Prayer Group

Prayer Group

“Renew prayer in your families and form prayer groups. In this way, you will experience joy in prayer and togetherness. All those who pray and are members of prayer groups are open to God’s will in their hearts and joyfully witness God’s love.” (09/25/2000)

“Prayer groups are powerful; and through them I can see, little children, that the Holy Spirit is at work in the world.” (06/25/2004)

“Without doubt, the fact is clear that many prayer groups that have started in the world have been founded by Medjugorje pilgrims. This has happened and is happening at the explicit desire of Our Lady to establish groups. It is difficult to find out the exact number, but there are already thousands of prayer groups.” (Fr. Rene Laurentin, the famed Mariologist.)

A prayer group is a fellowship of the faithful who meet once a month in order to pray. It is a group of friends, who pray the rosary together, read Holy Scripture, celebrate Mass, visit each other and share prayer experiences. It has always been counselled that it is better for them to be guided by a priest, but if that is not possible, to hold the prayer meetings in simplicity.

The meetings consist of singing, praying the rosary, reading Holy Scripture and the messages, simple prayer and sharing of experiences, teachings, and testimonies. Once in a while the spiritual director comes and spiritually directs the group.

The biblical-theological foundation of the prayer groups is found, in addition to other sources, in the word of Christ: “Amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Mt 18:19-20).

The first Medjugorje prayer group was founded on July 4, 1982, one year after the beginning of Our Lady’s apparitions. That group is still alive today. It is still something special in itself. The visionary Ivan testified that Our Lady requested those who desired it, to come together and pray, and that she would be with them in a special way, and that she wanted prayer groups to be founded in all parish communities to help her with their prayers to accomplish the plans that the Lord entrusted to her.

These meetings, accordingly, have their significance for the programmes that the Lord has entrusted to Mary, his humble servant, but also for the personal edification of each individual member.

When asked the question, “What does participation in the prayer group mean to you?” Ivan answered, “Participation in the prayer group at this time is very important to me. I learn to pray in the group and I cannot imagine my spiritual growth without the prayer group.”

In the beginning, Jelena Vasilj, the locutionist, brought the following message. “Our Lady says, ‘I want a prayer group here. I will lead the group and will give the group rules of consecration. Everyone else in the world can consecrate themselves according to these rules: First of all, let them renounce everything and place themselves completely into God’s hands. Let each one of them renounce any fear because, if you surrender yourself to God, there is no place for any fear whatsoever. All difficulties that they will meet will be for their spiritual growth and for the glory of God. I invite the young and single people, because those who are married have their obligations. But anyone who wishes to participate in this programme can follow it at least partially. I will lead the group.'”

The visionaries always emphasized that the first and most important prayer group is actually the family, and that it is only then that one can speak about a proper prayer education which is continued in the prayer group. It is requested of every member to be active in the group and to make the contribution of one’s prayer and experience. Only that way can a group live and grow.

Certainly there also exists a sociological reason for prayer groups, particularly at the present time. Every individual should take care of one’s own spiritual growth, but in that growth, due to the psychophysical structure of the human person, fellowship is irreplaceable. It is particularly important today because the individual can easily get lost in the rhythm of these modern times. The group obliges and, therefore, it is easier to remain faithful to the rhythm of prayer. A group assists in the spiritual growth, but it also corrects and inspires it. The experience of one person enriches and illuminates the experience of another. The one who stays by himself is in danger of developing without any control. It is easier to overcome every difficulty in the group and they are transformed into rich spiritual experiences. The group aids in fostering and directing charisms.

If we briefly recount the activities that we know Our Lady requested from the prayer groups in Medjugorje, then one can say that, first of all, it is a fundamental decision for daily prayer and participation in Holy Mass, monthly Confession, to become a witness, and to be active in the parish.

The relationship of Marian prayer groups toward parish communities can easily be defined. It is clear that the prayer group is not the liturgical-pastoral supervisor of the pastor’s activities. And this is a great temptation for groups that enter a difficult terrain with the parish pastoral personnel, a case that is not uncommon. Namely, there is a certain resistance from many priests who do not accept prayer groups in general, and then, in particular, those started through Medjugorje. If one does not take good care, a negative, criticizing spirit develops in the groups toward everything undertaken by the parish priest, and they alienate themselves and go to extreme limits where they are exposed to the direct danger of even excluding themselves from the parish community.

