MESSAGE: “Dear children, the greatest gift you shall ever give to me is your consecration to my Immaculate Heart; it is through this gift from you that I am able to then bestow this gift upon my Son.
To say YES to God is the answer to all your prayers, for when you speak this word in total sincerity, it shall become against your nature to ask “why” of His holy will. Your response should remain “how”, and then God is able to reveal the solution to every problem.
To imitate my Immaculate Heart is to follow His holy will and to desire to fulfill every wish of His Sacred Heart. To reflect my heart is to become filled in grace, to practice virtue, and remain in the state of purity.
Give your heart to me and I shall promise to it, all the graces God has bestowed upon me. This means also, to leave your heart in my eternal care. The YES God desires is the YES of eternity, therefore my children, it must be renewed in everyday. Go now, tell all of the gift I wish to invite them to receive. 9-8-93
GUIDANCE: We must remember to leave our hearts in the maternal care of our Mother. We know not the magnitude of her victorious Immaculate Heart. We are invited to a celebration of incredible proportions; a conquest of hearts with a dimension we cannot fathom.
This coalition formed between the Immaculate Heart of Mary and our heart is one that brings both rejoicing and tribulation. Our Lady asks much of the soul that carries alliance with her. Through us, we shall bring fulfillment to the requests of God Father. We must begin to ask “how” in all that He shall ask. In our consecration, we discard the need to ask “why” of Him. It is the depth of our sincerity that allows us to open our hearts more to comprehend God’s holy will. We should resign ourselves with joy to become the reflection of this majestic heart.
DIRECTION: Console yourself in suffering the trials of your consecration. In the hope of paradise, let us accept our crosses with patience so that our sufferings may be meritorious. To gain heaven all labor on earth is small. It would be little to suffer all the pains of this earth for the enjoyment of a single moment in heaven. How much more would we embrace the crosses that God sends to us knowing the short sufferings here shall gain for us an eternity of bliss. We should not feel sadness, but consolation of spirit, when God sends us trials here below. They who pass to eternity with greatest merits shall receive the greatest reward. On this account, the Lord sends to us tribulation. Virtues which are the fountains of merit are practiced only by acts. They who have the most frequent occasions of trials make the most acts of patience; they who are insulted, have the greater opportunity to practice humility. Blessed is the soul who suffers affliction with peace, for they shall, by these merits, receive the crown of glory. They are the souls who shall gain the scepter of virtue and the wreath of purity.
The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary warrants all the merits of heaven, for it shall truly bring the trials to gain in grace.
MEDITATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, I pray to withstand the trials with which God shall test my love. May the merits of heaven remain embedded in my mind and the flame of sacred love allow my soul to pursue the eternal glory of heaven. Send your angels dear Mother, to protect and harvest this consecrated heart. I abandon myself in your sympathetic care. I wish only to be your child. Guard my spirit with your mantle of protection. Help me Blessed Virgin to seek recourse and refuge in thee.
“The sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come.” Romans 8:18
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MESSAGE: “My angel, I come to assure your heart of the intention and direction of my petition placed upon you. Dear one, the call I ask to be shared, is one not by my title, nor by my geographical area, for it is my only mission in these days to bring al hearts into union, and to lead them into the embrace of my Son, through their consecration to my Immaculate Heart; and its origin is from heaven above. I shall grant all to fulfill this effort, but I need also your hearts. I desire you to place before my children, the call to be one under the banner of my Immaculate Heart and its Triumph. Come together now as I have requested, for you know not the global impact of my heart upon the world in these days. Please accept the grace I so long to bestow. I am here to be your refuge. Have no fear of this wish.” 9-7-93
GUIDANCE: Our Lady pleads to us to be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, and to receive and live a call like never given before. She asks us in this day, to open our hearts and to allow heaven’s grace to flow through each of our hearts. The grave nature of her voice once again remains in the seriousness of all God desires to make known today. This call is of a magnitude we cannot fathom. She speaks to us of the importance of these times. We wait on the verge of receiving grace from heaven as never before, and yet the time of grace we are presently in, is of such an extraordinary measure.
She asks that we join our hearts to her with no hesitation, reservation, or dispensation, to totally abandon them to her maternal care. Despite all she has already given to the world in the course of the centuries, but most especially in our own lifetime, we continue to firmly believe that our hearts are held in much better care in our own embrace.
