Every morning there are Masses in many languages offered at St. James’ Church and the Adoration Chapel. The priests who con-celebrate at the main church sit behind the main altar. At communion time, they distribute Holy Communion to those who are attending inside or outside the church. Since there are usually many priests, it does not take too long before everyone who wants to receive Communion will receive.
In the evening of the warm months, 7 p.m. in summer schedule, and 6 p.m. in ordinary schedule, there is a Croatian Mass offered at the exterior altar. Simultaneous translation of the Mass is available on the FM radio (94.3 for English). The con-celebrating priests at that Mass sit on either side of the altar. If that area is not big enough, then they sit in the first two rows of seats in front of the bottom of the steps. At Communion time, they distribute Holy Communion to everyone systematically and efficiently. It only takes about 15 minutes for everyone to receive.
- Holy Mass in St. James Church (indoor)
- Holy Mass in St. James Church (outdoor)
- Holy Mass in St. James Church (outdoor)