I do not want to go into the problematic of the relationship between the parish community and prayer groups, but I certainly want to emphasize that a prayer group of Marian spirituality must never allow itself to be provoked and driven to extreme limits, from where it is easy to go left or right, or into a sectarianism that, in the end, is harmful both to the parish community and to the prayer group.

Certainly, another danger, which easily occurs with Marian prayer groups, is an apocalyptic, catastrophic atmosphere. It happens that such prayer groups think they know everything about future events, catastrophes, and cataclysms and they spread the spirit of fear and anxiety. They nourish their supposed knowledge by continuously chasing after persons who bring such messages. It easily happens that these groups feel they know much more than Jesus himself knew in the Gospel about future events. The fact of the existence of secrets contributes to such an apocalyptic, catastrophic spirit which imagination, often unhealthy, then transforms into definite news about the future.

If the group succumbs to either one of these two dangers, it does not correspond to the Marian spirit. Mary is a mother, and a mother never spreads fear and anxiety among her children, but she educates them for peace and trust.

A prayer group must be in communication not only with the parish priest and pastoral personnel, but it should be the heart and soul of every parish community. Marian groups in themselves are the “the maternal cells” of each parish community, which, by living a life of prayer, develop maternal activity in the parish. From these “maternal cells” new believers with conviction are born, families are renewed and preserved, the youth are educated, religious vocations are fostered, activities develop in all spheres, in the liturgical-pastoral, just as in charitable deeds of caring for the elderly, the infirm, the forsaken, and imprisoned.

All this can be expressed in the words of Pope John Paul II in his 1995 encyclical, The Gospel of Life, which we should “respect, protect, love and serve life, every human life!” (Cf. no 5). Marian groups, as maternal cells in the parish, function according to those criteria that Jesus expressed and recorded in Mt 25:31-46, where one thing is completely clear, that all prayers, fasts, Masses and Confessions must serve the development of love toward each person and the courage to serve everyone. A maternal spirit and heart recognize the needs of her children and react tirelessly and invincibly to those needs, apart from all laws and regulations. Today such groups in the modern Church will certainly bring in a true renewal of Christian life and will show the true face of the Church, which is danger of being distorted.

[Adapted from]

Vatican Perspective

Vatican Perspective

Vatican Criteria for Judging Medjugorje

By Fr. Tomislav Pervan, OFM Former Pastor of Medjugorje (1982-1988), former Provincial of the Franciscans (OFM) in Hercegovina (1994-2001). For the past twenty-five years, Medjugorje has been an actuality on the world scene. Today, it has its zealous advocates;...

Vatican Perspective

The Holy Roman Catholic Church must wait for the apparitions to end before She can make a judgment on the apparitions in Medjugorje. When an allegedly supernatural event has occurred, it is the responsibility of the local bishop to conduct an investigation. ...


尹雅白神父 自我在公教報發表了一篇有關往默主哥耶朝聖的感想之後,曾在網上看到一些批評的文章。於是使我有機會再深入研究該事件的前因後果,並能看出事件令人有不同的意見的原因,原來是出於當地主教的一個禁令否認聖母顯現的事實而來。現在我要把這事件做出正確的回應,為能顯示出默主哥耶的真象與真理,好能使讀者得到一個全面的認知與評價!...

信義教理聖部 Pr. No.154/81-06419

一 九 九 八 年 五 月 二 十 五 日致 Gilbert Aubry 主教Saint Denis de la Reunion 主教 尊座鈞鑒: 在您一九九八年正月一日呈上本聖部幾個有關默主哥耶所謂聖母顯現,私人朝聖以及為朝聖者提供的牧靈照顧一事,對聖座和Mostar主教的立場。...


自1981年6月25日開始,聖母不停地每天顯現於默主哥耶,但這個神聖之地,到27年後的今天仍然存在很多關於聖母顯現的疑問和爭議,其中原因是由於當地主教的極力反對和不斷發出言論,否認顯現的真確性,讓我們考究一下: 默主哥耶堂區是屬於波斯尼亞霧市達Mostar教區所管轄的。山力Zanic主教在1980年9月顯現開始前一年,他剛上任霧市達主教一職,在顯現之初,他是熱烈的擁護者,頭數星期,他五次探訪此堂區,可見他關注之情。當年7日25日聖雅各伯堂之主保瞻禮,山力主教被當時任職本堂神父的...

