不多,只能每天早上借用




在聖堂右側的空埸地,安置了二十五座告解亭和排列數百個坐椅,每天早晚在此排隊辦告解者,絡繹不絕,告解門外掛著許多不同語言聽告解的神父,有英、 法、葡、意、西、德等,很遺憾欠缺中文。聖堂後面有一個更大的露天廣場和白色圓形的帳幕所搭的祭台,據說在夏天人多時,則移到外面舉祭。聖堂左面有一塊祈 禱和點敬禮燈的地方,後面樹立一個很高大的苦像十字架,白天晚上都有朝聖者在此燃點蠟燭作祈禱默想。當聖堂有禮儀時,也可以參與聖堂的禮儀,一同歌唱讚 美。


在兩個下午五點多,我已與團友來到聖雅各伯堂見到許多教友排長龍辦告解,我也就拿了一條紫色領帶去聽告解。因為告解亭都已有神父坐滿,所以就拿了兩 張椅子,在廣場邊有小樹做圍牆坐下了;一張給我,一張給來辦告解的教友,有堂區的服務員幫我,還取了一個寫上〝English〞的牌子,當我聽到五點三刻 鐘時,好奇地仰望太陽,最初我不敢直望,慢慢向太陽望去,看到太陽外被一個純白色的形狀遮蓋著,致使可以正面看到太陽,在太陽的邊沿發射著光芒,很是顯 耀,但不直射到眼睛,我再除下太陽眼鏡,仍然可以注視著太陽而不覺到疲倦或刺眼,這樣有數分鐘之久。第二天同樣時間,又在同樣地方看到這個奇觀,使我得到 很大的啟發和感受!

我的感受就是耶穌聖體是在太陽的中心,祂希望我們祟敬聖體聖事善領聖體,朝拜聖體。我們心中的太陽就是耶穌基督,凡是仰望聖體、恭敬聖體的教友,在 他們中心就會有耶穌真理的光照耀我們,引導我們,溫暖我們的心。世上有許多教友不恭敬聖體,甚至冒領聖體,褻瀆聖體,實在是很大的罪過,使聖母痛心!


光明一端 - 耶穌受洗 光明二端 - 加納婚宴 <光明三端 - 耶穌宣講天國福音 光明四端 - 耶穌在大博爾山顯容 光明五端 - 耶穌建立聖體聖事

據 說這個聖母山,就是六位神視者在這座山腰上見到聖母顯現之處。神視者之一綺帆嘉曾問她的名字,聖母答說:「我是童貞瑪利亞。」綺帆嘉跟著說:「如果你是童 貞瑪利亞,便請妳留下來跟我們在一起,否則,立即離開我們。」聖母微笑了,但沒有離開。就這樣聖母與她們六位不斷有了交流和談話。



十字架苦路山十字架苦路山 :

十字架苦路山是在聖母顯現山的右邊,也是附近最高的一座山。於一九零零年建立。山頂上樹立一座8.5咪的十字架,全身油上白色油漆,在陽光照耀 下,放射光芒。

我們是在第四天到十字架苦路山朝聖。從山腳到山嶺,共有十四處苦路碑,是一位意大利的藝術家用生銅雕塑造十四處的耶穌苦難像。這位藝術家的特別心裁 是將聖母也安置在每處苦難的人群中;表示聖母是一直在苦路上陪伴著耶穌,上到加爾瓦略山,而在十字架旁凝視著耶穌完成祂的救世大業。

上十字架山比聖母顯現山更難,因為高出一倍,而沿途都是亂石,故此我們每人都拿著拐扙,幫助爬山。這裡發生了一點意外,就是江緩蒙席在爬到第十一處 苦路時,不慎在石路上滑跌了,幸好得到三位年青教友扶持,受傷不重,因為流血,只得提早下山。江蒙席謙遜地說:「主,我重罪人,不堪當上到祢的聖山。」想 不到這一句話,激發了一位青年教友的熱心靈感。覺得能夠上到十字架苦路山,原來也是天主的一種恩寵,所以他以後的一連六天,每天早上六時就獨立再爬十字山 拜苦路,這對他的確是一種特別恩寵,使他得到更多神益。再說回來,我們一行沿途爬山,都小心翼翼,每到一處苦路,我們一同頌念拜苦路的經文,並歌唱苦路 歌。除了我們這一團,同時也有其他的團,其中有一團意大利教友團友最多,唱起歌來,特別洪亮。


在我們前後十天的朝聖行程中,除了每天早晚到聖堂舉行早上的中文彌撒外,還有晚上的共祭克羅尼亞文彌撒,從下午五時到晚上九時,聖雅各伯堂都是滿了 教友。我們團友中有幾位特別熱心的,下午四時晚飯後,就急不及待,提前跑到聖堂,擠到祭台前的空地,席地打坐起來,參與祈禱,玫瑰經及彌撒聖祭。因為聖堂 中到處都是擠滿了從世界各地來的教友。



我們這一團的朝聖行程,前後十天都以默主哥耶為中心,可以說「只為朝聖,沒有旅遊。」教友都能善用時間,有許多或在清晨或在晚上爬到聖母山或十字苦 路山,為了更多祈禱、補贖、默想和靈修。即使其他參觀的地方,如孤兒院,祈禱戒毒所,及古堡等,都是與默主哥耶聖母有關,都有一段感人的故事。


最後我引用教宗若望保祿二世的態度和言論。他說「默主哥耶是花蒂瑪的延續 – 1984 」他於一九八七年對神視者密欣娜說:「如果我不是教宗,已早已在默主哥耶領修和聖事了。」一九九二年對旭素神父說:「要為默主哥耶鞠躬盡瘁,看顧默主哥 耶,不要倦怠,要持之以恆,要堅強,我與你同在。」



我寫的這篇默主哥耶朝聖的行程,並沒有記述聖母顯現的事蹟,但是聖母在默主哥耶所要求我們教友的是祈禱、補贖、悔改、守齋。許多教友回來以後都改變 了生活,都增加了熱心,有一些更開始每天念玫瑰經,每星期兩天只吃麵包飲清水,每個月辦修和聖事了。與我們一同朝聖的教外朋友,也每星期來聖堂參加慕道班 了!有這些好的成果,我們還有什麼憂慮呢?朝聖的目的就是要我們增進靈修和聖德,對默主哥耶還沒有認識的人,希望他們一生都能夠有一次,親身去領會到默主 哥耶的神聖美味!

