Messages from 2008

January 2, 2008

“Dear children, with all the strength of my heart, I love you and give myself to you. As a mother fights for her children, I pray for you and fight for you. I ask you not to be afraid to open yourselves, so as to be able to love with the heart and give yourselves to others. The more that you do this with the heart, the more you will receive and the better you will understand my Son and his gift to you. May everyone recognize you through the love of my Son and through me. Thank you.” (Mirjana 01/02/2008)

Our Lady blessed all those present and the religious articles brought for blessing. She asked for prayer and fasting for our shepherds.

January 25, 2008

” Dear children! With the time of Lent, you are approaching a time of grace. Your heart is like ploughed soil and it is ready to receive the fruit which will grow into what is good. You, little dhildren, are free to choose good or evil. Therefore, I call you to pray and fast. Plant joy and the fruit of joy will grow in your hearts for your good, and others will see it and receive it through your life. Renounce sin and choose eternal life. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

February 2, 2008

“Dear children, I am with you. As a mother, I am gathering you, because I desire to erase from your hearts what I see now. Accept the love of my Son and erase fear, pain, suffering and disappointment from your heart. I have chosen you in a special way to be a light of the love of my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 02/02/2008)

February 25, 2008

“Dear children! In this time of grace, I call you anew to prayer and renunciation. May your day be interwoven with little ardent prayers for all those who have not come to know God’s love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

March 2, 2008

“Dear children, I implore you, especially at this Lenten time, to respond to God’s goodness because he chose you and sent me among you. Be purified of sins and in Jesus, my Son, recognize the sacrifice of atonement for the sins of the entire world. May he be the meaning of your life. May your life become service to the Divine Love of my Son. Thank you, my children.” (Mirjana 03/02/2008)

Our Lady blessed all those present and all the religious articles brought for blessing. She called us anew to pray for our shepherds.

March 18, 2008 Annual apparition to Mirjana

“Dear children, today I extend my hands towards you. Do not be afraid to accept them. They desire to give you love and peace and to help you in salvation. Therefore, my children, receive them. Fill my heart with joy and I will lead you towards holiness. The way on which I lead you is difficult and full of temptations and falls. I will be with you and my hands will hold you. Be persevering so that, at the end of the way, we can all together, in joy and love, hold the hands of my Son. Come with me; fear not. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/18/2008)

March 25, 2008

“Dear children! I call you to work on your personal conversion. You are still far from meeting with God in your heart. Therefore, spend all the more time in prayer and Adoration of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, for Him to change you and to put into your hearts a living faith and a desire for eternal life. Everything is passing, little children, only God is not passing. I am with you and I encourage you with love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

April 2, 2008

“Dear children, also today, as I am with you in the great love of God, I desire to ask you: Are you with me? Is your heart open for me? Do you permit me to purify and prepare it for my Son? My children, you are chosen because, in your time, the great grace of God descended on earth. Do not hesitate to accept it. Thank you.” (Mirjana 04/02/2008)

After the apparition, Mirjana said: Our Lady blessed all of us and all religious articles. And while she was leaving, behind her in the blueness, I was able to see a wonderful, warm light.

April 25, 2008

“Dear children! Also today, I call all of you to grow in God’s love as a flower which feels the warm rays of spring. In this way, also you, little children, grow in God’s love and carry it to all those who are far from God. Seek God’s Will and do good to those whom God has put on your way, and be light and joy. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

May 2, 2008

“Dear children, by God’s will I am here with you in this place. I desire for you to open your hearts to me and to accept me as a mother. With my love I will teach you simplicity of life and richness of mercy, and I will lead you to my Son. The way to him can be difficult and painful, but do not be afraid. I will be with you. My hands will hold you to the very end, to the eternal joy; therefore do not be afraid to open yourselves to me. Thank you.” (Mirjana 05/02/2008)

Our Lady also said:
“Pray for priests. My Son gave them to you as a gift.”

