默主哥耶圣母 – 语重心长 (简体) Part 6

(Our Lady Speaks from Medjugorje – Chinese version)

默主哥耶聖母 - 語重心長 (繁體)英译及编订: 杨必安
中译: 叶少玲




亲爱的孩子们,今天,我呼唤你们在家要天天阅读圣经,并把圣经放在当眼处,这样可鼓励你们常常读经,常常祈祷。 (10/18/1984)


阅读圣言,生活圣言,祈祷去了解时代的征兆。这是一个非常时期,所以我与你们同在,带引你亲近我和我圣子耶稣的心。亲爱的小孩子们,我希望你们要作光明之子,而非黑暗之徒。 (08/25/1993)


小孩子们,你们不懂得如何生活在天主的恩宠中;所以我重新呼唤你们众人,心绪思维,铭记天主的话语。 (08/25/1996)


小孩子们,喜乐地生活福音的话语吧,这是我与你们同在时常常不断重复的话。小孩子们,我是你们的母亲,我很想为你们揭示那位满载着爱与平安的天主。我不希望你们的生命充满忧烦,但愿圣经上所载的永恒喜乐在你们身上得以实现。 (12/25/1996)


我呼唤你们在家阅读圣经,借此更新祈祷,并感受与天主相遇的喜乐,祂爱祂的受造物,永无休止。 (09/25/1999)


今天,我同样呼唤你们要在家庭中作传报福音的人。 (01/25/2006)

阅读及默想圣经,让圣言成为你们的生活。 (02/25/2012)



亲爱的孩子们!你们知道节日的欢乐正在临近,可是,没有爱,你们便什么也办不到。所以,首先开始爱你的家人,爱堂区内的每一个人,然后,你便能接纳和爱所有前来本地的人。这个星期该是一个学习去爱的时期。 (12/13/1984)

这个圣诞,撒殚要特别地破坏天主的计划。亲爱的孩子们,圣诞日,你们自己也觉察到撒殚了,但天主在你们众人的心中稳操胜券,让你们的心保持喜乐吧。 (12/27/1984)

我在呼唤你们借着补赎、祈祷和爱德工作,作好准备,迎接圣诞。亲爱的孩子们,不要着眼于物质,否则,你便无法体味到圣诞。 (12/05/1985)

对于圣诞节,我的邀请是,让我们一起赞美耶稣。那一天,我以特别的方式把祂带给你们,我恳请你们,那天要一起赞美耶稣和祂的诞生。亲爱的孩子们,那天,要多加祈祷,多想念耶稣。 (12/12/1985)

亲爱的孩子们,今天,我想呼唤你们去爱你的邻人,你愈决心去爱,便愈感受到耶稣,特别是圣诞日那天。如果你把 自己交托给天主,祂自会赐你丰盛的恩典。圣诞日那天,我想以特别的方式,把我自己的一个特别的母亲祝福赐给身为人母的人,而其余的人,耶稣将会以祂自己的 祝福来祝福他们。 (12/19/1985)

为了感受与新生的耶稣相见的喜乐,我呼唤你们,在这段时间内要特别祈祷。亲爱的孩子们,我想你们像我感受这些日子般感受它们。我满怀喜乐,想引领你们,向你们展示我要带给你们每一个人的喜乐。 (12/11/1986)

亲爱的孩子们,这些日子,圣父要把特别的恩宠惠赐给那些敞开心灵的人。亲爱的孩子们,我祝福你们,并渴望你们也体会到这些恩宠,把一切交由天主处 理,好让祂借着你们得到光荣。 (12/25/1986)

亲爱的孩子们,与我一起欢欣喜乐吧!我的心因耶稣而欢乐,今天,我要把祂送给你们。亲爱的孩子们,我想你们各 人都打开心灵,迎接耶稣,我怀着爱把祂交给你们。亲爱的孩子们,我希望祂改变你们,教导你们,保护你们。今天,我特别为你们各人祈祷,把你们呈献给天主, 好让祂在你们内自我显露出来。 (12/25/1987)

你们说圣诞节是家庭庆日,为此,亲爱的孩子们,把天主放在家庭的第一位,好让祂赐给你们平安,而且不单在战时保护你们,在和平的时日,也为你们抵挡撒殚的侵袭。天主与你同在的时候,你便拥有一切。 (12/25/1991)

今天是平安日,但普世却很缺乏平安。因此,我呼唤你们,透过祈祷与我一起建立一个和平的新世界。 (12/25/1992)

今天,我跟你们一起欢欣踊跃,与你们一起祈求平安:心中的平安、家庭的平安、愿欲的平安,与及普世的平安。但愿和平的君王今天祝福你们,赐给你们平安。 (12/25/1994)

今天,我再一次恳请你们祈祷,透过祈祷、守斋和小牺牲来准备自己,迎接基督的来临。小孩子们,让这段时间成为 你的恩宠时期,利用每一刻行善,因为只有这样,你们才能在心里感受到耶稣的诞生。如果你以生命来树立榜样,作天主爱情的标记,所有人的心都会充满喜乐。 (11/25/1996)

这是恩宠的时期。小孩子们,今天,我与我怀内所拥抱的小耶稣一起,特别赐给你们一个选择和平的机会。借着你对 和平和决心追随天主而说的「我愿意」,一个崭新的和平机会便要为你打开。小孩子们,只有这样,这个世纪才可以成为你的平安幸福之期。因此,把新生的小耶稣 放在你生命的首位,祂便会带领你走上救赎的道路。 (12/25/1999)

今天是耶稣诞生的日子,祂的诞生所带来的喜乐、爱与平安是无可斗量的。我特别地呼唤你们,向耶稣说「我愿 意」。打开心怀,让耶稣入内居住,并开始透过你们工作。只有这样,你们才能理解天主的爱情、喜乐与平安内所含藏的真正的美。亲爱的孩子们,为耶稣的诞生而 欢欣踊跃吧,并为那些还未向耶稣开放的心灵祈祷,好让耶稣进入他们每一个人的心中,透过他们着手工作,好让每一个人都成为天主在他们内工作的真实例证。 (12/25/2000, Jakov)

今天我呼唤你们,鼓励你们,为和平祈祷。特别是今天,我为你们怀抱着新生的耶稣,呼唤你们借着祈祷与祂结合,作这不安之世的一个标记。小孩子们,你们要互勉祈祷,要彼此相爱。 (12/25/2001)

今天,耶稣特别渴望把祂的平安赐给你们,我呼唤你们祈求内心的平安。孩子们,你们的心没有平安,便无法感受耶稣诞生的爱情和喜乐。 (12/25/2003, Jakov)

今天,我把我抱在怀内的小耶稣带给你们,以祂的平安祝福你们,祂是和平的君王。 (12/25/2005)




请为我圣子的圣心所遭受的创伤作出赔补,这颗圣心受尽各种罪过的冒犯。 (04/05/1984)

请不要让我的心为了迷失在罪恶中的灵魂泣泪成血。为此,亲爱的孩子们,祈祷,祈祷,祈祷! (05/24/1984)

这些日子,还要为罪人的悔改多加祈祷。 (08/02/1984)

亲爱的孩子们,放眼四周,你们便会看见罪恶如何严重地支配着世界。为此,请祈求耶稣战胜罪过。 (09/13/1984)

以爱来战胜每一个罪过,以爱来克服一切降临你身上的困难。 (07/10/1986)

亲爱的孩子们,我恳求你们把你的整个过去和积聚心头的邪念尽数交托给天主,我要你们每一个人都幸福快乐,但带着罪,谁也不能快乐起来。 (02/25/1987)

你们随时都会犯罪,你们不加思索,便把自己交到撒殚的手里。 (05/25/1987)

亲爱的孩子们!我在爱内呼唤你们:悔改吧,即使你们远离我的圣心。不要忘记,我是你们的母亲,我为每一个远离我那颗圣心的人感到痛楚,但我决不舍你而去。我相信你们定能摆脱罪恶,决心追寻圣善。 (09/25/2005)

天父渴望把你们各人从罪恶的劳役中解救出来。为此,小孩子们,善用这段时间,借着告解与天主相遇,离弃罪恶,选择圣善。你们要出于爱耶稣而作出这抉择,祂以宝血救赎了你们众人,让你们快乐,让你们平安。 (02/25/2007)



我呼唤你们各人,从今天开始,过一种天主希望你过的生活,开始多行爱与慈悲的善功。 (03/25/1987)

今天我恳请你们怀着爱,并出于爱我和我们的弟兄姊妹的心,多行慈悲之事,他们是你的弟兄姊妹,也是我的弟兄姊妹。 (11/25/1990)

要心怀慈悲,多行善功,万勿磋砣。 (03/18/2001, Mirjana)

今天,我也呼唤你们,在有仇恨的地方作爱情,在有饥饿的地方作粮食。小孩子们,打开你们的心,让你们的手张开,慷慨大方,好让每一个受造物都借着你们感谢造物主天主。 (09/25/2004)



今天,我想呼唤你们要天天为炼狱中的灵魂祈祷。 (每一个灵魂都需要祈祷和恩宠来接触天主和祂的爱情。)亲爱的孩子们,你们为炼灵祈祷,也会获得新的代祷者,他们会帮助你们在生活中意识到所有世物都无关 重要,只有天堂才是必须致力寻求的。为此,亲爱的孩子们,不断祈祷,你便能帮助自己,又能帮助那些你的祈祷将会带给他们喜乐的人。 (11/06/1986)



我是母亲,即使我为每一个迷途的孩子感到伤痛,仍很容易便宽恕他们,而每一个孩子回头归向我,我都很高兴。 (11/14/1985)

平安的果实是爱,爱的果实是宽恕。小孩子们,我与你们同在,我恳请你们众人,宽恕应当先从家庭开始,然后便能宽恕他人。 (01/25/1996)

亲爱的孩子们,以心神祈祷,求懂得如何宽恕,如何被宽恕。 (06/25/1997, Ivanka)



亲爱的孩子们,这些日子,撒殚想要阻挠我的大计。请祈祷,令它筹谋无功。我会向我的圣子耶稣祈祷,求祂赐给你们恩宠,好去感受耶稣战胜撒殚诱惑的经验。 (07/12/1984)

撒殚张牙舞爪,更加猖厥,它要夺去你们每一个人的喜乐。借着祈祷,你们可以彻底地解除它的武装,保证你们的幸福。 (01/24/1985)

撒殚现更张牙舞爪,你已知道是它在作祟。亲爱的孩子们,披上战衣,手执玫瑰念珠,击倒它! (08/08/1985)

继续多加祈祷,好让撒殚远离此地。 (09/05/1985)

亲爱的孩子们,不要容许撒殚控制你们的心,否则,你们便会变成它的肖像,而不是我的肖像。 (01/30/1986)

亲爱的孩子们,撒殚潜伏在每一个人身上,它要在你们中间,特别是在日常诸事上,散播混乱。为此,亲爱的孩子们,我对你们的呼唤是,让你们的一天只有祈祷,只有对天主的完全交托。 (09/04/1986)

撒殚强横,而且等着试探你们每一个人。祈祷吧,那样,它不但不能伤害你,也无法在成圣的路上阻挡你。 (09/25/1987)

请祈求撒殚不要利用骄傲诡诈的引力来诱惑你们。 (11/25/1987)

我希望你们听从我,不要容许撒殚引诱你。亲爱的孩子们,撒殚十分猖獗,所以,我请求你们祈祷 — 为那些受撒殚控制的人献上祈祷,好让他们得救…如果你们祈祷,即使是分亳,撒殚也无法伤害你,因为你们都是天主的儿女,天主看顾着你们。祈祷吧,让玫瑰念 珠常握在手,作为一个标记,让撒殚知道,你是属于我的。 (02/25/1988)

小孩子们,祈祷,撒殚便无法把你摇晃如风中的树枝。在天主内坚强固守! …不断祈祷,撒殚便无法乘人之危。 (05/25/1988)

撒殚强横猛恶,为此,亲爱的孩子们,借着恒常祈祷,紧贴我这颗慈母的心。 (10/25/1988)

祈祷吧,不要容许撒殚借着误会、欠缺体恤和彼此排拒来在你们的生命中兴波作浪。 (01/25/1990)

撒殚强横猛恶,它不但想摧毁人类的生命,还想摧毁大自然和你们所生活的地球。为此,亲爱的孩子们,祈祷吧,借 着祈祷,天主那平安的祝福自会保护你们,天主派遣我来,好能帮助你们。如果你们愿意,执起玫瑰珠,单是玫瑰经便足已在世间上和在你们的生命中产生奇迹。 (01/25/1991)

撒殚强横,它要扫除我那和平喜乐的计划,令你们以为我的圣子并不坚持祂的决定,为此,亲爱的孩子们,我呼唤你们众人要更坚定地祈祷和守斋。 (08/25/1991)

撒殚在玩弄你们和你们的灵魂。 (03/25/1992)

在这些忧患的时日里,我与你们同在,撒殚想破坏我和我的圣子耶稣所建立的一切,特别是要摧毁你们的灵魂,它想 尽量引导你们远离基督徒的生命,远离教会在呼唤你们生活的诫命。撒殚要破坏一切在你内和环绕你们的圣善事物。为此,小孩子们,祈祷,祈祷,祈祷 — 好让你们能了解天主借着我到此地来所要赐给你们的一切。 (09/25/1992)

今天,我前所未有地呼唤你们为和平祈祷,为你们心中的平安祈祷,为你们家庭的平安祈祷,并为世界和平祈祷,因为撒殚想挑起战火,想欠缺平安,想摧毁一切美善的事物。 (03/25/1993)

小孩子们,我是你们的母亲,我不想撒殚欺骗你们,因为它想领你们走上歧途,但如果你不允许,它是无法得逞的。 (07/25/1993)

这时候,撒殚想在你们的心内和家庭中制造纷扰。小孩子们,不要让步,不要允许它导引你和你的生命。 (01/25/1994)

只有借着祈祷,我们才能击退邪恶,保护撒殚想在你生命中破坏的一切。 (02/25/1994)

撒殚强横猖獗,它要施展浑身解数,带领人向它和罪恶靠拢,人数愈多愈好。那就是它何以张牙舞爪,时时刻刻都在加以掠夺。小孩子们,我恳求你们,祈祷吧,帮助我去帮助你们。 (05/25/1995)

小孩子们,不要容许撒殚把你拉开,为所欲为。 (01/25/1998)



亲爱的孩子们,我特别选择了这个堂区,并想领导它。我怀着爱来保守它,我想人人都属于我…我盼望你们那些时常与我和我的圣子相偕的人,数目盛况空前。 (03/01/1984)

亲爱的孩子们,我爱你们,并以特别的方式选择了这堂区,我格外喜爱这堂区,当全能者派遣我来这里时,我很乐意在此流连。 (03/21/1985)

亲爱的孩子们,我所拣选的这个堂区是特别的,是与别不同的,对于那些用心祈祷的人,我都赐与许多奇妙的恩宠。 (02/06/1986)



亲爱的孩子们,你们这些属于这堂区的人,悔改吧,这是我的另一个愿望,那样,那些将要前来这里的人亦能悔改。 (03/08/1984)

今天,我恳求你们,不要再造谣生事,要为堂区的团结祈祷,因为我和我的圣子有一个特定的计划,是为这堂区而设的。 (04/12/1984)

亲爱的孩子们,明天晚上请为真理之神祈祷,特别是你们这堂区的人,因为你们需要真理之神,才能够按照讯息的本 来面貌,不加增减,忠实地把我的说话传述开去。祈求圣神以祈祷的精神感动你们,令你们多加祈祷。我是你们的母亲,我告诉你们,你们太少祈祷了。 (06/09/1984)

特别让这堂区的年青人更积极祈祷。 (07/26/1984)

亲爱的孩子们,我恳求你们,特别是这堂区的人,要生活我的讯息,把我的讯息转告所有相遇的人。 (08/16/1984)

亲爱的孩子们,今天,我要感谢你们所作的一切牺牲,但我特别感谢那些已成了我的心头所爱的人,还有那些欢欢喜 喜地前来此地的人。不听取我的讯息的堂区信友为数不少,但为了那些特别亲近我的心的人,我仍在给这堂区宣示讯息,而且还会继续下去,因为我爱你们,我想你 们用心传扬我的讯息。 (01/10/1985)

近日,撒殚在这堂区特别着迹。亲爱的孩子们,祈祷吧,让天主的计划发生效力,令撒殚的每一件工程到最后都成了光荣天主的努力。 (02/07/1985)

我日复日地恳请这堂区内的你们更新和祈祷,但你们却没有接受。今天是我最后的一次呼唤了!现在是四旬期,作为一个堂区,四旬期内,你们是可以本着爱来听取我的讯息的,但如果你们不听,我也不想再给你们讯息了。 (02/21/1985)

天主希望这个堂区完完全全地属于他,而这也是我所期盼的。 (02/28/1985)

今天,我想过不再宣示讯息了,因为有些个别人士并不接受我。但这堂区反应良好,所以我想给你们宣示讯息,这是创世以来,史无前例的。 (04/04/1985)

你们身为堂区的一份子,要承担的是一个巨大而沉重的十字架,但不要害怕背负它,我的圣子临在于此,帮助你们。 (04/05/1985, Ivanka)

今天,我想告诉堂区内每一位,要特别向圣神祈求光照,从今以后,天主要特别地考验这个堂区,好坚强它的信德。 (04/11/1985)

这些日子,各国人民都要前来这个堂区,现在,我呼唤你们去爱:首先爱自己的家人,然后,便能接受和爱所有前来本地的人。 (06/06/1985)

这些日子,因那些前来本地的人,你们很感兴奋,你们怀着爱来分享你们的体验。现在,我恳请你们继续保持谦逊,以一颗开放的心去跟所有前来此地的人交谈。 (06/28/1985)

我爱这堂区,并以我的外袍保护它,抵抗撒殚的魔爪,请祈求撒殚退出这个堂区,远离每一个前来这堂区的人,那样,你便能聆听到天主的每一个呼唤,并以生命来回应。 (07/11/1985)

今天我想告诉你们,我拣选了这堂区,并以双手守护着它,就像守护一朵不愿枯死的小花一样。我呼唤你们把自己完全交付给我,好令我能继续把清新无罪的你呈献给天主。 (08/01/1985)

亲爱的孩子们,撒殚的计划已告失败,请为天主给这堂区订定的计划得以承行而祈祷。 (09/05/1985)

亲爱的孩子们,我的讯息首先是给这堂区的居民,然后再传布给其他所有人。你们必须首先接受这些讯息,其他人便也会跟着接受。 (02/06/1986)

你们是负责传扬讯息的人。亲爱的孩子们,恩宠之源就在这里,而你们都是输送恩典的盛器。为此,亲爱的孩子们,我在呼唤你们克尽己职,各人按自己的才能肩负起自己的责任。亲爱的孩子们,我在呼唤你们,怀着爱,把这些礼物转送他人,不要据为己有。 (05/08/1986)

亲爱的孩子们,没有爱,你们什么也不能作。为此,亲爱的孩子们,我在呼唤你们,生活要彼此相爱,唯有如此,你们才能够去爱,才能够接受我,也接受所有前来这堂区环绕着你们的人,人人都会借着你们而感受到我的爱。 (05/29/1986)

亲爱的孩子们,我渴望你们的帮助,好让天主在这堂区内的一切计划都得以实现。如果你们不祈祷,便无法辨认出我的爱,亦无法体察到天主为这堂区和每一个人所订定的计划。 (11/25/1987)

默主哥耶是你们众人的标记,也是一个呼声,呼唤你们祈祷,呼唤你们生活天主正在赐予你们的恩宠日子。为此,亲爱的孩子们,请认真地接受那个呼唤你们祈祷的声音。 (04/25/1992)

我想你们明白,我渴望此地不仅是一个祈祷的地方,也成为一块心灵汇聚之地。我渴望我的心、耶稣的心和你们的心 融和为一颗爱与和平的心。小孩子们,那就是为什么要祈祷,要为天主在此地所作的一切欢欣踊跃,虽然撒殚引发出许多纷争和不安,但我与你们同在,并引领你们 众人走上爱的道路。 (07/25/1999)

小儿女们,不要忘记,在这个天主借着默主哥耶来领导的伟大计划中,你们所有人全部都是举足轻重的,天主渴望改 变整个世界,呼唤它步向救赎,步向投奔祂的道路,祂是万有的元始和终末。小孩子们,天主借着我的临在而赏赐了你们奇妙的恩宠,我从心灵深处,特别呼唤你们 众人向这恩宠自我开放。 (06/25/2007)



只有借着祈祷和守斋,战争才得以平息。 (04/25/1992)

今天,我仍是呼唤你们祈祷,特别是今天,撒殚要挑起战争和仇恨。小孩子们,我重新呼唤你们:祈祷,守斋,求天主赐你平安。 (09/25/2001)

我早已说过,现在又再说一次,小孩子们,只有借着祈祷和守斋,战争才得以平息。 (02/25/2003)



今天,我恳请你们心怀谦逊,生活我给你们的所有讯息。在生活我的讯息当中,不要变得骄傲自大,说:「我在生活 那些讯息。」如果你把讯息默存心里,生活出来,人人都会感觉到,言语只为那些不听命的人才派用场,所以,言语是不必要的。小孩子们,你们不必以言语来说 话,你们必须好好生活,以生命作见证。 (09/20/1985)

亲爱的孩子们,你们无论为别人做什么事,都要怀着大喜乐和对天主的谦逊。 (11/25/1990)

我恳切期望你们更能生活出有信德的生命。你们还是软弱的、不够谦逊的。 (09/25/2010)



我在呼唤你们,要更积极祈祷和参与弥撒圣祭,我盼望,你们所参与的弥撒是一个感受天主的经验。 (05/16/1985)

来参与弥撒,因为这是一个赐给你们的节日。亲爱的孩子们,不少人风雨不改,经常前来参与弥撒,他们来是因为爱我,想特别地表达他们的爱。我想你们借着参与弥撒来表达爱我的感情,上主是会丰厚地赏报你们的。 (11/21/1985)

你们有许多人感受到弥撒圣祭的美,但亦有人前来并不是心甘情愿的。亲爱的孩子们,我拣选了你们,但在弥撒中赐给你们恩宠的却是耶稣。为此,请著意地生活弥撒圣祭,并喜乐地前来参与弥撒。怀着爱前来,令弥撒成为你自己的圣祭。 (04/03/1986)

让弥撒圣祭成为你的生命。 (04/25/1988)

小孩子们,不要让弥撒圣祭变成一个礼节,要让它成为你的生命。借着每天生活弥撒圣祭,你们便会感受到一种成圣的需要,并在圣善中成长。 (01/25/1998)



我感谢你们所奉献的每一个牺牲,现在,我敦促你们怀着爱来呈献每一个牺牲。 (07/04/1985)

向耶稣奉献你的牺牲,好让事事都按照祂的计划完成,而撒殚则枉费心机。 (01/09/1986)

感谢你们带给我的每一个牺牲。亲爱的孩子们,请按照那方式继续生活,怀着爱,助我把牺牲呈献,天主自会为此而赏报你。 (03/13/1986)

我恳请你们作最大的牺牲 — 爱的牺牲。 (03/27/1986)

亲爱的孩子们,你们忘了我想你们多作牺牲,好让我能帮助你们驱走撒殚。为此,我再次呼唤你们,怀着格外敬畏上主的心情奉献牺牲。 (09/18/1986)

我与你们同在,为了世界的救赎,我日复一日地把你们的牺牲和祈祷奉献给天主。 (11/25/1990)

亲爱的孩子们,今天我呼唤你们借着祈祷和牺牲来准备自己,迎接圣神的来临。 (05/25/1998)

Our Lady Speaks: Special Messages to Ivan

Compiled by Andrew Jerome Yeung.

Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Jennifer Yeung.
All rights reserved.


Special Messages to Ivan

Ivan’s prayer mission is to pray for priests and young people.


June 25, 2010
Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Mountain at 10:00 p.m. on June 25, 2010. Following the apparition, Ivan said:

Also tonight, as at every meeting together with Our Lady, I will describe tonight’s meeting to you – which was truly exceptional and so joyful. Truly, tonight, after these 29 years of the apparitions, Our Lady came so joyful and happy – more than ever. Our Lady came in a gold dress and at the beginning she greeted us all with great joy with the words: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” After that Our Lady said:

“Dear children, also today the Mother calls you with joy: Dear children, be my carriers, carriers of my messages. Spread my messages in this tired world. Dear children, I desire for you to be my sign, my living sign. Therefore also tonight, I call you to accept the message which I gave you today. Live it. Know, dear children that the Mother always prays with you and prays for you to Her Son. Thank you dear children that also today you have accepted my messages and for living my messages.”

Then Our Lady prayed for a longer time, with Her hands extended, over all of us here. She blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all that you brought for blessing. Afterwards, I recommended all of you especially, all your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way, the sick. Our Lady continued to pray over all of us here. I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Her and Our Lady left in prayer. She left in joy, in an illuminated sing of the cross with a greeting: “Go in peace my dear children.”

June 18, 2010
Tonight Our Lady came very joyful and happy. As always, at every meeting, at the beginning She greeted all of us with her motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’ Then Our Lady extended her hands over all of us and prayed for awhile. Then She blessed us all with her motherly blessing and She blessed everything you brought to be blessed. Then She said:

“Dear children, also today I desire to call you, through this time of grace, pray. Renew my messages, dear children. Live my messages. Dear children, this time is a time of responsibility, live my messages responsibly. Dear children, I desire for you to do works, and not words. The Mother prays for you and intercedes before Her Son for all of you. Thank you, dear children, also today, for having accepted me and accepted my messages, and for living my messages.”

After that I recommended all of you, all of your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way, all of those present who are sick. I prayed an Our Father and Glory Be with Our Lady and then Our Lady left in prayer in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, saying “Go in peace my dear children.”

September 11, 2009
“Tonight, most important from the meeting with Our Lady is that Our Lady came very joyful and happy and, at the beginning, as always, greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children.’ Then with Her hands extended She prayed over all of us present here. Then, especially, for a long time Our Lady prayed for peace, for peace in the world. She then blessed us all with Her motherly blessing and then blessed all the articles you brought for blessing. I recommended all of you, all of your needs, your intentions, your families and especially, all of you sick present. Then Our Lady continued to pray for peace. Then I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children.” I would like to emphasize once more that for the greatest part of the time in my meeting with Our Lady, She prayed for peace in the world.”

August 28, 2009
“Tonight, most important from the meeting with Our Lady is that Our Lady came joyful and happy and, at the beginning, as always, greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children, my little children.” Then, with Her hands extended for a while, She prayed over us here and then She prayed for the sick present. She then blessed us all with Her motherly blessing and then blessed all the articles you brought for blessing. Afterwards She said:

“Dear children, also today, I call you in a special way: accept my messages, renew my messages. Dear children, today, more than ever, I need your works and not your words. Therefore, dear children, live my messages so that light may illuminate your hearts and fill your hearts. Dear children, know that the Mother is praying with you. Thank you, also today dear children, for having accepted my messages and for living my messages. Pray [to be] my sign.”

Then I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. I then recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions and your families and especially the sick. Then Our Lady left, in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children.”

August 14, 2009
“Most important from the meeting with Our Lady tonight is that Our Lady came very joyful and happy and She came with three angels. In the beginning She greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then, for a long time, Our Lady especially prayed over all of you present who are sick. She then blessed us with Her motherly blessing and blessed all that you brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed here over all of us with Her hands extended, I repeat once again, with great joy. Then I recommended to Her all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way the sick. Our Lady then said:

“Dear children, also today, also today in my great joy, I desire to call you through this time: Open yourselves to the Holy Spirit. Open yourselves, this is a time of grace. Dear children, may a river of love flow in your hearts. Pray, pray dear children, together with the Mother. Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call.”

Then I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. And Our Lady left, in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children.”