江綏蒙席神父的分享 – 信不信由你

江綏蒙席神父的分享 - 信不信由你

cross5 - The Cross日期: 二零零八年十月二日至十月十四日
朝聖地: Medjugorje (中譯: 黙主歌耶), Bosnia 國家
主辦者: 加拿大黙主哥耶中心
隨團神師: 江綏蒙席神父 (美國), 尹雅白神父 (加拿大中華殉道聖人堂副本堂)
領隊: James Shek
導遊: Ivana Vasilj
參加人士: 共四十六名, 中間有一位是加藉教友Lawrence Clarry Szabo 及一位來自中國大陸之Paul Ma, 他是本隊唯一講國語者. 本隊共分五組, 並指定一組長:
A 組: Paul Kwan
B組: Tommy Chen
C組: Michael Wu
D組: Paul Wong
E組: Paul Ng


  • 不斷成長, 努力成聖, 邁向成全.

朝聖之歸化與神益: 遵從黙主歌耶聖母顯現之五大訓方:
1. 用心祈禱 (淨化心靈);
2. 克己守齋 (淨化肉體);
3. 閱讀聖經 (淨化思維);
4. 每月告解 (改善與主關係);
5. 勤領聖體 (增強對主的愛).

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1. 多認識主耶穌之救恩;
2. 多聆聽聖母之勸悔, 訊息及要求; 要求每位朝聖者作一次徹底之靈修更新及身心之淨化行動.

參與聖雅各伯堂(聖母顯現之主要聖堂)所舉辦的一切靈修活動. 如每日感恩祭; 共誦玫瑰經;朝拜聖體;作一次真心之修和聖事(告解); 登山敬拜聖母之原顯現地;登山拜苦路及山頂最高峰之十字架; 參與每週舉行之”冶癒彌撒”之公眾祈禱及淨化禮儀; 朝見聖雅各伯堂的特設之耶穌十字架銅像. 據朝聖者親身體驗, 此十字架銅像腳踝處, 仍不斷有液體流出以令朝聖者親手觸摸及採納當作一紀念品.

(註明: 以下列舉之幾位受益及口述見証與事實者, 乃是在本團每日晚間分享中所告訴之見證及口述. 這僅是幾位代表性而已, 並非有何個人之特殊友誼與關係而記之.

一. Mr. Lawrence Larry Szado ( 原籍匈牙利, 現是加拿大籍). 他是本團唯一之外國籍團員, 因他不懂中文或廣東話. 據他見證中口述, 他之所以五年中不斷來朝聖之主因:
1. 來尋求平安Peace, 因黙主歌耶各處均可發現有人間及天上聖母所述說之”平安”.
2. 他每年來此為了辦一次真正及誠心之修和聖事 – 告解.
3. 朝拜聖母顯現地及山頂最高峰之十字架.
4. 與世界各地之朝聖者分享靈性及人間之喜樂與真正之友誼.
5. 有機會親身聆聽神視者之訊息及見證.
6. 他非常喜歡並欣賞與本團平信徒們相聚及祈禱之各項安排與祈禱精神.

二. Mr. Paul Ma 是本團唯一非講廣東話之男教友. 據他口述, 他是本屆唯一登山至最高峰十字架處達六次之多. 他也是在首次登山拜苦路爬山時緊跟着江蒙席神父之 者之一. 當江蒙席爬到高山第十一處跌倒時, 他首先要求隊員們停下來帶領誦唸玫瑰經者. 故江蒙席幽默地稱他為耶穌背十字架三次跌倒時之代耶穌背負十字架至加爾瓦畧山上之西滿者. 同時與他一齊留下陪江蒙席者另有 Josephine (護士) 及Diana 等姐妹. 他們休息一陣子後, 便陪江蒙席早點下山休息. 以便後來與全隊上車回酒店. 江蒙席曾公開在感恩祭中致謝並祝福他們之”愛之犠牲與行動”美德.

三. 今年是聖保祿歸化年. 而本屆有五六位均是取名保祿. 其中有一二位尚未接受天主教信仰之兄弟. 他們居然在分享中, 均一致認為由於親身參與此朝聖團, 而感受非常之深且動人. 因此皆公開聲明今後返回加拿大時會慎重地接受天主教之教義及信仰. 令他們在場的心上人才(太太們) 感動得掉下了熱情之感恩喜淚.

四. 中華殉道聖人堂副本堂尹雅白神父也鈙述了他親身體驗, 他兩次在下午五點看到太陽光及光圈轉動之奇事. 如要想知道此”奇聞”, 不妨諸位可拜訪尹雅白神父親身述說好了.

總而言之, 以上僅是好多之”奇遇與見聞”之片段記述. 據說本團隊於今後會召開一公開見證之活動記錄及報告. 因多人均帶有照相機及錄影機留下為証.餘訊恕不一一詳記之.

Spiritual Reflections on My 34th Birthday

Spiritual Reflections on My 34th Birthday

Altar of Outdoor

Altar of Outdoor

BY Odilia Lee

Peace Families and Friends!

Thank you very much for all your birthday blessings 🙂  I thank God for my life and I thank God for all your love and care.  The past year was a turning point of my life.  I want to share my spiritual reflections with you on this special day.  I invite you to journey and experience God’s amazing work in my life…


In mid-Oct last year, just before my 33rd birthday, I bought a book called “The Road Home” by Fr. Vincent Traverns OP.  Fr. Vincent wrote stories about life, 365 of them with great wisdom.  The stories were short and they spoke to me.  I remembered after reading a few of them in the car, I told Terry my Hubby, “Wow, what a birthday gift from God!”  Fr. Vincent’s reflections help me to ponder two great life lessons: life is all about decisions, life is all about relationships.