May 25, 2008

“Dear children! In this time of grace, when God has permitted me to be with you, little children, I call you anew to conversion. Work on the salvation of the world in a special way while I am with you. God is merciful and gives special graces, therefore, seek them through prayer. I am with you and do not leave you alone. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

June 2, 2008

“Dear children, I am with you by the grace of God, to make you great, great in faith and love, all of you, you whose heart has been hard as a stone by sin and guilt; but you devout souls, I desire to illuminate with a new light. Pray that my prayer may meet open hearts that I may be able to illuminate them with the strength of faith and open the ways of love and hope. Be persevering. I will be with you.” (Mirjana 06/02/2008)

As Our Lady said “you whose heart has been hard as a stone by sin and guilt,” she was looking at those present to whom this refers with a painful expression and tears in her eyes.

June 25, 2008

“Dear children! Also today, with great joy in my heart, I call you to follow me and to listen to my messages. Be joyful carriers of peace and love in this peaceless world. I am with you and I bless you all with my Son Jesus, the King of Peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

June 25, 2008 Annual apparition to Ivanka

Our Lady spoke to me about the ninth secret. She gave us her motherly blessing. (Ivanka 06/25/2008)

July 2, 2008

“Dear children, with motherly love I desire to encourage you to love your neighbour. May my Son be the source of that love. He, who could have done everything by force, chose love, and gave an example to you. Also today, through me, God expresses immeasurable goodness to you and, you children, are obliged to respond to it. With equal goodness and generosity, act towards the souls whom you meet. May your love convert them. In that way my Son and his love will resurrect in you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 07/02/2008)

Our Lady added: “Your shepherds should be in your hearts and your prayers.”

July 25, 2008

“Dear children! At this time when you are thinking of physical rest, I call you to conversion. Pray and work so that your heart yearns for God the Creator who is the true rest of your soul and your body. May He reveal His face to you and may He give you His peace. I am with you and intercede before God for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

August 2, 2008

“Dear children, In my coming to you, here among you, the greatness of God is reflected and the way with God to eternal joy is opening. Do not feel weak, alone or abandoned. Along with faith, prayer and love climb to the hill of salvation. May the Mass, the most exalted and most powerful act of your prayer, be the center of your spiritual life. Believe and love, my children. Those whom my Son chose and called will help you in this as well. To you and to them especially, I give my motherly blessing. Thank you. ” (Mirjana 08/02/2008)

Our Lady blessed all people present and all religious articles brought for blessing.

August 25, 2008

“Dear children! Also today I call you to personal conversion. You be those who will convert and, with your life, will witness, love, forgive and bring the joy of the Risen One into this world, where my Son died and where people do not feel a need to seek Him and to discover Him in their lives. You adore Him, and may your hope be hope to those hearts who do not have Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

September 2, 2008

“Dear children, today, with my motherly heart, I call you gathered around me to love your neighbor. My children, stop: look in the eyes of your brother and see Jesus, my Son. If you see joy, rejoice with him. If there is pain in the eyes of your brother, with your tenderness and goodness, cast it away, because without love you are lost. Only love is effective; it works miracles. Love will give you unity in my Son and the victory of my heart. Therefore, my children, love.” (Mirjana 09/02/2008)

Our Lady blessed all those who were present and all of the religious articles. Once again she called us to pray for our shepherds

September 25, 2008

“Dear children! May your life, anew, be a decision for peace. Be joyful carriers of peace and do not forget that you live in a time of grace, in which God gives you great graces through my presence. Do not close yourselves, little children, but make good use of this time and seek the gift of peace and love for your life so that you may become witnesses to
others. I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

October 2, 2008

“Dear children, again I call you to faith. My motherly heart desires for your heart to be open, so that it could say to your heart: believe! My children, only faith will give you strength in life’s trials. It will renew your soul and open the ways of hope. I am with you. I gather you around me because I desire to help you, so that you can help your neighbours to discover faith, which is the only joy and happiness of life. Thank you.” (Mirjana 10/02/2008)

Our Lady blessed all those present and all religious articles. Once again she called us to pray for priests, especially at this time.

October 25, 2008

“Dear children! In a special way I call you all to pray for my intentions so that, through your prayers, you may stop Satan’s plan over this world, which is further from God every day, and which puts itself in the place of God and is destroying everything that is beautiful and good in the souls of each of you. Therefore, little children, arm yourselves with prayer and fasting so that you may be conscious of how much God loves you and may carry out God’s will. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

November 2, 2008

“Dear children, today I call you to complete union with God. Your body is on earth, but I ask you for your soul to be all the more often in God’s nearness. You will achieve this through prayer, prayer with an open heart. In that way you will thank God for the immeasurable goodness which he gives to you through me and, with a sincere heart, you will receive the obligation to treat the souls whom you meet with equal goodness. Thank you, my children.” (Mirjana 11/02/2008)

Our Lady added: “With the heart, I pray to God to give strength and love to your shepherds, to help you in this and to lead you.”