DIRECTION: We are called to seek, as well as our poor frail hearts are able, the desires of God to be completed through our consecration. We are called to seek guidance and direction before the Blessed Sacrament. Let us go before His divine presence to offer ourself to His holy will. Let us contemplate the breath of heaven upon our heart and soul as given in our consecration.
To what height is our soul called to fly? We are invited into the realm of a heavenly coronation, thus we must first promise our hearts to His sacred embrace. We must abandon our souls to be adorned both in sorrows and joys. We are asked to lay bare our desires and resist our own will, so that we can be empty and then filled by His command. In the daily application of our consecration, we should find a growth of virtue and grace – the mark of the virgin soul belonging to His majestic touch.
MEDITATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, consummate my soul in God through your maternal embrace. Grant that through meditation, virtue may foster and lead me to an imitation of your state of grace. Enlighten my heart in each day, to understand more deeply this divine plan of God. Cultivate in the depths of my being a longing for truth and justice. Raise the awareness of my soul to the heights that God has deemed for it to rest. Encourage me, dear Mother, to belong to heaven and to remain with my feet above the touch of the world. Amen.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet.” Ps. 118:105
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MESSAGE: “My angel, begin now as never before to listen and understand. Today God desires to fulfill what was begun in Fatima. The world is on the verge of receiving the power of grace from heaven as never before. God wishes to grant each soul the possibilities to gain all He rains down from above. My Triumph is a mystical union of hearts, a grace that cannot be seen nor heard, but only felt and created in the depths of the soul. Be true to this heavenly mission. I need your heart as never before. Through you now, shall come a channel of grace upon all my children who wait with open hearts.
This tide of grace shall come to engulf the soul. All impurities can be washed away if only one truly desires it. I give you the key to receive this grace, it is found in one single word from the center of your heart. To say YES allows the soul to flourish and virtue to be instilled. I invite each heart to respond in the most desired wish of God Father – to become consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, for it not only opens your heart to me, but more importantly to Him. Strive with all your might that not one soul would be untouched by heaven’s plea. It is the earnest desire of God Father that the multitudes of the earth join as one within this holy bond of unity. Come together as never before. Join heart to heart that throughout the world, would resound the union of the millions in one voice; respond universally, and ecumenically, to my call to be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart and maternal embrace.” 9-4-93
GUIDANCE: The consecration is truly a mystical union of hearts; it is a unity that transforms and converts. It is an infusion of grace so intense, that it is impossible for the soul to remain the same as before this promise. A tide of virtue shall sweep over the soul, engulfing it with an ardent desire to please God by its fulfillment and dedication to His Mother’s tender wishes. In this holy bond of unity, we are preserved for God’s service through His Mother’s heart. Since it is understood that His reign shall spill forth from hers, we are working toward the union of their hearts. Our heart in its union with Mary’s is drawn deeply into the center of this divine union by consecration. A unity is created of divine nature in this way. Although we remain in union with her Immaculate Heart, we also are brought into a union with all those consecrated to her as well. We are then partaking in a universal union of hearts through her maternal heart.
DIRECTION: It is with utmost seriousness we should engage in this pledge. To receive such an abundance of grace should be met with a heart filled with thanksgiving. We should renew our consecration each day, imploring the aid of Our Lady in all the day shall bring. We should endeavor, in each day, to bring the devotion and consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to all the souls who wait for her mission of the Triumph. We are called to respond globally to her call. It is by this means that we should strive to spread her desire for all hearts to become united. This is also a universal call to the whole of mankind. The day of our consecration is a day of triumph and exultation, provided the soul is dedicated totally to the glory of God, sanctification of self, and sacrifices all to bring another soul to the same awareness of these heights.
MEDITATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, grace my soul with an earnest motive for sincerity, purity and simplicity. It is in these gifts found upon the soul, that I shall be able to retain the innocence of my consecration. Help me to strive with all my might to preserve the genuine response to your call, I now contain. May all that I meet, receive the genuine gift of your heart through mine. May the favors granted me in my union with you, dear mother, be the offering of which I give to all. I appeal to your Immaculate Heart, to continue to direct my soul on its pursuit for serenity and tranquility.
