Messages from 1981
Our Lady's MessagesJune 24, 1981
The first apparition takes place in the afternoon. It is a silent and distant silhouette on the summit of Podbrdo which later would be called Hill of Apparition or Apparition Mountain. The second apparition of the day takes place around 6:00pm.
June 25, 1981
This is the first day the six visionaries saw Our Lady or the Gospa on the hill: “Praise be Jesus!”
Ivanka asked about her mother who had died two months earlier.”She is happy. She is with me” (other version: “She is your angel in Heaven”).
The visionaries asked if Our Lady would return the next day. Our Lady responded with a nod of the head. Mirjana asked if Our Lady would give them a sign so that others would believe them. Mirjana believed she had received a sign when the Gospa smiled. Also, Mirjana noticed that her watch had changed time during the apparition.
“Good-bye my angels. Go in the peace of God.”
June 26, 1981
A crowd of nearly three thousand people were drawn to Apparition Mountain by the luminary signs coming from the hill. Holy water is sprinkled on Our Lady by Vicka. She asks Our Lady to stay is She is indeed the Virgin Mary. Our Lady smiles in response. Ivanka then asked why Our Lady is here and what does she want from the people. Our Lady responded: “I have come because there are many true believers here. I wish to be with you to convert and to reconcile the whole world.”
Ivanka asked if her mother has any message for her. “Obey your grandmother and help her because she is old.”
Mirjana wanted to know about her grandfather who had recently died. “He is well.”
The visionaries requested a sign to prove that the apparition was really the Gospa. “Blessed are those who have not seen and who believe.”
Mirjana asked: “Who are you?” “I am the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
Why are you appearing to us? We are no better than others. “I do not necessarily choose the best.”
Will you come back? “Yes, to the same place as yesterday.”
While Marija goes down the mountain, she is mysteriously pushed to the side of the trail by an unseen force. She sees the Virgin again. Our Lady is carrying a wooden cross and is crying. “Peace, Peace, Peace! Be reconciled! Only Peace. Make your peace with God among yourselves. For that, it is necessary to believe, to pray, to fast, and to go to confession.”
June 27, 1981
Praise be Jesus
Jakov wanted to know what the Virgin expected of the Franciscans in Medjugorje. “Have them persevere in the faith and protect the faith of the people.”
Mirjana and Jakov were concerned because the people were treating them like liars. They asked Our Lady to leave a sign for the people. “My angels, do not be afraid of injustices. They have always existed.”
The visionaries asked: “How must we pray?” “Continue to recite the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be seven times, but also add the Creed. Good-bye, my angels. Go in the peace of God.”
Our Lady said to Ivan: “Be in peace and take courage.”
June 28, 1981
The visionaries want to know what the Gospa wishes. “That people believe and persevere in the faith.”
Vicka asked: “What do you expect from the priests?” “That they remain strong in the faith and that help you.”
They asked Our Lady why She does not appear to everyone in the church. “Blessed are they who believe without having seen.”
They wanted to know if She would return. “Yes, to the same place.”
The visionaries ask if She prefers prayer or singing. “Both, prayer and singing.”
Vicka asked what Our Lady wished from the crowd gathered on the hill. According to the visionaries, Our Lady responded with a smile and a loving glance. At this point, the Gospa disappeared. The visionaries prayed, hoping she would return because She had not said good-bye. It was during the song, “You Are All Beautiful”, that She returned.
Three times Vicka asked, “Dear Gospa (Croatian word for Our Lady), what do you expect of these people?” “That those who do not see believe as those who see.”
Once again the visionaries asked for a sign so that the people would not think of them as liars. They only received a smile from Our Lady as She told them good-bye and disappeared. “Go in the peace of God.”
June 29, 1981
The visionaries wanted to know if the Gospa was happy to see so many people present. “More than happy.”
They ask, “How long will You stay?” “As long as you will want me to, my angels.”
They questioned Our Lady about Her expectations about those who came despite the heat and the brambles. “There is only one God, one faith. Let the people believe firmly and do not fear anything.”
“What do you expect of us?” the visionaries inquired. “That you have a solid faith and you maintain confidence.”