November 25, 2008

“Dear children! Also today I call you, in this time of grace, to pray for little Jesus to be born in your heart. May He, who is peace itself, give peace to the entire world through you. Therefore, little children, pray without ceasing for this turbulent world without hope, so that you may become witnesses of peace for all. May hope begin to flow through your hearts as a river of grace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

December 2, 2008

“Dear children, in this holy time of joyful expectation, God has chosen you, the little ones, to realize his great intentions. My children, be humble. Through your humility, with his wisdom, God will make of your souls a chosen home. You will illuminate it with good works and thus, with an open heart, you will welcome the birth of my Son in all of his generous love. Thank you, dear children.” (Mirjana 12/02/2008)

December 25, 2008

“Dear children, you are running, working, gathering – but without blessing. You are not praying! Today I call you to stop in front of the manger and to meditate on Jesus, Whom I give to you today also, to bless you and to help you to comprehend that, without Him, you have no future. Therefore, little children, surrender your lives into the hands of Jesus, for Him to lead you and protect you from every evil. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

December 25, 2008 Annual apparition to Jakov

“Dear children, today, in a special way, I call you to pray for peace. Without God you cannot have peace or live in peace. Therefore, little children, today on this day of grace open your hearts to the King of peace, for him to be born in you and to grant you his peace – and you be carriers of peace in this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (Jakov 12/25/2008)

Messages from 2007

January 2, 2007

“Dear children, in this holy time full of God’s graces and his love which sends me to you, I implore you not to be with a heart of stone. May fasting and prayer be your weapon for drawing closer to and coming to know Jesus, my Son. Follow me and my luminous example. I will help you. I am with you. Thank you! ” (Mirjana 01/02/2007)

Mirjana reported: Our Lady’s face during the entire time was one of pain and sorrow. She spoke to me of things I cannot yet speak of. She blessed both us and the religious articles. The expression on her face was especially serious when she was emphasizing ‘the priestly blessing’ and was asking for prayer and fasting for them (priests).

January 25, 2007

“Dear children! Put Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family and read it. In this way, you will come to know prayer with the heart and your thoughts will be on God. Do not forget that you are passing like a flower in a field, which is visible from afar but disappears in a moment. Little children, leave a sign of goodness and love wherever you pass and God will bless you with an abundance of His blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

February 25, 2007

“Dear children! Put Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family and read it. In this way, you will come to know prayer with the heart and your thoughts will be on God. Do not forget that you are passing like a flower in a field, which is visible from afar but disappears in a moment. Little children, leave a sign of goodness and love wherever you pass and God will bless you with an abundance of His blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

March 2, 2007

Mirjana said that Our Lady was resolute and she said:

“Today I will speak to you about what you have forgotten: dear children, my name is Love. That I am among you for so much of your time is love, because the Great Love sends me. I am asking the same of you. I am asking for love in your families. I am asking that you recognize love in your brother. Only in this way, through love, will you see the face of the Greatest Love. May fasting and prayer be your guiding star. Open your hearts to love, namely, salvation. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/02/2007)

March 18, 2007 Annual apparition to Mirjana

This year several thousand pilgrims gathered to pray the Rosary at the Cenacolo Community in Medjugorje. The apparition lasted from 14:07 to 14:12 and Our Lady gave the following message:
“Dear children, I come to you as a Mother with gifts. I come with love and mercy. Dear children, mine is a big heart. In it, I desire all of your hearts, purified by fasting and prayer. I desire that, through love, our hearts may triumph together. I desire that through that triumph you may see the real Truth, the real Way and the real Life. I desire that you may see my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 03/18/2007)
Our Lady blessed all of us and all religious articles. Again She emphasized that it is only Her Motherly blessing and She asked for daily prayers for those whom She said «my Son has chosen and blessed». Mirjana clarified that she thought Our Lady was referring to priests.

