Fr. Slavko Barbarić was the spiritual director of the six visionaries. He was born in 1946, ordained to the priesthood in 1971, and sent to the parish of Medjugorje in 1983.
When Fr. Slavko was alive, every Friday at 2 pm, he would lead a group of pilgrims up Cross Mountain, praying the Way of the Cross. On November 24, 2000, he led a group of about 70 pilgrims as usual. He wasn’t feeling well that day. On the way down the mountain, he stopped just below the Resurrection Station, blessed the group, sat down, slid to the ground, and gave his soul back to God.
His tomb is in the Medjugorje cemetery, located a short walk from the church.
Fr. Slavko was a highly gifted individual. He was a learned man, a trained psychotherapist, spoke many languages, related well with people, and wrote many books on spiritual subjects. They have been translated into more than 20 languages. He was also humble, holy, and energetic – the perfect choice to spread the messages of the Queen of Peace.