The visionaries wanted to know if they would be strong enough to endure persecutions because of their beliefs. “You will be able to, my angels. Do not fear. You will be able to endure everything. You must believe and have confidence in me.”
At this point, Doctor Darinka Glamuzina, working for the Government, requests Vicka to ask a question for her: “May I touch Our Lady?” “There have always been Judases who don’t believe, but she can approach.”
Vicka shows Doctor Glamuzina where to extend her hand and Doctor Glamuzina touches the Gospa.
The parents of a handicapped child ask the visionaries to intercede on behalf of the child. The ask the Virgin to cure the child so that people will believe them. “Have them believe strongly in his cure. Go in the peace of God.”
The child was cured later that same evening.
Between June 30, 1981 and December 31, 1981, the visionaries were being tracked down by the police. They had to find a discreet place to wait for the Virgin to appear.
June 30, 1981
Two social workers took the visionaries on a ride so they would miss the apparition on the hill. The apparition took place at Cerno, on the road between Ljbuski and Medjugorje. Mirjana asked Our Lady if She was angry because they were not on the hill. Our Lady responded: “That doesn’t matter.”
Mirjana then asked if Our Lady would be angry if they did not return to the hill, but waited for apparition at the church. Somehow Our Lady seemed undecided (according to Mirjana), but then She agreed to appear in the church and added: “Always at the same time. Go in the peace of God.”
Mirjana, who had been reading an account of the apparitions at Lourdes, thought she understood that the Virgin would return for another three days, until Friday, as She had in Lourdes. However, this was only Mirjana’s interpretation.
July 1, 1981
Again the visionaries ask the Gospa for a sign. Our Lady appeared to nod Her head. “Good-bye, my dear angels.”
July 21, 1981
Our Lady arrived: “Praise be Jesus.”
The visionaries asked again for a sign and the Gospa said yes. They asked how long She would continue to visit them. “My sweet angels, even if I were to leave the sign, many people will not believe. Many people will only come here and bow down, but people must be converted and do penance.”
The visionaries asked the Virgin about the sick and She said they would find the cure in strong faith. The Gospa then departed: “Go in the peace of God.”
July 22, 1981
Praise be Jesus Christ. A good many people have been converted and among them some had not gone to Confession in 45 years, and now they are going to confession. Go in the peace of God.
July 23, 1981
Praised be Jesus Christ
July 24, 1981
Again the visionaries asked questions concerning the sick. “Without faith, nothing is possible. All those who will believe firmly will be cured.”
July 25, 1981
After more questions about the sick, Our Lady answered: “God, help us all!”
July 27, 1981
The visionaries ask the Virgin to bless some objects. “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Once again the visionaries asked about the sign. “Wait, it will be soon. I will appear to you again at 11:15pm. Go in the peace of God.”
They see Jesus’ head, brown eyes, beard, and long hair to prepare them for the suffering and persecution they were having to endure. “My angels, I send you my Son, Jesus, Who was tortured for His faith, and yet He endured everything. You also, my angels, will endure everything.”
The visionaries are praised for their beautiful singing and praying. “It is beautiful to listen to you. Continue in this manner. Don’t be afraid for Jozo.” [He was threatened by the police]
July 29, 1981
The Virgin in Vicka’s room. They asked about a sick person. “Praise be Jesus! She will be cured. She must believe firmly.”
The visionaries asked to embrace Our Lady to leave a sign. “Yes. Go in the peace of God”
July, 1981
Carry out well your responsibilities and what the Church asks you to do.
Early August, 1981
The visionaries asked what Our Lady wanted of them later on in life. “I would like you to become priests and religious, but only if you, yourselves, would want it. It is up to you to decide.”
August 2, 1981
From Marija’s room, Our Lady asks her and 40 others: “All of you together go to the meadow at Gumno. A great struggle is about to unfold. A struggle between my Son and Satan. Human souls are at stake.”
[At Gumno] “Everyone here may touch me.” [When Our Lady’s dress became stained, Marinko invited all to go to confession.]