Nov 2006 was a tough one.  Our third kid, Kwan-Yuet, was 7 days overdue. I was asked to have a fetal monitoring test.  At the hospital, my test went well, our OB gave us two options: to induce the baby on that day or to wait for a few more days.  I discussed it with Terry and he told me that we could wait. However, right after we stepped out from the hospital, Terry was angry.  I asked him what happened, he told me that he thought that baby would be induced that day.  Huh?  But that’s not what he told me 5 minutes ago?  He said that he knew I wanted the most natural way, but that was not what he planned.  At the very moment, I felt like I was abandoned by him, I was on my own, I felt tremendous loneliness.  That night, I cried the entire night. I knew I could only turn to the Lord and rely on Him.  So the next day, I went to St. Helen’s in Burnaby where it has 24 hour Eucharistic Adoration. I cried my heart out in front of our Lord.  With Fr. Vincent’s book with me, I flipped a page to seek some comfort.  I read a story on St. Catherine of Siena from “The Road Home”.  She explained how God’s love was beyond our understanding and feelings… How deep His love was, totally beyond our comprehension…  I looked at our Lord and I got His comfort.  My tears finally dried.  That night, my water-sac broke and as Terry needed to drop the girls off at my in-law’s place first, I was admitted to the hospital alone by myself.  Though alone, I was relax and calm and I didn’t feel loneliness as I knew my Lord was with me.  After a few hours of hard work, Kwan-Yuet was born and Terry showed intense joy and gratefulness.  Finally, after 48 hours of “separation”, our hearts join together again to celebrate and rejoice for the gift of life!  Thanks be to God!


Dec 2006 was a tougher one.  Physically strained, body was extremely weak, but what made things worse was the first time I encountered misunderstanding and miscommunications with my dad-in-law.  That happened on the very day of Kwan-Yuet’s first full month.  I was sad, scared and stressed.  My friends comforted me that I was extremely lucky, 6.5 years of marriage before I hit the first challenge of our relationships.  The whole Choy’s family was tensed up.  I prayed and I turned to Mother Mary for intercession as I sensed how frustrated Terry and his sister were.  I read a few little stories from “The Road Home” and I knew I needed to continue to love my dad-in-law with my whole heart regardless, because life was all about relationships.  I prayed all the sleepless nights with the Rosary and to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  9 days later, 1 day before the baptism of Kwan-Yuet, my dad-in-law initiated to hold a family meeting and shared his thoughts with us.  We sought to understand each other and I was amazed by how my dad-in-law stepped out his comfort zone and took the risk to share his inner thoughts.  I couldn’t thank the Holy Spirit enough for the inspiration and understanding.  The family meeting was a great gift to Kwan-Yuet’s baptism.  What a breakthrough among Choy’s family relationships!


Around April, I was reading a book called “Rome Sweet Home” by Dr. Scott Hahn.  It was a radical conversion story that deeply touched my heart and prompted me to ask myself if I could follow Jesus Christ without holding back.  Scott showed me how he wanted to love our Lord Jesus Christ that he gave up his career as a Presbyterian minister and followed God’s will.  As Scott journeyed to the Catholic Church through the Bible, his knowledge in the Bible made me read the Bible seriously again and dwell on it more. Verses by verses, the Bible started to come alive and led me to experience more in Medjugorje.


The pilgrimage to Medjugorje in May was the highlight of the year. Traveling long-haul with 3 young kids (4 yrs old Kwan-Nok, 2 yrs old Kwan-Yau and 5.5 months Kwan-Yuet) was not easy at all, though my parents were traveling with us.  There were many moments that I wanted to give up going… Problems with booking air tix, kids and I were physically ill… Miraculously, Terry stuck with the decision and arranged the whole pilgrimage.  Well, given the fact that he was the one who wasn’t keen to go to Medjugorje at the very first place.  The climax and the moment of God’s grace happened on the Cross Mountain.  For a normal adult, it took around 2.5 hours to hike up and down the mountain.  I got 3 young kids and a mom with a bad knee… When my dad told us on the 3rd morning of our pilgrimage that we would follow the pilgrims from Hong Kong (nearly 40 of them) to climb the Cross Mountain, I thought he must be joking.  I turned to Terry and asked if we should follow (before the trip, Terry told me that we would not climb the mountains).  Terry answered that we would follow them.  He told me that if we felt too tired, we could leave the group first and return.  I took his word and followed the big group to the Cross Mountain. I was carrying my 17lbs son with a Baby Bjorn carrier while Terry was holding 22lbs Kwan-Yau.  Fortunately, Kwan-Nok was willing to follow a big sister, whom she met the day before, with the leaders of the group.  My dad took care of my mom.  So, Kwan-Nok was by herself with the group leaders leading the group and we were at the end of the group.  We got three angels from the HK group.  It was a hot day, the 1st angel held an umbrella over me to block direct sunlight on my son.  The 2nd one helped Terry and my dad to carry our backpack.  The 3rd one was the big sister who took care of Kwan-Nok.

The Cross Mountain was the 14 Stations of the Cross.  After the 2nd station, I already felt tired so I asked Terry and my dad if they were okay.  Both replied okay.  But I doubted if I physically could handle that.  Then two Bible verses echoed in my heart “O man of little faith!” “Don’t be afraid, have faith!”  As I continued to sweat and hike up the Cross Mountain, I was short of breath and I was thinking when could I u-turn and leave.  I kept telling myself I would aim at one station at a time.  I was afraid that I would pass out and fall off the mountain.  With my son on me, I couldn’t afford a fall, so I tried my best to concentrate on each step.  At the 5th station, I asked Terry and my dad again.  I knew if either one of them said “not ok”, I would leave with them immediately.  However, both replied ok. Then I felt betrayed as no one wanted to u-turn and leave at all. I knew in my heart if no one wanted to return by the 7th station, I would not have a chance to leave.  So I wrestled with the Lord in my heart and asked all sorts of “Why” questions… “why were we there” “why my kids and Terry needed to suffer so much to make the Medjugorje pilgrimage”…

Finally we were at the 7th station, I didn’t even bother to ask Terry and my dad anymore, I knew their answer.  I finally accepted the fact that “there is no point of return”.  As soon as the thought came to my mind that I couldn’t u-turn and leave, I instantaneously felt my footsteps were lighter, Kwan-Yuet was lighter, my whole body was lighter and I felt a lot easier to walk.  That’s the moment of grace while the Bible came alive.  “Come to me,  all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” ~ Matthew 11:28-30

I literally felt how Jesus’ yoke was easy, but the requirement was I needed to be willing to pick up the cross in the first place.  I was such a dumb head! Then verses by verses, I finally had an understanding on why Jesus said tirelessly “Pick up the cross and follow me!”  My goodness, the cross indeed became lighter once I was willing to carry it!  And when I said I wanted to follow Jesus, there was indeed “no point of return” as His love was so great, attractive and compelling that there was nowhere I could turn to.