Prayer Program

Prayer Program

(Source: © Informativni centar “Mir” Međugorje

Weekly Prayer Programme – Summer Time

(May 1st to Križevac)

Monday and Tuesday

7.30 h Holy Mass in Croatian
(+13 h from Anniversary to Križevac)
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
18-21 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
18-21 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
18 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
19 h Holy Mass
20-21 h Blessings of objects, Prayer for health of soul and body, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary


7.30 h Holy Mass in Croatian
(+13 h from Anniversary to Križevac)
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
18-21 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
18 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
19 h Holy Mass
20-21 h Blessings of objects, Prayer for health of soul and body, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
22-23 h Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament


7.30 h Holy Mass in Croatian
(+13 h from Anniversary to Križevac)
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
18-21 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
18 h Rosary
Advent, Christmas time and Ordinary time: Joyful and Luminous mysteries
Lent: Luminous and Sorrowful mysteries
Easter time: Luminous and Glorious mysteries
19 h Holy Mass, Blessings of objects
20-21 h Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament


7.30 h Holy Mass in Croatian
(+13 h from Anniversary to Križevac)
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
14 h Way of the Cross on Cross Mountain
18-21 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
18 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
19 h Holy Mass, Blessings of objects
20-21 h Veneration of the Holy Cross


7.30 h, 13 h Holy Mass in Croatian
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
18-21 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
18 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
19 h Holy Mass
20-21 h Blessings of objects, Prayer for health of soul and body, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
22-23 h Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Sundays and Feast Days

8, 11, 19 h Holy Mass in Croatian
Confession (Croatian) Morning during Holy Mass
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
16 h Krunica na Brdu Ukazanja
18-21 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
18 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
19 h Holy Mass
20-21 h Blessings of objects, Prayer for health of soul and body, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary


Weekly Prayer Programme – Winter Time

(Monday after the Mass on Križevac in September to May 1st)

Monday and Tuesday

7.30 h Holy Mass in Croatian
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
17-20 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
17 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
18 h Holy Mass
19-20 h Blessings of objects, Prayer for health of soul and body, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary


7.30 h Holy Mass in Croatian
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
17-20 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
17 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
18 h Holy Mass
19-20 h Blessings of objects, Prayer for health of soul and body, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
22-23 h Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament


7.30 h Holy Mass in Croatian
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
17-20 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
17 h Rosary
Advent, Christmas time and Ordinary time: Joyful and Luminous mysteries
Lent: Luminous and Sorrowful mysteries
Easter time: Luminous and Glorious mysteries
18 h Holy Mass, Blessings of objects
19-20h Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament


7.30 h Holy Mass in Croatian
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
14 h Way of the Cross on Cross Mountain
17-20 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
17 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
18 h Holy Mass, Blessings of objects
19-20 h Veneration of the Holy Cross


7.30 h, 13 h Holy Mass in Croatian
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
17-20 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
17 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
18 h Holy Mass
19-20 h Blessings of objects, Prayer for health of soul and body, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
21-22 h Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Sundays and Feast Days

8, 11, 18 h Holy Mass in Croatian
Morning during Holy Mass
Morning Holy Mass in various languages
During the day Encounters
Afternoon Silent Adoration in Adoration Chapel
14 h Rosary on Apparition Hill
17-20 h Evening Prayer Programme and Confession
17 h Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
18 h Holy Mass
19-20 h Blessings of objects, Prayer for health of soul and body, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary



[tabby title=”English”]Vicka IvankovicVicka Ivankovic – Mijatovic




Vicka Ivankovic was born on September 3 1964. Her family grew grapes and tobacco. She has seven brothers and sisters. Our Lady first appeared to her on June 24, 1981 when she was 16 years old. On January 26, she married Mario Mijatovic 2002. They live with their two children in Krehin Gradac, about 15 minutes’ drive from Medjugorje. Vicka still receives daily apparitions from Our Lady and has received nine of the ten secrets. Our Lady asked her to pray especially for the sick. Vicka meets with pilgrims outside her old house in Biakovici, on the east side of Medjugorje, some mornings at 8 o’clock.