August 6, 1981 The Transfiguration
I am the Queen of Peace.
August 7, 1981
Our Lady asked the young people to come to Cross Mountain at 2:00am and to pray that many people would do penance for sinners. “That one do penance for sins.”
August 8, 1981
Do penance! Strengthen your faith through prayer and the sacraments.
August 17, 1981
Do not be afraid. I wish that you would be filled with joy and that the joy could be seen on your face. I will protect Father Jozo. [The pastor was put in jail.]
August 22, 1981
Father Jozo has nothing to fear. All troubles will pass.
August 23, 1981
Praise be Jesus! I have been with Ivan until now. Pray, my angels, for these people. My children, I give you strength. I will always give it to you. When you need me, call me.
August 25, 1981
Some of the people present asked to touch the Virgin. “It is not necessary to touch me. Many are those who do not feel anything when they touch me. On the matter of the sign, you do not have to become impatient for the day will come.”
Our Lady also said there was a spy among those gathered.
August 26, 1981
Because the visionaries see Our Lady, many have been seeking their advice. Our Lady responds: “Praise be Jesus. Do not give advice to anyone. I know what you feel and that will pass, also.”
August 27, 1981
On this day the visionaries again asked something regarding the sign. “Very soon, I promise you. Be strong and courageous.”
August 28, 1981
The visionaries have been waiting for the Virgin in Father Jozo’s room. She does not come. This is the second time this has happened. The visionaries go to church to pray and Our Lady appears to them there. “I was with Father Jozo. That is why I did not come. Do not trouble yourselves if I do not come. It suffices then to pray.”
This is the day Ivan entered the seminary at Visoko. Our Lady told him: “You are very tired. Rest, so that you can find strength. Go in the peace of God. Good-bye.”
August 29, 1981
Jakov asks Our Lady several questions. ‘Are you also appearing to Ivan in the seminary?’ “Yes, just like for you.”
‘Is Ivan Ivankovic, who is in prison, well?’ “He is well. He is enduring everything. All will pass. Father Jozo sends you greetings.”
Ivan at the seminary wants to know about the village. “My angels perform their penance well.”
Ivan asked Our Lady whether She was going to help him and his friends in school. “God’s help manifests itself everywhere. Go in the peace of God with the blessing of Jesus and mine. Good-bye.”
Ivanka asks if a sign will be left soon. “Again, a little patience.”
August 30, 1981
Our Lady arrived and Vicka asks for confirmation about rumors that Father Jozo’s cell doors unlock themselves. “Praise be Jesus! It is true, but no one believes it.”
Ivanka asked about Mirjana. “Mirjana is sad because she is all alone. I will show her to you.” And the visionaries saw Mirjana crying.
Regarding young people who betray the faith. “Yes, there are many.”
Regarding a woman who wants to leave her husband because he is cruel to her: “Let her remain close to him and accept her suffering. Jesus, Himself, also suffered.”
Regarding a sick young boy: “He is suffering from a very grave illness. Let his parents firmly believe, do penance, then the little boy will be cured.”
Jakov asks about the sign. “Again, a little patience.”
Ivan wants to know how he will do in seminary. “Be without fear. I am close to you everywhere and at all times.”
Ivan asks if the people in his village are pious. “Your village has become the most fervent parish in Hercegovina. A large number of people distinguish themselves through their piety and their faith.”
End of August
The visionaries asked which is the best form of fasting. “A fast on bread and water.” “I am the Queen of Peace.”
September 1, 1981
The visionaries ask if there will be a Mass on Mt. Krizevac. “Yes, my angels.”
Jakov asks if a trap is being set around the church. “There’s nothing at all. Have the people pray and remain in church as long as possible.
Ivan prayed with Our Lady so that Jesus would help him in his vocation. Our Lady said: “Go in the peace of God. Do not be afraid. I am close to you and I will watch over you.”
September 2, 1981
Vicka asked about a young person who hanged himself. “Satan took hold of him. This young man should not have done that. The Devil tries to reign over the people. He takes everything into his hands, but the force of God is more powerful, and God will conquer.”