At the 10th station, the group leaders asked Kwan-Nok to lead the Hail Mary in Cantonese.  What?  Kwan-Nok?  She didn’t know how to recite the Hail Mary in Cantonese, she only knew the English one, she probably picked it up when we prayed the Joyful Mystery when we hiked up the Apparition Hill the day before and when we hiked up the Cross Mountain…  I was touched, I had tears in my eyes when I heard her voice.  That gave me strength to finish the last few stations when the path was getting steeper and more difficult to climb.  Kwan-Yuet started to cry too as he was hungry…

At the end, we were at the foot of the big white cross of the Cross Mountain.  I ran to the cross, touched it and tears poured out like a fall! Tremendous peace and comfort from our Lord Jesus Christ!

We spent an hour on Cross Mountain.  While others prayed, I was busy breastfeeding, changing the diaper, feeding my family with the sandwiches we brought…  Attending my kids’ needs became my prayer to my Lord!

Thanks to my whole family and the HK group who didn’t give up and enabled me to climb the Cross Mountain! There were many many other great experiences in Medjugorje.  Here were a few other messages that I started to reflect, ponder and live:

“Do not try to convert anyone after you go back home.  Words are superficial.  Words are empty.  Just stand there.  It’s all about the body.Stand there for Christ.””God’s grace is like living water flowing through a hardened heart.  Go toconfession and obtain God’s grace.””Have strong firm faith, pray for strong firm faith.””Flower cannot live without water, human heart cannot live without God’sgrace. Pray for strong firm faith.”

For myself, I only want to do God’s will alone, nothing more. I want to decide for God, make each and every single decision for God.  Alldaily decisions for God. Life is no longer about how capable I am, but how open I am to receive God’s grace to lead my life.


Since we came back from Medjugorje, all priorities in life have changed.  I lost 20 pounds three months after we came back from Medjugorje.  Why?  Because I walked up the Cross Mountain at least every few days, if not daily 🙂  With God’s grace, I now see the crosses in my life and I am willing to pick them up and carry them.  I am not running from my crosses anymore.  So, instead of waiting for Terry to take care of the house chores, I try to be the first one to wash the dishes, do the laundry, vacuum the house.  I listen to the needs of my kids a lot more closely: cook for them, play with them, rest with them, chat with them… Be with them physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Motherhood comes alive.  As a mom, I know not only the daily chores/tasks of a mom, but also the indescribable joys and sorrows of a mom.  Dads and Moms suffer a lot for the family.  Now when I need to learn patience with God, myself, Terry, my kids and others, I seek examples from our Mother Mary, our Mother Church, our Mother Earth…  I also know I want to love my moms back. I try to chat with my mom and mom-in-law more and let them know that I love them 🙂  I try to love my Mother Earth as well, so we become more environmentally friendly: we change from full-time disposable diapering to part-time cloth diapering, we cut back on junk food and stick with healthy basic food.  I try to look into the teachings of our Mother Church, understand them, defend them and live them.  I try to do what Mother Mary asks us to do, the five little stones against Satan: pray the Rosary daily, read the Bible daily, receive the Eucharist at least weekly (if not daily), fast twice a week, and go the confession monthly. When I just go back to the basics in life, life becomes very simple.  I believe life is meant to be simple 🙂


Three days before my birthday, my parents and their friends helped us to baby-sit our kids.  Terry brought me to fine dining.  We shared everything about our marriage, our family…  His gift to me was his awareness of my effort to cook better food, to listen to our kids better, and to understand better his original Choy’s family.  His acknowledgement and affirmation was like a pat on my shoulder 🙂  We have decided to spend the next 15 years on our own family ministry!  Thanks be to God!

On my 34th birthday, the birthday gift that Terry and my in-laws gave me was they took care of the kids for their swimming lesson, so that I could bring my parents out for dinner and share with them how grateful I was for the gift of life and the gift of faith.  As we walked out from the restaurant, I was able to kiss them, hug them and hold their hands like a little girl!

Thanks be to God!

Two days after my birthday, I attended the daily Mass to give thanks to our good Lord.  But it became another birthday gift from God.  He again surprised me… The readings (Romans 6:19-23 / Lk 12:49-53), the homily on Romans 6:22 “But now that you have been freed from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit that you have leads to sanctification, and its end is eternal life”, and on the hymn “Amazing Grace” and its composer (who used to be a slave trader), the hymns (The Love Song, On Eagle’s Wings, Shine Jesus Shine).  He just delighted me.  When I sang the Offering Hymn “O

Lord, my love is only a shadow of Your Love for me…”  My tears started to run.  After I received the Eucharist, my tears continued to run as Jesus my Lord entered completely to my body, mind and soul.  I couldn’t describe the intimacy…

Now I decide to live my life completely out of love and out of gratitude to God.  I decide to obey and do His Will.  The commitment and the decision will last until my death: love God loves, will God wills, dream God dreams!

As I take The Road Home, I decide to work on my own home first and focus on small things at home.  Yes, I am so “ah ma” or so “c9” (translation: mother) now.  Though life is still very chaotic and driving me crazy with three little dinosaurs and two big ones (yeah, my impatience and my own weaknesses are driving myself crazy) at home, there is still peace and lots of fun!


Families and friends, please pray for me.  I need God’s wisdom to prioritize each day now, especially as I return to work in November.

Okay, thanks God for finding time for me to finish this piece of sharing.

Families and friends, please take care.  You are all in my prayers!

BTW, if you are visiting Vancouver, please give me a shout and I will cook you a good homemade meal!  Yeah, you won’t believe it, it’s easier to prepare a meal at home instead of bringing three kids out 😛

With Peace and Gratitude,


By the grace of God, Fr. Fu got onto the Apparition Hill

By the grace of God, Fr. Fu got onto the Apparition Hill

itinerary7 - Statue of Our Lady on Apparition HillFrom the beginning, weeks before our pilgrimage began, Fr. Joseph Fu had insisted that he be admitted into the room during an apparition of Our Lady to any one of the Medjugorje visionaries. Of course, nobody in Toronto could guarantee anything. But he must have prayed fervently because his wish was fulfilled most unexpectedly, and benefited others besides himself.