July 31, 2009
Tonight Our Lady came very happy and joyful. She greeted us, as always, with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She especially prayed for a longer time over the youth present here and all the young people who are coming to Medjugorje. She blessed us all with Her motherly blessing, especially the youth.

Then Ivan recommended all of us, all of our intentions and especially the sick to Her. Ivan then prayed one Our Father and Glory Be with Our Lady. Our Lady then left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.” Ivan, at the end of explaining what had happened in the apparition tonight re- emphasized that tonight Our Lady especially prayed for all the youth.

June 12, 2009
Tonight Our Lady came joyful and happy. She greeted us, as always, with Her Motherly greeting “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed with Her hands extended over all of us present. She then blessed us with Her Motherly Blessing. She also blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing and then Our Lady prayed especially for all the sick present here tonight. Ivan recommended all of us, all of our needs, intentions, our families and especially the sick. Our Lady then prayed together with us especially for youth and families. Again, She called us to especially pray together with Her for youth and families! After, She prayed over us and left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace my dear children.”

May 29, 2009
Our Lady appeared to Ivan just before 10:00 p.m., and the apparition lasted approximately 8 minutes. After the apparition to Ivan on Apparition Mountain at 10:00p.m., Ivan said:

“The most important from the meeting with Our Lady tonight is that Our Lady came happy and joyful and at the beginning She greeted us all with Her usual Motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children.’

Afterwards Our Lady, especially for a time, with Her arms extended, prayed over all of us here. She especially prayed for the sick.
She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and She blessed all that you brought to be blessed.
Then I recommended to Her all of you and all of your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick.
After that, for a longer time, Our Lady especially prayed for priests and for vocations on the Church
Then I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady and Our Lady left in prayer in an illuminated sign of the cross with a greeting, ‘Go in peace my dear children.’

As you know, four days ago Our Lady gave a message for the entire world. That is the most recent message to which Our Lady calls us, and additionally today She especially calls us to pray for priests and for vocations in the Church.”

September 12, 2008
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. The apparition lasted about six minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Tonight, the most important from the meeting with Our Lady is that Our Lady came happy and joyful and at the beginning, as always, greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Our Lady tonight prayed for a longer time with Her arms extended over all of you here, and especially She prayed over those of you present here who are sick. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and She blessed everything that you brought for blessing. I recommended all of you, all of your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick. Then Our Lady, with Her arms extended, continued to pray over all of us here. I then prayed one Our Father and Glory Be with Her and Our Lady then left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, saying: “Go in peace my dear children.”

September 5, 2008
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. The apparition lasted about ten minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Most important from tonight’s meeting with Our Lady is that Our Lady came joyful and, at the beginning, greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my children.” Our Lady then prayed for a longer time for unity of the Church and for priests. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all that you brought for blessing. With Her hands extended over us, She then prayed over us for a while and She prayed over the sick. Then we conversed, I spoke with Her and She with me, which remains only between us. Then I recommended all of you, all of your needs, your intentions, your families, and especially all of the sick. I then prayed an Our Father and Glory Be with Our Lady and afterwards, as She prayed over us, She left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.” This would be the most important from tonight’s meeting described in the words that I have.

August 29, 2008
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. The apparition lasted almost eight minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

The most important from tonight’s meeting with Our Lady is that Our Lady came joyful and happy. As always at the beginning, She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time especially for the conversion of sinners. Our Lady then prayed especially over all of you sick who were present, and then for a time, She prayed over all of us present with Her hands extended. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing, and She blessed all that you brought for blessing. I then recommended all of your needs, your intentions, your families, and especially all of the sick. A brief conversation between us followed. I spoke to Her and She spoke to me. And then I prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be. Our Lady then, in prayer in a Sign of the Cross left, saying, “Go in peace my dear little children.”

August 15, 2008
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. The apparition lasted about eight minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:
Tonight Our Lady came exceptionally joyful and happy. When She came She greeted all of us with Her Motherly greeting saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children, my dear little children.” She then prayed over all of us with Her hands extended for a longer time. In a special way She prayed over those who are sick, present on the hill. She then blessed us with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all of the religious articles that have been brought for blessing. Ivan recommended all of the sick. with Her hands extended, Our Lady continued to pray over all of us. And then She said:

“Dear children, also today I call you with responsibility to accept my messages. Live, dear children, my messages. Today, in a special way, I call you, renew family prayer. Dear children, only by the renewal of the family prayer can today’s world be renewed spiritually. Spiritual renewal, dear children, is necessary for today’s world. Dear children, know that the Mother prays with you. The Mother intercedes with Her Son for all of you. The Mother loves all of you. Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call.”

Afterwards, Ivan prayed together with Our Lady an Our Father and Glory Be. There was a brief conversation between them. And then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with the greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

June 27, 2008
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. The apparition lasted several minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Tonight when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. She greeted us by saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time with her hands extended over us present. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all the religious articles everyone brought for Her blessing. Ivan recommended all of our needs, our families and especially all of the sick. Tonight Our Lady prayed for peace in the world. After we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.”

June 20, 2008
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at 10:00 p.m. at the Blue Cross. The apparition lasted several minutes. There were several thousand pilgrims present tonight for the apparition. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Tonight Our Lady came very happy. She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady prayed a long time for all of us, for our intentions. She blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing. Our Lady prayed a long time with Her hands extended. Our Lady prayed especially for all the sick present. Then Ivan recommended all of us, our intentions, our families, and especially the sick to Our Lady. After that, Our Lady continued to pray for all of us with Her hands extended. After that She left saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

June 9, 2008
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at 10:00 p.m. and stayed for several minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Tonight Our Lady came joyful and happy. At the beginning, as always, She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Then with Her arms extended, She prayed over us for a time and blessed us with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing. Our Lady prayed especially for all the sick present. Then Ivan recommended all of us and our intentions and especially the sick to Our Lady. Our Lady then said:

“Dear children, also today the Mother calls you: renew my messages, live my messages. Dear children, I am with you and I intercede before my Son for all of you. Pray. Pray, my dear children. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

After, we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

May 30, 2008
Tonight, most important from the meeting with Our Lady was that Our Lady came joyful and happy. At the beginning, as always, She greeted us by saying “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time with Her hands extended over us present. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. As always, so today, I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way the sick to Our Lady. Then Our Lady prayed especially for all the sick present here tonight. Our Lady then said:
“Dear children, also today, the Mother calls you, pray for my children who have distanced themselves from my Son. Pray. Pray that they may return to my Son and find peace in Him. The Mother prays with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

After we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying,
“Go in peace my dear children.”

May 26, 2008
Tonight when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. She greeted us by saying “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time with Her hands extended over us present. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing. Ivan recommended all of our needs, our families and especially all of the sick. Tonight Our Lady prayed especially for vocations in the Church. After we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.”

May 19, 2008
Ivan’s prayer group met at the Blue Cross tonight. The apparition began at 10:00 p.m. and lasted about 6 minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

This evening Our Lady came – She was very, very happy. After saying, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady prayed especially tonight for all the sick present. She prayed for their intentions. Afterwards She prayed for all of us for a long time, and blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing. I then recommended all of your intentions, all your families, and especially the sick to Her. Our Lady, tonight, especially prayed for peace in the world. I prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be. Our Lady then left, saying “Go in peace, my little children.”


September 7, 2007
Ivan’s prayer group met at the Blue Cross tonight. Our Lady appeared to Ivan at 10:00 p.m. The following is the description Ivan gave of the apparition:

Tonight the most important from the meeting with Our Lady was that Our Lady came very happy. She greeted us with a greeting, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady prayed especially for the sick present here tonight. Our Lady then prayed with her hands extended over those present. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all religious articles brought for blessing. As always, I recommended all of you, your needs, petitions, your families, and especially the sick. Our Lady continued to pray especially for peace in the world. We then prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. Our Lady spoke with me and I with Her privately. Then Our Lady left in the illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.” This is what is important for tonight.

August 31, 2007
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at 10:00 p.m. tonight on Apparition Hill. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition.
Tonight when Our Lady came She was very happy and joyful. She greeted us by saying, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed with Her hands extended over us present. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all of the religious articles brought for blessing and prayed especially for the sick present here tonight. Ivan recommended all of our needs, petitions, our families and especially the sick. Our Lady spoke privately to Ivan and then we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be. Our Lady then left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, “Go in peace my dear children.”

August 24, 2007
Ivan’s prayer group met at the Blue Cross tonight. Our Lady appeared to Ivan at 10:00 p.m. Ivan’s description of the apparition is below:

Today when Our Lady came She was very, very happy and said, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady extended Her hands over all of us and prayed for a long time. And She prayed tonight for all you present, especially for the sick. And afterward, Our Lady blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all your articles, rosaries everything you brought for blessing. And I recommended all your intentions, petitions, all your family, and especially for sick. Our Lady continued to pray with Her hands extended over all us for a long time. And after this, I spoke with Our Lady privately, and after I finished this private conversation, I prayed with Our Lady one Our Father and one Glory Be. And after finish this Our Lady left saying, “Go in peace my little children.”

“Today there was no message. You know tomorrow is the 25th. Every 25th of the month, Our Lady gives us a message for the world. We’re expecting a message tomorrow because Our Lady gives a message tomorrow. Thank you.”

August 17, 2007
Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Hill tonight. She appeared at 10:00 p.m. The following is Ivan’s description of what took place during the apparition:

Most important from the meeting tonight with Our Lady is that Our Lady came joyful and happy. She greeted us at the beginning with Her usual Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time with Her hands extended over us present. She then prayed especially over those sick present here and then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She also blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing, and Ivan recommended all your needs, petitions, your families, and especially the sick present. Our Lady then said:

“Dear childen, also today the Mother, in a special way, calls you to pray at this time for all my children who have distanced themselves from my Son. Dear children, pray that they may return and may find peace, joy, and love. The Mother prays with you. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”

After, we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying: “Go in peace my dear children.”

August 10, 2007
Ivan’s prayer group met at the Blue Cross tonight. Our Lady appeared to Ivan at 10:00 p.m. Ivan’s description of the apparition is below:

Tonight when Our Lady came She was very happy. She greeted us by saying, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time with Her hands extended over us. She especially prayed for all you sick pilgrims tonight. Ivan recommended all of our needs, petitions, our families and especially the sick. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing . Our Lady then prayed for priests for a long time. After we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be. Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.”
July 20, 2007
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at 10:00 p.m. at the Blue Cross tonight. The following is Ivan’s description:

Tonight when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. She greeted us by saying, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time with Her hands extended over us present. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing and then Our Lady prayed especially for all the sick present here tonight. Ivan recommended all of our needs, petitions, our families and especially the sick. Our Lady then said:

“Dear children, also today, in a special way, I am calling you to return prayer into your families.
Dear children, pray and grow in holiness in your families. Pray, dear children, together with your Mother for families, pray for youth. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”

After, we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be, and then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.”
July 16, 2007
The apparition took place at 10:00 p.m. tonight at the Blue Cross. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Tonight when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. She greeted us by saying, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a long time with Her hands extended over us. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. Our Lady especially prayed for all the sick present here tonight. I recommended all of your petitions, your families, and especially for the sick. Tonight, Our Lady especially prayed for vocations in the Church. I prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and Glory Be. And then Our Lady left saying, “Go in peace my dear children.”

July 9, 2007
Tonight, the evening of July 9, 2007, Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group meeting at the Blue Cross. There were several thousands of pilgrims and villagers present at the apparition tonight. Following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Today when Our Lady came She was very, very happy, and greeted us by saying, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” And then after, Our Lady prayed with Her hands extended over us for a long time. She especially prayed for all the sick. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing, as well as all of our religious articles, rosaries and everything that we brought for blessing. And then I recommended all your intentions, petitions, all your families, especially for the sick. And then Our Lady prayed a long time for the sick present here tonight. And then after Our Lady prayed a long time especially tonight for priests and vocations for the Church. And then I prayed with Our Lady one Our Father and Glory Be. And then Our Lady left in the illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace my dear children.” This is important tonight.

June 25, 2007
Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Hill tonight at 10:00 p.m. during his prayer group. The following is Ivan’s description:

Tonight, when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. She came with three angels and greeted us by saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear little children.” Our Lady then prayed a long time with Her hands extended over all of us and blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing, and gave a blessing for all religious articles, rosaries, everything that youbrought for blessing. I then recommended all your intentions, petitions, all your families, and especially for all those who are sick. Then Our Lady continued to pray a long time with Her hands extended over all of us. I then prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. And after finishing this prayer, Our Lady spoke to me, just for me, privately. And after She finished this conversation, Our Lady left saying, “Go in peace, my little children.”

June 22, 2007
Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Hill tonight at 10:00 p.m. The following is Ivan’s description:

Tonight when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. At the beginning She greeted us with, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” And after, Our Lady, for a long time, prayed over us with Her hands extended. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. And after Our Lady prayed especially for all of you tonight who came. I then especially recommended all of your intentions, petitions, all your families and especially the sick. Our Lady then prayed in a special way tonight for the conversion of sinners. I prayed with Our Lady one Our Father and Glory Be. Our Lady left in the illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

June 18, 2007
Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. during his prayer group. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Our Lady came happy and joyful. At the beginning She greeted us with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” With great joy Our Lady prayed over us with extended hands and then prayed over the sick people present here. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing. I recommended all of our intentions, us, all our families and especially all the sick present to Our Lady. Our Lady, in a particular way prayed for the sick. Then Our Lady said:

“Dear children, also today the Mother calls you with great joy, especially in this time of grace, to renew my messages and live my messages in your families. Pray, dear children, pray. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”

Then we prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in the illuminated Sign of the Cross, saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

June 11, 2007
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at 10:00 p.m. on top of Apparition Hill during his prayer group. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Tonight, when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. She said, “Praised be Jesus, my little children,” And after, Our Lady, for a long time, prayed with Her hands extended over all of us, and blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing. She also gave a blessing for all your religious articles, rosaries, everything that you brought to be blessed. Then Our Lady especially prayed for all the sick people present. I recommended to Our Lady all your petitions, families, intentions, and especially for the sick. Our Lady continued, “especially tonight, to pray for peace in the world. “After that, I prayed with Our Lady an Our Father and Glory Be. And after, Our Lady while leaving, said, “Go in peace, my little children.”

June 4, 2007
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross during his prayer group. The following is a description of the apparition.

Tonight, Our Lady came very, very happy. And at the beginning She said, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” And after, Our Lady prayed a long time with Her hands extended over us. She gave her Motherly blessing to all of us and a blessing for all the religious articles, rosaries, everything that was brought for her blessing. And after, Ivan recommended all of our intentions, petitions, all of our families, and especially the sick people. And after, Our Lady prayed a long time, especially for the sick. And after, Ivan prayed with Our Lady one Our Father and a Glory Be, and after Our Lady, while leaving, said:

“Go in peace, my little children.”

May 28, 2007
Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Hill tonight at 10:00 p.m. The following is a description of the apparition:

Our Lady came and said, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed over us for a long time with Her hands extended. She prayed over the sick who were present, and then for priests. She gave us Her Motherly blessing and blessed all the religious articles that people brought with them. Ivan recommended everyone present to Our Lady, as well as their intentions, their families and especially the sick people. Our Lady continued to pray, especially for peace. We prayed with Our Lady one Our Father and a Glory Be. Our Lady left, praying in the sign of the light of the Cross.

September 18, 2006
Our Lady appeared at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. on September 18, 2006. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:

Our Lady came very, very happy and joyful. At the beginning She greeted us all with Her usual Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then Our Lady prayed a longer time over all of us here with Her hands extended. Our Lady then prayed for the sick present here. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all the religious objects brought for blessing. After, Our Lady prayed especially today for the Holy Father, the bishops and priests. She prayed for firm faith for priests and for firm faith in the Church. Then we prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady and Our Lady continued to pray over us and left us in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with the greeting:

“Go in peace my dear children.”

September 15, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. on Friday, September 15, 2006. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Our Lady came happy and joyful. At the beginning, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting:
“Praise be Jesus, my dear children!”

Then Our Lady prayed over us with Her hands extended. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all the religious items brought for blessing. Then Ivan recommended all of us, all our needs, intentions, and families and especially the sick. Our Lady then prayed for the sick present and especially prayed for peace in the world. Then we prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady and in prayer, Our Lady left in an illuminated sign of the cross with the greeting:

“Go in peace, my dear children!”

September 8, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. on Friday, September 8, 2006. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:
Our Lady came very very happy and joyful. She came with 3 angels. At the beginning, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting:
“Praise be Jesus, my dear children!”

Then Our Lady prayed a longer time over us with Her hands extended. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all the religious items brought for blessing. Then Ivan recommended all of us, all our needs, intentions, and families, and especially the sick. Our Lady then especially prayed for the sick present here and then said:

“Dear children, this year how much seed I have sown. I desire that you, dear children, be my flower from that seed. Be my flower. Live my message. Pray for peace. Pray together with your Mother for peace. Thank you for having responded to my call!”

Then we prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady, and then in prayer, Our Lady left us in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with the greeting:

“Go in peace, my dear children!”

September 1, 2006
Tonight Our Lady came joyful and happy with three angels. She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting. She said:

“Praise be Jesus, dear children.”

Then She extended Her hands above us and She prayed over us, then She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing, and also all the religious objects we brought with us, then She prayed especially for the sick people here present. Then Ivan recommended all of us to Her, our needs, our intentions, our families, and especially the sick. Then Our Lady said:

“Dear children, also today the Mother is calling you in a special way. Dear children, return prayer to your families. Pray, dear children, in your families so that with prayer, peace, love, and joy may return. The Mother is praying with you. Pray, dear children. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Then we prayed together with Ivan and Our Lady an Our Father and the Glory Be, and then Our Lady went away in the sign of light and cross, and She said: “Go in peace, dear children.”

August 21, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:

Tonight Our Lady came happy and joyful. She came with three angels. At the beginning She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting:

“Praised be Jesus my dear children.”

Then She extended Her hands over us and She prayed over us. Then She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and also all the religious objects we brought with us. Then She prayed especially for all the sick people present here. Then Ivan recommended all of us to Her, our intentions, our families, and especially the sick people and those who specifically recommended themselves to be prayed for. Tonight Our Lady prayed especially for vocations in the Church and for priests. Then we prayed together with Our Lady and Ivan an Our Father and a Glory Be and then praying over us, Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying:

“Go in peace my dear children.”

August 14, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:

Tonight Our Lady came happy and joyful. She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then with Her hands extended, She prayed a longer time over us. She then blessed all the religious objects we brought with us. She then especially prayed over all the sick people present and Ivan recommended all of us to Her and all our intentions, our families, and especially the sick people. Then Our Lady especially prayed for awhile for peace in the world. We prayed together with Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying:

“Go in peace, my dear children.”

August 11, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Hill at 10:00 p.m. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:

Our Lady came joyful and at the beginning She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then Our Lady continued to pray for a longer time, especially for peace. Then She said:

“Dear children, also today I call you to pray for peace. Pray for peace in the world, pray for peace in your families. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”

Then She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. Ivan recommended all of us to Her, our intentions, and our families. Then we prayed together with Ivan and Our Lady an Our Father and a Glory Be and Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying:

“Go in Peace, my dear children.”

August 4, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross at 9:00 p.m. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition.

Tonight, the most important from the meeting with Our Lady was that She came joyful and happy. She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” After Our Lady prayed over us with Her arms extended and She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and She blessed everything you brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed especially over the sick who were present and I recommended all your needs, intentions, and your families; especially all the youth present and the sick. Then Our Lady said:

“Dear children, also today the Mother with seriousness calls you: ‘pray, dear children, for peace.’ Peace, peace, peace, dear children, may there be peace. Dear children, the Mother intercedes before Her Son for all of you. Pray together with the Mother, at this time especially, for peace. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”

Afterwards, we prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady and then Our Lady prayed over us with Her arms extended and in that prayer left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying:

“Go in God’s peace, my dear children.”

July 28, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:

Our Lady came happy and joyful. As always, She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed a long time with Her hands extended over all of us. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all your religious articles you brought for blessing and She blessed everything we brought for blessing. She prayed especially over the sick who were present. Ivan recommended all of us, our needs and families and especially the sick. Our Lady then prayed especially for the youth, all the youth who are to come here these days, and especially She called us to pray for the youth. We then prayed an Our Father and Glory Be with Our Lady, and then, in prayer, Our Lady left in an illuminated sign of the Cross, saying: “Go in God’s peace, my dear children.”

July 14, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:

Tonight Our Lady came happy. She greeted us all saying: “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” After Our Lady continued to pray over all of us with extended hands and blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing. She blessed all your religious articles you brought for blessing. I recommended all your intentions, families, and especially the sick present. Our Lady prayed over the sick present. Then Our Lady said:

“Peace, peace, peace, dear children. Pray with your Mother for peace in the world.”

And after, I prayed with Our Lady one Our Father and Glory Be. And after Our Lady left in prayer, saying:

“Go in peace, my dear children.”

July 7, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill. Ivan gave the following description of the apparition:

Tonight Our Lady came very, very happy. At the beginning She greeted us with Her motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” After Our Lady prayed for an extended time with Her hands extended over all of us. She blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing. Afterwards, Our Lady blessed everything you brought for blessing. After I recommended all your intentions, petitions, all your families and especially the sick present.

The following is the message that Our Lady gave to Ivan:

“Dear children, also today I call you, especially through this time, to pray in your families. Dear children, return prayer into your families; pray together with the children. Dear children, may each of your families grow in this way in holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

And after, with Our Lady, we continued to pray an Our Father and Glory Be. Our Lady continued to pray over us and leaving in illuminated Sign of the Cross said:

“Go in peace, my dear little children.”

June 23, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group on top of Apparition Hill. Ivan said that Our Lady came very, very joyful and happy. The following is the message that Our Lady gave to Ivan:

“Dear children, also today the Mother rejoices with you. I came and introduced myself as the Queen of Peace, therefore, also today I call you, dear children: pray for peace. Renew my messages and live my messages. Pray, dear children, pray. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

June 19, 2006
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross at 10:00 p.m. Ivan said that Our Lady came very joyful and happy. Our Lady prayed over everyone for a long time. The following is the message that Our Lady gave to Ivan:

“Dear children! Also today the Mother calls you with joy. I bring peace to you today, carry that peace to others. Be, dear children, my carriers of peace. I bring you love, dear children, carry that love to others. Also today I call you, dear children, through this time, renew my messages; live my messages. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call.”

August 12, 2005
Our Lady came happy and joyful.

“Dear children, in this time I call you in a special way to pray for families and for children. Pray for young people, pray for the family, pray, pray, pray. Thank you for having responded to my call. Our Lady left in the sign of the luminous Cross and She said:

“Go in the peace of God, dear children.”

June 24, 2005
Our Lady came happy and joyful. She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus ,” She extended Her hands above us and prayed over us a long time. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and She blessed all our religious objects. Ivan recommended all of us to Her and all of our intentions, our families and especially the sick people present. Our Lady’s message tonight:
“Dear children, today I invite you again, and with great joy, to accept and renew my messages. I call, in a special way, this parish which has accepted and embraced me at the beginning of the apparitions with great joy to renew my messages and to follow me. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Then we prayed with Ivan an Our Father and Glory Be and Our Lady went away in the sign of the illuminated Cross and said,

“Go in the peace of God, dear children.”

June 23, 2002
Our Lady’s apparition tonight lasted around fifteen minutes. She appeared with three angels. Our Lady gave the following message:
“My children, I am calling you back to the beginning. Pray for peace, peace, peace. Peace for not only in the world but in the family. Prayer is the way to peace in the family.”

September 20, 1999
Our Lady came very happy and joyful. She came with three angels, greeting us by saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” After that She prayed over all of us, with Her hands extended, for a long time. Ivan recommended everyone present to Our Lady, especially the sick. Our Lady then gave the following message:

“Dear children! I am happy tonight with you. Dear children, I am bringing you peace. Bring it to the others. Be happy, dear children. In these days I am inviting you in a special way to pray for conversion. Pray, dear children, especially in this period, when satan is trying to destroy your families. In a special way, dear children, pray with your children. May prayer live in your families. Be persistent. Thank you, dear children, for having answered my call.”

Ivan then prayed one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be” with Our Lady. As Our Lady continued to pray, She left in the light of the cross, saying, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children.”

June 18, 1999
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at 10:00 p.m. tonight at the Blue Cross. She gave the following message:
“Dear children! I am happy, and I want you to be happy. Dear children, because of love, I am teaching you through these eighteen years. I want to lead you. And you, dear children, persevere in prayer, especially in these days. Pray for my intention. I need your prayers.”

August 7, 1998
Tonight Our Lady came happy and joyful, and when She came, She greeted us, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” After that, with hands extended over us, She prayed for a long time over us and blessed all of us. Ivan recommended to Our Lady all of us, all our families, and all our needs, and in a special way, he recommended to Our Lady the sick people. Our Lady gave a message:

“Dear children, tonight I call you in a special way, in these days, to pray for my intentions. Dear children, give me everything these days in order to be able to receive everything. Pray, dear children.”

After that, Ivan prayed with Her one ‘Our Father” and one “Glory Be.” In prayer, She left and while She was leaving, She said, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children.” She went as usual in the light of the cross.

June 30, 1998
Our Lady appeared to Ivan tonight at the Blue Cross. The apparition lasted at least 10 minutes. As lightning flashed in the distance, Ivan said Our Lady came happy and joyful. She said, “Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children.” Ivan recommended everyone and our intentions to Our Lady. Our Lady prayed over all of us for an exceptionally long time with Her hands extended and She blessed us all. She prayed in a special way for the sick. She prayed one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be” with Ivan. Our Lady left in the light of the cross, saying,

“Go in the peace of God, my dear children.”

June 9, 1998
Tonight Our Lady appeared happy and joyful. When She came, She greeted us and She said, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then She prayed over us with Her hands extended, and She blessed all of us. Ivan said She didn’t give any special message, but She prayed a long time for peace. Then Ivan recommended to Our Lady our intentions, and in a special way, the sick. Our Lady prayed with Ivan one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be.” Then She continued to pray for peace. While praying, She left in the sign of a cross of light, saying, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children.”

July 22, 1997
Our Lady appeared to Ivan tonight at 10:30 p.m. during his prayer group meeting at the Blue Cross. Our Lady appeared happy and joyful. As soon as She came, She greeted us and She said, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then, with Her hands extended, She prayed over us and She blessed all of us. Ivan recommended to Our Lady all of our intentions and our needs. In a special way he recommended the sick. Our Lady gave a private message for the prayer group. Ivan prayed one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be” with Our Lady. Then, after awhile, Our Lady left in the sign of the cross of light, and as She left She said, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children.”

June 24, 1997
Our Lady came tonight. She was happy and joyful. She came with three angels. When She arrived, She said, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed over the crowd and Ivan recommended all our intentions to Our Lady. She prayed for the crowd and especially the sick. She blessed everyone. Ivan prayed especially with Our Lady for peace in the world. When Our Lady left, She was very joyful, and She said, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children.”

July 23, 1996
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group meeting tonight at 10:00 p.m. at the Blue Cross. Our Lady came happy and joyful. When She came, She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then She prayed over us with Her hands extended, and She blessed all of us. Then Ivan recommended to Our Lady all our needs and intentions. Our Lady prayed in a special way for the sick. Then She gave the following message:

“Dear children, tonight I want to call you to prayer. I don’t want to tell you anything else than pray. I want you to be my prayers.”

Then Our Lady prayed one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be” with Ivan. Then She continued to pray, leaving for Heaven, saying, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children.”

June 22, 1996
Our Lady came happy with three angels. She prayed a long time over all of us. She blessed us all. After that, Ivan recommended all and in a special way the sick. After that Our Lady said:

“Dear children, I am happy tonight when I see you in such a large number. Dear children, I wish to tell you that I carry you all in my heart and that I placed you all in my heart. I wish to invite you, especially in this time, to pray more. Dear children, I need your prayers.”
Our Lady wants, especially during these days from the group, to pray for priests, for that intention. After that, together with Our Lady, we prayed one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be.” After that Our Lady continued to pray. In that prayer She left in the sign of light and cross with the greeting, “Go in peace my dear children.”