Ivan wants to know how his friends and he will do in seminary. “You are, and you will always be my children. You have followed the path of Jesus. No one will stop you from propagating the faith in Jesus. One must believe strongly.”
September 3, 1981
Jakov asked when the sign would be announced. “Again, a little patience.”
September 4, 1981
Ivanka and Marija are concerned that they will not have enough time to pray because they are only home on Saturdays and Sundays and far away at school during the week. (Marija stays in Mostar with relatives.) “It is enough for you to pray. Come here on Saturdays and Sundays. I will appear to all of you.”
Ivan asks when Our Lady will leave the sign. “The sign will be given at the end of the apparitions.”
Ivan inquires when that will be. “You are impatient, my angels. Go in the peace of God.”
September 5, 1981
Praise be Jesus and Mary. Go in the peace of God, my angel. May the blessing of God accompany you. Amen. Good-bye.
September 6, 1981
Pray especially on Sunday, so that the great sign, the gift of God may come. Pray with fervor and constancy so that God may have mercy on His great children. Go in peace, my angel. May the blessing of God accompany you. Amen. Good-bye.
September 7, 1981
Be converted all of you who are still there. The sign will come when you will be converted.
September 8, 1981 Feast of the Nativity Of The Virgin
I ask only to pray with fervor. Prayer must become a part of your daily life to permit the true faith to take root.
Jakov wishes Our lady a happy birthday. “For me it is a beautiful day. With respect to you, persevere in the faith and in prayer. Do not be afraid. Remain in joy. It is my desire. Let joy appear on your faces. I will continue to protect Father Jozo.”
September 10, 1981
Ivan reports that after praying beautiful prayers with a feeling from the heart filled with love and joy Our Lady says: “Go in the peace of God, my angel. Amen. Good-bye.”
September 13, 1981
The Virgin came near the image of Jesus after some seminary students came from confession. “This is your Father*, my angel. Go in the peace of God, my angels.”
* Many known mystics referred, of course, to Jesus as our Brother but in some rare occasions also as our Father. This is theologically right, if unusual..
September 14, 1981
Our Lady told Vicka: “Stay here so that Jakov will not be alone. Persevere, both of you, with patience. You will be rewarded.”
September 15, 1981
If the people are not converted very soon, bad things will happen to them.
September 16, 1981
The militia will not stay here a long time. I will leave the sign. Be patient still. Don’t pray for yourselves. You have been rewarded. Pray for others.
September 17, 1981
Concerning someone ill. “He will die very soon.”
To the visionaries: “Persevere and you will be rewarded.
September 20, 1981
To Vicka and Jakov: “Do not be lax in your prayers. I ask both of you to fast for a week on bread and water.”
September 30, 1981
To Vicka and Jakov: “Don’t ask useless questions dictated by curiosity. The most important thing is to pray, my angels.”
October 1, 1981
Are all religions the same? “Members of all faiths are equal before God. God rules over each faith just like a sovereign over his kingdom. In the world, all religions are not the same because all people have not complied with the commandments of God. They reject and disparage them.”
Are all churches the same? “In some, the strength of prayer to God is greater, in others, smaller. That depends on the priests who motivate others to pray. It depends also on the power which they have.”
Why do You appear to us so often and to others who do not follow God’s path?* “I appear to you often and in every place. To others, I appear from time to time briefly. They do not yet follow the way of God completely. They are not aware of the gift which He has made them. That, no one deserves. with time, they also will come to follow the right way.”
* This must be about other apparitions in Hercegovina.
October 6, 1981
The evening Mass must be kept permanently. The Mass of the sick must be celebrated on a specific day, at a time which is most convenient. Father Tomislav must begin with the prayer group. It is very necessary. Have Father Tomislav pray with fervor.
October 7, 1981
In answer to the question whether there are other intermediaries, besides Jesus, between God and Man? “There is only one mediator between God and man, and it is Jesus Christ.”
In answer to Father Tomislav regarding founding a community like that of Saint Francis of Assisi: “God has chosen Saint Francis as His elected one. It would be good to imitate his life. In the meantime, we must realize what God orders us to do.”
