Jane Lee (June B 2018)

Such a blessed fruitful trip.
I did not see Mother Mary physical in Medjugorje.
I did not experience what you said about “Dancing Sun.
I did not see any miracle at all.
Simply saying, I need not bring along my brain with me in this trip. Once I was loaded at Sarajevo airport. It seemed that my mind was out of the time frame. My mind seem to be blank and all empty. I only followed what the tour guide and co-ordinators told me to do by following all the events. Let God’s will be done on me.
It is a strong booster for a lukewarm Catholic, like me.
If you are going to visit Medjugorje, please do not expect any sign; the greatest sign from God is HE has given HIS BELOVED SON to us, whom is dying on the Cross, redeeming us. Thus, if we do not believe on this, there is no point to search other sign coming up in our life.
If God let you see a sign, you can see HIS sign anywhere, no need to fly that far.
“If you knew how much I love you, you would cry to joy”. I always ponder this in my heart. Why is she saying this?
I once asked myself too, she really loves us? Show me? Show me how?
From this sentence, Mother Mary is assuming that we (human) did not know how much she has been loving us.
True, we do not know, we do not realize, we do not care the goodness she has done for us, we take it for granted, we take it as it should be that way naturally.
We focus on sadness, worries, burdens, broken hearts, hatred, anger, jealousy and money more, the time we spend on counting those is more than counting on the blessings we receive. It shows our greediness.
Thank and pray.
If we keep thanking and praying, it means we keep Jesus in our hearts, we cannot go far wrong.
Go to Medjugorje and get your own booster.
I simply treated this trip as a retreat and have a chance to soak myself into the mercy of God.
At last, I need to thank Pat, Kelvin, Glenda, Irene, Marijana (the tour guide), and Fr. Peter. Without them, my dream would never come true.

Jane Lee
(June B 2018)

Maria Ho (June A 2018)



在朝聖期間,加拿大主辦中心Pat的提醒,我留意到名牌後面聖母媽媽的信息:Decide for God, little children, and you will find in God the Peace your hearts seek. 原來,聖母媽媽一早已知道我內心的不安,藉著朝拜聖體她提醒我,多陪伴耶穌,在主內尋找平安!所以回港後,我每天都頌唸玫瑰經和33天祈禱奉獻,我亦會多參加朝拜聖體。雖然我還是在祈禱中祈求我尚未領洗的兒子早日領洗,祈求主賜他健康,但是,我心境總算比以前平安多了!



Peace in Lord be with you

Maria Ho
June A 2018

Ada Chi Yin Luk (June A 2018)

I had a wonderful time and filled with blessings from Medjugorje. Thank you Jesus & Mother Mary for this invitation. No doubt that I’ll bring my husband back to Medjugorje next time.

ada-luk-2018JuneAAs you said my mind still remember the many graces & blessings we had in Medjugorje. I’m really treasure every moments there.

Talking about the nametag, of course I noticed that all our group members with a different message from our Blessed Mother. Mine is “Little children, may hope in a better tomorrow be always in your heart.” Our Lady Queen of Medjugorje Message 01/25/2015.
We are all so blessed and will try our very best to share the joy, peace, love, prayerful heart, and many blessings with our friends & family.

In fact I have shared my fruitful pilgrimage to my family & friends already upon arrival to Hong Kong. And also I remember the five stones from Medjugorje need to be followed and proceeded in my daily life.

Praise be our Lord! & God bless to everyone!