May 21, 1996
Our Lady came very joyful tonight. She greeted us all saying, “Praise be Jesus, my dear children.” After that for a little longer time, She prayed over all of us with Her hands extended towards us and blessed us. Then Ivan recommended all of our needs and intentions and especially all of the sick. Then Our Lady said:

“Dear children, today your Mother is calling you in a special way, that these days, in a special way, you are praying more, and through the prayer, you are to open yourselves for the Holy Spirit.”

After that Ivan prayed with Our Lady one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be.” Then Our Lady left praying in a sign of cross and light, greeting us all saying, “Go in God’s peace, my dear children.”

April 26, 1996
Prayer group was very peaceful and prayerful. There were many people present. Ivan said Our Lady came and was joyful. She said, “Praise be Jesus.” She then prayed with Ivan for all the young people in the world. There was no special message. She left in the light of the cross saying, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children.”

April 5, 1996
The following message was received through Sr. Emmanuel:

Our Lady appeared to Ivan on the mountain the evening of Good Friday. Ivan said Our Lady was sad and sorrowful (as on every Good Friday). After blessing us, She gave this message:
“Dear children, I thank you because I know that you are united with me in sorrow. Little children, when you return to your homes this evening, pray the Sorrowful Mysteries before the Cross.”

She left saying, “Go in the peace of God my dear children.” and disappeared in the sign of a luminous Cross. But this time, something exceptional happened for at the right side of this Cross, Ivan saw Jesus who was in the midst of the pain of His Passion.



August 15, 1995 (ASSUMPTION)
Our Lady appeared on Apparition Hill at 10:30 pm. Ivan said Our Lady came dressed in gold and was very joyful. She also came with three angels. Ivan recommended all of us and our intentions, especially the sick. Our Lady’s message:

“Dear children, in this joyful time, be tireless in prayer. Pray, pray, pray.”

She then prayed one Our Father and one Glory Be with Ivan. She left in the light of the cross saying, “Go in Peace, my dear children.”

June 23, 1995
Tonight Our Lady came joyful. She greeted us all with “Praise be Jesus, my dear children.” After that She prayed over us with Her hands extended and She blessed us all. After that, I recommended all of you and all of your intentions that you came with. After that, Our Lady said:

“Dear children, I am happy to see you here tonight in such large number. I wish to invite you all in a special way today to pray for the conversion of sinners.”
After that, we prayed with Her for that same intention. We prayed with Her an Our Father and a Glory Be. After that, Our Lady left in the sign of the light of the Cross and greeted us with “Go in Peace, my dear children.”

September 2, 1994
Ivan returned before going to America. Our Lady came joyful tonight. She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She extended Her hands over us and prayed for a long time and blessed us. Ivan recommended our needs and intentions to Our Lady, especially the sick. She prayed an “Our Father” and a “Glory Be” for peace with us. She gave a special message to the prayer group only, but Ivan said She asked during this time while the Holy Father visits this country, that we must pray for him. She also asked us to pray for Her intention (something important) until Nov. 15. “Nakana” is the word She used for Her intention! She continued praying as She went back to Heaven, leaving behind Her a cross of light. She said, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

August 22, 1994
Our Lady came joyfully tonight. She greeted us with the usual “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Our Lady prayed over us with Her hands extended and She blessed us. Ivan recommended all our needs, intentions, and especially the sick. Our Lady prayed an “Our Father” and a “Glory Be” for peace with us. Our Lady continued praying as She left for Heaven, leaving behind a cross of light as She said, “Go in peace, my dear children.” There was no message tonight but Our Lady prayed for peace again. This was thought to be the last public apparition for awhile as Ivan left the next morning for Belgium and the United States afterwards for preparation of his wedding.

August 19, 1994
Our Lady came joyfully. She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed over us and blessed us with Her hands extended. She gave a message tonight:

“Dear children, tonight your Mother wants to say thank you. Thank you for all your prayers. You who prayed and helped me through to this day so that I am realizing my plans. Children, don’t get tired of praying. Pray further! For yet further, I need your prayers. Thank you for responding to my call.”

Ivan recommended all our needs and intentions. Our Lady prayed with us an “Our Father” and a “Glory Be” for peace. As Our Lady continued praying, She left behind Her the cross of light and said, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

August 15, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10:00 p.m. at the Blue Cross. Ivan led the group in prayer with two mysteries of the Rosary – Joyful and Glorious Mysteries instead of the usual singing and one mystery and one “Peace Chaplet.” Our Lady came and was especially joyful tonight and greeted us with “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then with Her hands extended, She prayed over us and blessed us. Then Ivan recommended all our needs and intentions to Our Lady and especially the sick. Our Lady prayed in a very special way for peace tonight and prayed an “Our Father” and “Glory Be” with us. Upon leaving, She continued praying and said, “Go in peace, my dear children,” leaving behind Her a cross of light. There was no message tonight but we must pay attention to the fact that She prayed for peace. Tonight Her presence was felt.

August 8, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10:00 p.m. at the Blue Cross. Tonight the people prayed the full fifteen decades of the Rosary instead of the usual singing and one mystery. Our Lady appeared happy and joyful. She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed over us with Her hands extended and blessed us all. Ivan recommended all our intentions, our needs, and our families and in a special way, he recommended the sick to Our Lady. Our Lady prayed in a special way for peace and for the priests. After awhile, She went back to Heaven, leaving behind Her a cross of light and saying, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children.” There was no message tonight.

August 5, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10:30 p.m. on Apparition Hill. Our Lady appeared happy and joyful. She greeted us saying, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” She prayed over us with Her hands extended and She blessed us all. Ivan recommended all our needs and intentions and in a special way, the sick. Our Lady gave a message:
“Dear children, I invite you to pray in this time for the conversion of sinners.”

Then She prayed an “Our Father” and “Glory Be” with Ivan and all present. She remained a while longer and then when She left, She said, “Go in the peace of God, my dear children,” leaving behind Her a cross of light.

July 29, 1994
Ivan’s apparition was at 10:30 p.m. on Apparition Hill. There was no special message. Our Lady came and prayed over us and blessed us with Her hands extended. Ivan recommended all of us, our intentions, our needs, and our families to Her. Our Lady prayed one “Our Father” and one “Glory Be” with us in an exceptional way for the sick. As She continued to pray with us, She left in an illuminated sign of the cross saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

July 15, 1994
Ivan had his apparition at the Blue Cross – 10 p.m. Our Lady came happy and joyful. She greeted us with, “Praised be Jesus, dear children.” Our Lady blessed us with Her arms extended. Ivan recommended all our intentions and Our Lady and Ivan prayed an “Our Father” and “Glory Be” for peace in the world. She asked us to pray for Her intentions. Our Lady disappeared in the sign of the cross, saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

July 11, 1994
This evening Our Lady came joyfully. She greeted us saying “Praised by Jesus, my dear children.” Then She prayed over all of us and blessed us. Ivan recommended all our needs to Her. Our Lady said to pray for the conversion of sinners. Ivan prayed one “Our Father” and “Glory Be” with Her. As we were praying, Our Lady left saying, “Go in peace, my dear children.”

June 17, 1994
Our Lady appeared to Ivan at the Blue Cross. She asked us to pray for this parish.

March 5, 1993
“Dear children, tonight your Mother wants to call you to pray for conversion in this time. I need your prayers to fulfill my plans.”

January 8, 1993
“Dear children, today your Mother calls you to pray more and more for my intentions, especially during this time….I need your prayers.”



December 14, 1992
“Tonight I invite you in a very special manner to renew your family prayer; and during your family prayer, dear children, read especially the special passages in the Bible that concern Advent. Pray, dear children, especially during this time, and amongst your prayers prepare yourselves for the great day that is coming, that this Christmas will be different from the other Christmases, that it will be joyous, dear children. Remember, dear children, how we were happy in the stable when my Son was born! May your family be happy and all those present in the stable.”

October 2, 1992
“Dear children, tonight also your Mother wishes to call (invite) you in a special way to pray at this time. Dear children, Satan, in this time, wishes to act through small, small things, dear children. Therefore pray! In this time, Satan is strong and he desires to change your direction*; also my plan of peace, he wishes to destroy.”

† The Croatian word, skrenuti, was used which means change your direction, divert your attention toward something else.

September 12, 1992
“Dear children, I call you to persevere in your prayer for peace.”

September 4, 1992
“Dear children, today again, in a special way, I wish to invite you to pray for peace. I am in need of your prayers. Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my invitation.”

August 14, 1992
“Dear children, in this time I call you to pray the Rosary in your family. Pray more and pray the Rosary. Offer this Rosary for peace.”

August 3, 1992
“Dear children, I call you to persevere in prayer for peace.”

July 10, 1992
“I ask you to pray in a special way for Pope John Paul II and for priests.”

Ivan said that there will not be another open mountain apparition until the end of July.

June 24, 1992
“Praise be to Jesus! I am bringing you peace; bring peace to others. You are the ones who will bring peace to the world.”

April 16, 1992
Ivan’s words regarding the Holy Thursday message which was given in a basement shelter because of the bombing:

“In that message, Our Lady invited us to persevere in prayer so that in a fervent prayer we can be able to defeat evil. In that message, She repeated something She already said in the beginning of the apparitions – that war can be stopped by fasting and praying. Therefore, it is for us a strong reason to pray, to be closer to God, so that with Him and with Mary together, we may defeat all that is imposed on us now.”

August 9, 1991
“Dear children, I invited you here in a very special way for prayer. Dear children, pray, pray, pray in this period of time and make sacrifices.”

August 5, 1991
“Dear children, I am very happy tonight to see you in such large numbers. I want you to be happy, too; and pray, pray, pray prayers of peace in joy. I need your prayers too.”

July 5, 1991
“Dear children, your Mother wants you to pray for peace in a special way with me in this time.”

June 17, 1991
“I invite you to pray for peace and for conversion.”

May 27, 1991
“I invite you to accept and live the message I gave you on the twenty-fifth.”

May 10, 1991
“I invite you to pray for peace!”

May 3, 1991
“Dear children, today your Mother wants you to pray in a special way for peace these days. Pray, Pray, Pray. Your prayers are necessary for me.”

April 8, 1991
“I ask you to pray with me for peace.”

April 5, 1991
“Dear children, tonight your Mother wants to invite you, especially in this time, to pray together with me for peace.”

Then Ivan prayed the Lord’s Prayer and Glory Be three times with Our Lady for the intention of peace.

March 29, 1991 (GOOD FRIDAY)
“Dear children, I want to call (invite) you, under this cross, to take your cross as the will of God. As my Son took His cross, so you carry everything, and my Son will be glorified through your crosses. Thank you, dear children, for answering my call and carrying your cross.”

March 22, 1991
Tonight your Mother invites you to pray more. Pray specially in your families, and by prayer prepare for the day that comes, for Easter.”

January 14, 1991
The apparition was at 9:30 p.m. (Podbrdo). Ivan said that Our Lady prayed for peace with him and thanked the people for coming up the mountain to pray. There was no message. Ivan asked that prayer for peace continue through the night and there was Adoration the whole night in the Chapel in union with 1,000 prayer groups in America. Ivan was present.

January 11, 1991
Our Lady appeared to Ivan during his prayer group meeting. Although She did not give a message, She prayed with Ivan for peace. The people who were on the mountain for the prayer meeting felt this action was a strong message from Our Lady, showing that everyone should be praying for peace as She is.

January 7, 1991
At 10:00 p.m. Our Lady came with three angels and prayed for a very long time with Ivan for peace.
“Dear children, tonight your Mother calls you in a special way to pray for peace.”

December 31, 1990
“Dear children, tonight your Mother invites you to go together with me to the church in joy and in prayer. In this very specific joy, pray in church for the intention of peace.”

There was a New Year’s Eve Mass at 11:30 p.m.

December 24, 1990
Our Lady appeared with three angels.

“Dear children, tonight your Mother invites you to give Her all your problems. My dear children, REJOICE!”

December 21, 1990
“Dear children, tonight your Mother invites you to take this time to prepare your hearts in prayer for the day that comes, for Christmas.”

October 19, 1990
“Pray for peace.”

October 15, 1990
“Dear children, tonight I invite you to pray for peace. Dear children, I want to give you new messages. I am your Mother. I always want to teach you something new, but for this you must first live the messages that I have already given you so I can give you new messages.”

October 10, 1990
“I come here as the Queen of Peace and Reconciliation. I need your prayers and sacrifices especially in this time. Pray for peace in the world.”

October 5, 1990
“Pray for peace in this time.”

For the first time during the apparitions, Ivan was heard praying The Lord’s Prayer and the Glory Be three times with Our Lady. The Gospa told Ivan this prayer was for the intention of peace.

October 1, 1990
“Dear children, tonight your Mother asks you to pray especially for peace in this time.”

August 24, 1990
“Pray for peace in a special way.”

August 20, 1990
“I ask you to pray for peace.”

The messages of August 20 and 24 were given to Ivan during his prayer group meeting. Then Our Lady prayed for peace in a different but very special way in front of Ivan.

August 17, 1990
“Dear children, tonight I ask you to pray for peace in a very special way.”

August 13, 1990
“Dear children, tonight again your Mother asks in a special way for you to pray for peace, especially in this time. Pray, dear children, to help your Mother to fulfill all that She plans.”

August 10, 1990
“Dear children, your Mother tonight wants to call you in a special way to pray for peace.”

August 3, 1990
“Dear children, tonight again your Mother wants to encourage you to pray all the more during this time. Join together in prayer with the young people. Especially, dear children, your Mother wants you to renew prayer in today’s family.”

July 30, 1990
“Dear children, tonight again your Mother would like to invite you in a special way to prayer. Especially you, the youngest, who will be present in large numbers during these days. I invite you to prayer. Pray, pray, pray and renew your hearts to be able to accept later everything I will tell you, all my messages. Thank you, dear children, because you will make me happy by your prayers.”

July 23, 1990
“Dear children, tonight your Mother wants especially to invite you to pray in these days for peace.”

July 13, 1990
“Dear children, your Mother asks you, especially in this period, to pray all the more. Satan wants, in this time, to be active through your weakness. This is why, dear children, your Mother invites you: pray, pray, pray. Do not allow satan to enter. Close all the entrances. Prayer is the best weapon.”

June 25, 1990
“Dear children, your Mother invites you to joy. Your Mother asks you to begin to live tonight’s message [the monthly message given earlier to Marija]. Your Mother, again tonight, asks you to give me all your problems and all your hardships. Thank you, dear children, because we are going to continue to live in prayer everything that I say.”

June 22, 1990
“Dear children, I am happy to see you in such large numbers. Tonight again your Mother asks you to prepare yourselves through prayers during these two days for the day that comes.”

June 8, 1990
“Dear children, your Mother is happy tonight to see you in such large numbers. Tonight also your Mother calls you to prayer. Dear children, prayer is necessary for me to fulfill many plans that I wish to accomplish. Especially tonight, I invite you to pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary in front of the Crucifix when you go back to your homes. Pray these mysteries for my intentions.”

June 1, 1990
“Dear children, this is a time of grace. Open yourselves to the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit to make you strong. Your Mother, dear children, wants especially to call you in this time to prayer and to sacrifice.”

May 25, 1990
“Dear children, tonight again your Mother wants to call you to prayer. Especially live, accept, and accomplish in prayer the message I gave tonight [May 25 Monthly Message]. I need your prayers, dear children. This is why: pray, pray, pray!”

May 21, 1990
“Dear children, tonight your Mother invites you to pray for peace. I need your prayers for peace these days, dear children. Pray, pray, pray.”

May 11, 1990
“Dear children, tonight your Mother is happy to see you. Tonight especially, I want to ask you to give me your problems and difficulties so that you are able to pray with more freedom and more joy so that your prayer becomes a prayer with the heart. That is why I wish to ask you tonight to release yourselves from your difficulties through prayer; and I will pray for you. Dear children, I need your prayers.”

May 7, 1990
“Dear children, your Mother is so happy tonight to see you all. I want tonight to call you again to pray the Rosary, and to pray this month especially, because I am in need of your prayers.”

April 13, 1990 (GOOD FRIDAY)
“Dear children, I am happy to see you tonight. You know, dear children, that when my Son was dying I was alone with Him with just some other women, and so I am happy to see you here tonight in such large numbers. Tonight also when you go back home, pray a Rosary in front of the Crucifix and be thankful [to God].”

March 23, 1990
“Dear children, tonight again your Mother wants to call you to prayer. Dear children, I need your prayer to fulfill the plans I have now with you and in the world also. Thank you, dear children, for listening to me. Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call.”

March 5, 1990
“Do something concrete for Easter.”

March 2, 1990
“Dear children, tonight your Mother asks and pleads: Abandon to me all your problems, all your hardships. I want to prepare you for the day that comes free from all your problems. Give me all your problems.”

February 19, 1990
“Dear children, your Mother tonight wants to warn you that Satan is active in a special way these days. Don’t allow emptiness inside of you, fill this emptiness with prayer. Dear children, these days prayer is the best medicine to defend yourselves against evil. In a special way, dear children, make a decision through prayer for Lent. Tonight I am expecting from you to pray the Glorious Mysteries when you return home.”

February 12, 1990
“Dear children, your Mother is happy when She sees you in such large numbers. Dear children, you have come to me with a firm decision. Do not fear anything, I protect you and guard you. I wish, dear children, tonight again to call you to prayer because I need your help for the fulfillment of my plans. I need your cooperation [participation], dear children. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

February 9, 1990
“Our Lady asks that prayer meetings would last two hours, an hour of singing, an hour of prayer.”
Only this part of the message was told by Ivan, the rest is secret, just for the group.

February 5, 1990
“Pray for peace, especially you from the group, pray for peace.”

February 2, 1990
“Pray for peace, everybody present – not just the group – pray for peace.”

January 1, 1990
“Dear children, tonight your Mother would like to call you, like I have done before, to renew prayer in the families. Dear children, the family needs to pray today. I wish, dear children, that you would renew [start again to live] my messages through this prayer.”

December 25, 1989
“Dear children, here is my Son in my arms! I would like to ask you to be a light for all in the year to come. I would like to call you again to live the messages, those are messages of peace, conversion, prayer, penance, and faith. Dear children, your Mother does not ask words from you, I ask for deeds. Your Mother will help you and She will give you the strength to continue. And tonight I would like to tell you: Rejoice!”

December 22, 1989
“Dear children, tonight your Mother wants to call you to prayer, call you to prayer during those two days. Through prayer open your hearts and let us wait all together for this day which is for us the day of joy. Dear children, I wish you to decide to do something concrete during these two days.”

December 18, 1989
“The prayers and sacrifices that you decide to offer in these days when I asked you were not done with love. I ask you to offer them with love as during the first days of the Apparitions. What you have decided to do and to offer for my intentions during the novena was not enough. You have to choose to give more because you are able.”

Our Lady prayed [in Hebrew] in Her Mother tongue.

December 15, 1989
“Prepare yourselves spiritually and physically for the Christmas Novena. In your prayers say one prayer especially for my intentions. Renounce [give up] something that you like the most.”

August 21, 1989
“Tonight your Mother wants to invite you to start again to live the messages. Children, your Mother cannot give you new messages if you do not live the messages I have already given. Decide with love and joy to begin to live the messages, for your Mother to continue to guide you, for you to continue your growth in love with your Mother living the messages.”

August 18, 1989
“Dear children, tonight your Mother asks you in this period of time to pray for peace in the world.”

August 14, 1989 (Special Blessing)
“My dear children, tonight your Mother is happy, happy, happy to be with you and to see you in such large numbers. I am happy for what we have done in this Year of the Youth. We have stepped a step forward. I would like to see in the future parents in the families work and pray as much as they can with their children, so they can, from day to day, strengthen their spirit. Your Mother is here to help each one of you; open yourselves to your Mother; She is waiting for you. May this moment you will live at midnight be a moment of thanksgiving for everything you received during this year.”

August 11, 1989
“I call you to prayer, like I have done also in the previous encounter. I ask that during the three days to come each one of you make a sacrifice, give up something that is dear to you in life. Give up something especially during those three days.”

August 7, 1989
“Tonight your Mother wants to call you to prayer. This is a time of grace. Pray, dear children, and your Mother will pray together with you. Abandon to your Mother all your problems and difficulties.”

July 31, 1989
“Dear children, tonight especially I would like to invite all the parents in the world to find time for their children and family. May they offer love to their children. May this love that they offer be parental and Motherly love. Once again, dear children, I call you to family prayer. During one of the previous encounters your Mother asked you to renew the family prayer. I ask that again tonight. During this period, let us pray together for all the young people in the world.”

July 24, 1989
“Dear children, tonight your Mother is happy to see you in such large numbers. Your Mother wants to give you love tonight so you can give and share this love with others when you will come back to your homes. Live love. I want to give you peace, so you can carry it to others. You cannot give peace to others if you don’t have this peace within yourselves. I need you, dear children, to cooperate with me, because there are today many plans that I cannot fulfill without you. I need your cooperation. Pray, pray, pray.”

July 21, 1989
“Pray for my intentions.”

July 17, 1989
“Dear children, I would like to call you to start again to live the messages. More than eight years ago your Mother told four messages: Peace, Conversion, Sacrifice, and Faith. Dear children, I would like you to live the messages through prayer. I know how much you give me promises through words, but, dear children, I want you to put that into practice. I will pray, dear children, and I will help you. Conversion is a process which goes on through your entire life.”

July 10, 1989 or July 14, 1989
“Dear children, you know we are living the Year of the Young People. This year ends on August 15. Your Mother wishes to dedicate one more year to the youth, but not only to the youth. May this year also be the year of the family. Dear children, in these days before the fifteenth of August, prepare yourselves, you and your family, for the new year to come so it may be the Year of the Family.”

July 3, 1989
“Dear children, your Mother asks you tonight, you, who are present (people were present from all over the world), when you get back into your home, renew prayer in your family. Take time for prayer, dear children. I, as your Mother, especially want to tell you that the family has to pray together. The Holy Spirit wants to be present in the families. Allow the Holy Spirit to come. The Holy Spirit comes through prayer. That is why, pray and allow the Holy Spirit to renew you, to renew today’s family. Your Mother will help you.”

June 26, 1989
“Dear children, your Mother told you yesterday to renew the messages from now on. Your Mother asks, especially from you of the group of prayer, to live from now on the messages in prayer. If you want your Mother to give other and new messages, you first have to live those messages I have already given.”

June 23, 1989
“Dear children, I am happy to see you in such a large number. I would like to pray for you in a special way tonight. Dear children, give me the day that comes (June 24, 1989) in prayer.”

June 16, 1989
“Dear children, I want more penance from you.”

June 6, 1989
“Dear children, the Mother is happy to be with all of you. Dear children, you have helped me to realize the plans of God. I want to speak to you about love and give you love. In these days, prepare yourselves for the anniversary of the apparitions with love, with my messages, and with joy and the Mother will help you, dear children, and the Mother will stay with you. There is nothing more important for you but to put what I have said in first place.”

May 12, 1989
“Now is a time of special graces, but Satan is very active.”

May 5, 1989
“Dear children, tonight your Mother invites you to pray as much as you can during this time. This is a time of grace. Abandon yourselves to the Spirit for Him to renew you. May prayer renew your bodies, your souls, your hearts. Don’t let your bodies be weak. You know that the Spirit is always willing.”

March 27, 1989 (EASTER MONDAY)
“Dear children, your Mother calls you to completely surrender to God. Dear children, this is a time of grace. Pray as much as you can and renew yourself through prayer. Construct yourself spiritually. This construction lasts until the end of your life. Continue to pray as much as you can and with your prayers you will help me.”

March 24, 1989 (GOOD FRIDAY)
“Dear children, tonight your Mother is happy to see you in such large numbers. I wish, dear children, that you start from today to live a different life. Your Mother gives you love; give this love to others so we can be ready to live Easter. When you go back in your homes finish this day in prayer.”

March 20, 1989
“Tonight I ask you to begin from today to pray all the more. Contemplate the wounds of Jesus. Pray as much as you can in front of the Crucifix. May the cross be (just) for you in the day (of the cross).”

March 17, 1989
“I ask you again to multiply your prayers to prepare yourself for Easter. Also, read the Bible, especially those passages that tell about the Passion of Jesus. Prepare yourself to look at Jesus ‘eye to eye.’ Tonight when you come home, pray in front of the Crucifix in thanksgiving for all the graces you receive.”

March 3, 1989
“Dear children, I thank you because by your coming here you have helped to fulfill the plan of God. During this time pray and renew yourselves. Tonight when you come home, pray the Joyful Mysteries in front of the Crucifix.”

February 27, 1989
“Dear children, during this time multiply your prayers and go deeper into the messages that I have given. Tonight when you go home, pray the Joyful Mysteries in front of the Crucifix.”

February 24, 1989
“Tonight when you go home, pray The Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be seven times, and then pray The Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be five times.”

February 17, 1989
“Dear children, tonight I don’t ask you to do anything special. I only wish you to begin to live my messages. Dear children, I seek your action, not your words! You are all happy when I give you a beautiful message, but live the message I give! May each message be for you a new growth. Take this message into your life, in this way you will grow in life. Your Mother cannot give you other messages if you don’t live the ones I already gave you. Begin tonight to live the messages.”

February 13, 1989
“Dear children, remember the four things you have to do during Lent. Tonight when you go home, I ask you to be thankful in front of the Crucifix for all that you feel you should be grateful for; thank Jesus for what you want. My Son will hear you.”

February 6, 1989 (Special Blessing)
Ivan says: “Our Lady wants this from us during Lent.
1. Review and live Her messages.
2. Read the Bible more.
3. Pray more and offer all for the intentions of Our Lady.
4. Make more sacrifices.

Our Lady will be with us and will accompany us. She gave a ‘SPECIAL BLESSING.'”

January 9, 1989
“Dear children, pray because Satan is very active in this time. He wants to destroy everything you have received from me. During these days I invite you to renew the prayer in your families and to pray all the mysteries of the Rosary every evening.”

January 2, 1989
“My dear children, for this year I want to tell you, pray! Your Mother loves you. I want to collaborate with you for I need your collaboration. I want you to become, dear children, my announcers and my sons who will bring peace, love, conversion….I want you to be a sign for others. In this new year I want to give you peace; I want to give you love and harmony. Abandon all your problems and all your difficulties to me. Live my messages. Pray, pray!”

December 24, 1988
“My dear children, these are days of joy. Give me all your problems and live in joy.”

November 7, 1988
“Dear children, this is a time for grace. That is why I would like you to pray as much as you can during this time. Especially, I would like you to renew the family prayer!”

October 31, 1988
“Dear children, tonight your Mother wants to encourage you to begin to pray with the heart. This prayer is necessary to today’s human being for today’s world. Do not pray just with your lips. Do not pray if you don’t know what you pray. During this period too, dear children, I need your prayers, because I have great plans. I want to collaborate with you. I have repeated that many times in my messages. I need you. Because of that, pray, pray with the heart!”

October 24, 1988
“Dear children, your Mother wants to call you to pray for the young of the whole world, for the parents of the whole world so they know how to educate their children and how to lead them in life with good advice. Pray, dear children; the situation of the young is difficult. Help them! Help parents who don’t know, who give bad advice!”

October 17, 1988
“Dear children, tonight your Mother is happy, joyful together with you. I would like to extend happiness to you. I would like to give you love, so you can bring this love and spread it to others. I would like to give you peace, so you can give this peace to others, so you can give this peace especially to families where hatred exists. I would like you, dear children, to renew the family prayer, all of you. I would like you to encourage others to renew this prayer. Your Mother will help you.”

September 12, 1988
The message for tonight’s encounter is:
Our Lady calls us all to pray during this time for the hungry and poor people in the whole world. She thanks us in a special way tonight because we helped Her to fulfill the plan.

