The first of three videos: “The Way of the Cross” is not only a great testimony to an inner depth and maturity, but it is in fact a school for interiority and consolation. It is also a school for the examination of conscience, for conversion, for inner transformation and compassion – not as sentimentality, as a mere feeling, but as a disturbing experience that knocks on the door or my heart, that obliges me to know myself and to become a better person.” – Pope Benedict XVI “Mary’s Way of the Cross” written by Richard Furey, Narrated and recorded by Angelina when she was 14 years of age. All permissions granted. Available on CD, “Mary’s Way of the Cross”.
MCC Annual Retreat
- 2023/9/15-17 MCC Retreat: 聖母五小石:成聖秘訣
- 2022/9/16-18 MCC Retreat: Called To Communion 你們要團結共融
- 2021/9/24-26 MCC Retreat: Reconnecting From the Heart 由心開始重新連結
- 2020/9/19-20 MCC Retreat: The gift of encouragement 鼓勵的恩賜
- 2019/10/5-6 MCC Retreat: Finding Peace in the midst of Unrest 在困擾中尋平安
- 2018/9/14-16 MCC Retreat: 樂在祈禱中
- 2017/11/4-5 MCC Retreat: Healing of Families
- 2016/8/19-21 MCC Retreat: “Our Lady of Mercy”
- 2015/8/14-16 MCC Retreat: “Consecrated for Mercy”
- 2014/11/21-23 MCC Retreat: “The Path to Gospel Joy”