Mirjana Dragicevic - SoldoMirjana Dragicevic – Soldo

Mirjana Dragicevic was born on March 18, 1965. She has one brother. She was the second person to see Our Lady on June 24, 1981. She was 16 at the time. She married Marko Soldo on September 16, 1989. They have two children, and live in Bijakovici near the bottom of Apparition Hill. Mirjana received daily apparitions until December 25, 1982 at which time Our Lady entrusted to her the tenth secret, and promised to appear to her once a year on her birthday, March 18, for the rest of her life. Since August 2, 1987, on the second day of each month, Mirjana internally hears Our Lady’s voice. Recently, on these days, she also sees Our Lady. The apparitions had been taking place at Cenacolo, but in March, 2009, the Bishop ordered Mirjana to stay home for the event. Her special ministry is to pray for unbelievers, and those who do not yet know the love of God. Our Lady told Mirjana that she is the person to divulge some of the ten secrets intermittently through a priest. She chose Father Pero Ljubicic, OFM, to perform this task when the time comes. Mirjana gives talks to pilgrims outside her house some days of the week.

Marija Pavlovic - LunettiMarija Pavlovic – Lunetti

Marija Pavlovic was born on April 1, 1965. She has five brothers and sisters. She was 16 when she saw Our Lady for the first time on June 25, 1981. In 1993 she married Paolo Lunetti. They have four children, and live in Italy for part of the year, and then in Bijakovici, Medjugorje during the summer. Our Lady has entrusted her with nine of the ten secrets. It is through her that the monthly message for the parish and the world is transmitted on the 25th of every month. Our Lady asked her to pray especially for the souls in Purgatory and for religious nuns. She gives talks in Italy, in other parts of Europe, and near Birmingham, Alabama in the USA. While in Medjugorje she would sometimes speak to pilgrims in the St. John Paul II Hall (formerly named as the Yellow Hall).

Ivan DragicevicIvan Dragicevic

Ivan Dragicevic  was born May 25,1965. He has two brothers. He first saw Our Lady on June 24, 1981 when he was 16 years old. On the 23rd of October 1994 he married Loreen Murphy in Boston, MA, USA. They have three children, and live in the United States for part of the year, and then in Bijakovici, Medjugorje, during the summer months. Our Lady has entrusted nine of the ten secrets to him. In July of 1982 Our Lady began leading a prayer group through Ivan that gathered to pray twice a week. It is with this group that Ivan prepares to meet Our Lady on Apparition Hill or the Blue Cross on some Monday and Friday nights in the Summer. Thousands of pilgrims are present when this occurs. Ivan still receives daily apparitions. Our lady asked him to pray especially for priests and the youth. He travels quite a bit around the USA to give talks. While in Medjugorje, his talks are sometimes held in the St. John Paul II Hall (formerly named as the Yellow Hall).

Ivanka Ivankovic - ElezIvanka Ivankovic – Elez

Ivanka Ivankovic was born on July 21, 1966. She has one brother and one sister. She was the first to see Our Lady on June 24, 1981 at the age of 14. She married Rajko Elez in 1986. They have three children, and live in Miletina, on the west side of Medjugorje. Ivanka received daily apparitions until May 7, 1985 at which time Our Lady entrusted to her the tenth secret, and promised to appear to her once a year on June 25th, the anniversary of the apparitions, for the rest of her life. This annual apparition takes place at her home. Our Lady asked her to pray especially for families. Ivanka very rarely speaks in public.

Jakov ColoJakov Colo

Jakov Colowas born on March 6, 1971. Our Lady first appeared to him on June 25, 1981 when he was 10. In 1993 he married Annalisa Barazzi. They have three children, and live in Bijakovici, Medjugorje. Jakov received daily apparitions until September 12, 1998 on which day Our Lady entrusted to him the tenth secret, and promised to appear to him once a year on Christmas Day. Our Lady asked him to pray especially for the sick. Jakov is slowly coming out of his shyness, and once in a while gives talks to pilgrims outside his house through an interpreter.

[tabby title=”中文”]





Vicka Ivankovic葦嘉 Vicka Ivankovic – Mijatovic

Vicka Ivankovic 生於1964年,她於2002年1月26日結婚,並育有兩名孩子。自1981年6月24日首次看見聖母。至今,聖母已透露了九項秘密給她,並仍然每天向她顯現。聖母特別要求她為病人祈禱。


Mirjana Dragicevic - Soldo蜜欣娜 Mirjana Dragicevic – Soldo

Mirjana Dragicevic 生於1965年,已婚並育有兩名孩子。在1982年12月25日已得知十項秘密,聖母答允在每年她的生日(3 月18日)向她顯現。自1987年8月2 日開始,每月的第二日她內心都會聽見聖母的聲音(有時也會看見聖母),與聖母一起為不認識天主的愛及未信主的人祈禱。