September 9, 1988
“Dear children, tonight also your Mother is warning that Satan is at work. I would like you to pay special attention to the fact that Satan is at work in a special way with the young. Dear children, during this period I would like you to pray in your families with your children. I would like you to talk with your children. I would like you to exchange your experiences and help them to solve all their problems. I will pray, dear children, for the young, for all of you. Pray, dear children. Prayer is medicine that heals.”

September 5, 1988
“My dear children, tonight your Mother warns you that in this time Satan desires you and is looking for you! A little spiritual emptiness in you is enough for Satan to work in you. For this reason your Mother invites you to begin to pray. May your weapon be prayer. With prayer with the heart you will overcome Satan. Your Mother invites you to pray for the young people in the whole world.”

August 29, 1988
“Dear children, thank God, the Creator, even for little things. I would like you to thank God for your family, for the place where you work, and for the people God puts in your way.”

August 22, 1988
“My dear children, with your prayers you have helped me to fulfill the plan. Praised be Jesus, my dear children. Dear children, I would like to tell you tonight, during these days especially pray for the young. I would like to recommend to ‘my’ priests to create and organize groups where young people are taught and given good advice for their lives. You, dear children, who are present tonight, you, must be the messengers of the good word of peace to others, to young people especially. Your Mother wants to pray for you all tonight.”

August 19, 1988
“Dear children, I would like this time to be the time of decision. Make a decision, dear children, follow me, follow me! I cannot do anything, and I want to do a lot, but I cannot do it without you. Your decisions are weak! Pray, dear children, during this time. Only through prayer can you receive this strength, this vigor. I will help you, dear children.”

August 15, 1988 (Special Blessing)
(FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION and the end of the Marian Year)
“Dear children, from today on I would like you to start a New Year, the Year of the Young People. During this year pray for the young people; talk with them. Young people find themselves now in a very difficult situation. Help each other. I think about you in a special way, dear children. Young people have a role to play in the Church now. Pray, dear children.”

August 12, 1988
“Dear children, your Mother asks you to pray as much as you can during these two days. Prepare yourselves in prayer for the feast to come. Dear children, I would like to tell you to bring peace to others during these days. Encourage others to change. You cannot, dear children, give peace if you, yourselves, are not at inner peace. Tonight I give you peace. Give peace to others! Dear children, be a light that shines. I ask you pray the Glorious Mysteries when you go back to your homes tonight. Pray them in front of the Crucifix.”

August 8, 1988
“Dear children, your Mother asks you to pray for all the young people in the world. Renew yourselves in prayer before the feast day.”

August 4, 1988
“My dear children, tonight my Son has sent me among you. I am happy with you. I am happy to see you in such a large number. I would like your joy to remain this whole day. Live this joy in prayer, live in joy. I give you love so you can live with love. Extend love around you. Your Mother loves you. I am happy tonight. I want your cooperation. I want to work with you. Your cooperation is necessary to me. I cannot do anything without you.”

August 1, 1988
“I ask you to pray a lot these days before Friday. I would like you to live this Friday in joy. I also ask you tonight, when you go to your houses, to pray the Glorious Mysteries in front of the Crucifix.”

July 4, 1988
“Dear children, I am your Mother and I warn you this time is a time of temptation. Satan is trying to find emptiness in you, so he can enter and destroy you. DO NOT SURRENDER! I pray with you. Do not pray just with your lips, but pray with the heart. In this way prayer will obtain victory!”

June 27, 1988
“Dear children, your Mother loves you all. I’m happy to see you here, dear children. I give you love; give this love to others. Be peace workers. Help the others to change their lives. I give you might, dear children; with this might, you can bear everything. May this might make you strong in everything. You need it; that is why I give you might.”

June 23, 1988
“Dear children, I am happy and so is my Son. Go to Confession to have a pure heart for the anniversary. Come to pray on the hill tomorrow between ten and midnight, but I will not appear.”

June 13, 1988
Our Lady repeated Monday’s message (June 6, 1988).

June 6, 1988
“Dear children, it’s going to be seven years soon that I have been coming to you. I ask you to renew in yourselves the messages I have given to you. These are messages of prayer, peace, fasting, and penance. Make some penance yourselves. All of the other messages come from these four basic ones, but also live the other ones. Thank you for responding to my call. I am your Mother. Open your heart to the grace.”

May 21, 1988
Our Lady came joyfully. She prayed The Lord’s Prayer and one Glory Be with the visionary as She always does.

May 9, 1988
“May this month be for you the month of the Rosary and reading your Bible. Satan wants to disturb your plans.”

April 18, 1988
No apparition.

April 11, 1988
“Dear children, I am your Mother and I am asking you to convert. Pray now for people who curse against the Name of God.”

April 4, 1988
“Give love and joy to others and pray for peace.”

March 28, 1988
“Pray as much as you can before Easter. Everyday pray two hours before the Crucifix.”

March 21, 1988
“Dear children, today again your Mother wants to warn you that Satan, by every means possible, wants to ruin everything in you; but your prayers prevent him from succeeding. When you fill up all the empty spaces with prayer, you prevent Satan from entering your soul. Pray, dear children, and your Mother will pray with you to defeat Satan. May this time be the time in which all of us give and distribute peace to others. Therefore, please spread peace in your homes, in your families, in the streets, and everywhere.”

March 14, 1988
“Dear children, in this period of Lent Satan is trying by every means to destroy in you what we have started. I warn you as a Mother, let prayer be your weapon against him.”

March 7, 1988
“I am your Mother and I want to warn you that Satan wants to destroy everything we have started, so pray a lot.”

February 29, 1988
“Dear children, give all problems and difficulties to Jesus and pray. Pray, pray, pray! Every evening during this month, pray in front of the Crucifix in thanksgiving until the death of Jesus.”

February 22, 1988
“Thank you for the things you have renounced during Lent. Most of all, renounce sin. Be light, to shine for others. Encourage others to prayer, fasting, and penance. Give love to others.”

February 15, 1988
“Be the reflection of Jesus. This way, you will be His witnesses in your lives; but you cannot be His reflection without prayer.”

February 8, 1988
“I’m asking you, yourself, to decide for the way of holiness. Dear children, I want to help you.”
She went back to the sky joyfully as always.

February 1, 1988
“Prepare yourself for the time of Lent by renouncing something. During Lent I will need your help for the accomplishment and fulfillment of all my plans.”

January 25, 1988
“Thank you for this evening, you have helped me very much. Continue to pray for my intentions.”

Our Lady Speaks: Special Messages to Vicka

Compiled by Andrew Jerome Yeung.

Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Jennifer Yeung.
All rights reserved.


Special Messages to Vicka


April 25, 1995
Our Lady came joyful and like each time has greeted us, “Praise be Jesus Christ.” First She prayed over us with extended hands, and She prayed a long time with a language Vicka had not heard before (not of this earth). Vicka said, “It’s not earthly language.” Our Lady gave the following message:

“Dear children, I still have many messages to give you but your hearts are closed and far away from my messages. I am in much need of your prayers.”

Vicka then recommended all who were present and prayed for them. Our Lady then left saying, “Go in the Peace of God.” Our Lady told Vicka the next apparition would be Friday night at 11:00 on Cross Mountain.

October 15, 1995
Sr. Emmanuel reported this in her newsletter dated October 15, 1995:
I cannot hide from you the message given to us one night on Krizevac by Our Lady which greatly saddened me. A crowd was gathered near the Cross and after 16 minutes of apparition, Vicka gave us these words:
“Dear children, I have new messages for you, but I cannot give them to you, since you are not living the messages that I already gave you. Dear children, look at these previous messages and put them into practice. Then I will be able to give you the other messages, so that you may go forward.”



November 14, 1988
To Vicka:
“Dear children, I bless you with my Motherly Blessing, and I ask you to be the carriers of my peace and to pray for peace in the world.”

November 11, 1988 (Special Blessing)
Our Lady appeared with five angels and gave a Special Blessing during the 30-minute apparition to Vicka.

“Dear children, you know this time is a time of special graces; that is why I ask you to renew in you the messages that I give. Live those messages with the heart.”

Our Lady Speaks: Special Messages to Mirjana

Compiled by Andrew Jerome Yeung.

Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Jennifer Yeung.
All rights reserved.


Introduction to the Special Messages to Mirjana

To see Andrew Jerome Yeung’s introductory remarks, click here. They are under “Reflection” (for 2010) accessible from the Home page.


The Special Messages to Mirjana

On December 2nd, visionary Mirjana received the second day of the month apparition at Cenacolo in Medjugorje. For years, Our Lady had been appearing to her to intercede for non-believers. Usually, Mirjana did not communicate a message following these apparitions, but that month she wrote it down and requested that it be translated in front of the people present. Here it is:
“I need you! I am calling you! I need your help! Reconcile with yourself, with God, with your neighbours. In this way you will help me. Convert the non-believers. Wipe the tears from my face! ” (Mirjana 12/02/2004)

“Dear children, do the same as I do! Come, share love, and, with your own example, give my Son to everyone.” (Mirjana 03/02/2005)
The apparition lasted five minutes, starting at 9:15am.

“Dear children, I am with you to take you all to my Son. I wish to bring you all to salvation. Follow me, because only in this way will you be able to find true peace and happiness. My dear children, come with me.” (Mirjana 05/02/2005)

“Dear children, as a mother I rejoice with you, for, as a mother, I invite you. I am bringing my Son to you, my Son, your God. Cleanse your hearts and bow your head before your only God. Let my motherly heart leap with joy. Thank you.” (Mirjana 07/02/2005)

“I have come to you with open arms in order to take you into my embrace, under my mantle. I cannot do so as long as your heart is filled with false glitters and false idols. Clean your heart and allow my Angels to sing in it! At that time I will take you under my mantle and I will give you my Son – true peace and happiness. Do not wait, my children! I thank you!” (Mirjana 08/02/2005)

“Dear children, as a mother, I am coming to you and showing you how much God, your Father, loves you. And you? Where are you, children of mine? What is in your heart in the first place? What is not permitting you to put my Son in the first place? My children, permit God’s blessing to fall upon you. May God’s peace permeate you, the peace that my Son, and he alone, gives.” (Mirjana 09/02/2005)

“Dear children, I come to you as mother. I am bringing you my Son’s peace and love. Purify your hearts and take my Son with you. Give true peace and joy to others.” (Mirjana 10/02/2005)

All Saints’ Day, 11/02/2005. After the apparition Mirjana said: The Gospa gave no message. She was sad and sorrowful. She told me things that I cannot say. I prayed to her that she may enter our hearts. I asked her, ‘How can we help you?’ The Gospa gave no answer.’ At the end, Mirjana added, ‘The Gospa blessed the religious articles that we had brought.’

“Dear children! My Son was born. Your Savior is here with you. What prevents your hearts from receiving him? What is in them that is all false? Purify your hearts through fasting and prayer. Recognize my Son and receive him. True peace and true love – only he gives them to you. The path to Eternal Life, it is he, my Son! Thank you.” (Mirjana 01/02/2006)

Our Lady was so sad that she was in tears. She prayed for the unbelievers, whom Our Lady calls “those who do not yet know the love of God.” She then prayed and blessed all the people present at the apparition and all of the religious articles that were among them. Our Lady spoke to Mirjana about the situation in the world and repeated three times:
“God is love! God is love! God is love! ” (Mirjana 03/02/2006)

“Dear children, I am coming to you because, with my own example, I wish to show you the importance of prayer for those who have not come to know the love of God. You ask yourself whether you are following me. My children, do you not recognize the signs of the times? Do you not speak of them? Come follow me. As a mother I call you. Thank you for having responded.” (Mirjana 04/02/2006)

“Dear children, I am coming to you as a mother. I am coming with an open heart full of love for you, my children. Cleanse your hearts from everything that prevents you from receiving me, from recognizing the love of my Son. Through you, my heart desires to win, desires to triumph. Open your hearts; I will lead you to this. Thank you! ” (Mirjana 05/02/2006)

Our Lady did not give a classical message. Our Lady blessed all of us who were present and all the religious articles that we brought with us for blessing. With a serious expression on her face, Our Lady emphasized again the priestly blessing. With pain and love at the same time Our Lady said: “Remember, children of mine, that it is my Son blessing you. Do not accept it so lightly.”
After that Our Lady told me about some things that are supposed to happen and she said: “There is no way without my Son. Do not think that you will have peace and joy if you do not have him in the first place. (Mirjana 06/02/2006)
Mirjana said: ‘I cannot say that Our Lady was sad or joyful; she was preoccupied, with loving care on her face.’

“Dear children, God created you with free will to comprehend and to choose: life or death. As a mother, with motherly love, I desire to help you to understand and to choose life. My children, do not deceive yourselves with false peace and false joy. Permit me, my children, to show you the true way, the way that leads to life – my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 07/02/2006)

“Dear children, in these peaceless times I am coming to you to show you the way to peace. I love you with an immeasurable love and I desire for you to love each other and to see in everyone my Son – the immeasurable love. The way to peace leads solely and only through love. Give your hand to me, your mother, and permit me to lead you. I am the Queen of peace. Thank you.” (Mirjana 08/02/2006)
Mirjana added: again, after a long time, I saw the sky opening and then a sign of a Cross, a heart and the sun.

“You know that we have been gathering for me to help you to come to know the love of God.”
Our Lady then spoke about the future and said:
“I am gathering you under my motherly mantle to help you to come to know God’s love and his greatness. My children, God is great. Great are his works. Do not deceive yourselves that you can do anything without him, not even taking a step, my children. Instead set out and witness His love! I am with you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 09/02/2006)

“Dear children, I am coming to you in this your time, to direct the call to eternity to you. This is the call of love. I call you to love, because only through love will you come to know the love of God. Many think that they have faith in God and that they know his laws. They try to live according to them, but they do not do what is most important: they do not love him. My children, pray and fast. This is the way which will help you to open yourselves and to love. Only through love of God is eternity gained. I am with you. I will lead you with the motherly love. Thank you for having responded.” (Mirjana 10/02/2006)

“Dear children, my coming to you, my children, is God’s love. God is sending me to warn you and to show you the right way. Do not shut your eyes before the truth, my children. Your time is a short time. Do not permit delusions to begin to rule over you. The way on which I desire to lead you is the way of peace and love. This is the way which leads to my Son, your God. Give me your hearts that I may put my Son in them and make of you my apostles – apostles of peace and love. Thank you!” (Mirjana 11/02/2006)
Afterwards, in conclusion, Our Lady said for us not to forget our shepherds in our prayers.

“Dear children, in this joyful time of expectation of my Son, I desire that all the days of your earthly life may be a joyful expectation of my Son. I am calling you to holiness. I call you to be my apostles of holiness so that, through you, the Good News may illuminate all those whom you will meet. Fast and pray, and I will be with you. Thank you! ” (Mirjana 12/02/2006)

“Dear children. In this holy time full of God’s graces and his love which sends me to you, I implore you not to be with a heart of stone. May fasting and prayer be your weapon for drawing closer to and coming to know Jesus, my Son. Follow me and my luminous example. I will help you. I am with you. Thank you! ” (Mirjana 01/02/2007)
Mirjana reported: Our Lady’s face during the entire time was one of pain and sorrow. She spoke to me of things I cannot yet speak of. She blessed both us and the religious articles. The expression on her face was especially serious when she was emphasizing ‘the priestly blessing’ and was asking for prayer and fasting for them (priests).

Mirjana said that Our Lady was resolute and she said:
“Today I will speak to you about what you have forgotten: dear children, my name is Love. That I am among you for so much of your time is love, because the Great Love sends me. I am asking the same of you. I am asking for love in your families. I am asking that you recognize love in your brother. Only in this way, through love, will you see the face of the Greatest Love. May fasting and prayer be your guiding star. Open your hearts to love, namely, salvation. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/02/2007)

“Dear children, do not be of a hard heart towards the mercy of God, which has been pouring out upon you for so much of your time. In this special time of prayer, permit me to transform your hearts that you may help me to have my Son resurrect in all hearts, and that my heart may triumph. Thank you. Your shepherds need your prayers.” (Mirjana 04/02/2007)
Our Lady blessed everyone present and all religious articles. She then once again emphasized that she gives us her Motherly blessing, but the greatest of all blessings is from a priest.

“Dear children, today I come to you with a motherly desire, for you to give me your hearts. My children, do this with complete trust and without fear. In your hearts, I will put my Son and his mercy. Then, my children, you will look at the world around you with different eyes. You will see your neighbour. You will feel his pain and suffering. You will not turn your head away from those who suffer, because my Son turns his head away from those who do so. Children, do not hesitate.” (Mirjana 05/02/2007)

“Dear children, also in this difficult time, God’s love sends me to you. My children, do not be afraid, I am with you. With complete trust give me your hearts so that I may help you to recognize the signs of the time in which you live. I will help you to come to know the love of my Son. I will triumph through you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 06/02/2007)
Our Lady blessed everyone present. Once again she reminded us to pray for priests and that a priest’s blessing is a blessing from her Son, Jesus.

“Dear children, in the great love of God, I come to you today to lead you on the way of humility and meekness. The first station on that way, my children, is Confession. Reject your arrogance and kneel down before my Son. Understand, my children, that you have nothing and you can do nothing. The only thing that is yours and what you possess is sin. Be cleansed and accept meekness and humility. My Son could have won with strength, but he chose meekness, humility and love. Follow my Son and give me your hands so that, together, we may climb the mountain and win. Thank you.” (Mirjana 07/02/2007)
Again Our Lady spoke about the importance of priests and their blessing.

“Dear children, today I look in your hearts and looking at them my heart seizes with pain. My children, I ask of you unconditional pure love for God. You will know that you are on the right path when you will be on earth with your body and soul always with God. Through this unconditional and pure love you will see my Son in every person. You will feel oneness in God. As a Mother I will be happy because I will have your holy and unified hearts. My children, I will have your salvation. Thank you.” (Mirjana 08/02/2007)

“Dear children, in this time of God’s signs, do not be afraid because I am with you. The great love of God sends me to lead you to salvation. Give me your simple hearts, purified by fasting and prayer. Only in the simplicity of your hearts is your salvation. I will be with you and will lead you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 09/02/2007)

“Dear children, I call you to accompany me in my mission of God with an open heart and complete trust. The way on which I lead you, through God, is difficult but persistent, and in the end we will all rejoice through God. Therefore, my children, do not stop praying for the gift of faith. Only through faith will the Word of God be light in this darkness which desires to envelop us. Do not be afraid, I am with you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 10/02/2007)
Mirjana described that, at the end of the apparition, she saw an intense, strong light as Heaven was opening and Our Lady entering into Heaven through that light.

“Dear children, today I call you to open your heart to the Holy Spirit and to permit him to transform you. My children, God is the immeasurable good and therefore, as a mother, I implore you to pray, pray, pray, fast, and hope that it is possible to attain that good, because love is born of that good. The Holy Spirit will reinforce that good in you and you will be able to call God your Father. Through this exalted love, you will sincerely come to love all people and, through God, consider them brothers and sisters. Thank you.” (Mirjana 11/02/2007)
It is also reported that as Our Lady gave her blessing she said: “On the way on which I lead you to my Son, those who represent him walk beside me.”

Our Lady was very sad. Her eyes were filled with tears throughout the whole time.
“Dear children, today, while I am looking at your hearts, my heart is filled with pain and shudder. My children, stop for a moment and look into your hearts. Is my Son, your God, truly in the first place? Are his commandments truly the measure of your life? I am warning you again. Without faith there is no God’s nearness. God’s Word which is the light of salvation and the light of common sense.” (Mirjana 12/02/2007)
Mirjana added: I asked Our Lady painfully not to leave us and not to give up on us. Our Lady painfully smiled to my request and left. This time she did not finish her message with the words ‘Thank you.’ Our Lady blessed all of us and all religious articles we had with us.

“Dear children, with all the strength of my heart, I love you and give myself to you. As a mother fights for her children, I pray for you and fight for you. I ask you not to be afraid to open yourselves, so as to be able to love with the heart and give yourselves to others. The more that you do this with the heart, the more you will receive and the better you will understand my Son and his gift to you. May everyone recognize you through the love of my Son and through me. Thank you.” (Mirjana 01/02/2008)
Our Lady blessed all those present and the religious articles brought for blessing. She asked for prayer and fasting for our shepherds.

“Dear children, I am with you. As a mother, I am gathering you, because I desire to erase from your hearts what I see now. Accept the love of my Son and erase fear, pain, suffering and disappointment from your heart. I have chosen you in a special way to be a light of the love of my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 02/02/2008)

“Dear children, I implore you, especially at this Lenten time, to respond to God’s goodness because he chose you and sent me among you. Be purified of sins and in Jesus, my Son, recognize the sacrifice of atonement for the sins of the entire world. May He be the meaning of your life. May your life become service to the Divine Love of my Son. Thank you, my children.” (Mirjana 03/02/2008)
Our Lady blessed all those present and all the religious articles brought for blessing. She called us anew to pray for our shepherds.

“Dear children, also today, as I am with you in the great love of God, I desire to ask you: Are you with me? Is your heart open for me? Do you permit me to purify and prepare it for my Son? My children, you are chosen because, in your time, the great grace of God descended on earth. Do not hesitate to accept it. Thank you.” (Mirjana 04/02/2008)
After the apparition, Mirjana said: Our Lady blessed all of us and all religious articles. And while she was leaving, behind her in the blueness, I was able to see a wonderful, warm light.

“Dear children, by God’s will I am here with you in this place. I desire for you to open your hearts to me and to accept me as a mother. With my love I will teach you simplicity of life and richness of mercy, and I will lead you to my Son. The way to him can be difficult and painful, but do not be afraid. I will be with you. My hands will hold you to the very end, to the eternal joy; therefore do not be afraid to open yourselves to me. Thank you.” (Mirjana 05/02/2008)
Our Lady also said:
“Pray for priests. My Son gave them to you as a gift.”

“Dear children, I am with you by the grace of God, to make you great, great in faith and love, all of you, you whose heart has been hard as a stone by sin and guilt; but you devout souls, I desire to illuminate with a new light. Pray that my prayer may meet open hearts so that I may be able to illuminate them with the strength of faith and open the ways of love and hope. Be persevering. I will be with you.” (Mirjana 06/02/2008)
As Our Lady said “you whose heart has been hard as a stone by sin and guilt,” she was looking at those present to whom this refers with a painful expression and tears in her eyes.

“Dear children, with motherly love I desire to encourage you to love your neighbour. May my Son be the source of that love. He, who could have done everything by force, chose love, and gave an example to you. Also today, through me, God expresses immeasurable goodness to you and, you children, are obliged to respond to it. With equal goodness and generosity, act towards the souls whom you meet. May your love convert them. In that way my Son and his love will resurrect in you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 07/02/2008)
Our Lady added: “Your shepherds should be in your hearts and your prayers.”

“Dear children, in my coming to you here among you, the greatness of God is reflected and the way with God to eternal joy is opening. Do not feel weak, alone or abandoned. Along with faith, prayer and love, climb to the hill of salvation. May the Mass, the most exalted and most powerful act of your prayer, be the centre of your spiritual life. Believe and love, my children. Those whom my Son chose and called will help you in this as well. To you and to them especially, I give my Motherly blessing. Thank you.” (Mirjana 08/02/2008)
Our Lady blessed all people present and all religious articles brought for blessing.

“Dear children, today, with my motherly heart, I call you gathered around me to love your neighbor. My children, stop: look in the eyes of your brother and see Jesus, my Son. If you see joy, rejoice with him. If there is pain in the eyes of your brother, with your tenderness and goodness, cast it away, because without love you are lost. Only love is effective; it works miracles. Love will give you unity in my Son and the victory of my heart. Therefore, my children, love.” (Mirjana 09/02/2008)
Our Lady blessed all those who were present and all of the religious articles. Once again she called us to pray for our shepherds

“Dear children, again I call you to faith. My motherly heart desires for your heart to be open, so that it could say to your heart: believe! My children, only faith will give you strength in life’s trials. It will renew your soul and open the ways of hope. I am with you. I gather you around me because I desire to help you, so that you can help your neighbours to discover faith, which is the only joy and happiness of life. Thank you.” (Mirjana 10/02/2008)
Our Lady blessed all those present and all religious articles. Once again she called us to pray for priests, especially at this time.

“Dear children, today I call you to complete union with God. Your body is on earth, but I ask you for your soul to be all the more often in God’s nearness. You will achieve this through prayer, prayer with an open heart. In that way you will thank God for the immeasurable goodness which he gives to you through me and, with a sincere heart, you will receive the obligation to treat the souls whom you meet with equal goodness. Thank you, my children.” (Mirjana 11/02/2008)
Our Lady added: “With the heart, I pray to God to give strength and love to your shepherds, to help you in this and to lead you.”

“Dear children, in this holy time of joyful expectation, God has chosen you, the little ones, to realize his great intentions. My children, be humble. Through your humility, with his wisdom, God will make of your souls a chosen home. You will illuminate it with good works, and thus, with an open heart, you will welcome the birth of my Son in all of his generous love. Thank you, dear children.” (Mirjana 12/02/2008)


“Dear children, while great heavenly grace is being lavished upon you, your hearts remain hard and without response. My children, why do you not give me your hearts completely? I only desire to put in them peace and salvation – my Son. With my Son your soul will be directed to noble goals and you will never get lost. Even in greatest darkness you will find the way. My children decide for a new life with the name of my Son on your lips. Thank you.” (Mirjana 01/02/2009)

“Dear children, with a motherly heart, today I desire to remind you, namely, to draw your attention to God’s immeasurable love and the patience which ensues from it. Your Father sends me and waits. He waits for your open hearts to be ready for his works. He waits for your hearts to be united in Christian love and mercy in the spirit of my Son. Do not lose time, children, because you are not its masters. Thank you.” (Mirjana 02/02/2009)

“Dear children, I am here among you. I am looking into your wounded and restless hearts. You have become lost, my children. Your wounds from sin are becoming greater and are distancing you all the more from the real truth. You are seeking hope and consolation in the wrong places, while I am offering to you sincere devotion which is nurtured by love, sacrifice and truth. I am giving you my Son.” (Mirjana 03/02/2009)

“Dear children, God’s love is in my words. My children, that is the love which desires to turn you to justice and truth. That is the love which desires to save you from delusion. And what about you, my children? Your hearts remain closed; they are hard and do not respond to my calls. They are insincere. With a motherly love I am praying for you, because I desire for all of you to resurrect in my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 04/02/2009)

“Dear children, already for a long time I am giving you my motherly heart and offering my Son to you. You are rejecting me. You are permitting sin to overcome you more and more. You are permitting it to master you and to take away your power of discernment. My poor children, look around you and look at the signs of the times. Do you think that you can do without God’s blessing? Do not permit darkness to envelop you. From the depth of your heart cry out for my Son. His name disperses even the greatest darkness. I will be with you. You just call me: ‘Here we are, Mother, lead us.’ Thank you.” (Mirjana 05/02/2009)
Our Lady was very sad. She only gave the message and blessed us.