Ada Chi Yin Luk
June A 2018

Alan Sak Lun Chan (June A 2018)

我是第一次到默主哥耶朝聖,報名之前曾有朋友對我說,這朝聖團並不適合我這個只喜歡吃喝玩樂的人,在默主哥耶這個小鎮每天都是参加彌撒,玫瑰經,朝拜聖體…… 過不了2天你會感到很悶很沒趣。

直至要交費之前也有一點點憂慮,幸好得到好朋友 Danny 及太太的鼓勵,亦想考驗一下自己才確認成行,旅程中自己感受是每天都在親近天主,親近聖母媽媽,沒有如此的親近,感恩的是之前的憂慮一掃而空,只感到滿懷的恩寵,在十多天的旅程當中給我的印象是宗教氣氛十分濃厚,當地居民對信仰渴求很熱烈,每日的多台彌撒都坐無虛席,在街上很容易看到手持念珠邊行邊頌念玫瑰經的民眾,在我們攀登聖母山及十字架山的艱辛路上,大家都悉力以付,特別是年長者為要登頂所付出毅力都令人倍添感動,在旅程接近尾聲的一天,一位團友對我說因她沒有看見會旋轉的太陽,聞不到玫瑰花香也沒有感受到其他異像而有㸃失望,最初我也有同感,但之後回想自己也不是為此而來,主要是為自己的靈修,在信仰生活上增添對天主及聖母媽媽的虔敬。


After Medjugorje pilgrimage I have more trust in God 。

Alan Sak Lun Chan陳錫麟
June A 2018

Hilarie Lai (June A 2018)

Having been a legionary during secondary school, I had always had a special connection with the Virgin Mary. We prayed the rosary in every meeting and were told to pray it as much as we could etc. but it was nowhere close to what I have experienced in Medjugorje.

medj_8A few days before heading to Medjugorje, I was excited to see what I was going to get out from this place but I did not have a great deal of expectations. My knowledge about this place was minimal, where I did not even know much about the visionaries or that apparitions are still ongoing. I thought it was just another place where the Virgin Mary has once appeared. However, since the first day of my arrival, everything has gone so smoothly and I thought it must have been my calling to come here.

As soon as I arrived, the group leader handed me a name tag with a message from our Lady, she said “Dear children, through love you will achieve everything, even what you think is impossible.” Immediately after that, I felt like our Lady had already answered my prayer. At that moment, I was buzzing with anticipation of what our Lady wanted me to do for her and to humbly take from this place.

For the first few days of pilgrimage, the evening programs were not the most ideal thing I have ever imagined. To be honest, I think I have fallen asleep in most of the rosary sessions. However, my thoughts and feelings towards prayers and rosary were completely overturned on the night where our Lady’s apparition took place in the Apparition Hill. I felt like praying with heart is the most essential thing to do, praying rosary is just like communicating with our Lady whilst holding the rosary is just like holding our Lady’s hand. Having prayed with heart, we could truly be our Lady’s extended hand to help those who has not known God and God’s love. Even solely thinking of how joyful and happy our Lady would be when we pray our rosary, everything is just worth it. At that moment, in my mind, the one mission in my life is to live like our Lady so that I could go to heaven. (I even secretly wished that I could die right after the minute I did my confession!)

The eleven days were life changing, it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. God is giving all of us everything we are and everything we have, it might be difficult for us to realise what he has done for us as there is too much going on in our lives and we have always ignored the simplest thing that gives us true joy. Medjugorje, I think, it’s a place where you find peace, joy, purity and love. With zero distraction, it’s a place where you could completely connect with God, where you could feel the presence of God through the help of our Lady. After the pilgrimage, I feel that I have a deeper connection with our Lady. I would never have thought that our heavenly mother loves us so much before I went there, she once said “If you knew how much I love you, you’d cry for joy.”

There is one thing that is vital for any of us, we do not necessarily have to tell people what God’s love is or spread the messages of our Lady by words as it is hard for people who has never experienced to understand. Instead, we apostles, should walk and live the way like Jesus did, so people could see and understand God’s love through each and every one of us. The Queen of Peace once said, “An impure heart cannot do correct and just things; it is not an example of the beauty of God’s love to those who surround it and to those who have not come to know that love.” “My children, do not forget that you are not in this world only for yourselves, and that I am not calling you here only for your sake.”

My first ever experience in Medjugorje was magnificent, it is like experiencing Heaven on Earth. I am so blessed to have this invitation from our Lady, and I thank God for that.

Hilarie Lai
June A 2018