March 25, 2007

“Dear children! I desire to thank you from my heart for your Lenten renunciations. I desire to inspire you to continue to live fasting with an open heart. By fasting and renunciation, little children, you will be stronger in faith. In God you will find true peace through daily prayer. I am with you and I am not tired. I desire to take you all with me to Heaven, therefore, decide daily for holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

April 2, 2007

“Dear children, do not be of a hard heart towards the mercy of God, which has been pouring out upon you for so much of your time. In this special time of prayer, permit me to transform your hearts that you may help me to have my Son resurrect in all hearts, and that my heart may triumph. Thank you.” “Your shepherds need your prayers.” (Mirjana 04/02/2007)

Our Lady blessed everyone present and all religious articles. She then once again emphasized that she gives us her Motherly blessing, but the greatest of all blessings is from a priest.

April 25, 2007

“Dear children! Also today I again call you to conversion. Open your hearts. This is a time of grace while I am with you, make good use of it. Say: ‘This is the time for my soul’. I am with you and love you with immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

May 2, 2007

“Dear children, today I come to you with a motherly desire, for you to give me your hearts. My children, do this with complete trust and without fear. In your hearts, I will put my Son and his mercy. Then, my children, you will look at the world around you with different eyes. You will see your neighbour. You will feel his pain and suffering. You will not turn your head away from those who suffer, because my Son turns his head away from those who do so. Children, do not hesitate.” (Mirjana 05/02/2007)

May 25, 2007

“Dear children! Pray with me to the Holy Spirit for Him to lead you in the search of God’s will on the way of your holiness. And you, who are far from prayer, convert and, in the silence of your heart, seek salvation for your soul and nurture it with prayer. I bless you all individually with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

June 2, 2007

“Dear children, also in this difficult time, God’s love sends me to you. My children, do not be afraid, I am with you. With complete trust give me your hearts so that I may help you to recognize the signs of the time in which you live. I will help you to come to know the love of my Son. I will triumph through you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 06/02/2007)

Our Lady blessed everyone present. Once again she reminded us to pray for priests and that a priest’s blessing is a blessing from her Son, Jesus.

June 25, 2007

“Dear children! Also today, with great joy in my heart, I call you to conversion. Little children, do not forget that you are all important in this great plan, which God leads through Medjugorje. God desires to convert the entire world and to call it to salvation and to the way towards Himself, who is the beginning and the end of every being. In a special way, little children, from the depth of my heart, I call you all to open yourselves to this great grace that God gives you through my presence here. I desire to thank each of you for the sacrifices and prayers. I am with you and I bless you all. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

June 25, 2007 Annual apparition to Ivanka

The apparition lasted 17 minutes. Ivanka had the apparition at home in the presence of her family, her husband and her three children. After the apparition, the visionary Ivanka said:
Our Lady remained with me for 17 minutes. She was joyful and spoke to me about Her life. Our Lady said:

“Dear children, receive my motherly blessing. ” (Ivanka 06/25/2007)

July 2, 2007

“Dear children, in the great love of God, I come to you today to lead you on the way of humility and meekness. The first station on that way, my children, is Confession. Reject your arrogance and kneel down before my Son. Understand, my children, that you have nothing and you can do nothing. The only thing that is yours and what you possess is sin. Be cleansed and accept meekness and humility. My Son could have won with strength, but he chose meekness, humility and love. Follow my Son and give me your hands so that, together, we may climb the mountain and win. Thank you.” (Mirjana 07/02/2007)

Again Our Lady spoke about the importance of priests and their blessing.

July 25, 2007

“Dear children! Today, on the day of the Patron of your Parish, I call you to imitate the lives of the Saints. May they be, for you, an example and encouragement to a life of holiness. May prayer for you be like the air you breathe in and not a burden. Little children, God will reveal His love to you and you will experience the joy that you are my beloved. God will bless you and give you an abundance of grace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

August 2, 2007

“Dear children, today I look in your hearts and looking at them my heart seizes with pain. My children, I ask of you unconditional pure love for God. You will know that you are on the right path when you will be on earth with your body and soul always with God. Through this unconditional and pure love you will see my Son in every person. You will feel oneness in God. As a Mother I will be happy because I will have your holy and unified hearts. My children, I will have your salvation. Thank you.” (Mirjana 08/02/2007)