“Dear children, my love seeks your complete and unconditional love, which will not leave you the same as you are; instead it will change you and teach you to trust in my Son. My children, with my love I am saving you and making you true witnesses of the goodness of my Son. Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to witness love in the name of my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 06/02/2009)

“Dear children, I am calling you because I need you. I need hearts ready for immeasurable love – hearts that are not burdened by vanity, hearts that are ready to love as my Son loved, that are ready to sacrifice themselves as my Son sacrificed himself. I need you. In order to come with me, forgive yourselves, forgive others and adore my Son. Adore him also for those who have not come to know him, those who do not love him. Therefore, I need you; therefore, I call you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 07/02/2009)

“Dear children, I am coming with my motherly love to point out the way by which you are to set out – in order that you may be all the more like my Son, and by that be closer to and more pleasing to God. Do not refuse my love. Do not renounce salvation and eternal life for the sake of transience and frivolity of this life. I am among you to lead you and, as a mother, to caution you. Come with me.” (Mirjana 08/02/2009)

“Dear children, today, with a motherly heart, I call you to learn to forgive, completely and unconditionally. You suffer injustice, betrayals and persecutions, but after that you are closer and dearer to God. My children, pray for the gift of love. Only love forgives all, as my Son forgives; follow him. I am among you and am praying that when you come before your Father you can say, ‘Here I am, Father, I followed your Son; I had love and forgave with the heart because I believed in your judgment and trusted in you.’ Thank you.” (Mirjana 09/02/2009)

“Dear children, as I look at you, my heart seizes with pain. Where are you going my children? Have you sunk so deeply into sin that you do not know how to stop yourselves? You justify yourselves with sin and live according to it. Kneel down beneath the Cross and look at my Son. He conquered sin and died so that you, my children, may live. Permit me to help you not to die but to live with my Son forever. Thank you!” (Mirjana 10/02/2009)

“Dear children, also today I am among you to point you to the way that will help you to come to know God’s love – the love of God who permitted you to call him Father and to perceive him as Father. I ask of you to sincerely look into your hearts and to see how much you love him. Is he the last to be loved? Surrounded by material goods, how many times have you betrayed, denied and forgotten him? My children, do not deceive yourselves with worldly goods. Think of your soul because it is more important than the body; cleanse it. Invoke the Father. He is waiting for you. Come back to him. I am with you because he, in his mercy, sends me. Thank you.” (Mirjana 11/02/2009)

“Dear children at this time of preparation and joyful expectation I, as a Mother, desire to point you to what is most important, to your soul. Can my Son be born in it? Is it cleansed by love – from lies, arrogance, hatred and malice? Above all else does your soul love God as your Father, and does it love your fellow brother in Christ? I am pointing you to the way which will raise your soul to complete union with my Son. I desire for my Son to be born in you. What a joy that would be for me as Mother. Thank you.” (Mirjana 12/02/2009)


“Dear children, today I am calling you to set out with me, with complete trust and love,  because I desire to acquaint you with my Son. Do not be afraid, my children; I am here with you, I am next to you. I am showing you the way to forgive yourselves, to forgive others, and, with sincere repentance of heart, to kneel before the Father. Make everything die in you that hinders you from loving and saving – that you may be with Him and in Him. Decide for a new beginning, a beginning of sincere love of God Himself. Thank you.” (Mirjana 01/02/2010)

“Dear children, with motherly love, today I call you to be a lighthouse to all souls who wander in the darkness of ignorance of God’s love. That you may shine all the brighter and draw all the more souls, do not permit the untruths which come out of your mouth to silence your conscience. Be perfect. I am leading you with my motherly hand – a hand of love. Thank you.” (Mirjana 02/02/2010)

“Dear children, in this special time of your effort to be all the closer to my Son, to His suffering, but also to the love with which He bore it, I desire to tell you that I am with you. I will help you to triumph over errors and temptations with my grace. I will teach you love, love which wipes away all sins and makes you perfect, love which gives you the peace of my Son now and forever. Peace be with you and in you, because I am the Queen of Peace. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/02/2010)

“Dear children; today I bless you in a special way, and I pray for you to return to the right way, to my Son – your Saviour, your Redeemer – to Him who gave you eternal life. Reflect on everything human, on everything that does not permit you to set out after my Son – on transience, imperfection and limitation – and then think of my Son, of His Divine infiniteness. By your surrender and prayer ennoble your body and perfect your soul. Be ready, my children. Thank you.” (Mirjana 04/02/2010)
Our Lady blessed all the people and all the religious articles that we had for blessing. As Our Lady was leaving, Mirjana saw a large golden Cross behind Our Lady.

“Dear children! Today the good Father calls you through me that, with your soul filled with love, you set out on a spiritual visitation. Dear children, be filled with grace. Sincerely repent of your sins and yearn for good. Yearn also in the name of those who have not come to know the perfection of good. You will be more pleasing to God. Thank you. ” (Mirjana 05/02/2010)

“Dear children, today I call you, with fasting and prayer, to clear the way by which my Son will enter into your hearts. Accept me as a mother and a messenger of God’s love and of His desire for your salvation. Free yourself of everything from the past which burdens you and gives you a sense of guilt; of everything that brought you to error – darkness. Accept the light. Be born anew in the justice of my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 06/02/2010)
Our Lady blessed all the religious articles and Mirjana said that when Our Lady was leaving, she saw a white dove at the end of the apparition, which Mirjana thought was the Holy Spirit.

“Dear children, my motherly call, which I direct to you today, is a call of truth and life. My Son, who is Life, loves you and knows you in truth. To come to know and to love yourself, you must come to know my Son; to come to know and to love others, you must see my Son in them. Therefore, my children, pray, pray, that you may comprehend and surrender with a spirit that is free, be completely transformed and, in this way, may have the Kingdom of Heaven in your heart on earth. Thank you!” (Mirjana 07/02/2010)

“Dear children! Today I call you, together with me to begin to build the Kingdom of Heaven in your hearts; that you may forget what is personal and, led by the example of my Son, think of what is of God. What does he desire of you? Do not permit Satan to open the paths of earthly happiness, the paths without my Son. My children, they are false and last a short while. My Son exists. I offer you eternal happiness and peace and unity with my Son, with God; I offer you the Kingdom of God. Thank you.” (Mirjana 08/02/2010)

“Dear children, I am beside you because I desire to help you to overcome trials, which this time of purification puts before you. My children, one of those is not to forgive and not to ask for forgiveness. Every sin offends Love and distances you from it – and Love is my Son. Therefore, my children, if you desire to walk with me towards the peace of God’s love, you must learn to forgive and to ask for forgiveness. Thank you.” (Mirjana 09/02/2010)

“Dear children, today I call you to a humble, my children, humble devotion. Your hearts need to be just. May your crosses be your means in the battle against the sins of the present time. May your weapon be patience and boundless love – a love that knows to wait and which will make you capable of recognizing God’s signs – that your life, by humble love, may show the truth to all those who seek it in the darkness of lies. My children, my apostles, help me to open the paths to my Son. Once again I call you to pray for your shepherds. Alongside them, I will triumph. Thank you.” (Mirjana 10/02/2010)

“Dear children, with motherly perseverance and love I am bringing you the light of life to destroy the darkness of death in you. Do not reject me, my children. Stop and look within yourselves and see how sinful you are. Be aware of your sins and pray for forgiveness. My children, you do not desire to accept that you are weak and little, but you can be strong and great by doing God’s will. Give me your cleansed hearts that I may illuminate them with the light of life, my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 11/02/2010)

“Dear children, today I am praying here with you that you may gather the strength to open your hearts and thus to become aware of the mighty love of the suffering God. Through this his love, goodness and meekness, I am also with you. I invite you for this special time of preparation to be a time of prayer, penance and conversion. My children, you need God. You cannot go forward without my Son. When you comprehend and accept this, what was promised to you will be realised. Through the Holy Spirit the Kingdom of Heaven will be born in your hearts. I am leading you to this. Thank you.” (Mirjana 12/02/2010)


“Dear children, today I call you to unity in Jesus, my Son. My motherly heart prays that you may comprehend that you are God’s family. Through the spiritual freedom of will, which the Heavenly Father has given you, you are called to become cognizant of the truth, the good or the evil. May prayer and fasting open your hearts and help you to discover the Heavenly Father through my Son. In discovering the Father, your life will be directed to carrying out of God’s will and the realization of God’s family, in the way that my Son desires. I will not leave you alone on this path. Thank you.” (Mirjana 01/02/2011)

“Dear children, you are gathering around me, you are seeking your way, you are seeking, you are seeking the truth but are forgetting what is the most important, you are forgetting to pray properly. Your lips pronounce countless words, but your spirit does not feel anything. Wandering in darkness, you even imagine God Himself according to yourselves, and not such as He really is in His love. Dear children, proper prayer comes from the depth of your heart, from your suffering, from your joy, from your seeking the forgiveness of sins. This is the way to come to know the right God and by that also yourselves, because you are created according to Him. Prayer will bring you to the fulfillment of my desire, of my mission here with you, to the unity in God’s family. Thank you.” (Mirjana 02/02/2011)

“Dear children, my motherly heart suffers tremendously as I look at my children who persistently put what is human before what is of God; at my children who, despite everything that surrounds them and despite all the signs that are sent to them, think that they can walk without my Son. They cannot! They are walking to eternal perdition. That is why I am gathering you, who are ready to open your heart to me, you who are ready to be apostles of my love, to help me; so that by living God’s love you may be an example to those who do not know it. May fasting and prayer give you strength in that and I bless you with motherly blessing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/02/2011) According to Mirjana, Our Lady was very sad during this apparition.

“Dear children! With Motherly love I desire to open the heart of each of you and to teach you personal unity with the Father. To accept this, you must comprehend that you are important to God and that He is calling you individually. You must comprehend that your prayer is a conversation of a child with the Father; that love is the way by which you must set out – love for God and your neighbor. That is, my children, the love that has no boundaries, that is the love that emanates from truth and goes to the end. Follow me, my children, so that also others, in recognizing the truth and love in you may follow you. Thank you.” Once again Our Lady called us to pray for our shepherds and said: “They have a special place in my heart. They represent my Son.” (Mirjana 04/02/2011)

“Dear children, God the Father is sending me to show you the way of salvation, because He, my children, desires to save you and not to condemn you. That is why I, as a mother, am gathering you around me, because with my motherly love I desire to help you to be free of the dirtiness of the past and to begin to live anew and differently. I am calling you to resurrect in my Son. Along with confession of sins renounce everything that has distanced you from my Son and that has made your life empty and unsuccessful. Say ‘Yes’ to the Father with the heart and set out on the way of salvation to which He is calling you through the Holy Spirit. Thank you. I am especially praying for the shepherds (priests), for God to help them to be alongside you with a fullness of heart.” (Mirjana 05/02/2011)

“Dear children, as I call you to prayer for those who have not come to know the love of God, if you were to look into your hearts you would comprehend that I am speaking about many of you. With an open heart, sincerely ask yourselves if you want the living God or do you want to eliminate Him and live as you want. Look around you, my children, and see where the world is going, the world that thinks of doing everything without the Father, and which wanders in the darkness of temptation. I am offering to you the light of the Truth and the Holy Spirit. According to God’s plan I am with you to help you to have my Son, His Cross and Resurrection, triumph in your hearts. As a mother, I desire and pray for your unity with my Son and His works. I am with you; you decide. Thank you.”

According to Mirjana, Our Lady looked sad during the apparition. When Our Lady spoke about “the light of the Truth and the Holy Spirit,” a unique light was visible behind her. Before the apparition was over, Our Lady blessed everyone present and their religious articles, and She especially blessed the priests. (Mirjana 06/02/2011)

“Dear children, today I call you to a difficult and painful step for your unity with my Son. I call you to complete admission and confession of sins, to purification. An impure heart cannot be in my Son and with my Son. An impure heart cannot give the fruit of love and unity. An impure heart cannot do correct and just things; it is not an example of the beauty of God’s love to those who surround it and to those who have not come to know that love. You, my children, are gathering around me full of enthusiasm, desires and expectations, and I implore the Good Father to, through the Holy Spirit, put my Son – faith, into your purified hearts. My children, obey me, set out with me.”
As Our Lady was leaving, to her left she showed darkness and to her right a Cross in golden light. (Mirjana 07/02/2011)

“Dear children, today I call you to be born anew in prayer and, through the Holy Spirit, to become a new people with my Son, a people who knows that if they have lost God, they have lost themselves, a people who knows that, with God, despite all sufferings and trials, they are secure and saved. I call you to gather into God’s family and to be strengthened with the Father’s strength. As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world. I call you to pray with all your heart for your shepherds, because my Son chose them. Thank you.” (Mirjana 08/02/2011)

“Dear children: With all my heart and soul full of faith and love in the Heavenly Father, I gave my Son to you and I am giving Him to you anew. My Son has brought you, the people of the entire world, to know the only true God and His love. He has led you on the way of truth and made you brothers and sisters. Therefore, my children, do not wander, do not close your heart before that truth, hope and love. Everything around you is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of God remains. Therefore, renounce everything that distances you from the Lord. Adore Him alone, because He is the only true God. I am with you and I will remain with you.

I am especially praying for the shepherds that they may be worthy representatives of my Son and may lead you with love on the way of truth. Thank you.” (Mirjana 09/02/2011)
“Dear children; Also today my motherly heart calls you to prayer, to your personal relationship with God the Father, to the joy of prayer in Him. God the Father is not far away from you and He is not unknown to you. He revealed Himself to you through my Son and gave you Life, Who is my Son. Therefore, my children, do not give into temptations that want to separate you from God the Father. Pray! Do not attempt to have families and societies without Him. Pray! Pray that your hearts may be flooded with the goodness which comes only from my Son, Who is sincere goodness. Only hearts filled with goodness can comprehend and accept God the Father. I will continue to lead you. In a special way I implore you not to judge your shepherds. My children, are you forgetting that God the Father called them? Pray! Thank you.”

Mirjana said: I have never said anything before, but are you aware, brothers and sisters, that the Mother of God was with us? Each of us should ask himself: “Are you worthy of this?” I am saying this because it is difficult for me to see Our Lady in pain, because each of us is seeking a miracle, but does not want to work a miracle in himself. (Mirjana 10/02/2011)

“Dear children, the Father has not left you to yourselves. Immeasurable is His love, the love that is bringing me to you, to help you to come to know Him, so that, through my Son, all of you can call Him ‘Father’ with the fullness of heart; that you can be one people in God’s family. However, my children, do not forget that you are not in this world only for yourselves, and that I am not calling you here only for your sake. Those who follow my Son think of the brother in Christ as of their very selves and they do not know selfishness. That is why I desire that you be the light of my Son. That to all those who have not come to know the Father – to all those who wander in the darkness of sin, despair, pain and loneliness – you may illuminate the way and that, with your life, you may show them the love of God. I am with you. If you open your hearts, I will lead you. Again I am calling you: pray for your shepherds. Thank you.” (Mirjana 11/02/2011)

“Dear children, as a mother I am with you so that with my love, prayer and example I may help you to become a seed of the future, a seed that will grow into a firm tree and spread its branches throughout the world. For you to become a seed of the future, a seed of love, implore the Father to forgive you your omissions up to now. My children, only a pure heart, unburdened by sin, can open itself and only honest eyes can see the way by which I desire to lead you. When you become aware of this, you will become aware of the love of God – it will be gifted to you. Then you will gift it to others, as a seed of love. Thank you.” (Mirjana 12/02/2011)


“Dear children; with motherly concern I look in your hearts. In them I see pain and suffering; I see a wounded past and an incessant search; I see my children who desire to be happy but do not know how. Open yourselves to the Father. That is the way to happiness, the way by which I desire to lead you. God the Father never leaves his children alone, especially not in pain and despair. When you comprehend and accept this you will be happy; your search will end; you will love and you will not be afraid; your life will be hope and truth which is my Son. Thank you.
“I implore you, pray for those whom my Son has chosen. Do not judge because you will all be judged.” (Mirjana 01/02/2012)

“Dear children; I am with you for so much time and already for so long I have been pointing you to God’s presence and His infinite love, which I desire for all of you to come to know. And you, my children? You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going without my Son. You are renouncing Him – and He is the source of all graces. You listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me. You are not praying to the Holy Spirit to illuminate you. My children, pride has come to rule. I am pointing out humility to you. My children, remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the love of God. Only a humble soul becomes Heaven, because my Son is in it. Thank you.
“Again I implore you to pray for those whom my Son has chosen – those are your shepherds.” (Mirjana 02/02/2012)

“Dear children, through the immeasurable love of God I come among you and am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him. Pray to the Holy Spirit that my Son be imprinted within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart, set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son.
Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him – the High Priest. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/02/2012)

“Dear children, as the Queen of Peace, I desire to give peace to you, my children: true peace which comes through the heart of my Divine Son. As a mother I pray that wisdom, humility and goodness may come to reign in your hearts, that peace may reign, that my Son may reign. When my Son will be the ruler in your hearts, you will be able to help others to come to know him. When heavenly peace comes to rule over you, those who are seeking it in the wrong places (thus causing pain to my motherly heart) will recognise it. My children, great will be my joy when I see that you are accepting my words and that you desire to follow me. Do not be afraid, you are not alone. Give me your hands and I will lead you.
Do not forget your shepherds. Pray that in their thoughts they may always be with my Son who called them to witness him. Thank you.” (Mirjana 04/02/2012)

“Dear children! With motherly love I implore you to give me your hands, permit me to lead you. I, as a mother, desire to save you from restlessness, despair and eternal exile. My Son, by his death on the Cross, showed how much he loves you; he sacrificed himself for your sake and for the sake of your sins. Do not keep rejecting his sacrifice and do not keep renewing his sufferings with your sins. Do not keep shutting the doors of Heaven for yourselves. My children, do not waste time. Nothing is more important than unity in my Son. I will help you because the Heavenly Father is sending me so that, together, we can show the way of grace and salvation to all those who do not know him. Do not be hard-hearted. Have confidence in me and adore my Son.
My children, you cannot be without the shepherds. May they be in your prayers every day. Thank you.” (Mirjana 05/02/2012)

“Dear children, I am continuously among you because, with my endless love, I desire to show you the door of Heaven. I desire to tell you how it is opened: through goodness, mercy, love and peace – through my Son. Therefore, my children, do not waste time on vanities. Only knowledge of the love of my Son can save you. Through that salvific love and the Holy Spirit He chose me; and I, together with Him, am choosing you to be apostles of His love and will. My children, great is the responsibility upon you. I desire that by your example you help sinners regain their sight, enrich their poor souls and bring them back into my embrace. Therefore, pray, pray, fast and confess regularly. If receiving my Son in the Eucharist is the centre of your life then do not be afraid; you can do everything. I am with you. Every day I pray for the shepherds and I expect the same of you. Because, my children, without their guidance and strengthening through their blessing, you cannot do it. Thank you.” (Mirjana 06/02/2012)

“My children; again, in a motherly way, I implore you to stop for a moment and to reflect on yourselves and on the transience of this your earthly life. Then reflect on eternity and the eternal beatitude. What do you want? Which way do you want to set out on? The Father`s love sends me to be a mediatrix for you, to show you with motherly love the way which leads to the purity of soul; a soul unburdened by sin; a soul that will come to know eternity. I am praying that the light of the love of my Son may illuminate you, so that you may triumph over weaknesses and come out of misery. You are my children and I desire for all of you to be on the way of salvation. Therefore, my children, gather around me that I may have you come to know the love of my Son and thus open the door of eternal beatitude. Pray as I do for your shepherds. Again I caution you: do not judge them, because my Son chose them. Thank you.” (Mirjana 07/02/2012)

“Dear children, I am with you and I am not giving up. I desire to have you come to know my Son. I desire for my children to be with me in eternal life. I desire for you to feel the joy of peace and to have eternal salvation. I am praying that you may overcome human weaknesses. I am imploring my Son to give you pure hearts. My dear children, only pure hearts know how to carry a cross and know how to sacrifice for all those sinners who have offended the Heavenly Father and who, even today, offend Him, although they have not come to know Him. I am praying that you may come to know the light of true faith which comes only from prayer of pure hearts. It is then that all those who are near you will feel the love of my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen to lead you on the way to salvation. May your mouth refrain from every judgment. Thank you.” (Mirjana 08/02/2012)

“Dear children, as my eyes are looking at you, my soul is seeking those souls with whom it desires to be one – the souls who have understood the importance of prayer for those of my children who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father. I am calling you because I need you. Accept the mission and do not be afraid, I will strengthen you. I will fill you with my graces. With my love I will protect you from the evil spirit. I will be with you. With my presence I will console you in difficult moments. Thank you for your open hearts. Pray for priests. Pray that the unity between my Son and them may be all the stronger, that they may be one. Thank you.” (Mirjana 09/02/2012)

“Dear children; I am calling you and am coming among you because I need you. I need apostles with a pure heart. I am praying, and you should also pray, that the Holy Spirit may enable and lead you, that he may illuminate you and fill you with love and humility. Pray that he may fill you with grace and mercy. Only then will you understand me, my children. Only then will you understand my pain because of those who have not come to know the love of God. Then you will be able to help me. You will be my light-bearers of God’s love. You will illuminate the way for those who have been given eyes but do not want to see. I desire for all of my children to see my Son. I desire for all of my children to experience his Kingdom. Again I call you and implore you to pray for those whom my Son has called. Thank you.”(Mirjana 10/02/2012)

“Dear children, as a mother I implore you to persevere as my apostles. I am praying to my Son to give you Divine wisdom and strength. I am praying that you may discern everything around you according to God’s truth and to strongly resist everything that wants to distance you from my Son. I am praying that you may witness the love of the Heavenly Father according to my Son. My children, great grace has been given to you to be witnesses of God’s love. Do not take the given responsibility lightly. Do not sadden my motherly heart. As a mother I desire to rely on my children, on my apostles. Through fasting and prayer you are opening the way for me to pray to my Son for Him to be beside you and for His name to be holy through you. Pray for the shepherds because none of this would be possible without them. Thank you.”(Mirjana 11/02/2012)

“Dear children, with motherly love and motherly patience anew I call you to live according to my Son – to spread his peace and his love – so that as my apostles you may accept God’s truth with all your heart and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you. Then you will be able to faithfully serve my Son and show his love to others with your life. According to the love of my Son and my love, as a mother, I strive to bring all of my stray children into my motherly embrace and to show them the way of faith. My children, help me in my motherly battle and pray with me that sinners may become aware of their sins and repent sincerely. Pray also for those whom my Son has chosen and consecrated in his name. Thank you.” (Mirjana 12/02/2012)


“Dear children, with much love and patience I strive to make your hearts like unto mine. I strive, by my example, to teach you humility, wisdom and love because I need you; I cannot do without you my children. According to God’s will I am choosing you, by his strength I am strengthening you. Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to open your hearts to me. I will give them to my Son and in return, he will give you the gift of divine peace. You will carry it to all those whom you meet, you will witness God’s love with your life and you will give the gift of my Son through yourselves. Through reconciliation, fasting and prayer, I will lead you. Immeasurable is my love. Do not be afraid.
My children, pray for the shepherds. May your lips be shut to every judgment, because do not forget that my Son has chosen them and only he has the right to judge. Thank you.” (Mirjana 01/02/2013)

“Dear children; Love is bringing me to you – the love which I desire to teach you also – real love; the love which my Son showed you when He died on the Cross out of love for you; the love which is always ready to forgive and to ask for forgiveness. How great is your love? My motherly heart is sorrowful as it searches for love in your hearts. You are not ready to submit your will to God’s will out of love. You cannot help me to have those who have not come to know God’s love to come to know it, because you do not have real love. Consecrate your hearts to me and I will lead you. I will teach you to forgive, to love your enemies and to live according to my Son. Do not be afraid for yourselves. In afflictions my Son does not forget those who love. I will be beside you. I will implore the Heavenly Father for the light of eternal truth and love to illuminate you. Pray for your shepherds so that through your fasting and prayer they can lead you in love. Thank you.” (Mirjana 02/02/2013)

“Dear children; Anew, in a motherly way, I am calling you not to be of a hard heart. Do not shut your eyes to the warnings which the Heavenly Father sends to you out of love. Do you love him above all else? Do you repent for having often forgotten that the Heavenly Father, out of his great love, sent his Son to redeem us by the Cross? Do you repent for not having accepted the message? My children, do not resist the love of my Son. Do not resist hope and peace. Along with your prayers and fasting, by his Cross, my Son will cast away the darkness that wants to surround you and come to rule over you. He will give you the strength for a new life. Living it according to my Son, you will be a blessing and a hope to all those sinners who wander in the darkness of sin. My children, keep vigil. I, as a mother, am keeping vigil with you. I am especially praying and watching over those whom my Son called to be light-bearers and carriers of hope for you – for your shepherds. Thank you..” (Mirjana 03/02/2013)

“Dear children; I am calling you to be one with my Son in spirit. I am calling you, through prayer, and the Holy Mass when my Son unites Himself with you in a special way, to try to be like Him; that, like Him, you may always be ready to carry out God’s will and not seek the fulfillment of your own. Because, my children, it is according to God’s will that you are, and that you exist, and without God’s will you are nothing. As a mother I am asking you to speak about the glory of God with your life, because in that way you will also glorify yourself in accordance to His will. Show humility and love of your neighbour to everyone. Through such humility and love, my Son saved you and opened the way for you to the Heavenly Father. I implore you to keep opening the way to the Heavenly Father for all those who have not come to know Him and have not opened their hearts to His love. By your life, open the way to all those who still wander in search of the truth. My children, be my apostles who have not lived in vain. Do not forget that you will come before the Heavenly Father and tell Him about yourself. Be ready! Again I am warning you, pray for those whom my Son called, whose hands He blessed and whom He gave as a gift to you. Pray, pray, pray for your shepherds. Thank you.” (Mirjana 04/02/2013)

“Dear children; anew, I am calling you to love and not to judge. My Son, according to the will of the Heavenly Father, was among you to show you the way of salvation, to save you and not to judge you. If you desire to follow my Son, you will not judge but love as your Heavenly Father loves you. And when it is the most difficult for you, when you are falling under the weight of the cross, do not despair, do not judge; instead, remember that you are loved, and praise the Heavenly Father because of His love. My children, do not deviate from the way on which I am leading you. Do not recklessly walk into perdition. May prayer and fasting strengthen you so that you can live as the Heavenly Father would desire; that you may be my apostles of faith and love; that your life may bless those whom you meet; that you may be one with the Heavenly Father and my Son. My children, that is the only truth, the truth that leads to your conversion, and then to the conversion of all those whom you meet – those who have not come to know my Son – all those who do not know what it means to love.
My children, my Son gave you a gift of the shepherds. Take good care of them. Pray for them. Thank you.” (Mirjana 05/02/2013)

Dear children; in this restless time, anew I am calling you to set out after my Son – to follow him. I know of the pain, suffering and difficulties, but in my Son you will find rest; in him you will find peace and salvation. My children, do not forget that my Son redeemed you by his Cross and enabled you, anew, to be children of God; to be able to, anew, call the Heavenly Father: ‘Father’. To be worthy of the Father, love and forgive, because your Father is love and forgiveness. Pray and fast, because that is the way to your purification, it is the way of coming to know and becoming cognizant of the Heavenly Father. When you become cognizant of the Father, you will comprehend that He is all you need. I, as a mother, desire my children to be in a community of one single people where the Word of God is listened to and carried out. Therefore, my children, set out after my Son. Be one with him. Be God’s children.
Love your shepherds as my Son loved them when he called them to serve you. Thank you. (Mirjana 06/02/2013)

“Dear children, with a motherly love I am imploring you to give me the gift of your hearts, so I can present them to my Son and free you – free you from all the evil enslaving and distancing you all the more from the only Good – my Son – from everything which is leading you on the wrong way and is taking peace away from you. I desire to lead you to the freedom of the promise of my Son, because I desire for God’s will to be fullfilled completely here; and that through reconcilliation with the Heavenly Father, through fasting and prayer, apostles of God’s love may be born – apostles who will freely, and with love, spread the love of God to all my children – apostles who will spread the love of the trust in the Heavenly Father and who will keep opening the gates of Heaven. Dear children, extend the joy of love and support to your shepherds, just as my Son has asked them to extend it to you. Thank you.”  (Mirjana 07/02/2013)

“Dear children! If only you would open your hearts to me with complete trust, you would comprehend everything. You would comprehend with how much love I am calling you; with how much love I desire to change you, to make you happy; with how much love I desire to make you followers of my Son and give you peace in the fullness of my Son. You would comprehend the immeasurable greatness of my motherly love. That is why, my children, pray because through prayer your faith grows and love is born, the love along which even the cross is not unendurable because you do not carry it alone. In union with my Son you glorify the name of the Heavenly Father. Pray, pray for the gift of love, because love is the only truth: it forgives everything, it serves everyone and it sees a brother in everyone. My children, my apostles, great is the trust that the Heavenly Father has given you through me, His handmaid, to help those who do not know Him, that they may reconcile with Him and follow Him. That is why I am teaching you love, because only if you have love will you be able to respond to Him. Again I am calling you to love your shepherds and to pray that, at this difficult time, the name of my Son may be glorified under their guidance. Thank you.”(Mirjana 08/02/2013)

“Dear children, I love you all. All of you, all of my children, all of you are in my heart. All of you have my motherly love and I desire to lead all of you to come to know God’s joy. This is why I am calling you. I need humble apostles who, with an open heart, will accept the Word of God and help others to comprehend the meaning of their life alongside God’s word. To be able to do this, my children, through prayer and fasting you must learn to listen with the heart and to learn to keep submitting yourselves. You must learn to keep rejecting everything that distances you from God’s word and to yearn only for that which draws you closer to it. Do not be afraid. I am here. You are not alone. I am imploring the Holy Spirit to renew and strengthen you. I am imploring the Holy Spirit that, as you help others, you too may be healed. I am imploring him that, through him, you may be God’s children and my apostles.
For the sake of Jesus, for the sake of my Son, love those whom he has called, and long for the blessing only from the hands which He has consecrated. Do not permit evil to come to reign. Anew I repeat – only alongside your shepherds will my heart triumph. Do not permit evil to separate you from your shepherds. Thank you.” (Mirjana 09/02/2013)

Our Lady Speaks: Special Messages to Marija

Compiled by Andrew Jerome Yeung.

Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Jennifer Yeung.
All rights reserved.


Special Messages to Marija


“Dear children! Thank you. You are my hope; I bless you all. You are my joy. Continue converting, and live my messages with joy.”



November 26, 1990
This message was given to Marija during the prayer group meeting on the mountain. Our Lady said She was very happy that the people had come to pray with Her.

“Dear children, I desire you to witness my presence through love.”

November 16, 1990
To Marija:
“Dear children, I thank you for you have come up here tonight to pray. Your Mother asks you to pray for peace in the world in this time. For that, I ask you to come up often and pray on the Apparition Hill, (Podbrdo), and Križevac, in order to pray for peace. I also ask you to gather your family to pray together for peace and for the salvation of the world.”

This was a very intense apparition. Afterwards, Marija said, “I felt as if Our Lady wanted to take my soul.”



December 22, 1989
“Our Lady says this Christmas should be the most beautiful Christmas of your life.”

December 21, 1989
From Marija to Father Luciano:

“Our Lady asked me to pray and offer sacrifices for priests.”

Our Lady Speaks: Annual Messages

Compiled by Andrew Jerome Yeung.

Copyright © 2012 by Dr. Jennifer Yeung.
All rights reserved.




Introduction to the Annual Messages

Annual Messages to Mirjana
Mirjana Dragičević-Soldo had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 to December 25, 1982. On that day, Our Lady told her:
“Mirjana I chose you, and I told you everything that is necessary. I entrusted you with the knowledge of many abominations, which you must carry with dignity. Think of me, and how much I too shed tears because of this. You must always be brave. You quickly understood my messages, and so you must understand that now I must leave. Be brave!”
Entrusting to her the tenth secret, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her life she would have one yearly apparition, on March 18th.

Annual Messages to Ivanka
Ivanka Ivanković-Elez had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981 to May 7, 1985. On that day, Our Lady told her:
“My dear child, today is our last meeting, but do not be sad because I will come to you on every anniversary except this one. My child, do not think that you have done something wrong, and that’s why I no longer come. No, this isn’t true. The plan which my Son and I have, you accepted with all your heart and completed your part. Be happy because I am your mother and I love you with all my heart. Ivanka, thank you for having responded to the invitation of my Son and for persevering and for always being close to him and staying until he had completed that for which he asked of you. My child, tell your friends that both I and my Son will always be there for you when you seek or call us. That which I told you during these years about the secrets, it is still not time to tell anyone. Ivanka, the grace which you and the others received, nobody on this earth has received up until now!”
Confiding to her the tenth secret, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her life, she would have one yearly apparition on June 25th, the anniversary of the apparitions.

Annual Messages to Jakov
Jakov Čolo had daily apparitions from June 25, 1981 to September 12, 1998. On that day, Our Lady told him:
“Dear child! I am your mother and I love you unconditionally. From today, I will not be appearing to you every day, but only on Christmas, the birthday of my Son. Do not be sad, because as a mother, I will always be with you and like every true mother, I will never leave you. And you continue further to follow the way of my Son, the way of peace and love and try to persevere in the mission that I have confided to you. Be an example of that man who has known God and God’s love. Let people always see in you an example of how God acts on people and how God acts through them. I bless you with my motherly blessing and I thank you for having responded to my call.”
Entrusting to him the tenth secret, Our Lady told him that for the rest of his life he would have one yearly apparition, on Christmas Day.

The Annual Messages

From the Medjugorje parish: “Inasmuch as the work on the archives is still going on, we cannot publish the messages given before 1995.”

“Dear children, already for many years as a Mother, I have been teaching you faith and God’s love. You have not shown gratitude to the dear Father nor have you given him glory. You have become empty and your heart has become hard and without love toward your neighbours’ sufferings. I am teaching you love and showing you that the dear Father loved you but you have not loved him. He sacrificed his Son for your salvation, my children. As long as you do not love, you will not know your Father’s love. You won’t get to know him because God is love. Love and don’t be afraid, my children, because there is no fear in love. If your hearts are open to the Father and if they are full of love toward him, then why any fear of what is to come? Those who are afraid are the ones who do not love because they are waiting for punishments and because they know how empty and hard they are. Children, I am leading you to love, to the dear Father. I am leading you to eternal life. Eternal life is my Son. Receive him and you have received love.” (Mirjana 03/18/1995)

Our Lady blessed every one present at the apparition. She spoke to me about the secrets. She called us to pray for families because Satan desires to destroy them. In addition, Our Lady called on all people to be messengers of peace. (Ivanka 06/25/1995)

“Dear children, on this message, which I give you today through my servant, I desire for you to reflect a long time. My children, great is the love of God. Do not close your eyes, do not close your ears, while I repeat to you: Great is his love! Hear my call and my supplication, which I direct to you. Consecrate your heart and make in it the home of the Lord. May he dwell in it forever. My eyes and my heart will be here even when I will no longer appear. Act in everything as I ask you and lead you to the Lord. Do not reject from yourself the name of God, that you may not be rejected. Accept my messages that you may be accepted. Decide, my children, it is the time of decision. Be of just and innocent heart that I may lead you to your Father, for this, that I am here, is his great love. Thank you for being here!” (Mirjana 03/18/1996)

Our Lady thanks us for our prayer and for our love and desires that prayer and love become interwoven into every day. In conclusion, she invited us to pray for those who were under diabolic possession. (Ivanka 06/25/1996)

“Dear children, as a mother I beseech you, do not go on the way you have been going. That is a way without love toward neighbour and toward my Son. On that way, you will find only hardness and emptiness of heart, and not the peace that everyone is crying out for. Genuine peace will be had only by the one who sees and loves my Son in his neighbour. In whose heart my Son reigns, that one knows what peace is and tranquility. Thank you having responded to my call.” (Mirjana 03/18/1997)

“Dear children, pray with the heart to know how to forgive and how to be forgiven. I thank you for your prayers and the love you give to me.” (Ivanka 06/25/ 1997)

“Dear children, I call you to be my light, in order to enlighten all those who still live in darkness, to fill their hearts with Peace, my Son. Thank you for having responded to my call!” (Mirjana 03/18/1998)

Our Lady was joyful. I asked her to bless everyone, which she did. Our Lady talked to me about all the secrets. She invited us to pray for the families at this time and especially to pray for the sick. She called us to open our hearts and to thank her Son for the grace he has given us. At the end, Our Lady thanked us for our prayers and love. (Ivanka 06/25/1998)

“Dear children, today, on the birthday of my Son, my heart is filled with immeasurable joy, love and peace. As your mother, I desire for each of you to feel that same joy, peace and love in the heart. That is why, do not be afraid to open your heart and to completely surrender yourself to Jesus, because only in this way can he enter into your heart and fill it with love, peace and joy. I bless you with my motherly blessing.” (Jakov 12/25/1998)

“Dear children, I want you to surrender your hearts to me so that I may take you on the way which leads to the light and to eternal life. I do not want your hearts to wander in today’s darkness. I will help you. I will be with you on this way of discovery of the love and the mercy of God. As a mother, I ask you to permit me to do this. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (Mirjana 03/18/1999)

“Dear children, thank my Son for all the graces that he has given you. Pray for peace, pray for peace, pray for peace!” (Ivanka 06/25/1999)

“Dear children, today on the birthday of my Son, when my heart is filled with immeasurable joy and love, I invite you to open fully and surrender fully to God. Throw out all the darkness from your heart and let God’s light and God’s love enter your heart and dwell there forever. Be carriers of God’s light and love to all people, so that everyone, in you and through you, can feel and experience the authentic light and love that only God can give you. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing!” (Jakov 12/25/1999)

“Dear children, do not seek peace and happiness in vain, in the wrong places and in wrong things. Do not permit your hearts to become hard by loving vanity. Invoke the name of my Son. Receive him in your heart. Only in the name of my Son will you experience true happiness and true peace in your heart. Only in this way will you come to know the love of God and spread it further. I am calling you to be my apostles.” (Mirjana 03/18/2000)

“I introduced myself as ‘Queen of Peace.’ Again, I call you to peace, fasting, prayer. Renew family prayer and receive my blessing.” (Ivanka 06/25/2000)

“Dear children, today when Jesus is born and by his birth brings immeasurable joy, love and peace, I call you, in a special way to say your ‘Yes’ to Jesus. Open your hearts so that Jesus enters into them, comes to dwell in them and starts to work through you. Only in this way will you be able to comprehend the true beauty of God’s love, joy and peace. Dear children, rejoice in the birth of Jesus and pray for all those hearts that have not opened to Jesus so that Jesus may enter into each of their hearts and may start working through them – so that every person would be an example of a true person through whom God works.” (Jakov 12/25/2000)

“Dear children, today I call you to love and mercy. Give love to each other as your Father gives it to you. Be merciful – with the heart. Do good works, not permitting them to wait for you too long. Every mercy that comes from the heart brings you closer to my Son.” (Mirjana 03/18/2001)

“Dear angels! Thank you for your prayers, because through them my plan is being realized. This is why, angels, pray, pray, pray, so that my plan may be realized. Receive my motherly blessing!” (Ivanka 06/25/2001)

“Dear children, today when Jesus is born anew for you, in a special way, I want to call you to conversion. Pray, pray, pray for the conversion of your heart, so that Jesus may be born in you all, and may dwell in you and come to reign over your entire being. Thank you for having responded to the call.” (Jakov 12/25/2001)

“Dear children, as a mother, I implore you, open your heart and offer it to me, and fear nothing. I will be with you and will teach you how to put Jesus in the first place. I will teach you to love him and to belong to him completely. Understand, Dear children, that without my Son there is no salvation. You should become aware that he is your beginning and your end. Only with this awareness can you be happy and merit eternal life. As your mother, I desire this for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (Mirjana 03/18/2002)

“Dear children, do not tire of prayer. Pray for peace, peace, peace.” (Ivanka 06/25/2002)

“Dear children, today, on the day of love and peace, with Jesus in my arms, I call you to prayer for peace. Little children, without God and prayer you cannot have peace. Therefore, little children, open your heart so that the King of Peace may be born in your heart. Only in this way, you can witness and carry God’s peace to this peaceless world. I am with you and bless you with my motherly blessing.” (Jakov 12/25/2002)

“Dear children, particularly at this holy time of penance and prayer, I call you to make a choice. God gave you free will to choose life or death. Listen to my messages with the heart that you may become cognizant of what you are to do and how you will find the way to life. My children, without God you can do nothing; do not forget this even for a single moment. For what are you and what will you be in the earth when you return under it again? Do not anger God, but follow me to life. Thank you for being here.” (Mirjana 03/18/2003)

“Dear children, do not be afraid, I am always with you. Open your heart for love and peace to enter into it. Pray for peace, peace, peace.” (Ivanka 06/25/2003)

“Dear children, today, when in a special way, Jesus desires to give you his peace, I call you to pray for peace in your hearts. Children, without peace in your hearts you cannot feel the love and joy of the birth of Jesus. Therefore, little children, today in a special way, open your hearts and begin to pray. Only through prayer and complete surrender, will your heart be filled with the love and peace of Jesus. I bless you with my motherly blessing.” (Jakov 12/25/2003)

“Dear children, also today, watching you with a heart full of love, I desire to tell you that what you persistently seek, what you long for, my little children, is in front of you. It is sufficient that, in a purified heart, you place my Son in the first place, and then you will be able to see. Listen to me and permit me to lead you to this in a motherly way.” (Mirjana 03/18/2004)

“Dear children, pray for those families who have not come to know the love of my Son. Receive my motherly blessing.” (Ivanka 06/25/2004)

“Dear children, today, on the day of grace, with little Jesus in my arms, in a special way I call you to open your hearts and to start to pray. Little children, ask Jesus to be born in each of your hearts and to begin to rule in your lives. Pray to him for the grace to be able to recognize him always and in every person. Little children, ask Jesus for love, because only with God’s love can you love God and all people. I carry you all in my heart and give you my motherly blessing.” (Jakov 12/25/2004)

“Dear children, I come to you as the mother who, above all, loves her children. My children, I desire to teach you to love also. I pray for this. I pray that you will recognize my Son in each of your neighbors. The way to my Son, who is true peace and love, passes through the love for all neighbors. My children, pray and fast for your heart to be open for this my intention.” (Mirjana 03/18/2005)

“Dear children, love each other with the love of my Son. Peace, peace, peace.” (Ivanka 06/25/2005)

“Dear children, today, with Jesus in my arms, in a special way I call you to conversion. Children, through all this time which God permitted me to be with you, I continuously called you to conversion. Many of your hearts remained closed. Little children, Jesus is peace, love and joy; therefore now decide for Jesus. Start to pray. Pray to him for the gift of conversion. Little children, only with Jesus can you have peace, joy and a heart filled with love. Little children, I love you. I am your mother and give you my motherly blessing.” (Jakov 12/25/2005)

“Dear children, in this Lenten time, I call you to interior renunciation. The way to this leads you through love, fasting, prayer and good works. Only with total interior renunciation will you recognize God’s love and the signs of the time in which you live. You will be witnesses of these signs and will begin to speak about them. I desire to bring you to this. Thank you for having responded to me.” (Mirjana 03/18/2006)

“Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call. Pray, pray, pray.” (Ivanka 06/25/2006)

“Today is a great day of joy and peace. Rejoice with me. Little children, in a special way, I call you to holiness in your families. I desire, little children, that each of your families be holy and that God’s joy and peace, which God sends you today in a special way, may come to rule and dwell in your families. Little children, open your hearts today on this day of grace, decide for God and put him in the first place in your family. I am your Mother. I love you and give you my motherly Blessing.” (Jakov 12/25/2006)

“Dear children, I come to you as a Mother with gifts. I come with love and mercy. Dear children, mine is a big heart. In it, I desire all of your hearts, purified by fasting and prayer. I desire that, through love, our hearts may triumph together. I desire that through that triumph you may see the real Truth, the real Way and the real Life. I desire that you may see my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/18/2007)

“Dear children, receive my motherly blessing.” (Ivanka 06/25/2007)

“Dear children, today, in a special way I call you to become open to God and for each of your hearts today to become a place of Jesus’ birth. Little children, through all this time that God permits me to be with you, I desire to lead you to the joy of your life. Little children, the only true joy of your life is God. Therefore, Dear children, do not seek joy in things of this earth but open your hearts and accept God. Little children, everything passes, only God remains in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (Jakov 12/25/2007)

“Dear children, today I extend my hands towards you. Do not be afraid to accept them. They desire to give you love and peace and to help you in salvation. Therefore, my children, receive them. Fill my heart with joy and I will lead you towards holiness. The way on which I lead you is difficult and full of temptations and falls. I will be with you and my hands will hold you. Be persevering so that, at the end of the way, we can all together, in joy and love, hold the hands of my Son. Come with me; fear not. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/18/2008)

Our Lady spoke to me about the ninth secret. She gave us her motherly blessing. (Ivanka 06/25/2008)

“Dear children, today, in a special way, I call you to pray for peace. Without God you cannot have peace or live in peace. Therefore, little children, today on this day of grace open your hearts to the King of peace, for him to be born in you and to grant you his peace – and you be carriers of peace in this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (Jakov 12/25/2008)

“Dear children, today I call you to look into your hearts sincerely and for a long time. What will you see in them? Where is my Son in them and where is the desire to follow me to Him? My children, may this time of renunciation be a time when you will ask yourself: ‘What does my God desire of me personally? What am I to do?’ Pray, fast and have a heart full of mercy. Do not forget your shepherds. Pray that they may not get lost, that they may remain in my Son so as to be good shepherds to their flock.”
Our Lady looked at all those present and added: “Again I say to you, if you knew how much I love you, you would cry with happiness. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/18/2009)

“Dear children, I call you to be apostles of peace. Peace, peace, peace.” (Ivanka 06/25/2009)

“Dear children! All of this time in which God in a special way permits me to be with you, I desire to lead you on the way that leads to Jesus and to your salvation. My little children, you can find salvation only in God and therefore, especially on this day of grace with little Jesus in my arms, I call you to permit Jesus to be born in your hearts. Only with Jesus in your heart can you set out on the way of salvation and eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (Jakov 12/25/2009)


“Dear children! Today I call you to love with all your heart and with all your soul. Pray for the gift of love, because when the soul loves it calls my Son to itself. My Son does not refuse those who call Him and who desire to live according to Him. Pray for those who do not comprehend love, who do not understand what it means to love. Pray that God may be their Father and not their Judge. My children, you be my apostles, be my river of love. I need you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/18/2010)

“Dear children, receive my motherly blessing.” (Ivanka 06/25/2010)

“Our Lady spoke to me about the secrets and at the end said: ‘Pray, pray, pray.'” (Jakov 12/25/2010)


“Dear children! I am with you in the name of the greatest Love, in the name of dear God, who has come close to you through my Son and has shown you real love. I desire to lead you on the way of God. I desire to teach you real love so that others may see it in you, that you may see it in others, that you may be a brother to them and that others may see a merciful brother in you. My children, do not be afraid to open your hearts to me. With motherly love, I will show you what I expect of each of you, what I expect of my apostles. Set out with me. Thank you.” According to Mirjana, Our Lady asked all of us to pray for the priests, adding “Again, I emphasize that I will triumph together with them.” (Mirjana 03/18/2011)

“Dear children, receive my motherly blessing.” (Ivanka 06/25/2011)

“Dear children! Today, in a special way, I desire to take you to and give you over to my Son. Little children, open your hearts and permit Jesus to be born in you, because only in this way, little children, will you yourselves be able to experience your new birth and set out with Jesus in your hearts towards the way of salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (Jakov 12/25/2011)


“Dear children! I am coming among you because I desire to be your mother – your intercessor. I desire to be the bond between you and the Heavenly Father – your mediatrix. I desire to take you by the hand and to walk with you in the battle against the impure spirit. My children, consecrate yourselves to me completely. I will take your lives into my motherly hands and I will teach them peace and love, and then I will give them over to my Son. I am asking of you to pray and fast because only in this way will you know how to witness my Son in the right way through my motherly heart. Pray for your shepherds that, united in my Son, they can always joyfully proclaim the Word of God. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/18/2012)

“I am giving you my motherly blessing. Pray for peace, peace, peace.” (Ivanka 06/25/2012)

“Dear children, give the gift of your life to me and completely surrender to me so that I may help you to comprehend my motherly love and the love of my Son for you. My children, I love you immeasurably and today, in a special way, on the day of the birth of my Son, I desire to receive each of you into my heart and to give a gift of your lives to my Son. My children, Jesus loves you and gives you the grace to live in His mercy, but sin has overtaken many of your hearts and you live in darkness. Therefore, my children, do not wait, say ‘No’ to sin and surrender your hearts to my Son, because only in this way will you be able to live God’s mercy and, with Jesus in your hearts, set out on the way of salvation.” (Jakov 12/25/2012)


“Dear children! I call you to bless the name of the Lord with complete trust and joy, and, day after day, to give Him thanks from the heart for His great love. Through the love which He showed by the Cross, my Son gave you the possibility to be forgiven everything; so that you do not have to be ashamed or to hide, or out of fear not to open the door of your heart to my Son. On the contrary, my children, reconcile with the Heavenly Father so that you may be able to come to love yourselves as my Son loves you. When you come to love yourselves, you will also love others; in them you will see my Son and recognize the greatness of His love. Live in faith! Through me, my Son is preparing you for the works which He desires to do through you – works through which He desires to be glorified. Give Him thanks. Especially thank Him for the shepherds – for your intercessors in the reconciliation with the Heavenly Father. I am thanking you, my children. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/18/2013)

Our lady appeared to Ivanka at her home. It lasted two minutes. Only Ivanka’s family was present. After the apparition, the visionary said: “The Virgin did not give any message. She blessed us with her ​​motherly blessing.” (Ivanka 06/25/2013)





聖母都給予每一神視者某一特定的作用,蜜欣娜的定位是在於非信者 - 那些尚未知曉天主大愛的人,請依從此一背景閱讀她收接到的訊息,因為同一理據,每月蜜欣娜為整個世界而接收到的訊息,其內容和語調也和其他神視者所收到的有所不同。

那麼,非信者是何等樣的人呢?無神論者?不可知論者?那些不上聖堂敬崇天主的人?不,不是的!而是那些沒有聽過默主哥耶的人,人數竟是以億計算。他 們從來沒有聽聞過聖母瑪利亞的訊息,也從未出席過任何一個聖母顯現的聚會,完全沒有渠道聆聽聖母的說話,聖母顯現時也不是向他們說話。

那麼,誰是聖母的聆聽者呢?是那些每月第二日在默主哥耶,於清晨極早之時起床,好能在聖母顯現的所在地點藍十字架附近,覓得一個站立位置的人嗎?是 那些在世界各地,熱切渴望蜜欣娜藉着互聯網絡去傳遞聖母話語訊息記錄的人嗎?是那些閱讀與此一讀本同一類型書籍的人嗎?就是我們!還有誰呢!是的!我們就 是聖母要訓示的人!


聖母為甚麼哭泣呢?為甚麼她不斷的告訴我們要守齋和祈禱?是因為我們守齋?是因為我們祈禱?我們守齋嗎?我們祈禱嗎?我們是否用心祈禱呢?我們有沒 有給自己靜心的時間與主相對呢?有沒有為那些我們鄙視而看不上眼的人而祈禱呢?我們愛天主嗎?有沒有遵守祂的誡命呢?有沒有愛祂在我們之上呢?有沒有將祂 放在第一位呢?有沒有真的愛我們的近人呢?我們有謙卑嗎?有温良嗎?有純真嗎?我們是否充滿驕傲?充滿自大?充滿憎恨?充滿妒忌?是否為自己的義行添上誑 惑自大的外衣呢?我們有沒有與人保持良好關係的技巧呢?也有沒有因此誤導自己而覺得很偉大呢?我們有沒有為一些遥不可及的人與事擔當英雄而對近身的人事漠 不關心呢?我們誠摯嗎?我們忠實嗎?我們公正嗎?我們是否願意作出犧牲?

以下是蜜欣娜在2008年6月2日所作出的滙報:「聖母說,‘親愛的孩子,我因着天主的恩竉而與你們在一起,是為你們好,是要你們在信德和愛德上邁 進,是所有的你們,你的心因着罪惡已經變得像石頭一樣的硬’….當聖母說這句話的時候‘你的心因着罪惡已經變得像石頭一樣的硬’,她是以痛苦的神色, 眼中有淚地望着那些為此句說話而在場出席的人士。」

在2007年12月2日,蜜欣娜說出以下的描述:「聖母非常傷心。她的眼睛在整個時段都充滿淚水。她說,‘親愛的孩子,今天,當我望着你們的心,我 的心充滿痛苦和抖震。我的孩子,停一停,望進你們的心內,看看我的親子,你們的天主,是否真的在第一位置呢?祂的誡命是否真的是你們生命的計量呢?我再次 向你們警告’….我痛苦地請求聖母不要離開我們,不要拋棄我們,聖母痛苦地笑對我的請求便離開了,這一次,她並沒有以‘謝謝你們’這句說話結束她給我 們的訊息。」

「親愛的孩子,在這充滿天主恩竉的聖潔時刻,祂的大愛派遣我到你們這裏來,我懇切地要求你們不要再有一個硬如堅石的心。願守齋和祈禱能夠是你們的信 仰行動,好能拉近並能進一步認識耶穌,我的親子’….在這整個時段聖母都是顯露着一種傷悲和苦痛。」(01/02/2007)






「親愛的孩子們: 天主的愛存在於我的說話中。這份愛期望你們轉向公義和真理、解救你們免於被欺騙。我的孩子,你們是怎樣的呢?你們的心是關閉的、是固執的、從來不回應我的 召叫。你們的心是不誠實的。」(04/02/2009)

「親愛的孩子們:已經有一段很長的時間給予你們母愛和交託聖子給你們。但你們拒絕我。你們讓罪惡越來越佔有你們。你們容許罪惡控制你們,連明辯是非 的能力都交出去。可憐的孩子們,請看你們周遭所發生的事物和時代的徵兆。你們以為沒有了天主的祝福仍然可以繼續下去?不要容許黑暗掩蔽你們。」(聖母當時 神情哀傷。她在講出訊息及降福後便離去。)(05/02/2009)

「親愛的孩子們:當我看到你們時,我的心是那麼難過。我的孩子們,你們究竟往那裡去呢?你們是否陷入罪惡的深淵裡,已到不能自拔的地步?你們以為有充分的理 由便繼續去犯罪嗎?請跪在十字架下,凝視着我的聖子。」(10/02/2009)


「耶穌臨近的時候,望見京城,便哀哭她說: 恨不能在這一天,妳也知道有關妳平安的事;但這事如今在妳眼前是隱藏的。」(路19:41-42)




「幾時,眾人都誇讚你們,你們是有禍的,因為他們的祖先也同樣對待了假先知。」(路6: 26)

「正如耶穌所說:「毒蛇的種類哪!你們既是惡的,怎能說出善來?因為心裏充滿什麼,口裏就說什麼。善人從善庫裏,取出善來;惡人從惡庫裏,取出惡 來。但我告訴你們:人所說的每句廢話,在審判之日,都要交帳,因為憑你的話,要定你為義人;也憑你的話,要定你為罪人。」﹝瑪12:34-37﹞

「有兩個人上聖殿去祈禱:一個是法利塞人,另一個是稅吏。那個法利塞人立着,心裏這樣祈禱:天主,我感謝你,因為我不像其他的人,勒索、不義、姦 淫,也不像這個稅吏。我每週兩次禁食,凡我所得的,都捐獻十分之一。那個稅吏卻遠遠地站着,連舉目望天都不敢,祗是捶着自己的胸膛說:天主,可憐我這個罪 人罷!我告訴你們:這人下去,到他家裏,成了正義的,而那個人卻不然。因為凡高舉自己的,必被貶抑;凡貶抑自己的,必被高舉。」(路18:10-14)

「你們住在我內,我也住在你們內。正如枝條若不留在葡萄樹上,憑自己不能結實;你們若不住在我內,也一無所能。我是葡萄樹,你們是枝條;那住在我 內,我也住在他內的,他就結許多的果實,因為離了我,你們什麼也不能作。誰若不住在我內,便彷彿枝條,丟在外面而枯乾了,人便把它拾起來,投入火中焚 燒。」(若15:4-6)