October 8, 1981
Our Lady has scolded Marija about missing Mass and staying with her friends. “You would have done better to attend Mass rather than to satisfy human curiosity.”
October 10, 1981
It is up to you to pray and to persevere. I have made promises to you; also be without anxiety. Faith will not know how to be alive without prayer. Pray more.
October 11, 1981
The visionaries ask about an old man who disappeared. “Tomo Lovic is dead.”
October 12, 1981
Where is Paradise and the Kingdom of God? “In Heaven.”
Our Lady is asked if she is the Mother of God and if She went to heaven before or after Her death. “I am the Mother of God and the Queen of Peace. I went to Heaven before death.”
When will the sign be left? “I will not yet leave the sign. I shall continue to appear. Father Jozo sends you greetings. He is experiencing difficulties, but he will resist, because he knows why he is suffering.”
October 17, 1981
On the sign: “It is mine to realize the promise. With respect to the faithful, have them pray and believe firmly.”
October 19, 1981
Pray for Father Jozo and fast tomorrow on bread and water. The you will fast for a whole week on bread and water. Pray, my angels. Now I will show you Father Jozo.
She shows them a vision of Father Jozo in prison and tells them not to fear for him because everything will work out fine.
On Marinko, the man who protected the visionaries: “There are a few similar faithful. He’s made a sufficient number of sacrifices for Jozo. He underwent many torments and sufferings.”
To Marinko personally: “Continue, and do not let anyone take the faith away from you.”
October 20, 1981
Vicka asked Our Lady to intercede for Father Jozo during his trial and even to strike someone to stop the trial. Our Lady sings with the visionaries: “Jesus Christ in Your Name.”
After the song was completed, Our Lady said: “Go in the peace of God.”
October 21, 1981
Because Vicka is concerned about Fr. Jozo’s sentencing and knows that Our Lady is not motivated by vengeance, she begs Her to intercede that the people involved be reasonable and impartial. “Jozo looks well and he greets you warmly. Do not fear for Jozo. He is a saint. I have already told you. Sentence will not be pronounced this evening. Do not be afraid, he will not be condemned to a severe punishment. Pray only, because Jozo asks from you prayer and perseverance. Do not be afraid because I am with you.”
October 22, 1981
Jozo has been sentenced. Let us go to church to pray.
The visionaries tell Our Lady they are saddened because of Father Jozo. “You should rejoice!”
The visionaries ask if the whiteness of the cross is a supernatural phenomenon. “Yes, I confirm it.”
Many saw the cross transform itself into a light and then into a silhouette of Our Lady. “All of these signs are designed to strengthen your faith until I leave you the visible and permanent sign.”
October 25, 1981
The visionaries asked Our Lady about the great light three girls saw on their way home from Mass. Within the light, they saw fifteen figures. “It was a supernatural phenomenon. I was among the saints.”
October 26, 1981
Praise be Jesus. You are not to ask me any more questions on the subject of the sign. Do not be afraid, it will surely appear. I carry out my promises. As far as you are concerned, pray, persevere in prayer.
October 28, 1981
The visionaries ask if the Gospa appeared at Krizevac the day before for thirty minutes. “Yes, didn’t you see me?”
Regarding the fire that hundreds of people saw that burned but did not consume anything. “The fire, seen by the faithful, was of a supernatural character. It is one of the signs, a forerunner of the great sign.”
October 29, 1981
You, my angels, be on your guard. There is enough mendacious news which people are spreading. Of course, I will show you my mercy. Be a little patient. Pray!
October 30, 1981
Jakov and Vicka questioned Our Lady about a sealed envelope which an official showed them wishing to trick them. “Do not respond to anything. It is a bad trick which they are playing on you. They have already given so much false news. Do not believe them. Continue to pray and to suffer! I will make the power of love appear.”
The visionaries asked Our Lady when should Christmas Mass be celebrated. “Have them celebrate it at midnight. Pray! Go in the peace of God.”
To Ivanka: “Pray more. The others are praying and suffering more than you.”
To the visionaries: “Tell the young people not to allow themselves to be distracted from the true way. Let them remain faithful to their religion.”