August 25, 2007

“Dear children! Also today I call you to conversion. May your life, little children, be a reflection of God’s goodness and not of hatred and unfaithfulness. Pray, little children, that prayer may become life for you. In this way, in your life you will discover the peace and joy which God gives to those who have an open heart to His love. And you who are far from God’s mercy, convert so that God may not become deaf to your prayers and that it may not be too late for you. Therefore, in this time of grace, convert and put God in the first place in your life. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

September 2, 2007

“Dear children, in this time of God’s signs, do not be afraid because I am with you. The great love of God sends me to lead you to salvation. Give me your simple hearts, purified by fasting and prayer. Only in the simplicity of your hearts is your salvation. I will be with you and will lead you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 09/02/2007)

September 25, 2007

“Dear children! Also today I call all of you for your hearts to blaze with more ardent love for the Crucified, and do not forget that, out of love for you, He gave His life so that you may be saved. Little children, meditate and pray that your heart may be open to God’s love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

October 2, 2007

“Dear children, I call you to accompany me in my mission of God with an open heart and complete trust. The way on which I lead you, through God, is difficult but persistent, and in the end we will all rejoice through God. Therefore, my children, do not stop praying for the gift of faith. Only through faith will the Word of God be light in this darkness which desires to envelope us. Do not be afraid, I am with you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 10/02/2007)

Mirjana described that, at the end of the apparition, she saw an intense, strong light as Heaven was opening and Our Lady entering into Heaven through that light.

October 25, 2007

“Dear children! God sent me among you out of love that I may lead you towards the way of salvation. Many of you opened your hearts and accepted my messages, but many have become lost on this way and have never come to know the God of love with the fullness of heart. Therefore, I call you to be love and light where there is darkness and sin. I am with
you and bless you all. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

November 2, 2007

“Dear children, today I call you to open your heart to the Holy Spirit and to permit him to transform you. My children, God is the immeasurable good and therefore, as a mother, I implore you to pray, pray, pray, fast, and hope that it is possible to attain that good, because love is born of that good. The Holy Spirit will reinforce that good in you and you will be able to call God your Father. Through this exalted love, you will sincerely come to love all people and, through God, consider them brothers and sisters. Thank you.” (Mirjana 11/02/2007)

It is also reported that as Our Lady gave her blessing she said: “On the way on which I lead you to my Son, those who represent him walk beside me.”

November 25, 2007

“Dear children! Today, when you celebrate Christ, the King of all that is created, I desire for Him to be the King of your lives. Only through giving, little children, can you comprehend the gift of Jesus´ sacrifice on the Cross for each of you. Little children, give time to God that He may transform you and fill you with His grace, so that you may be a grace for others. For you, little children, I am a gift of grace and love, which comes from God for this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

December 2, 2007

Our Lady was very sad. Her eyes were filled with tears throughout the whole time.

“Dear children, today, while I am looking at your hearts, my heart is filled with pain and shudder. My children, stop for a moment and look into your hearts. Is my Son, your God, truly in the first place? Are his commandments truly the measure of your life? I am warning you again. Without faith there is no God’s nearness. God’s Word which is the light of salvation and the light of common sense.” (Mirjana 11/02/2007)

Mirjana added: I asked Our Lady painfully not to leave us and not to give up on us. Our Lady painfully smiled to my request and left. This time she did not finish her message with the words ‘Thank you.’ Our Lady blessed all of us and all religious articles we had with us.

December 25, 2007

“Dear children! With great joy I bring you the King of Peace for Him to bless you with His blessing. Adore Him and give time to the Creator for whom your heart yearns. Do not forget that you are passers-by on this earth and that things can give you small joys, while through my Son, eternal life is given to you. That is why I am with you, to lead you towards what your heart yearns for. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

December 25, 2007 Annual apparition to Jakov

“Dear children, today, in a special way I call you to become open to God and for each of your hearts today to become a place of Jesus’ birth. Little children, through all this time that God permits me to be with you, I desire to lead you to the joy of your life. Little children, the only true joy of your life is God. Therefore, Dear children, do not seek joy in things of this earth but open your hearts and accept God. Little children, everything passes, only God remains in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (Jakov 12/25/2007)

Every fourth Holy Land Christian saw Vicka

August 27, 2013

[Source: Medjugorje Today]

Organizers estimate that visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic met a quarter of the Christian population during her one-week stay in Israel and Palestine. Devotion to prayer was revived and will continue, priest says. Mary assured attendees that she and Jesus never left The Holy Land.