Our pilgrims arrived in Medjugorje on the night of July 31st, 2008. Next morning, the orientation briefing was held behind St. James’ Church. This was unusual because the traditional meeting place would have been either near the statue of Mother Mary in front of the church, or at the benches by the 25 confessionals. Our guide decided it was too hot under the sun, and took us to the back where trees provided some cool shade.

Halfway through the talk, Miki Musa, the translator for visionary Mirjana, walked by towards the yellow hall. He got to the yellow hall and knocked on the glass door several times. No one opened it for him. While he paced back and forth, a thought occurred in my mind to approach him about letting our two priests be present at the apparition to Mirjana that was to take place the next morning, August 2nd.

He gave me a very warm three-cheek European welcome. It was a sign of gratitude. He was happy to see me because, back in May, for his university degree, he had asked me to fill in a questionnaire for his thesis. I had done it promptly on the same day. He said that because of my participation he got an “A.”

So I asked immediately, “Miki, in our group there are two priests; would you allow them into the apparition hall tomorrow?” He replied, “For priests, it is no problem; but no others.”

cenacoloNext morning, the early risers ate breakfast at 5:30 and left for Cenacolo at 6. At 7:40, eight were still in the dining room. Just then, a fateful prompting came to heart – why don’t all eight go to meet Miki, and see if he would let everyone in. Worst comes to worst, six would stay outside anyway while the two priests go in.

Fortunately, it was relatively easy to flag down two cruising taxis. When we got to Cenacolo, Miki was nowhere in sight. The guard enquired which group we belonged to, and I answered, “Miki’s.” He called Miki on the mobile phone. As he started to describe our group, I was prompted to shout out to him, “It’s Andrew’s group.” Miki immediately told the guard to let us in!

If Miki had been at the door, he would have seen that the ‘group’ was not just two priests. Thanks be to God. Thanks be to Our Lady.

Thanks be to God also that Fr. Anthony was picked to lead one decade of the Rosary in his native Kenyan language. Thanks be to God that the happiest person in the hall that day was Fr. Joseph Fu. He was beaming with such a satisfied smile. His prayer was heard, his faith was rewarded, his dream had come true.

Here is Our Lady’s message from the apparition:

“Dear children, in my coming to you here among you, the greatness of God is reflected and the way with God to eternal joy is opening. Do not feel weak, alone or abandoned. Along with faith, prayer and love, climb to the hill of salvation. May the Mass, the most exalted and most powerful act of your prayer, be the centre of your spiritual life. Believe and love, my children. Those whom my Son chose and called will help you in this as well. To you and to them especially, I give my motherly blessing. Thank you.”

江綏蒙席神父的分享 – 默主歌耶十月朝聖

江綏蒙席神父的分享 - 默主歌耶十月朝聖

International Mass in St James Church自默主哥耶朝聖返自加拿大多倫多之第二天清晨五點半, 我便在歐世樂及余慰慈夫婦家趕寫一篇”信不信由你”短文, 當作本人參加這次朝聖之簡報. 可是歐世樂夫婦看完該短文後仍向我仍向我作一要求, 說是, 那是一篇簡報而非您對這一次朝聖之”個人感想”. 我們很希望也能分享一些有關您個人之朝聖感想短文. 因為他們倆看到我居然在下機第二天一大清早以一小時之時間便可”交卷”, 所以他們才向我作此要求.

好吧, 今將本人參與這一次朝聖默主哥耶之”個人”感想, 我之所以聲明是”個人”, 因我知道在這次參加團友中, 定仍有比我”更深及更好”之感受與看法而言. 現簡述如下:

一. 組織方面

任何一個朝聖團之成功與失敗, 乃基於其週密之籌備與計劃而定. 這一次之朝聖團之籌備與組織是一個無可否認好組織, 我不願說乃是最完美之一, 因其中仍需有改善之處. 據我所知今年乃是第三年由默主歌耶中心領導朝聖活動.

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二. 接待方面

因本朝聖團乃係由我信仰團體”自願組織之數位熱心夫婦們籌辦, 因此不能與專業旅遊團作比較. 以整個行程來說, 是一十分滿意之接待與服務. 唯一遺憾的是在回程中抵維也納城過夜時, 在該機場內卻因連絡失調, 以致大家在機場內多待了一小時之時間. 否則我們有更好之時刻去參觀維也納世界音樂名都之夜景. 那一夜遊逛維也納音樂名都的當給每一位兄弟姐妹留下了非常難忘之好記憶.

三. 導遊方面

這次中心所聘請之導遊小組, 確是”第一流人選” Ivana Vasilj (Sister of Jelena Vasilj)小姐, 由於她曾在美國攻讀且獲有學位及神學課程之女士, 她能說一口非常標準及流利之英語, 使得我們在全程中均能非常容易去聆聽並接受她之介紹, 講解甚至還帶領我們在旅遊巴士上共唸玫瑰經, 甚至還主動教我們一起學習唸本地Medjugorje之玫瑰經文. 她還特別給我們影印一份本地語言之經文以讓全體可共念之. 每當我們於途中聽到當地教堂鐘聲時, 她還提醒要誦念”三鐘經”. 這是我們在國內少有之祈禱習俗. 幸好我們之尹雅白神父他會帶領我們共念”三鐘經”. 所以大家均非常感謝尹神父之領導. 同時在整個朝聖巴士上旅程中, 我們均以中英文公念玫瑰經, 由兩位神父, 導遊小姐及團友們輪流領念, 而在每端未還加唱中英文之”萬福, 萬福, 瑪利亞”之聖歌, 使得我們之旅巴也成為一朝聖所似的, 委實令人感動!