October 31, 1981
From Vicka’s diary we learn that Mirjana has had daily apparitions in Sarajevo where she is a student at a professional school. Our Lady counsels Mirjana as a wise mother would, telling her two times who to trust, who to distrust, and how to respond to those who rebuke her and attack God.
Our Lady knows and advised Mirjana to avoid a friend who wants her to get involved with drugs. Our lady suggested that she answer questions when that would be helpful and to remain quiet when that would be more beneficial. Our Lady shared Her joy over the five visionaries being together and tells them that Father Jozo would not be in prison more than four years.
Regarding Danny Ljolje, Our Lady said: “There is a lot of deception and erroneous information.”
After showing the visionaries a part of paradise and telling them not to be afraid, Our lady said: “All those who are faithful to God will have that.”
October, 1981
Concerning the conflict between the Franciscans and the Bishop of Mostar: “It is going to find a solution. We must have patience and pray.”
Regarding Poland: “There will be great conflicts, but in the end, the just will take over.”
Regarding Russia: “The Russian people will be the people who will glorify God the most. The West has made civilization progress, but without God, as if they were their own creators.”
November 1, 1981
Be persevering! Pray! Many people are beginning to convert.
November 2, 1981
The visionaries questioned the Gospa about Her reasons for showing them paradise some days earlier. “I did that so you could see the happiness which awaits those who love God.”
Jesus then appears to them with injuries covering His body and wearing a crown of thorns. “Do not be afraid. It is my Son. See how He has been martyred. In spite of all, He was joyful and He endured all with patience.”
Then Jesus says: “Look at me. How I have been injured and martyred! In spite of all, I have gained the victory. You also, my angels, be persevering in your faith and pray so that you may overcome.”
November 3, 1981
The song, ‘Come, Come to us Lord’, was begun by Our Lady and the visionaries joined in with her. “I am often at Krizevac, at the foot of the cross, to pray there. Now I pray to my Son to forgive the world its sins. The world has begun to convert.”
November 6, 1981
During this apparition, Our Lady disappears and the visionaries see a terrifying vision of Hell. Then Our Lady reappears and says: “Do not be afraid! I have shown you Hell so that you may know the state of those who are there.”
November 8, 1981
Our Lady appears kissing and lovingly embracing a picture of John Paul II. “He is your father, the spiritual father of all. It is necessary to pray for him.” One account tells of Our Lady picking up the picture in the room.
The visionaries have a vision of Father Jozo in prison. “Have you seen how Father Jozo struggles for God?”
November 9, 1981
The militia passes by the room where Our Lady was about to appear. “Do not be afraid of the militia. Do not provoke anybody. Be polite with everybody.”
November 10, 1981
Do not give in. Keep your faith. I will accompany you at every step.
November 13, 1981
Praise be Jesus!
Our Lady showed the visionaries a beautiful landscape with the Baby Jesus walking there. The visionaries were not able to recognize Him.
It is Jesus. On my arrival and when I depart, always sing the song, ‘Come, Come to us O Lord’.
November 15, 1981
This apparition was to take place in Fr. Jozo’s room but Our Lady appeared later in the Church and said someone had placed (hidden) listening devices in the room. She relates: “The world is on the point of receiving great favors from me and my Son. May the world keep a strong confidence.”
November 16, 1981
The devil is trying to conquer us. Do not permit him. Keep the faith, fast, and pray. I will be with you at every step.
Her words to Vicka and Jakov: “Persevere with confidence in prayer and in faith.
November 22, 1981
The Gospa explains the cross, the heart, and the sun to the visionaries. “These are the signs of salvation: The cross is a sign of mercy, just like the heart. The sun is the source of light, which enlightens us.”
Again a shining silhouette takes the place of the cross on Krizevac. The visionaries asked the Blessed Virgin if it was She. “Why do you ask me, my angels? Have you not seen me? The world must find salvation while there is time. Let it pray with fervor. May it have the spirit of faith.”
November 23, 1981
Our Lady was indescribable and beautiful light radiated, flowed, shined, and sparkled around Her. “The people have begun to convert. Keep a solid faith. I need your prayers.”