Vicka greets the crowd of about 10,000 people in Bethlehem on August 25. Photo: Jeries Photography / Facebook

Vicka greets the crowd of about 10,000 people in Bethlehem on August 25. Photo: Jeries Photography / Facebook

Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic was seen and heard by 25 percent of the Christian population during her August 19-26 stay in The Holy Land, organizers of the first international Maranatha pilgrimage are estimating.

“I am completely satisfied with the response. Having Vicka with us here fulfills my dream. Today, Medjugorje is present in every Christian family and community in The Holy Land. People are asking questions about how to connect to the Maranatha Movement for the healing of humanity. I do not have words to describe my feelings” Maranatha world coordinator Sabrina Covic-Radojicic tells the Croatian daily Vecernji List.

Vicka returned to Medjugorje on Monday, also very much pleased with the events of the week.

Procession before Vicka’s apparition in Maelia on August 21

Procession before Vicka’s apparition in Maelia on August 21

“I am overjoyed. I have been in the Holy Land before, but I never could bring Our Lady’s message. I do not know why I could not, only God knows. Obviously it was time for people to hear. But, behold, the time has come. People have heard and will hear the message. But this should not stop here, prayer for the healing of people should continue. More than ever, humanity needs prayer” Vicka tells the Croatian paper.

And devotion to prayer will continue, says Fr. Nadeem Shakouri, the pastor of Maelia where Vicka’s apparition was attended by about 13,000 people on August 21.

“I am delighted. Only the Lord could muster this crowd. I thank Him for the gift of Vicka’s arrival. It gives us hope that peace is possible in these regions. He asks us to continue to pray not only during Vicka’s stay in the Holy Land, but also after her departure. Pray for all the sick hearts awaiting recovery, and for all who witnessed these precious days and who will themselves become carriers of the messages” Fr. Shakouri tells Vecernji List.

Vicka addressing the crowd in Bethlehem on August 25. Photo: Jeries Photography / Facebook

Vicka addressing the crowd in Bethlehem on August 25. Photo: Jeries Photography / Facebook

The priest was further uplifted by the message the Virgin Mary passed on from the apparition in Maelia.

“Our Lady’s message today encourages us because she told the faithful of the Holy Land that she has been with us all the time with her Son, and that they never left. We believers from Galilee will never forget these days. In her honor we bless the statue which we brought from Medjugorje one month ago, that we will be constantly reminded of this day” says Fr. Shakouri.

On August 24, Fouad Boutros Ibrahim Twal, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, ”expressed his fraternal hospitality” and thanked for the devotion to recollection and prayer, and for the joy offered to all who met Vicka whom he welcomed to The Holy Land, Vecernji List further reports.

With Fouad Boutros Ibrahim Twal, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem far right, Vicka’s visit united the highest ranking clerics in The Holy Land. Photo: Jozo Ivankovic / Facebook

With Fouad Boutros Ibrahim Twal, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem far right, Vicka’s visit united the highest ranking clerics in The Holy Land. Photo: Jozo Ivankovic / Facebook

Both he and Elias Shakouri, the Bishop of the Melkite Catholic Church, were invited by Maranatha organizers to participate in the international Youth Festival in Medjugorje next year, Maranatha world coordinator Sabrina Covic-Radojicic informs.

Messages from 2006

January 2, 2006

“Dear children! My Son was born. Your Savior is here with you. What prevents your hearts from receiving him? What is in them that is all false? Purify your hearts through fasting and prayer. Recognize my Son and receive him. True peace and true love – only he gives them to you. The path to Eternal Life, it is he, my Son! Thank you.” (Mirjana 01/02/2006)

January 25, 2006

“Dear children! Also today I call you to be carriers of the Gospel in your families. Do not forget, little children, to read Sacred Scripture. Put it in a visible place and witness with your life that you believe and live the Word of God. I am close to you with my love and intercede before my Son for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

February 25, 2006

“Dear children! In this Lenten time of grace, I call you to open your hearts to the gifts that God desires to give you. Do not be closed, but with prayer and renunciation say ‘yes’ to God and He will give to you in abundance. As in springtime the earth opens to the seed and yields a hundredfold, so also your heavenly Father will give to you in abundance. I am with you and love you, little children, with a tender love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