「我若能說人間的語言,和能說天使的語言, 但我若沒有愛,我就成了個發聲的鑼,或發響的鈸。我若有先知之恩,又明白一切奧秘和各種知識;我若有全備的信心,甚至能移山,但我若沒有愛,我什麼也不 算。我若把我所有的財產全施捨了,我若捨身投火被焚;但我若沒有愛,為我毫無益處。」(格林多前書13:1-3)

「因此,你們要警醒,記住我三年之久,日夜不斷地含淚勸勉了你們每一個人。」(宗徒大事錄 20:31)

耶穌、聖母及聖保祿都為對立的人說出很多正面的事情,這些我們可以在聖經中找尋得到。與此同時,我們也要認真的注意這些警誡,讓我們不要再令他們流 傷心的淚,讓我們虛謙自己,承認我們的罪過和錯誤,讓我們在他們慈愛的幫助和指引中懷着信德,用我們的意志和跟他們合力的行為,這是能夠使我們改正的,好 能迅速前行,得以成為主的僕人,更為聖潔,更能結果。

「從你們心靈底處向我聖子呼號。祂的名 字可以驅散一切的黑暗。我和你們在一起。向我這樣呼求罷:「母親,我們在這裡,請帶領我們罷!多謝!」(05/02/2009)

「你們的天父派遣我來,等待着你們開放的心靈去做 天父的工作。天父等待着你們的心,好能在基督徒的愛內及在我子精神的慈愛中保持合一。不要浪費時間,因為你們不是時間的主人。多謝你們。」(02/02/2009)






「親 愛的孩子﹕今天是我們最後一次見面了,但不要難過,除此以外,以後在我顯現的週年日,我都會來與你見面的。孩子:不要以為我不來是因為你做錯了 事,不,那不是真的。你全心全意接納了我和我聖子的計劃,並已完成了你份內的事。歡欣快樂吧,因為我是你的母親,我全心愛你。綺帆嘉,謝謝你回應我聖子的 邀請,謝謝你堅持不懈,時常接近我的聖子,並陪伴着祂,直到祂完成交託給你的事為止。孩子:告訴你的朋友,幾時你們尋找或呼喚我和我的聖子,我們都會來到 你們身邊。這些年來我告訴你的秘密,現在還不是公開的時候。綺帆嘉:你和其他人領受的恩寵,世界上到現在還沒有人領受得到。」

聖母告訴她第十個秘密,又說自此以後,在綺帆嘉一生中,聖母每年會向她顯現一次,就在首次顯現那天 — 即六月二十五日。


「親 愛的孩子:我是你的母親,我毫無條件地愛你。今天過後,我不會再每天給你顯現,而只在每年的聖誕節、我聖子降生那天。不要難過,因為我是你的母 親,我會時常與你同在,並像每個真正的母親一樣,永遠不會離開你。繼續去跟隨我聖子的路、平安和愛的路吧;堅持我託付給你的事工;做個認識天主、認識天主 的愛的人,給別人立榜樣。讓別人在你身上可以常常看到天主怎樣在人身上行事,和怎樣透過人行事。我送給你慈母的祝福,謝謝你回應我的呼喚。」





「親 愛的孩子們:身為母親,多年來我一直教導你們信德和天主的愛。但你們卻沒有感謝天父的愛,也沒有光榮祂。你們變得空洞、心硬,也沒有以愛去舒解鄰人的苦 難。我要教導你們去愛,讓你們看看 — 天父愛了你們,你們卻沒有以愛還愛。孩子們:天父為了你們的得救,犧牲了衪的聖子。假如你們不去愛,就不會明白天父的愛,不會認識天主,因為天主是愛。孩 子們:去愛吧,不要害怕,因為在愛內沒有恐懼。如果你們向天主開放心靈,心內充滿着對衪的愛,對將來的事,還有甚麽可怕的?只有不去愛的人才會害怕,因為 他們在等待懲罰,因為他們知道自己是多麽空洞和心硬。親愛的孩子們:我帶領你們去愛,到天父那裏;我帶領你們去永生,我的聖子就是永生,接納祂就會得到 愛。」(蜜欣娜: 一九九五年三月十八日)


「親 愛的孩子們:今天,我切望你們好好反省一下,我透過我的僕人所傳遞的訊息。孩子們:天主的愛是偉大的。我再說一遍:天主的愛是偉大的!不要視而不見,聽而 不聞。聽從我的召喚和請求吧。奉獻你們的心,使它成為天主的家,願衪永遠居住在你們心內。即使我不再顯現,我的眼和心仍會在這兒。凡事照我要求的去做,我 會領你們到天主那裏去。不要拒絕天主之名,好讓你們也不會被拒絕;接納我的訊息,好讓你們也被接納。孩子們:作出決定吧,這是決定的時刻。保持正直和純潔 的心,好讓我領你們到天父那裏,我就是為此而來的,這就是衪偉大的愛。謝謝你們到來。」(蜜欣娜: 一九九六年三月十八日)



「親 愛的孩子們:身為母親,我懇求你們,不要繼續你們目前所走的路。這路缺乏對鄰人和對我聖子的愛;這路只有麻木不仁和空洞的心,沒有眾人渴求的平安。只有在 鄰人身上見着我的愛子、藉着愛鄰人而愛我聖子的人,才會有真正的平安。誰認識平安和寧靜,我聖子就在他心中。謝謝你們回應我的呼喚。」(蜜欣娜:一九九七 年三月十八日)



「親愛的孩子們:我召喚你們作我的光,去光照那些仍然生活在黑暗中的人,把平安 — 即我的聖子 — 充滿他們的心。謝謝你們回應我的呼喚。」(蜜欣娜:一九九八年三月十八日)


「親 愛的孩子們:今天是我聖子的生日,我心充滿着無限的喜樂、愛與平安。作為母親,我渴望你們的心也感受到同樣的喜樂、愛與平安。所以,不要害怕開啟你們的 心,把自己完全交給耶穌,只有這樣祂才能進入你們的心,以喜樂、愛與平安充滿它。我送給你們慈母的祝福。」(耶高:一九九八年十二月二十五日)



「親 愛的孩子們:今天是我聖子的生日,我心充滿着無限的喜樂和愛。我邀請你們徹底開放自己,徹底交託委順於天主。把心中的黑暗全驅走,讓天主的光和愛進入,並 永遠住下。帶着天主的光和愛,使每人都可以藉着你們和在你們身上,感受、體驗到唯一來自天主的真光真愛。我送給你們慈母的祝福。」(耶高:一九九九年十二 月二十五日)


「親 愛的孩子們:不要在空洞虛浮的地方或事情上找尋平安和快樂,不要讓心靈因追求虛榮而變硬。向我聖子的聖名呼求吧,把衪迎進心裏;只有憑着我聖子的聖名,你 們的心才會感受到真正的快樂和平安。只有這樣你們才會認識天主的愛,並把衪的愛傳揚開去。我召喚你們成為我的宗徒。」(蜜欣娜:二000年三月十八日)


「親 愛的孩子們:耶穌今天降生了,衪的降生帶來無限的喜樂、平安和愛。我召喚你們以特別的方法去向耶穌說『是的』。開啟你們的心,讓耶穌進去,讓衪住在你們心 內,讓衪藉着你們行事。只有這樣,你才能明白天主的愛、喜樂和平安是多麽美好。親愛的孩子們:為耶穌的降生歡欣踴躍吧,為仍未開啟給耶穌的心祈禱,讓耶穌 能進入每一顆心去行事,讓人人都能真正成為讓天主在他內行事的人。」(耶高:二000年十二月二十五日)




「親 愛的孩子們:身為母親,我懇請你們開啟心靈,將它奉獻給我,不要害怕。我會與你們同在,教你們怎樣將耶穌放在首位。我會教你們去愛衪,完全屬於衪。親愛的 孩子們:要明白沒有我聖子就沒有救贖,要意識到衪是你的開始和終結。有了這意識,才會快樂,才能嬴得永生。我是你們的母親,這是我切望的。謝謝你們回應我 的呼喚。」(蜜欣娜:二00二年三月十八日)


「親 愛的孩子們:在這個愛與和平的日子,我抱着耶穌,召喚你們為和平祈禱。孩子們:沒有天主和祈禱是不會有和平的。所以,孩子們:開啟心靈,讓和平的君王降生 在你們心中。只有這樣,你們才可以為天主的和平作證,並將天主的和平帶給這個沒有和平的世界。我與你們同在,送給你們我慈母的祝福。」(耶高:二00二年 十二月二十五日)

「親 愛的孩子們:在這個懺悔和祈禱的神聖時刻,我召喚你們作出抉擇。天主賜給你們自由,可以選擇生命或死亡。用心聆聽我的訊息,好使你們知道應作甚麽,應怎樣 找到生命的道路。孩子們:沒有天主甚麽也做不成,一刻也不要忘記這點。你們其實算得甚麽?再來世上時又會怎樣?不要觸怒天主,跟隨我走生命的路吧。謝謝你 們到來。」(蜜欣娜:二00三年三月十八日)


「親 愛的孩子們:今天,耶穌特別想將衪的平安賞給你們。我召喚你們,祈求內心的平安吧。孩子們:心內沒有平安,就不能感受耶穌降生的愛和喜樂。所以,孩子們: 今天特別開啟心靈來祈禱吧。只有藉着祈禱和完全的委順,你們的心才會充滿耶穌的愛與平安。我送給你們慈母的祝福。」(耶高:二00三年十二月二十五日)



「親 愛的孩子們:在這恩寵的日子,我抱着耶穌聖嬰,特別召喚你們開啟心靈,並開始祈禱。孩子們:懇求耶穌在每顆心內降生,掌管你們的生活;祈求衪賜恩寵,好讓 你們能認出祂,並在每人身上看見衪。孩子們:向耶穌祈求愛,因為只有憑着天主的愛,你們才能愛天主和愛人。我心記掛着你們,並送上慈母的祝福。」(耶高: 二00四年十二月二十五日)

「親 愛的孩子們:我來了,我是母親 — 一個深愛子女的母親。孩子們,我渴望教你們去愛,並為此而祈禱。我祈求你們能在每個鄰人身上明認我的聖子。我聖子是真正的平安與愛,透過對鄰人的愛就可通 往衪那裏去。孩子們,祈禱和守齋吧,好開啟你們的心,這是我的意願。」(蜜欣娜:二00五年三月十八日)


「親 愛的孩子們:今天我抱着耶穌聖嬰,特別召喚你們皈依。孩子們,在天主允許我與你們同在的這些時候,我不斷召喚你們皈依,但你們當中有許多人仍是緊閉着心。 孩子們:耶穌是平安、愛和喜樂,決定跟隨耶穌吧。開始祈禱,求衪賜予皈依的恩寵。孩子們,只有耶穌的同在,才會有平安、喜樂和充滿愛的心。孩子們:我愛你 們,我是母親,送給你們慈母的祝福。」(耶高:二○○五年十二月二十五日)

「親 愛的孩子們:在這四旬期間,我召喚你們實行克己。藉着愛、守齋、祈禱和善行,就可達到克己。只有完全克己,才能明認天主的愛、明認你們所處的這個時代的徵 兆。你們要為這些徵兆做見證,和別人談及徵兆。我切望把你們帶領到這路上。謝謝你們回應我的呼喚。」(蜜欣娜:二00六年三月十八日)


「親愛的孩子們:這些年來我與你們同在,我已播下種籽了。孩子們,我切望你們這些種籽能發芽滋長,茁壯開花。成為我的花朶吧,為我傳揚訊息,為和平祈禱。與我 — 你們的母親  -  一起為和平祈禱吧。孩子們,謝謝你們回應我的呼喚。」(二00六年九月八日)

「今 天是歡欣與和平的大日子,和我一起歡欣喜樂吧。孩子們:我特別召喚你們在家庭中成聖。孩子們,我切望你們每人的家庭都是聖潔的,讓天主今天特別恩賜給你們 的喜樂與平安 – 來統領和住在你們的家庭內。孩子們,在這個恩寵之日,開啟心靈吧,決定接納天主,把衪放在家庭的首位。我是母親,我愛你們,送給你們慈母的祝福。」(耶 高:二00六年十二月二十五日)

「親 愛的孩子們:我是母親,帶着禮物而來、帶着愛和慈悲而來。孩子們:我的心廣博深厚,我切望能包容你們的心 — 經守齋和祈禱潔淨過的心;切望我們的心能一起藉着愛得勝;切望你們能透過得勝看出真正的真理、真正的道路和真正的生命;切望你們能得見我的聖子。謝謝。」 (蜜欣娜:二00七年三月十八日)


「親愛的 孩子們:今天我特別召喚你們開放自己給天主,讓每顆心都成為耶穌降生的地方。孩子們:在天主允許我與你們同在的這些時候,我切望帶領你們走向生命的喜樂。 孩子們,生命唯一的真正喜樂就是天主。所以孩子們,不要在世上的事物中追尋喜樂,卻要開啟心靈,接納天主。孩子們,一切都會過去,只有天主永遠存留在你們 心中。謝謝你們回應我的呼喚。」(耶高:二00七年十二月二十五日)

「親 愛的孩子們:今天,我向你們伸出雙手,不要害怕去接納它們。我的手切望帶給你們愛與平安,並幫助你們獲得救恩。所以,孩子們:接納我的手吧。把歡欣充滿我 心,我會帶領你們成聖。這條路是困難的,滿是誘惑和墮落;但我會與你們同在,以雙手扶持你們。堅持不懈吧,好讓我們走到終點時,可以在歡欣和愛內,一起握 着我聖子的手。跟我來吧,不要害怕。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二00八年三月十八日)


「親 愛的孩子們:今天,我特別召喚你們為和平祈禱。沒有天主就沒有和平,也不能生活在和平中。所以,孩子們:在這恩寵之日,向和平的君王開啟心靈吧;讓祂在你 們內降生,將的平安賜給你們,使你們在這沒有和平的世界傳播和平。謝謝你們回應我的呼喚。」(耶高:二00八年十二月二十五日)


「親愛的孩子們:今天我邀請你們用長一點時間,誠懇地看看你們內心的世界。你們看到什麼?我的聖子在那裡?你們跟隨我走向耶穌的意願在那裡?孩子 們,讓這段克己的時刻去想一想:天主願意我個人做些什麼呢?我自己要做些什麼呢?祈禱、守齋和讓自己的心靈充滿慈悲罷!不要忘記你們的牧者。求主不要讓他 們失落,使他們常存留我的聖子內,成為羊群的好牧者。假若你們知道我愛你們如何深的話,你們會喜極而泣。多謝你們。」 (蜜欣娜:二0九年三月十八日)

「親愛的孩子們﹕我召喚你們成為平安的宗徒。平安、平安、平安。」 (綺帆嘉:二00九年六月二十五日)

「親愛的孩子們:在每一個時刻中,天主以特別的方式允許我與你們同在,我渴望引領你們走向耶穌和救恩的道路。孩子們,你只可以在天主內找到救恩,因 此,尤其是在這恩寵的時刻與小耶穌在我的懷中,我呼喚你們允許耶穌誕生在你們心中。唯有耶穌在你們心中,你們才能得到救贖和永生。多謝你們回應我的召 叫。」(耶高:二00九年十二月二十五日)



「親愛的孩子們:今天我邀請你們全心全靈去愛。為得到這份愛的恩典而祈求罷!因為當靈魂生活在愛中的時候,耶穌便被這靈魂吸引著。我的愛子從不拒絕 求他的人、希望生活出按照耶穌的意願的人。為那些不懂得去愛的人而祈禱。祈求他們明白天主是他們的父親,而不是判官。孩子們,你們要成為我的宗徒、愛的河 流。我需要你們。我也多謝你們。」 (蜜欣娜:二0一0年三月十八日)
「親愛的孩子們:接受我慈母的祝福。」 (綺帆嘉:二0一0年六月廿五日)
「慈母對我說有關的秘密,最後便說﹕『祈禱、祈禱、祈禱。」 (耶高:二0一0年十二月廿五日)



「親愛的孩子們:我和你們在一起,是因著愛的名字 , 及天主的名字;天主藉我的聖子來接近你們 , 及顯示真愛給你們。我渴望帶領你們走向天主的道路。我渴望教導你們真愛,讓別人在你們身上能看見它,如同你們在別人身上所看見的一樣;這樣,你們成為別人 的真兄弟,而別人也在你們身上見到一位慈祥的兄弟。孩子們,不要害怕向我打開你們的心扉。你們每一位都是我的宗徒, 我以母親的愛,向你們表達我對宗徒的期望。與我一起向前邁進罷!多謝你們。」


親愛的孩子們: 領受我慈母的祝福。

2011年12月25日 – 聖母對Jakov Colo週年訊息

親愛的孩子們:今天我希望以一種特別的方式帶領你們到我的聖子面前。並將你們交給祂。孩子們,打開你們的心靈,讓耶穌進入你們的內心,因為只有這樣 , 你們才能體驗重生,及與衪一起走向救恩的道路。多謝你們的回應。




我來到你們中間,因為我是你們的母親、你們的代禱者。我願意作為你們與天主之間的橋樑 -中保。我希望拖著你們的手,帶領你們抗衡這不潔風氣的世界。
我邀請你們祈禱、守齋, 因為只有這樣,你們才會知道如何能藉着我慈母的心正確地為我的聖子作見證。




請將你們的生命完全交託給我,好讓我能幫助你們領會我慈母的愛及我聖子對你們無私的愛。我的孩子,我深愛你們,今天,在我聖 子誕生的日子裏,我渴望收納你 們在我的聖心內,把你們作為禮物呈獻給祂。我的孩子,主耶穌多麼愛你們,賜予你們恩寵,讓你們生活在祂的慈愛內。可惜,罪惡已佔據你們的心,使你們生活於 黑暗之中。因此,孩子們,不要遲疑,對罪過說『不』,並將你們的心交託給我的聖子,惟有這樣,你們才可生活在天主的慈悲中,並聯同耶穌聖心,走上救恩的道 路。」












「我 張開雙臂希望擁抱你們,把你們都覆蓋在我的護翼下。但如果你們的心仍然充滿假虛榮和假偶像,我便無能為力了。潔淨你們的心,讓天使在心中歌唱吧。那時我就 會庇護你們,把我的聖子送給你們 – 祂是真正的平安與喜樂。孩子們:不要再等了。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○五年八月二日)

「親愛的孩子 們:我以慈母的身份到來,讓你們知道天主、你們的天父是怎樣深愛你們。而你們呢?我的孩子們,你們在那裏?你們心中的首位是甚麽?有甚麽使你們不把我的聖 子放在首位呢?孩子們:讓天主的恩寵降臨吧。願天主的平安、只有我聖子才能給予的平安,徹底充滿你們。」(蜜欣娜:二○○五年九月二日)



「親 愛的孩子們:我的聖子誕生了, 救主與你們同在。是甚麽阻擋着你們的心而不去接受衪呢?你們的心究竟充滿着甚麽虛假的東西?用守齋和祈禱來潔淨心靈吧。承認我的聖子,接受衪。只有衪才能 給予真正的平安和愛;我的聖子才是永生的道路。謝謝。」 (蜜欣娜:二○○六年一月二日)

聖母含着淚,神情極度哀傷。她為還未信主的人祈禱, 稱他們為「還未認識天主之愛的人」。接着她再祈禱,祝福所有在場的人和聖物。聖母向蜜欣娜說了世界的情况,然後重複了三遍:

「親 愛的孩子們:我到來是希望以身作則,教你們知道,為尚未認識天主的愛的人,祈禱是如何重要。你們懷疑自己究竟是不是跟隨我﹖孩子們:難道你們看不見時代的 徵兆嗎?你們不是談論着嗎?來跟隨我吧。我是母親,正呼喚你們,謝謝你們回應我的呼喚。」(蜜欣娜:二○○六年四月二日)




「親 愛的孩子們:在這個沒有平安的世代,讓我給你們指出平安的路吧。我對你們的愛是不可測量的;我切望你們彼此相愛,在每個人身上都見到我聖子不可測量的愛。 藉着愛,亦只有藉着愛,才是通往平安的道路。把手交給我  — 你們的母親 — 讓我領着你們吧。我是和平之后。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○六年八月二日)

「我聚集你們,在我慈母的護蔭之下,幫助你們認識天主的愛和大能。孩子們:天主是偉大的, 祂的作為是奧妙的。不要自我欺騙,以為沒有天主甚麼也做得成,其實沒有天主連一步也走不成!孩子們:跨出步伐,見證祂的愛吧!我與你們同在。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○六年九月二日)

「親 愛的孩子們:我來到你們的世代,召喚你們達致永生。這是愛的呼喚。我召喚你們去愛,因為只有藉着愛,才能認識天主的愛。很多人以為自己有信德,並認識天主 的律法;他們依照律法生活,但卻忽視了最重要的 — 就是愛天主。孩子們:祈禱和守齋吧,這將幫助你開放自己並去愛;只有通過天主的愛才能賺得永生。我與你們同在,我會以慈母的愛帶領你們。謝謝你們回應我的 呼喚。」(蜜欣娜:二○○六年十月二日)

「親愛的孩子們:我到來其實是天主愛的表現。天主派遣我來告誡你們,同時給你們指出正確的道路。 孩子們:不要對真理視而不見,你們時間短促,不要被錯謬虛妄控制。我要帶領你們到平安和愛的路上。這是通往我聖子 — 你們的天主  — 的路。把心交給我,讓我把我的聖子充滿它,使你們成為我的宗徒、成為平安與愛的宗徒吧。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○六年十一月二日)
然後在總結時,聖母教我們不要忘記為司鐸 — 我們的牧者祈禱。



「親 愛的孩子們:在這個充滿天主的恩寵和愛的神聖時期;天主派遣我來到你們這裡。我懇請你們,不要再硬起心腸了。讓守齋和祈禱成為你們的武器,裝備你們去接近 和認識我的聖子耶穌吧。跟隨我、效法我光明的榜樣;我會幫助你們,我與你們同在。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○七年一月二日)

「今 天我要說一件你們忘卻了的事。親愛的孩子們:我的名字是愛。我在你們中間這麼久都是因為愛,是偉大的愛 — 天主 — 派遣我來的。我也同樣要求你們,要在家人中間、在兄弟身上展示愛,只有這樣,透過愛,你們才能得見最偉大的愛 — 天主 — 的臉容。讓守齋和祈禱為你們引路,開放心靈,接納愛,接納救恩吧。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○七年三月二日)


「親 愛的孩子們:今天我懷着母親的心願來,要你們把心交給我。孩子們:不要害怕,要完全信任我。我要將我聖子和祂的仁慈放進你們心中,然後你們就會以不同的眼 光去看四周;你們看見鄰人,會感受他們的痛苦與磨難;也不會對受苦的人掩面不顧,因為若是這樣我的聖子也會對你們掩面不顧。孩子們:不要猶豫了。」(蜜欣 娜﹕二○○七年五月二日)


「親 愛的孩子們:今天,我帶着天主偉大的愛來,帶領你們走往謙卑和溫順的路上。這條路的第一站就是告解。棄絕驕傲,向我的聖子跪下吧。孩子們:要明白,你們其 實一無所有,亦無力成就任何事;你們唯一擁有的、唯一屬於你們的,就是罪惡。潔淨自己,接納溫順和謙卑吧。我的聖子本來可以用強力取勝,但卻選擇了溫順、 謙卑和愛。跟隨我的聖子,把手交給我,讓我們一同攀越山峰,邁向勝利吧。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○七年七月二日)

「親 愛的孩子們:今天,我看着你們的心,不覺心痛如絞。孩子們:我要求你們毫無條件地去愛天主。如果你們的肉身和靈魂都時常與天主同在,就是走對路了。透過對 天主毫無條件純淨的愛,你們會在每個人身上看見我的聖子,會感到與天主合而為一。做母親的我會很高興,因為我將擁有你們神聖和合一的心。孩子們﹕我將擁有 你們的救贖。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○七年八月二日)


「親 愛的孩子們:我召喚你們以開放的心和絕對的信任,陪伴我為天主工作。藉着天主,我帶領你們走的路雖是困難重重,但必須堅持不懈,最後我們會在天主內歡欣慶 祝。所以孩子們,要不斷祈禱,求賜信德。只有憑着信德,天主的話才能在要吞噬我們的黑暗中發光。不要害怕,我與你們同在。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○七年十 月二日)

「親愛的孩子們:今天我召喚你們開放 心靈,讓聖神改造你們。孩子們:天主的美善是不可測量的。我以母親的身份懇請你們,要祈禱、祈禱、祈禱、守齋、並希望達致美善,因為愛就是來自美善的。聖 神會增强你們的美善,使你們可以稱天主為父。藉着這崇高的愛,你們會誠心誠意地愛所有人,並且藉着天主,把眾人當作兄弟姊妹。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜:二○○七 年十一月二日)

「親 愛的孩子們:今天,我看着你們的心,頓覺震驚顫抖,心痛不已。孩子們:停下來,審視你們的心吧。在你們心中,我的聖子 — 你們的天主 — 是在首位嗎?衪的誡命是你們生命的尺度嗎?我再提醒你們:沒有信德就不能接近天主。天主的聖言就是救贖的光,是常理的光。」(蜜欣娜:二○○七年十二月二 日)

「親 愛的孩子們: 我全心全力愛你們,將自己交給你們;就像母親為子女奮鬥一樣,我也為你們祈禱、為你們奮鬥。不要怕打開你們的心,讓自己用心去愛,將自己交給別人。越是這 樣用心去做,就會得到更多,並更會明白我的聖子和祂的恩賜。願人人都藉着我的聖子和我明認你們。謝謝。」 (蜜欣娜: 二○○八年一月二日)

「親愛的孩子們:我與你們同在。我以母親的身份齊集你們,渴望從你們的心清除我看見的一切。接納我聖子的愛,把心中的恐懼、傷痛、苦難和失望都清除乾淨吧。我特別揀選你們,成為我聖子愛的光。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜: 二○○八年二月二日)

「親 愛的孩子們:我懇請你們,特別在這四旬期間,回應天主的美善吧,因為祂揀選了你們,並派遣我來到你們中間。潔淨你們的罪,在我的聖子耶穌內,明認祂為補贖 普世罪過而作出的犧牲吧。願祂成為你們生命的意義;願你們一生為我聖子神聖的愛服務。孩子們:謝謝。」 (蜜欣娜: 二○○八年三月二日)

「親 愛的孩子們:今天,在天主偉大的愛內,我與你們同在;我想再問:你們與我同在嗎?你們的心為我打開了嗎?願意讓我潔淨它、預備迎接我的聖子嗎?孩子們:你 們被揀選,因為在你們的世代,天主偉大的恩寵臨到世上了。不要遲疑,接受這恩寵吧。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜: 二○○八年四月二日)

「親 愛的孩子們:天主的意願使我在這裏與你們同在,我切望你們為我開放心靈,接納我為母親。因着你們的愛,我會教導你們生命的純樸和慈悲的豐盛,領你們到我聖 子那裏。通往我聖子的路可能是困難和痛苦的,但不要害怕,我會與你們同在,我的手緊牽着你們,直到最後到達永恆的喜樂。所以不要怕向我開放自己,謝謝。」 (蜜欣娜: 二○○八年五月二日)

「親愛的孩子們:天主的恩寵使我與你們同在,好讓你們在信德和愛德中成為偉大的,但為虔誠的靈魂,我要用新的光來照耀他們。祈求我的禱告可以與開放的心靈相遇,使我以信德的力量光照它們,打開愛和希望之路。要堅持不懈,我會與你們同在。」(蜜欣娜: 二○○八年六月二日)

「親 愛的孩子們:我以母親的慈愛,鼓勵你們愛鄰人。願我的聖子成為這份愛的泉源。祂本來可用强力來成就一切,但却選擇了愛,並給你們立了榜樣。而在今日,天主 藉着我向你們表達了不可測量的美善,孩子們:你們當有責任去回應。用同等的美善和慷慨去對待你所遇見的靈魂吧;願你們的愛使他們皈依。這樣我聖子和祂的愛 就可以在你們內復活。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜: 二○○八年七月二日)