November 26, 1981
The visionaries asked the Gospa questions about the sick: “Have strong faith, pray, and fast and they will be cured. Be confident and rest in joy. Go in the peace of God. Be patient and pray for the cure. Good-bye, my dear angels.”
November 28, 1981
All but Ivan were present. Vicka relates, “We all felt a profound peace about and within us. Our Lady looked at us with a beautiful sweetness.”
Ah, it is so beautiful to see you all together! Go in the peace of God, my angels. Good-bye.
November 29, 1981
It is necessary for the world to be saved while there is still time, for it to pray strongly, and for it to have the spirit of faith.
November 1981
Vicka warns that this message is not just for the visionaries but for all. “The Devil tries to impose his power on you, but you must remain strong and persevere in your faith. You must pray and fast. I will always be close to you.”
December 2, 1981
The visionaries asked about a young man who suddenly had a memory loss and could no longer learn anything: “It is necessary to hospitalize him.”
The visionaries asked more questions. “It is not necessary to ask questions on every subject.”
December 3, 1981
Pray and persevere through prayer.
December 6, 1981
Be strong and persevering. My dear angels, go in the peace of God.
December 7, 1981
Our Lady looked at the crowds of people. “The people are converting. It is true, but not yet all. Pray and persist in prayers.”
After an apparition at Jakov’s home, the letters “MIR LJUDIMA” (Peace to the people) were on the wall in gold.
December 8, 1981 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Our Lady answers questions the visionaries have about their futures. “I would like all of you to become priests and religious, but only if you desire it. You are free. It is up to you to choose. If you are experiencing difficulties or if you need something, come to me. If you do not have the strength to fast on bread and water, you can give up a number of things. It would be a good thing to give up television, because after seeing some programs, you are distracted and unable to pray. You can give up alcohol, cigarettes, and other pleasures. You yourselves know what you have to do.”
Our Lady then profoundly kneels down, serious with Her hands extended. She prays to Jesus: “My beloved Son, I beseech you to be willing to forgive the world its great sin through which it offends you.”
December 9, 1981
While we were praying, Our Lady intervened: “Oh my Son Jesus, forgive these sins; there are so many of them!”
We stopped and became silent. “Continue to pray, because prayer is the salvation of the people.”
December 11, 1981
Vicka asked the Gospa to look after her parents in Germany “I promise to protect them. Everything will go well.”
December 12, 1981
Our Lady told the visionaries She was happy because they would all be together during vacation. “Very soon you will all be united. You will be able to have a beautiful time together.”
December 16, 1981
Kneel down, my children, and pray.
December 18, 1981
Our Lady sings “Jesus Christ in Your Name” and says:
“Come on, sing more joyfully. Why are you so pensive?”
She then began the song, “The Queen of the Holy Rosary”, before leaving.
December 21, 1981
Be on your guard, my children. Prepare yourselves for difficult days. All kinds of people will come here.
December 24, 1981
Celebrate the days which are coming. Rejoice with my Son! Love your neighbor. May harmony reign among you.
December 25, 1981 Christmas
The visionaries see Baby Jesus. “Love one another, my children. You are brothers and sisters. Don’t argue among yourselves. Give glory to God, glorify Him and sing, my angels.”
December 30, 1981
Our Lady sings “The Queen of the Holy Rosary”.
December 31, 1981
Ivan asked the Gospa how to help doubting priests understand the apparitions. “It is necessary to tell them that from the very beginning I have been conveying the message of God to the world. It is a great pity not to believe in it. Faith is a vital element, but one cannot compel a person to believe. Faith is the foundation from which everything flows.”
Ivan asks Our Lady if it is really She appearing at the foot of the cross. “Yes, it is true. Almost everyday I am at the foot of the cross. My Son carried the cross. he has suffered on the cross, and by it, he saved the world. Everyday I pray to my Son to forgive the sins of the world.”
Vicka says that at the very beginning Our Lady told us: “You may leave, but let little Jakov stay with me.” Vicka then adds that Our Lady realizes that Jakov is an extraordinary boy.