March 2, 2006

Our Lady was so sad that she was in tears. She prayed for the unbelievers, whom Our Lady calls “those who do not yet know the love of God.” She then prayed and blessed all the people present at the apparition and all of the religious articles that were among them. Our Lady spoke to Mirjana about the situation in the world and repeated three times:

“God is love! God is love! God is love! ” (Mirjana 03/02/2006)

March 18, 2006 Annual apparition to Mirjana

This year several thousand pilgrims gathered to pray the Rosary at the Cenacolo Community in Medjugorje. The apparition lasted from 13:59 to 14:04 and Our Lady gave the following message:

“Dear children! In this Lenten time, I call you to interior renunciation. The way to this leads you through love, fasting, prayer and good works. Only with total interior renunciation will you recognize God!|s love and the signs of the time in which you live. You will be witnesses of these signs and will begin to speak about them. I desire to bring you to this. Thank you for having responded to me.” (Mirjana 03/18/2006)

March 25, 2006

“Courage, little children! I decided to lead you on the way of holiness. Renounce sin and set out on the way of salvation, the way which my Son has chosen. Through each of your tribulations and sufferings God will find the way of joy for you. Therefore, little children, pray. We are close to you with our love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

April 2, 2006

“Dear children, I am coming to you because, with my own example, I wish to show you the importance of prayer for those who have not come to know the love of God. You ask yourself if you are following me. My children, do you not recognize the signs of the times? Do you not speak of them? Come follow me. As a mother I call you. Thank you for having responded.” (Mirjana 04/02/2006)

April 25, 2006

“Dear children! Also today I call you to have more trust in me and my Son. He has conquered by His death and resurrection and, through me, calls you to be a part of His joy. You do not see God, little children, but if you pray you will feel His nearness. I am with you and intercede before God for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

May 2, 2006

“Dear children, I am coming to you as a mother. I am coming with an open heart full of love for you, my children. Cleanse your hearts from everything that prevents you from receiving me, from recognizing the love of my Son. Through you, my heart desires to win, desires to triumph. Open your hearts; I will lead you to this. Thank you! ” (Mirjana 05/02/2006)

May 25, 2006

“Dear children! Also today I call you to put into practice and to live my messages that I am giving you. Decide for holiness, little children, and think of heaven. Only in this way, will you have peace in your heart that no one will be able to destroy. Peace is a gift, which God gives you in prayer. Little children, seek and work with all your strength for peace to win in your hearts and in the world. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

June 2, 2006

Our Lady blessed all of us who were present and all the religious articles that we brought with us for blessing. With a serious expression on her face, Our Lady emphasized again the priestly blessing. With pain and love at the same time Our Lady said:

“Remember, children of mine, that it is my Son blessing you. Do not accept it so lightly.”

After that Our Lady told me about some things that are supposed to happen and she said:

“There is no way without my Son. Do not think that you will have peace and joy if you do not have him in the first place.” (Mirjana 06/02/2006)

Mirjana said: I cannot say that Our Lady was sad or joyful; she was preoccupied, with loving care on her face.

June 25, 2006

“Dear children! With great joy in my heart I thank you for all the prayers that, in these days, you offered for my intentions. Know, little children, that you will not regret it, neither you nor your children. God will reward you with great graces and you will merit eternal life. I am near you and thank all those who, through these years, have accepted my messages, have poured them into their life and decided for holiness and peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

June 25, 2006 Annual apparition to Ivanka

The apparition lasted 7 minutes. Ivanka had the apparition at home in the presence of her family, her husband and her three children. Our Lady gave the following message:

“Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call. Pray, pray, pray.” (Ivanka 06/25/2006)

Our Lady was joyful and spoke about the seventh secret.