Marija Pavlovic - Lunetti瑪莉亞 Marija Pavlovic – Lunetti

Marija Pavlovic 生於1965年,已婚並育有四名孩子,居於意大利及默主哥耶。在1981年6月25日她首次看見聖母。現時聖母已給她透露了九項秘密,並仍然每天向她顯現,而每月的25日,聖母藉著她將訊息轉告世人。聖母要求她特別為煉靈祈禱。


Ivan Dragicevic艾梵 Ivan Dragicevic

Ivan Dragicevic 生於1965年,已婚並育有三名孩子,居於美國及默主哥耶。在1981年6月24日首次看見聖母,他當時只有16歲。在1982年7月,聖母邀請他每週兩次帶領青年祈禱小組。現時,聖母透露了九項秘密給他,並仍然每天向他顯現。聖母要求他特別為司鐸及年青人祈禱。


Ivanka Ivankovic - Elez綺帆嘉 Ivanka Ivankovic – Elez

Ivanka Ivankovic生於1966年,已婚並育有三名孩子。在1981年6月24日,她是第一個看見聖母的神視者。當時她只有15歲。聖母在1985年5月7日將十項秘密全部透露給她,並答應在每年聖母顯現週年紀念日(6月25日)向她顯現。聖母要求她特別為家庭祈禱。


Jakov Colo耶高 Jakov Colo

Jakov Colo 生於1971年,已婚並育有三名孩子。在1981年6月25日,他首次看見聖母。當時他只有10歲。在1998年9月12日,他得知全部秘密。聖母答應於每年聖誕節(12月25日)向他顯現。聖母要求他特別為病人祈禱。

About Medjugorje

About Medjugorje

Medjugorje_mapMedjugorje is a little village in Bosnia-Herzegovina where the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing to some youngsters since June 24 th, 1981. Her apparitions continue almost daily up to the present. She has not said when they will cease.

Mother Mary came in order to tell everyone to convert – to turn away from sin and return to God. She calls her children to strive for peace, to pray, fast, do penance, go to Confession, and believe in the Lord with strong faith.
Brief History

The Blessed Virgin appeared first to Ivanka Ivanković and Mirjana Dragičević. Later that afternoon, when she came again, Vicka Ivanković and Ivan Dragičević had tagged along.
The next day, on her third apparition, Marija Pavlović and Jakov Čolo were also present. This second evening, all six stayed to watch, listen and pray. Jakov was 10 years old while the others were just past their mid-teens.

At that time, Bosnia-Herzegovina was one of six states in a Communist federation known as Yugoslavia. The inhabitants of Medjugorje were Croatian Catholics and spoke the Croatian language. Religion was allowed under the constitution, but the authorities were rather suspicious of what was happening on the little hill where hundreds of people would gather during the apparitions. They arrested the six visionaries and had them tested by the local doctor. Nothing untoward was diagnosed.

The parish priest at the local Franciscan church, Fr. Jozo Zovko, doubted the youths at first. But seven days later, while praying alone in the church, he heard a voice telling him to go out and protect the children. On opening the door, he met them fleeing from policemen, and hid them. From then on he began to believe. After this, the Communists watched him with eagle eyes and eventually accused him of preaching insinuations against forty years of atheistic rule. He was convicted and sentenced to three years in prison.

The apparitions persisted, and attracted thousands of pilgrims every year as news reports and films about the phenomenon proliferated around the globe. The seers were tested by psychiatrists from renowned institutions in France and Italy, and demonstrated to be of sound mind and body, and to be in states of ecstasy during their encounters with the Blessed Virgin. And from March 1984, Our Lady has been giving messages to the world through Marija – now once a month on the 25th.

Initially, the local ordinary, Bishop Žanić, looked favourably on the events, but an incident occurred which shattered this promising beginning. You see, for 415 years, Bosnia-Herzegovina fell under Turkish power. The diocesan priests abandoned their churches, while many Franciscan friars remained, undercover. These brave priests served the people in constant danger of arrest, torture and execution. Travelling in civilian clothes from village to village to administer the Sacraments, they pretended to be uncles on the maternal side (to account for differences in surnames). Over those four centuries, the people grew very attached to them. With the defeat of the Turks in 1878, diocesan priests slowly returned, decade by decade, to replace the Friars in the parishes. As each church was taken over, the faithful were understandably upset.