四. 祈禱方面

自一九八一年六月廿四日聖母在默主哥耶Porbordo顯現給六位神視兒童後, 默主哥耶立刻便成為全球性另一個新祈禱中心. 今年已有廿七年之歷史. 據當地史証及估計目前來朝聖之人數已超過二千多萬人之眾. 而祈禱乃是聖母顯現所要求之五項神功中首要之一. 因此下面所介紹, 乃是幾個祈禱之重要場所:


itinerary1 - St James Chruch此堂區成立於一八九二年, 但真正建成是在一八九七年. 初因設計不妥而建在軟土上而後發現下沉及破裂. 故在一九六九年一月十九日重建落成并被祝聖為正式堂區教堂. 今已成為朝聖及祈禱之中心及焦點處. 在此聖堂每天有多台各種語言聖祭, 公念玫瑰經, 明供聖體, 拜苦路, 聽告解, 及治癒神恩之禮儀等熱心敬禮. 教堂側面還設有廿五個告解亭以及數十處戶外之告解神父座位. 因此本屆參與之多倫多華人教友幾乎每一位均辦了一次非常誠心之”修和聖事” – 告解神功. 而聽告解之時間幾乎是”全天侯”. 尤其在下午聖祭前開始, 真可以”人山人海”一言來形容告解之眾.

據江蒙席神父口述, 有一天因早到教堂, 眼看如此多人排長龍等待辦修和聖事, 於是他俟走進廿五個告解亭中之一聽告解. 外面標明為講”英文者”. 然不知怎的, 沒到十分鐘, 而外面有人傳說, 此神父也會說意大利話, 這一下子, 說意大利話的教友便擠進排隊, 結果江蒙席便坐在告解亭內達兩個半鐘頭, 直到晚上十點一刻我們要上專車囬家時才能罷休. 害得我們華人教友找江蒙席聽告解卻找不到而惋惜.

在教堂入口處廣場右側, 豎立一座白色之和平之后聖母像. 而教堂的西南面也豎立了一個由雕刻家Ajdo Ajdic 所雕耶穌復活銅像. 這個銅像之右踝居然每天都有液體流出, 而許多信徒們還用手帕往上摸擦拿囬當作紀念云.

apphill- 1-Statue of Our Lady on Apparition Hill聖母顯現山 Pedbrdo – The Apparition Hill

這是所有來此朝聖者定會去朝拜的地方. 因在此處聖母首次顯現給六位神視者之所在地. 朝聖者不分晝夜均爬山至該處公念玫瑰經. 沿山徑還設有十五端玫瑰經雕像以供瞻仰及祈禱用. 由於此山並不太高, 所以朝聖者大部分都會去朝拜並祈禱.



cross6 - Close up of the Cross十字架山 – Krizevac

  這是所有朝聖者最嚮往去之處. 但由於它位於山上之最高處, 且沿途並未有道路而均是石頭且相當光滑, 所以時常會有人在爬上山時曾滑倒過. 直到一九八八年由一意大利名雕刻家 Prof. Carmelo Pugjolo 鑄了十四處苦路銅像供朝聖者謨拜並祈禱用. 據爬山去之教友經驗, 上下山之全程時間至少有半天以上云.


在這次朝聖期中我們非常有幸能親自聆聽並親見到兩位神視主要人物. 一是方濟各會Fr. Jozo 及 Ivanka Ivankovic. 前者已被派到新一堂區任本堂神父. 傳說他是默主歌耶聖母顯現過程之首要見證人. 因此目前他在堂區內新建一座可容納近千人之大廳, 以便他每次接見朝聖者並傳達聖母之訊息. 這次我們全體出席. 他親自蒞場與大眾介紹聖母訊息, 且有一位Nancy女士為他作英語翻譯. 僅在其講台上也坐有幾十位各國籍之聖職人員. 本團之尹雅白神父及江綏蒙席二人均坐在最前排位子. 當Fr. Jozo講完話後, 便向每一位在台上之聖職人員一一握手並在其前額上劃一十字號. 當其向江綏蒙席額上劃十字號時, 江蒙席向Fr. Jozo說: “請你轉告天上母親, 應多為我們中國大陸教會祈禱. 因他們仍在共產黨執政及迫害中.” 接著江蒙席也代為旁坐之尹雅白神父介紹說:”他也是中國香港藉神父. Fr. Jozo也在他額上劃一十字號. 繼著他親自給我們在台上每一位神父分發一串玫瑰念珠留作紀念. 同時在台下也派十餘服務員向參加聽眾各發一串玫瑰念珠. 據說共發有千串玫瑰念珠云. 不但場面偉大且也非常動人也. 僅在場外就有數十輛之旅遊車在等候朝聖者回家. 而在停車場內也設有一座小食品及飲料咨以便來客可購買食品及飲料.

至於參加另一神視者, 即Ivanka Ivankovic乃是在一早上搭專車去其住處會見. 由於其住宅前院路小, 加之來聆聽者數以數百人之眾, 因此我們也只能在人群中站立而聆聽她之傳達天上母親之訊息. 她先給一兩位傳說有附魔者覆手祈禱. 後怕來者太多, 故只好停止行覆手禮而要求大家靜下祈禱. 當時全場鴉雀無聲而作靜默祈禱. 振著她用本國語言傳達訊息, 而旁邊有一位英譯女士代為翻譯. 全程約四十分鐘. 其主要之訊息乃是昔日天上母親所吩咐的, 要求我們每位要多念玫瑰經, 望彌撒, 朝拜匯體, 勤讀聖經及守齋等五大項目. 最後, 她要求全場朝聖者與她一齊靜默作近一刻鐘之默禱功夫. 而後她向各位說一聲謝謝並希望透過大家之朝聖, 歸化並熱心恭敬聖母, 使得世界早日獲迆和平, 幸福及快樂. 這時全場信友赧一熱烈之掌聲以表謝之.

參觀Cenaculum, 孤兒院及聖方濟各動物園

Cenaculum 乃是一所年青曾患毒癮及犯案累累之青年居院., 大部分均是男性. 他們自從來到此聖地後, 不用任何醫藥及醫生們之治療來糾正並自我改變其生活. 主要是他們以重新調整宗教信仰生活, 恭敬聖母, 祈禱, 並先力更新來重建其團結生活. 因此他們曾以每一個人之智慧及神力親蓋成一座Cenaculum (原文是拉丁)意即最後晚餐廳之意. 今稱為”解毒院 “. 內有他們之住所,小聖堂, 大廳, 客房, 娛樂室等. 當我們聽其現身說法向大家介紹如何開始改變其戒除毒害之生活歷史經過, 的確令人不可思議. 而這些來自世界各國之青年, 能在此聖地依宗教力量啟示, 悔改, 不靠人間之醫藥及科技幫助, 便得他們重新悔改作一新人, 並建設此青年樂園於山中, 除非上天之神恩, 是無法可以解釋了.