July 2, 2006

“Dear children, God created you with free will to comprehend and to choose: life or death. As a mother, with motherly love, I desire to help you to comprehend and to choose life. My children, do not deceive yourselves with false peace and false joy. Permit me, my children, to show you the true way, the way that leads to life – my Son. Thank you.” (Mirjana 07/02/2006)

July 25, 2006

“Dear children! At this time, do not only think of rest for your body but, little children, seek time also for the soul. In silence may the Holy Spirit speak to you and permit Him to convert and change you. I am with you and before God I intercede for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

August 2, 2006

“Dear children, in these peaceless times I am coming to you to show you the way to peace. I love you with an immeasurable love and I desire for you to love each other and to see in everyone my Son – the immeasurable love. The way to peace leads solely and only through love. Give your hand to me, your mother, and permit me to lead you. I am the Queen of peace. Thank you.” (Mirjana 08/02/2006)

Mirjana added: again, after a long time, I saw the sky opening and then a sign of a Cross, a heart and the sun.

August 25, 2006

“Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray. Only in prayer will you be near to me and my Son and you will see how short this life is. In your heart a desire for Heaven will be born. Joy will begin to rule in your heart and prayer will begin to flow like a river. In your words there will only be thanksgiving to God for having created you and the desire for holiness will become a reality for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

September 2, 2006

“You know that we have been gathering for me to help you to come to know the love of God. I am gathering you under my motherly mantle to help you to come to know God’s love and his greatness. My children, God is great. Great are his works. Do not deceive yourselves that you can do anything without him, not even taking a step, my children. Instead set out and witness his love! I am with you. Thank you.” (Mirjana 09/02/2006)

September 25, 2006

“Dear children! Also today I am with you and call all of you to complete conversion. Decide for God, little children, and you will find in God the peace your heart seeks. Imitate the lives of saints and may they be an example for you; and I will inspire you as long as the Almighty permits me to be with you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

October 2, 2006

“Dear children, I am coming to you in this your time, to direct the call to eternity to you. This is the call of love. I call you to love, because only through love will you come to know the love of God. Many think that they have faith in God and that they know his laws. They try to live according to them, but they do not do what is most important: they do not love him. My children, pray and fast. This is the way which will help you to open yourselves and to love. Only through love of God is eternity gained. I am with you. I will lead you with the motherly love. Thank you for having responded.” (Mirjana 10/02/2006)

October 25, 2006

“Dear children! Today the Lord permitted me to tell you again that you live in a time of grace. You are not conscious, little children, that God is giving you a great opportunity to convert and to live in peace and love. You are so blind and attached to earthly things and think of earthly life. God sent me to lead you toward eternal life. I, little children, am not tired, although I see that your hearts are heavy and tired for everything that is a grace and a gift. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

November 2, 2006
“Dear children, my coming to you, my children, is God’s love. God is sending me to warn you and to show you the right way. Do not shut your eyes before the truth, my children. Your time is a short time. Do not permit delusions to begin to rule over you. The way on which I desire to lead you is the way of peace and love. This is the way which leads to my Son, your God. Give me your hearts that I may put my Son in them and make of you my apostles – apostles of peace and love. Thank you!” (Mirjana 11/02/2006)

Afterwards, in conclusion, Our Lady said for us not to forget our shepherds in our prayers.

November 25, 2006

“Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray. Little children, when you pray you are close to God and He gives you the desire for eternity. This is a time when you can speak more about God and do more for God. Therefore, little children, do not resist but permit Him to lead you, to change you and to enter into your life. Do not forget that you are travellers on the way toward eternity. Therefore, little children, permit God to lead you as a shepherd leads his flock. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

December 2, 2006

“Dear children, in this joyful time of expectation of my Son, I desire that all the days of your earthly life may be a joyful expectation of my Son. I am calling you to holiness. I call you to be my apostles of holiness so that, through you, the Good News may illuminate all those whom you will meet. Fast and pray, and I will be with you. Thank you! ” (Mirjana 12/02/2006)

December 25, 2006

“Dear children! Also today I bring you the newborn Jesus in my arms. He who is the King of Heaven and earth, He is your peace. Little children, no one can give you peace as He who is the King of Peace. Therefore, adore Him in your hearts, choose Him and you will have joy in Him. He will bless you with His blessing of peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

December 25, 2006 Annual apparition to Jakov

“Today is a great day of joy and peace. Rejoice with me. Little children, in a special way, I call you to holiness in your families. I desire, little children, that each of your families be holy and that God’s joy and peace, which God sends you today in a special way, may come to rule and dwell in your families. Little children, open your hearts today on this day of grace, decide for God and put him in the first place in your family. I am your Mother. I love you and give you my motherly Blessing.” (Jakov 12/25/2006)