「親愛的 孩子們:我來到你們中間,正反映出天主的偉大,而與天主一起前往永恆喜樂的路也打開了。不要覺得軟弱、孤單或被摒棄;與信德、祈禱和愛一起攀上救贖的山 吧。願彌撒 — 至高而又最有力量的祈禱– 作你屬靈生活的中心。孩子們:要相信、要去愛。我聖子揀選和召叫的人也會在這方面幫助你們的,我送給你們  — 特別是他們 — 慈母的祝福。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜: 二○○八年八月二日)

「親愛的孩子們:今天,我以慈母的心,召喚 聚集於我身旁的你們去愛鄰人。孩子們:停下來看看,在弟兄的眼睛中,你會看見我的聖子耶穌。如果見着喜樂,就和他一起慶祝;如果見着痛苦,就用温柔和美善 去驅走它。因為如果沒有愛,你們就會迷失;只有愛才有力量,愛可以行奇蹟。愛可使你們在我聖子內合一、給我的心帶來勝利。所以,孩子們:去愛吧。」(蜜欣 娜: 二○○八年九月二日)

「親愛的孩子們:今天,我再召喚你們要有信 德。我以慈母的心切望你們把心打開,對自己說:相信吧!孩子們:只有信德能在生命的磨難中給予你們力量;信德能更新靈魂,開啟希望的道路。我與你們同在; 我聚集你們,因為我切望幫助你們,使你們幫助鄰人找到信德;信德是生命唯一的喜悅和快樂。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜: 二○○八年十月二日)

「親 愛的孩子們:今天,我召喚你們與天主完全合一。你們的肉身雖在世上,但我要求你們的靈魂要更時常接近天主。這事可以靠祈禱、以開放的心祈禱而成就。這樣你 們就會感謝天主不可測量的、藉着我賜予的美善;同時會以真誠的心,感到有責任去同樣善待其他的靈魂。謝謝。」(蜜欣娜: 二○○八年十一月二日)

「親 愛的孩子們:在這充滿喜樂期待的神聖時刻,天主揀選了你們這些小孩子們 — 去實現祂偉大的意願。孩子們:要保持謙遜。透過謙遜,天主的智慧會將你們的靈魂作為祂揀選的家。你們要用善行來光照這家,這樣就會帶着開放的心迎接我聖子 的降生,迎接衪豐盛的愛。親愛的孩子們:謝謝。」(蜜欣娜: 二○○八年十二月二日)

「親愛的孩子 們: 雖然天主的恩寵有如甘露降落在你們身上,但你們仍是那麼心硬、毫無回應。 孩子們,為甚麼你們不把你們的心完全交給我? 我唯一的希望是把我的聖子 ─和平與救恩─ 放在你們心中。 和我的聖子在一起,你們便會被帶入更高尚的目標和永遠不會失落。 並且無論環境是如何黑暗,你們都可找到出路。 決定度一個新生活罷! 常把耶穌的名字掛在口中。 多謝你們。」(01/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:今天,我以慈母的心,提醒你們,特別請你們留意,有關天主的無限仁愛和由此而產生的忍耐。你們的天父派遣我來,等待着你們開放的心 靈去做 天父的工作。天父等待着你們的心,好能在基督徒的愛內及在我子精神的慈愛中保持合一。不要浪費時間,因為你們不是時間的主人。多謝你們。」(02/02 /2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:我現在和你們在一起。我看到你們受傷的和不安的心靈。孩子們,你們已失落了。你們的罪過使你們的傷口越來越大,使你們越來越遠離真 理。你們在錯誤的地方去尋找希望和安慰。我帶給你們的卻是以愛、犧牲和真理去培養出來的真誠敬禮。我送給你們的是我的親子。」(03/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們: 天主的愛存在於我的說話中。這份愛期望你們轉向公義和真理、解救你們免於被欺騙。我的孩子,你們是怎樣的呢?你們的心是關閉的、是固執的、從來不回應我的 召叫。你們的心是不誠實的。我以母親的愛去為你們祈禱。我希望你們全部都在我的聖子內復活。多謝。」(04/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們: 已經有一段很長的時間給予你們母愛和交託聖子給你們。但你們拒絕我。你們讓罪惡越來越佔有你們。你們容許罪惡控制你們,連明辯是非的能力都交出去。可憐的 孩子們,請看你們周遭所發生的事物和時代的徵兆。你們以為沒有了天主的祝福仍然可以繼續下去?不要容許黑暗掩蔽你們。從你們心靈底處向我聖子呼號。祂的名 字可以驅散一切的黑暗。我和你們在一起。向我這樣呼求罷:「母親,我們在這裡,請帶領我們罷!多謝!」(05/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們: 我的愛正在尋找着你們完整的和無條件的愛,因為這種愛才可把你們脫胎換骨的改變過來,教導你們信賴我的聖子。孩子們,我以我 的愛去拯救你們,並幫助你們成為我聖子美善的見證人;因此,不要害怕以聖子的名義去見證愛。多謝你們。」(06/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:我召叫你們,因為我需要你們。我需要你們的心:一個無限量付出愛心的心;一個不受物欲薰心的心;一個準備犧牲自己的心,如同我聖子 那樣的犧牲;我需要你們。為好能跟隨我,你們必須寬恕自己、寬恕他人、朝拜我的聖子。為那些尚未認識我聖子的人,為那些不懂得愛我聖子的人去朝拜祂。因 此,我需要你們。因此,我召叫你們。我感謝你們。」(07/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:我今天到來,以母愛給你們指出你們應走的路,好使你們全部都能越來越相似我的聖子;這樣你們更接近和中悅天主。不要拒絕我的愛。不 要以現世短暫及輕浮的生命去取代救恩及永生。我和你們在一起,如同母親那樣帶領你們,提省你們。和我一起來罷!」(08/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:今天我以母親的心,求你學習寬恕,一份完全的及無條件的寬恕。你受到不公平的待遇、被人出賣、被控訴。不過,你是更接近天主,在天 主前更是可愛的。孩子們:祈求一份能夠去愛的禮物罷!只有愛才能寬恕一切,好像我的聖子那樣去寬恕。跟隨我的聖子罷!我和你們在一起。我祈求當你們到天父 前時,能這樣說:「父,我在這裡;我曾經跟隨了祢的聖子,並以愛去生活和真心寬恕了(一切得罪過我的人),因為我相信你的審判和信賴了祢。謝謝!」 (09/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:當我看到你們時,我的心是那麼難過。我的孩子們,你們究竟往那裡去呢?你們是否陷入罪惡的深淵裡,已到不能自拔的地步?你們以為有 充分的理 由便繼續去犯罪嗎?請跪在十字架下,凝視着我的聖子。祂已戰勝了罪惡。祂以死亡作為你們生命的贖價。容許我幫助你們去走永生的道路,而不是死亡的道路。多 謝你們!」(10/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:今天,我向你們指出走向認識『天主是愛』的道路。這愛容許你們稱天主為父,而且深深領會祂便是你們的父親。我請你們誠懇地看着自己 的心,試看自己愛天主到了甚麼程度。天主是否是你們去愛的最後對象?被圍繞着物質的世界,你們多少次背叛了、否認了和忘記了天主?我的孩子們,不要受世物 所欺騙。你們的靈魂比肉身更為重要。潔淨你們的靈魂罷!向天父祈求罷!祂在等待着你們。回到祂身邊罷!我和你們在一起,是因為慈愛的父派遣了我到你們中 間。多謝你們。」(11/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們: 在這個準備及以歡樂去期待的時刻,作為你們的母親,我希望向你們指出為你們的靈魂最重要的事。我的聖子能降生在你們的靈魂中嗎?你們內裡的謊言、傲慢、憎 恨和惡意已為愛所清洗嗎?還有,你們的靈魂愛天主好像你們的父親嗎?愛你們的近人如同愛基督嗎?我所指出的目標是你們的靈魂與我的聖子完滿的結合。我希望 我的聖子能降生在你們之內。如果是這樣,作為母親的我將會是如何高興呢!多謝你們。」(12/02/2009 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子 們:今天我邀請你們以完全的信賴及愛心、聯同我一起前進,因為我希望你們和我的聖子成為好朋友。孩子們,不要害怕,我和你們在一起,我就在你們 身邊。我教導你們如何寬恕自己及寬恕他人,同時以誠懇懺悔的心,跪在天父面前。讓一切阻礙你們得到救恩及去愛的事情遠離你們,好使你們更能和主耶穌在一 起,並住在他內。決志有一個新的開始、一個真誠愛慕天主的開始。多謝你們!」(01/02/2010 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:今天,我以母親的愛,邀請你們成為一座燈塔,光照那些在黑暗中行走、不認識天主慈愛的人。希望你們照耀出更明亮的光輝、吸引眾多的 靈魂;不要讓謬論出自你們的口、掩蓋着你們的良心。你們要成為一個完美的人。我以母親的手、一雙愛的手帶領你們。多謝你們。」(02/02/2010 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:當你們努力接近我的聖子、接近祂的苦難、接近祂所帶來的愛的時候,我願意告訴你們:我和你們在一起。我會以我的恩寵幫助你們去克服 錯誤、戰勝誘惑。我教導你們去愛;因為愛能除去一切罪過,使你們達致完美的境界,同時永遠得到我聖子的平安。願平安與你們同在,並活存於你們心中,因為我 是和平之后。多謝你們。」(03/02/2010 Mirjana)

「今天我特別祝福你們,並為你們祈禱,使你們返回正路,返回我的聖子、你們的救主身邊,因為祂已賞賜給你們永生。請你想想一切俗世的事物、一切阻礙 你們走向我聖子的道路的事物(例如一些過渡性、不完美及有限制的事物),再想想我的聖子、祂的無限美善。藉著你們的全然信賴及祈禱,可使你們的肉體及靈魂 得到聖潔。孩子:準備好罷!多謝你們。」(04/02/2010 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子 們:今天,慈愛的天父,藉著我,召叫你們,以充們愛的心靈,去進行靈性上的探訪。親愛的孩子們,讓你們充滿恩寵,誠懇 地懺悔你們的罪過,並渴求聖善。為那些尚未懂得追求聖善的人的名義,追求聖善。這樣,你們更中悅天主。感謝你們。」(05/02/2010 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:今天我邀請你們祈禱及守齋,好準備我的聖子能順利能進入你們的心內。請接受我作為你們的母親、並接受我給你們有關天主是愛,並且天 主願意你們人人都得救的訊息。讓你們能釋懷於過去一切令你們深感罪疚的事情,即一切導致你們誤入歧途及黑暗的事情。接受光明罷!在我聖子的正義內重生。多 謝你們。」(06/02/2010 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:今天,我以母親的呼喚,召叫你們走向真理及生命的道路。我的聖子是生命。祂在真理中愛著你們及認識你們。若然你們懂得認識和愛自己 的話,你們必先要愛我的聖子;若然你們要認識和愛鄰人的話,你們必先要在鄰人身上認出我的聖子。因此,孩子們,祈禱、祈禱罷!好使你們能完全明白、完全自 由地信服、同時完全地改變過來。這樣,天主的國便臨現在你們的心中。謝謝你們。」(07/02/2010 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:今天我邀請你們和我一起,開始建立天主的國在你們心中;希望你們學習我的聖子,不為自己生活,只為天主而生活。天主要求你們甚麼 呢?不要容許撒旦帶領你們進入俗世的快樂裡面,因位這條路是沒有我聖子的份兒。那條路是虛假的、短暫的。我的聖子是存在的。我奉獻給你們永遠的幸福,奉獻 給你們與我聖子的合一、與天主的合一;奉獻給你們天國。多謝你們。」(08/02/2010 Mirjana)

「可愛的孩子們: 我在你們的身邊,好能幫助你們克服誘惑,因為這是你們潔淨自己的時刻。假若你們不寬恕別人的話,也很難期望得到寬恕。 每一罪過都是相反愛德,與愛德背道而馳。我的聖子便是愛的本身。 孩子們,假若你們要和我一起走這和平之路,便要寬恕別人,並且祈求天主的寬恕。 感謝你們。」(09/02/2010 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:我今天邀請你們以謙卑的心去渡你們的宗教生活。你們的心靈必須是正直的。希望你們的十字架成為戰勝現代罪惡的方法。 讓你們的武器便是忍耐及無止境的愛;這愛是懂得等待、而且幫助你們辨別出天主的計劃。讓你們的生命,藉著這份謙卑的愛,光照那些在謊言黑暗中尋找真理的 人。 我的孩子,我的使徒,幫助我打開通向我聖子的道路。再次,請你們繼續為我的牧者祈禱。我和他們一起戰勝(世界)。多謝你們。」(10/02/2010 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:我以母親堅忍的心及愛情,帶給你們生命的光,好能滅絕在你們內死亡的黑暗。孩子們,不要拒絕我。請停下來,看一看內在的你,並且看 出你是如何充滿罪惡。認出自己的罪過,並祈求寬恕。孩子們,只接受自己的軟弱和微小是不夠的。相信藉著承行天主的聖意,你們是強壯的、偉大的。請給我你們 潔凈了的心靈,讓我以我聖子生命之光照耀你們。多謝你們。」(11/02/2010 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:今天我和你們一起祈禱,祈求你們得到力量去打開心靈,好能認出為你們受苦的天主的大愛。這樣,祂的美善、慈悲和我與你們同在。我邀 請你們在這特殊的準備時刻成為祈禱、克己及更新的時刻。孩子們,你們需要天主。你們絕不能沒有我的聖子。當你們明白及接受這事實時,天主給你們的許諾便得 以實現。藉著聖神,天主的國便在你們內產生。我帶領你們到達這目標。多謝你們。」(12/02/2010 Mirjana)


「親愛的孩子門:今天我邀請你們在我聖子基督內合而為一。我以母親的心情為你們祈禱,使你們明白你們是屬於天主的大家庭。籍著天主給你們的自由意 志,希望你們明白真理、善與惡。讓你們的守齋及祈禱,能打開你們的心靈,籍著基督,從而認識天父。當你們認識天父後,你們的生命便能朝向承行天父的旨意, 並且組成耶穌所願意建立的天父的大家庭。在這道路上我是不會離開你們的。」 當Mirjana想對聖母說:「我們有很多痛苦及十字架帶來妳跟前,希望妳幫助我們」時,聖母向我們打開她的雙手,說:「向我打開你們的心,把痛苦交給 我,母親是幫得到的。」(01/02/2011 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:你們聚集在我的左右,你們尋求你們的方向、你們尋求真理,但你們忘記最重要的一點:用心祈禱。你們的口唇說出千言萬語,但絕非來自 你們的心神。你們在黑暗中行走,且用自己的想像力去推想天主出來,而不是那位真正來自愛的天主。孩子們:真正的祈禱是來自你們靈魂底深處、來自痛苦、來自 喜樂、來自尋求罪過的赦免。只有這樣,才可找到真正的天主,同時可找回自己,因為我們是按照天主的肖像而受造的。祈禱可以幫助你們去完成我在你們身上的願 望,去完成我和你們一起的使命、去達成天主大家庭的合一。多謝你們。」 (02/02/2011 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:我作為母親,見到我的孩子持續不斷地以人的思維去取代天主的聖意,令我心痛欲絕。他們不管周圍的一切及所有徵兆, 不知到没有我的聖子他們什麽也不能,以為單憑他們的力量 可解決一切問題,他們正走向永遠的死亡,我召集你們,因為你們願意向我開放心靈,成為我愛的使徒及助手。當你們實踐愛德時,便是向那些無信者立最好的榜 樣。讓守齋及祈禱給予你們力量。我以母親的祝福降福你們,因父及子及聖神之名。多謝大家。」 (03/02/2011 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子們:我期盼以母親的愛去打開你們每一個人的心靈,並教導你們如何與天父保持合一。首先,你們要了解,你們在天父的眼中是何等的重要,同 時祂親自個別地召叫你們。你們要明白,你們的祈禱應好像小孩子與天父的對話;你們要愛天主及愛你的近人。 愛是源於真理, 愛是無止境的。孩子們,跟隨我罷!讓別人在你們身上認識真理和愛,與你們一同跟隨主。多謝你們。」 (04/02/2011 Mirjana)

「親愛的孩子,上帝的父親要我去給你指路得救,因為他,我的孩子,要救你,而不是譴責你。這就是為什麼我作為一個母親,我收集你我身邊,因為我母親 的愛,我希望可以幫你獲得自由的骯髒的過去,並重新開始生活和不同。我在呼喚你我的兒子復活。隨著供認的罪孽放棄一切,你從我有距離這使得兒子和你的生活 空虛和失敗。說’是’與心的父親,並列明的道路上拯救,他是在呼喚你,通過聖靈。謝謝。我感到特別祈禱的牧羊人(祭司),為上帝,以幫助他們將和你們一起 用豐滿的心。」 (05/02/2011 Mirjana)

親愛的孩子們:我邀請你們為那些尚未認識天主大愛的人祈禱。假若你們深思,就會理解,我所说的是你們當中大多數的人。請你們打開心靈,撫心 自問 : 是否願意跟隨天主,或放棄天主,而只跟隨個人的意願。請看圍繞着你們的四週,及同時觀察世界所走的方向,你們認為一切事情都不需依靠天主, 並在誘惑的黑暗中徘徊。我賞賜給你們真理及聖神的光。我依從天主的計劃和你們在一起,幫助你們 讓我的聖子,祂的十字架及復活, 在你們的心中勝利。作為一位母親,我期望你們和我的聖子及祂的工程合而為一。我為此而祈求。我和你們在一起。你們作出決定罷 !多謝你們。(06/02/2011 Mirjana)

親愛的孩子們: 今天我邀請你們踏出艱辛和痛苦的一步,好能與我的聖子合而為一。我期望你們徹底承認及懺悔你們的罪過,以得到潔淨。一個不潔淨的心靈不能結出愛及合一的果 實。一個不潔淨的心靈不能作出正確及合理的事情;因此,為那些接近天主的人和不認識天主大愛的人,他們都見證不了天主的愛。孩子們,你們充滿熱忱、期待和 渴望來到我跟前;我祈求天父把我的聖子 — 信德,藉著聖神,傾注入你們潔淨的心靈內。孩子們,聆聽我,和我一起前進罷!(07/02/2011 Mirjana)

親愛的孩子們: 今天我邀請你們在祈禱中重生,並藉着聖神及在我聖子內成為一個新民族。這個民族 知道假若失去了天主, 亦喪失了自己 ; 也明白與天主同行,儘管有痛苦和考驗,但他們還是安全和得救的。我邀請你們去組成一個天主的大家庭,並藉天父的力量去鞏固它。我的孩子, 罪惡要開始統治和摧毀這世界, 作為個人, 你不能阻止它。但是, 按天主的聖意,你們與我的聖子結合,就可以改變一切及治癒這世界。我邀請你們用心為牧者祈禱,因為我的聖子揀選了他們。多謝你們。(08/02/2011 Mirjana)

我以對天主無限的信賴和愛心的情懷 ,曾把我的聖子賜給你們。我現在重新把祂賜給你們。我的聖子讓全人類認識唯一的天主及祂的大愛。祂帶領你們走上真理的道路,教導你們彼此成為兄弟姊妹。
故此棄絕一切引領你們離開天主的事物,衹可欽崇衪, 因為衪是唯一的真天主。
我和你們常在一起。我祈求所有牧者都堪當成為我聖子的代表,在愛德中帶領你們走向真理的大道。多謝你們。(09/02/2011 Mirjana)

今天我以母親的愛來勸勉你們多作祈禱,與天父 保持親密的關係,並在祈禱中尋到樂趣。天父和你們之間近在咫尺。你們也認識祂。聖父藉我的聖子把自己顯示給你們及 賜給你們生命。
不要讓自己陷入誘惑,否則便會遠離天主。不要讓家庭和社會離開天主。要恆常祈禱,讓你們的內心充滿我聖子的美善, 衪是至善至美的。只有充滿美善的心靈才可以明白及接受天主聖父。
我以特殊的方式來懇請你們 , 不要判斷你們的牧者 。你們忘記了是天父揀選了他們嗎?
祈禱罷!多謝你們。(10/02/2011 Mirjana)

天父一直沒有離棄你們。由於祂無限的愛,把我帶到你們身邊,讓我幫助你們去認識祂;並藉著我的聖子,使你們能全心地稱祂為父。更讓你們成為天主大家庭的一份子。你們不要忘記,你們生於世上,不單只是為了自己;而我在這裏的召喚, 亦不僅只是為了你們。
那些跟隨我聖子的人,他們毫無私心, 視基督內的兄弟如自己般看待。故此,你們要成為我聖子的光,好能照亮那些不認識父的人,照耀那些在罪惡黑暗中行走、绝望、痛苦及孤獨的人。讓你們的生活光照他們,並帶出天父的大愛。
我常和你們在一起。打開你們的心靈,我便會帶領你們。我再邀請你們為牧者祈禱。多謝你們。 (11/02/2011 Mirjana)

作為你們 的母親 , 我常和你們在一起;藉著我的愛、祈禱和榜樣 , 希望能幫助你們成為一粒未來的種子,它將會變成一棵結實的大樹,枝幹滿遍天下。
孩子們,只要有一顆純潔的心 , 不受罪惡的沾染, 心靈自會打開;只有正直的目光,才能看出我指引給你們的道路。
當你察覺到這一點, 你們便會領悟到天主的愛,這是天主賜給你們的。然後,你們便可作為愛的種子,傳給別人。 (12/02/2011 Mirjana)



親愛的孩子們:我以母親的眼光關注著你們。我看見你們內心充滿憂愁與痛苦;看見你們過去的傷痛與無助及不停地尋覓。我知道我的孩子們渴望得到快樂, 但不知 如何才可找到。只有向天父打開你們的心靈,才可得到這份喜樂。我願意帶領你們走這道路。天主絕不會離開祂的子女,特別那些生活在痛苦及絕望中的子女。當你 們明白這道理、並接受這痛苦時,你們的快樂便指日可待。你們便會快樂及不用再去尋尋覓覓了。你們不會再害怕。你們的生命便成為我愛子的希望和真理。多謝你 們。我懇求你們特別為我聖子所揀選的人祈禱。不要判斷別人,因為你們將來要接受同樣的判斷。(01/02/2012 Mirjana)



我和你們一起已有一段很長的時間。我一直向你們談及天主的臨在及祂的無限慈愛。我是多麼願意你們知道這事。你們是我的孩子嗎?為甚麼當你們環顧現今 的世 界, 你們仍視而不見,聽而不聞,不想去查看,沒有我聖子的世界會是怎樣。你們放棄了恩寵之源的基督。當我說話時,你們表面上是聽從,但實質上,你們的心靈是關 閉的。你們沒有求聖神光照著你們。

多謝你們。我再次要求你們為我聖子所揀選的牧者祈禱 — 他們是你們的牧者。(02/02/2012 Mirjana)



讓我帶你們到復活了的聖子那裡去。請為那些我聖子所揀選的人祈禱,使他們時常生活在基督 大司祭內。多謝你們。(03/02/2012 Mirjana)


我是和平之后,我期望賜給你們平安 , 真正的平安是來自我的聖子;作為你們的母親,我祈求智慧、謙遜及聖善充滿你們的心靈。讓和平及我的聖子進駐你們的心內!當我的聖子能佔有你們的心靈時,你 們便能幫助更多人認識天主。那些在錯誤的地方尋找平安的人令我痛心, 若你們感受到來自天上的平安時 , 你們便會領悟這才是真正的平安。當你們聽從我的聲音,跟隨我的步履時,我是多麼高興。不要害怕,你絕不會孤單的。讓我拖著你們的手前進。
不要忘記你們的牧者。祈求他們的思 , 言, 行為能肖似我的聖子,因為他們是我聖子的見證人。
多謝。(04/02/2012 Mirjana)


親愛的孩子們:我以母親的愛懇請你們讓我握著你們的手,帶領你們,使你們避免不安、絕望及流徙永遠失落之地。我的聖子是多麼愛你們,祂為了你們的罪 甘願犧牲性命,被釘死在十字架上。不要再犯罪,以免祂不斷的為你們受苦。不要把天國之門自我關閉。不要浪費時間。沒有甚麼比與我的聖子合一更為重要。天父 派遣我來是為了幫助你們,讓我們一起把恩寵和救恩顯示給那些尚未認識基督的人。不要再心硬。請信賴我和愛慕我的聖子。你們不能沒有牧者。每天請為牧者祈 禱!多謝你們。(05/02/2012 Mirjana)


親愛的孩子們:我仍然和你們在一起,因為我愛你們,我願意向你們展示天國之門。我教你們如何才能進入天國:藉著我的聖子,力行仁愛、憐憫、和平之 德。不要花時間於無謂的事物上。只有認識我聖子的大愛你們才能得救。透過聖神及這救恩的愛,祂揀選了我與祂一起挑選你們成為祂的愛及聖意的門徒。孩子們, 你們的責任非常重大。我希望藉著你們的榜樣,讓罪人能找到光明,在心靈上得到滋養,而重投入我的懷抱。因此,你們要多祈禱、守齋、恆常辦告解。若你們視領 受基督聖體為生活的核心,那麼,不用害怕,你們什麼事也能應付的。 (我與你們同在。我每天都為你們的牧者祈禱。希望你們也這樣做。孩子們,假若沒有他們的指導和有力的祝福,你們什麼事也做不來。謝謝你們。(06/02 /2012 Mirjana)


請和我一起為你們的牧者祈禱。我再次提醒你們,不要判斷他們,因為他們都是天主所揀選的。多謝你們。(07/02/2012 Mirjana)


孩 子們,只有純潔的心靈才能懂得背負十字架及為罪人贖罪犧牲,即使在今天,仍然有很多罪人冒犯天上的父親,因為他們尚未認識主。我祈求你們用純潔的心去祈 禱,這樣你們便可以找到信仰的真光。而那些接近你們的人便能感受到我聖子的愛。請為那些我聖子所揀選去帶領你們走向救恩的路的人祈禱。請你們保持口德,別 妄作批評。多謝你們。(08/02/2012 Mirjana)


當我看著你們時,我的心神正尋找那些追求合一及明白祈禱的重要性的靈魂,好讓他們為那些尚未認識天父大愛的孩子們祈禱。我召 叫你們,因為我需要你們。不要 害怕接受這差遣,我必會堅強你們,賜給你們足夠的恩寵。我和你們在一起,以母親的愛保護你們免陷入邪惡中,每當你們遇到因難時,我會立即前來安慰你們。多 謝你們開放心靈。請為司鐸祈禱,祈求他們與我聖子之間的團結共融更為堅固,願他們合而為一。多謝你們。。(09/02/2012 Mirjana)


我召叫你們,我來到你們中間是因爲我需要你們。使徒們必須要擁有一顆純潔的心。我祈求,你們也該祈求聖神帶領你們,光照你 們,使你們充滿愛心與謙卑;充滿恩寵及慈悲。只有這樣,你們才能了解我的痛苦是來自那些不認識『天主是愛』的人,那樣你們才能幫助我。你們將是我光明的使 者,見證天主的大愛,光照那些視而不見的人。我期望你們每一個人都能認識我的聖子、體驗祂的神國。我再次懇求你們為我聖子所召選的人祈禱。多謝你們。 (10/02/2012 Mirjana)



我以母親的身份,懇求你們能堅持作我的使徒。我祈求我的聖子賜給你們聖神的智慧和力量,按照天主的真理辨別身邊的事物,擺脫一切使你們遠離我聖子的 誘惑。我祈求你們因我的聖子而見證天父的大愛。我的孩子,滿溢的恩寵已賜給你們,你們要為天主的愛作見證。請不要輕視所交給你們的責任,不要使我慈母的心 悲傷。作為一位母親,我信靠我的孩子及我的使徒。你們要藉著守齋及祈禱開闢一條途徑,讓我可以為你們向主祈求,求祂接近你們,並藉著你們光榮祂的聖名。請 為牧者祈禱,因為沒有他們這些事也不可以成事。(11/02/2012 Mirjana)