這是一所由天主教修會所創辦之孤兒院. 它與我們一般孤兒院管理完全不同. 小孩子們住在一個像家庭式房子. 內有一位專職之修女來管理及照顧小孩子們之日常生活和教育. 一共只有七八位. 四個小女孩, 三個小男孩. 當尹雅白神父看到其中一位小女孩長像之美及可愛時, 尹神父對她說: “妳的長像就似Medjugorje 天上聖母所顯現之面容一樣之美.” 逗得全埸都為她而驚喜. 為了保持不受外界參觀或訪客之干擾, 所以不讓一般人去參觀或作旁訪問. 這一次乃是經江蒙席之特別要求, 透過導遊小姐之介紹與解釋才得允准去拜訪這些小孩子們. 江蒙席曾對小孩子們說: “你們記住, 你們不是”孤兒”, 因上有天父及聖母媽媽, 下有修女照顧你們日常生活之媽媽, 所以該是”有福氣”之孩子了. 接著說: “希望未來也許有一天你們中間也有一兩位想當神父修女才好. 也許將來還可到中國去傳教及開一所孤兒院呢!”逗得修女及孩子們發出一開心之歡笑!

至於聖方濟之動物園, 由於我們留下時間不多, 故也只好走馬看花似的觀察一下便算了. 唯一值得一懷念乃是我們曾用孤兒院之小聖堂舉行一台感恩祭. 聖堂雖小但卻非常別緻.


每天晚上我們全體朝聖者均聚在旅館下面大會廳有一個半小時之當天見聞及接受神恩之分享交談. 這許是本屆最特別喜愛之時刻. 下面是分享中部分記述:


今年是聖保祿宗徒歸化及傳揚福音年, 如江蒙席親自指引而言. 我們中間有三位小兄弟, 原是尚未有信仰恩惠者, 居然在分享會議中, 公開宣佈並決定於回程說會開始研究教義並決定信教. 聞之全場報以熱烈及感恩之掌聲. 最高興乃是他之另一半愛人, 聽後滿臉流下喜淚.


旅程中我們曾到波斯尼亞城一座古蹟St. Blaise, 他是一位致命主教聖人. 此座聖堂乃是當地教會列為著名治癒喉嚨病症之名教堂. 因Bishop and Martyr of St. Blaise 係該堂之主保. 我們也非常榮幸得允在此聖堂舉行感恩聖祭. 此中文唱經彌撒由江蒙席主祭. 於奉獻禮時, 江蒙席邀請在座所有慶祝婚姻週年之特別祝福. 祭畢, 該堂之負責禮儀修女便端出一對交义之白色大腊燭要求江蒙席給在場諸信友們舉行一”祝福喉嚨儀式”. 這是此堂區傳統習俗. 由於此禮儀是用英語舉行, 所以不少外藉之觀眾信徒也前來接受江蒙席祝福. 沒想到居然在我們華人團體中於接受此交义大十字腊燭祝福後, 便立即感受喉嚨舒服多了. 後來大家於堂外一冰淇淋店各買雪糕, 大表慶賀. 使得大家又得到此一新經驗.

castlePatrick and Nancy Latta 之見訪:

任何到默主歌耶之朝聖者均會知道及前往此一對歸化夫婦之現場見證分享. 聽者無不被他們之歸化事蹟而感動. 他們倆從加拿大放棄一切家產而移民至默主歌耶為永久居民. 且在山上建築一座古色古香仿歐洲式堡壘. 據他們親口告訴江蒙席說: “任何來此參加避靜之聖職人員均可住進, 且吃住一切免費云.” 這次我們華人朝聖團友還特別到其堡壘舉辦一次中宴大會. 沒想到我們準備之餃子, 中菜等, 統統均被臨時來訪之各國外賓們享用去了. 用餐之朝聖朋友, 神父, 修女們共有四十餘人之眾. 而我們自己反而只吃了剩下之飯菜. 然而這也讓我們做了一次非常成功之”愛之外交” 之表現.
奇蹟異像: 尹雅白神父在分享中也言及他親眼見到太陽轉動之奇蹟云.


總而言之, 從以上各方面之分享, 介紹與分析中, 大家可以肯定地說: “這是一次非常成功及有靈性收穫之朝聖旅行. 而我們Paul Ma自己一個人爬上十字架山竟達六次之多, 真是可獲一爬山”冠軍”之獎了.

未了, 本人也代表全體朝聖者向我們的領隊James Shek, 禮儀組, 聖詠團, 及所有其他分擔此團隊成功之兄弟姐妹們, 尹雅白神父及本人願向諸位致一最高之祟敬與謝謝!

Running Miracle

Running Miracle

Our Lady of Lourdes inside St James Church

Our Lady of Lourdes inside St James Church

It is understandable that any of you reading the November 5, 2007 issue of Sports Illustrated focused only on the Red Sox winning the World Series (yeah, go Sox!) and missed the article on Alberto Salazar, whom I consider the greatest marathon runner of all time.  He survived a heart attack on June 30 in which “it took 8 shocks over 26 minutes for Salazar’s heart to beat.”  Two paragraphs in that article, on page 52, should not be missed.

“In 1990, during a pilgrimage to the Catholic shrine of Medjugorje in Bosnia, he (Salazar) awoke one morning to find that his set of rosary beads had turned from silver to gold.  Months before his heart attack he had given the wife of a neighbor in a coma a crucifix and rosary blessed, respectively, by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II.  She put them on her husband’s nightstand, and he recovered.

After Salazar suffered his heart attack, that woman placed the crucifix by his hospital bed and wrapped the rosary in his hand.  They were the first things he saw when he came to.  Upon hearing  that another woman survived a heart attack while out running on the day he suffered his, Salazar passed the objects on again.  ‘I gave them to her parents while she was in a coma,’ he says.  She too has recovered.”

