Thank you
By Catherine
Thank you for sending the pictures on the internet. I enjoy looking at our memories in Medjugorje.
By the way, Dominic was calling me last week asking about my experience in Budapest. I forgot to tell him that we tried to go to Church everyday (as you told me). Unfortunately all the Masses were in the Hungarian language. I really feel, though, that God knew we wanted to attend Holy Mass and He guided us to find the churches.
It is strange, but when we arrived in Budapest, we were not too excited about the sight-seeing trip anymore, even though we like travelling. By the second day my husband Anthony said, “I would be glad if I could go back on tonight’s flight to Toronto.” My daughter Clarissa told us she would have liked to stay those extra three days longer in Medjugorje rather than going to Budapest. I think the Medjugorje spirit was very strong in us. Definitely we will come back there one day.
We try to make it to the daily Mass everyday & pray the Rosary together as a family.
That’s a little bit of our sharing, Christina. Thank you for guiding us on
the pilgrimage to Medjugorje.