When two young Franciscans defied the bishop’s order to desist from serving their former parishioners, he defrocked them! Vicka asked Our Lady about the bishop’s decision, and got the answer that he had acted hastily. This, of course, infuriated the man and turned him against the visionaries from then on. [Ten years later, the two priests were exonerated by the Vatican.]

Thereafter, Bishop Žanić tried all he could to discredit the seers and the Franciscans, but, under the watchful eye of Pope John Paul II and his right-hand man, Cardinal Ratzinger, he failed to impress Rome. In 1991 a commission of the Bishops’ Conference of Yugoslavia met in Zadar, Croatia, to discuss this problem. The commission announced that it could not affirm the supernaturality of the events at Medjugorje, but designated the place as a shrine of prayer under the direction of the bishop. Pilgrimages to the shrine were permitted but must not be organized by the clergy – although priests and bishops could accompany the pilgrims as spiritual advisors.

During the war of independence (from 1991 to 1995, which resulted in the dissolution of Yugoslavia), and upon Bishop Žanić’s retirement in 1993, his hand-picked successor, Bishop Ratko Perić, took over the diocese and proved to be even more antagonistic towards the Franciscans. He went so far as to declare the supernaturality of the events at Medjugorje as false. The Vatican dismissed his claim, asserting that it represented the bishop’s personal opinion. His authority on the matter was taken from his hands and placed squarely on the shoulders of the Conference of Bishops of Bosnia-Herzegovina. This Conference has adopted a wait-and-see stance to this day, and is, by and large, not hostile.

It should be noted that while alleged apparitions are on-going, the Church normally does not grant authentication, as was the case at Fatima and Lourdes, for instance.

Opponents of Medjugorje distributed many fabrications and lies about the apparitions. Please be aware of this; pray, and do not be afraid.
Official Information

The Franciscan Friars have a web-site at It is the most reliable source of news and archives.

About Us

About Us

The Medjugorje Centre of Canada is a Catholic charitable organization dedicated to spreading the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje through updated news from Medjugorje, publications, pilgrimages, conferences, guest speakers, other means of promotion, and, very importantly, prayer. It is a non-profit organization operated by lay volunteers based in Toronto. We are fully obedient to the Pope and the Magisterium of the Church. We will work in conjunction with the Franciscan priests who look after the parish of Medjugorje. Like them we make the following pledge which corresponds to theirs in the web-site

Pope Urban VIII’s Decree

In conformity with Pope Urban VIII’s Decree and the directives of the Second Vatican Council, the authors declare not to have the intention of preceding the judgment of the Church about the supernatural character of events and messages related on these pages. This judgment belongs to competent authorities of the Church, to whom the authors submit themselves fully. “Apparitions, miracles, messages” and other similar words have here the value of human witness.

That is how the following excerpt should be read and interpreted.

Marija Stelzer-Dugandzic, a lady who grew up with the visionaries, writes in the Preface to the book OUR LADY SPEAKS FROM MEDJUGORJE:

“Since 1981, six Croatian youths in the village of Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina, have been asserting that they see the Blessed Virgin Mary and that they receive messages from her. For millions of people all over the world these extraordinary events, together with the heavenly instructions, have become a source of renewal within their Christian lives. The messages are in complete harmony with the Gospel and with Catholic Tradition.”

“Although the Church’s position on the occurrences is, at this stage, one of investigation and watchful attention, unofficial pilgrimages to Medjugorje are neither prohibited nor discouraged. On the contrary, the Church acknowledges this village to be a sanctuary of prayer, and oversees the liturgical-pastoral services offered at the site by the Franciscan priests and sisters.”

“Through Medjugorje, numerous Christians and non-Christians have found their way to God, to one another, and to the Church; this is what most characterizes Medjugorje, described by someone as ‘a place where it is very easy to turn to God and to start a new spiritual life.’ A large number of visitors have experienced conversion and various forms of healing.”

Medjugorje Centre of Canada (MCC) is a registered charitable organization in Canada, recognized by the Archdiocese of Toronto that operates under a set of by-laws.

• Its mission is to communicate and advocate the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje among Canadians
• The aim is conversion and spiritual renewal by consecration to Jesus through Our Mother Mary
• MCC is fully obedient to the Pope and the Magisterium of the Church

What we do
• MCC disseminates Mary’s messages received from the visionaries mainly through publications, the internet and person-to-person contacts
• MCC organizes annual pilgrimages to Medjugorje; monthly adoration; retreats; and invites guest speakers to special meetings