Medjugorje is the closest place to heaven on earth

medj_8By Priscilla Lee

Someone once said that Medjugorje is the closest place to heaven on earth. This was the reason I was drawn to this place and had wanted experience it. In fact, I did receive a taste of heaven. I tasted the peacefulness, humbleness, fruitfulness and devotion to God and our Mother that have become a source of strength and reminder for me to be a better Catholic when I leave this place.

It is so hard to describe in words the peace and serenity of this special place. It is not only the physical quietness of the place, but rather the peacefulness of the hearts of the people there.

I was also blessed to have witnessed the display of faith and humbleness of one young Croatian family there. One time, we were having mass at St. James Church and it was crowded as usual. I saw a Croatian family kneeling down on the floor holding their hands together praying attentively. What strike me was that the 3 year old boy was doing the exact same thing with his parents. He was not playing with his toy or whining about why he does not have a seat to sit. Instead, he was praying so devoutly. I was very touched by the faith of this little boy, yes, it is a 3 year old boy.

One of my gains from Medjugorje is that I now feel connected to our Heavenly mother. Before this trip, I recognized Mary as Jesus’ Mother. But after this trip, I realized that Mary is my mother too! And we are truly her children. Thank You Lord for opening my eyes and my heart!

Now I try to live out my faith more fully by spending more time in praying the rosary. However, the longing desires to return to Medjugorje have never ceased in my heart and would encourage all to go to Medjugorje and experience it for yourselves.