God blessed.

John H. Wong, Ph.D.

Thank you

Thank you

stjameschurchBy Catherine

Thank you for sending the pictures on the internet. I enjoy looking at our memories in Medjugorje.

By the way, Dominic was calling me last week asking about my experience in Budapest. I forgot to tell him that we tried to go to Church everyday (as you told me). Unfortunately all the Masses were in the Hungarian language. I really feel, though, that God knew we wanted to attend Holy Mass and He guided us to find the churches.

It is strange, but when we arrived in Budapest, we were not too excited about the sight-seeing trip anymore, even though we like travelling. By the second day my husband Anthony said, “I would be glad if I could go back on tonight’s flight to Toronto.” My daughter Clarissa told us she would have liked to stay those extra three days longer in Medjugorje rather than going to Budapest. I think the Medjugorje spirit was very strong in us. Definitely we will come back there one day.

We try to make it to the daily Mass everyday & pray the Rosary together as a family.
That’s a little bit of our sharing, Christina. Thank you for guiding us on
the pilgrimage to Medjugorje.

The only thing on my mind was to be closer to God

The only thing on my mind was to be closer to God

IMGrpBy Vivian Lee

Before I arrived at Medjugorie, I wanted to see how it would be to attend masses everyday. When I got there…the only thing on my mind was to be closer to God.

I believe the Eucharistic Adorations were one of the many highlights of my pilgrimage. It was through the peaceful music that I felt touched by the presence of God. I just didn’t want to leave at all because no matter how tired I was, I felt so attached to God that I didn’t feel the need to sleep.

My friend asked me if I would climb the cross mountain with her. So I promised to go with her without any doubt and also told God that I will walk the walk with him…barefooted. As I’m going up the hill, I realized that life is full of choices and no matter which path we take…God is there to guide us. No matter if we picked to walk on the sharp stones…God seems to compensate us with some flat stones afterwards and that’s how life is. As we face the daily challenges in life…God grants us the strength to be joyful and the courage to believe in our abilities.

I finally see a glimpse of why people would say “Suffering is a blessing” because it is through that moment that we turn to God and give everything to him…that’s when we surrender to God. Essentially, that’s what our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to do in our daily journey. He wants us to walk with him barefooted without any distractions. He does not want us to be distracted with all these materialistic things. On my way down the cross mountain, I put my shoes back on. But I realize that my path with my shoes seemed to be a lot more slippery and difficult to get a grip. And through this’I had another insight. I had previously thought that shoes would be better to climb this hill but the path with shoes seemed to be harder than being barefooted. I think God wants us to realize that our path full of sufferings is more rewarding than living a life in luxury. So my path with the shoes was God reminding me that my sufferings weren’t that bad after all. You might think that your suffering is so great at that moment but once you look back at it…It’s not so great afterall.

Coming back to Toronto, I was forced to see people getting angry, frustrated and impatient about earthly things again…I really want to be back to Medjudorie to feel the peace again. It was definitely a rewarding experience that strengthened my faith and also learned one of the many things that I must show my faith through my love and actions by serving others. I hope God will continue to guide me through my spiritual journey as I strive to make a difference in everyone’s lives.

What a beautiful and sweet name for me

What a beautiful and sweet name for me

By Christina Lau

risen_christ“Medjugorje” What a beautiful and sweet name for me now. But recalled more than twenty years ago, I found it strange and out of the way when I heard about it.

This year on 20th of June is my second time visited Medjugorje, I found a little bit disappointed with more and more commercial buildings, restaurants…etc. Other than that, I am proud of being a catholic with a rosary in hand praying and walking openly in the street. All the people come here for one intention – seek the face of God through Mother Mary’s teaching, how to become a children of God.

I really don’t know how to describe the joy and peace that I have since I practiced and followed the path that Mother Mary shows to me here.

I couldn’t imagine Daily Mass become a starter of my daily life, Eucharist is my daily spiritual bread and prayers are my intimate conversation with my Heavenly Father. I love to deepen my spiritual knowledge by reading and study Holy Bible. All that happen because by the grace of Our Lord and the blessing of Our Blessed Mother!

No wonder people called Medjugorje “A Heaven on Earth!” Everyday people here are fully occupied with spiritual activities. You can never taste the beauty of these spiritual fruits if you haven’t been here before. I really feel I am so blessed to be one of the chosen one among them.

Our Blessed Mother’s daily appearance brings us the key of Heaven, only if we are willing to open ourselves to Her, the graces of God will descend upon us profoundly. Our life shall change, our hearts will listen to what He wants us to do and knowing how blessed we are as children of God. Peace and joy are the fruits of holiness that we embrace.

Therefore I pray that you will be there among us to taste the Goodness of The Lord!

Medjugorje is the closest place to heaven on earth

Medjugorje is the closest place to heaven on earth

medj_8By Priscilla Lee

Someone once said that Medjugorje is the closest place to heaven on earth. This was the reason I was drawn to this place and had wanted experience it. In fact, I did receive a taste of heaven. I tasted the peacefulness, humbleness, fruitfulness and devotion to God and our Mother that have become a source of strength and reminder for me to be a better Catholic when I leave this place.

It is so hard to describe in words the peace and serenity of this special place. It is not only the physical quietness of the place, but rather the peacefulness of the hearts of the people there.

I was also blessed to have witnessed the display of faith and humbleness of one young Croatian family there. One time, we were having mass at St. James Church and it was crowded as usual. I saw a Croatian family kneeling down on the floor holding their hands together praying attentively. What strike me was that the 3 year old boy was doing the exact same thing with his parents. He was not playing with his toy or whining about why he does not have a seat to sit. Instead, he was praying so devoutly. I was very touched by the faith of this little boy, yes, it is a 3 year old boy.

One of my gains from Medjugorje is that I now feel connected to our Heavenly mother. Before this trip, I recognized Mary as Jesus’ Mother. But after this trip, I realized that Mary is my mother too! And we are truly her children. Thank You Lord for opening my eyes and my heart!

Now I try to live out my faith more fully by spending more time in praying the rosary. However, the longing desires to return to Medjugorje have never ceased in my heart and would encourage all to go to Medjugorje and experience it for yourselves.