“With what measure you give, it shall be measured upon you.” Matt 7:2
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MESSAGE: “My angel, I bring to you the joy from the heart of my Son. We rejoice in all that has been fulfilled in this time. I ask that all remain faithful to this divine grace from heaven. If we remain one, it shall not be possible for destruction by pride to influence God’s plan.
I come to bring the abundance of the gifts of heaven here. God Father has sent me to bring the most precious graces to be bestowed upon the soul – the halo of purity adorned with virtue. It is my desire to place this crown upon each and every heart who kneels before my alcove to bring me their heart.
I ask you each to become the sign of unity to all the world. It is the everlasting sign of God, three in one. All is possible through my hand, but if only you give to me your heart.
God shall give everything to fulfill His plan. I must tell you, most urgently are these times. The world awaits so soon, a transformation to the extent they cannot possibly imagine. It is the time of the opening of heaven over the earth and the gates of hell shall be closed and removed. It is the joining of hearts; your heart to the union of our two hearts. I pray that you shall accept my plea of reconciliation, union and peace. This is what you shall find in my heart waiting for you.” 9-1-93
GUIDANCE: This is the time of divine grace. It is in our midst – to drink in deeply, the goodness of God’s mercy. A loving and wondrous Father has deemed to send us a mother. He knows well the tenderness of her touch and caress. Infinite in His wisdom, He has chosen to give this gift to us. Jesus’ heart melted many times under the warmth of His Mother’s smile. He found comfort and protection in her arms, and wisdom in her words. How much love He shows us, in giving us these same moments; her correction in times of misdirection, a smile to share in times of joy, a tear to mingle with your own in times of sorrow. A mother’s way of teaching, is His gift of love. A mother’s heart to be held close to, will nurture and help along the way. She calls us in a gentle and affectionate way to the mission of her Triumph and into the depths of Her Triumphant Immaculate Heart. Our consecration is our YES to be placed in this service.
DIRECTION: In the consecration of our heart we are pledging a unity for all eternity. We are also accepting the sacrifices of this mission. It is a mission of the light of truth, so it is one that is met with disdain and distaste. We are called to become that blinding light for all to look upon, to light the path for those in darkness. We are to expose all that is not of truth.
We must also acknowledge that a half-hearted effort in this mission is one of little use. This is a call to conviction – a certitude and unyielding belief in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In each day we must search for the assurance in our soul.
MEDITATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, may I find my repose in the grandeur of your Triumph. Accept my plea of reconciliation, unity and peace of heart and mind. Carry this desire to God Father. I pray that my soul become so pure, that its brilliance shall blind those of evil and grace those of similar heart. Open my heart dear Mother, further in every day; allow it to close not even for one moment. Unfold its depths, and expose all its hidden corners that no imperfection may be permitted to remain. I pray for the victory within my own heart first and then, may I carry this grace into the world.
“Strengthen me O’ Lord, in this hour.” Judith 13:9
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MESSAGE: “My angel, my angel, how happy my heart is. In this moment, my Triumph is revealed. I have said to you that my Triumph is felt always in the heart first. I have felt this in your hearts in this day. You grow closer and stronger, closer and stronger in me and through your consecration. This is just as I have said to you. The Holy Spirit makes the pledge fruitful.
The consecration is an act of joining and transforming the interior to God first, and all He has created as well. I ask you now to place your concentration on my heart only. It should become so constant that I am always present before you. You shall find your strength from within your heart, my heart. My angel, seek as you each have now, to find my Immaculate Heart. Go forward only when you can see only this. This is truly the gift of grace I have promised to you. I have said, I shall give all to you. This is my solemn promise. You need only what is found within me. This is the perfect unity of the Trinity, to where I lead you.
Find your trust and the solution to every decision within my Immaculate Heart. I assure you, this is why I am your refuge. I give through you, the intensity of this grace for the purpose of unity, to find in me, only in me, your solidarity and your sense of direction.
I come to bring this direction now in such a way as to accomplish all necessary in this short time to its fullest state and far beyond your comprehension. Look to find only what I have taught you, and all shall be in the desired fulfillment of God.
Remember, to remain in me is to become one by the grace of my Immaculate Heart, and through this portal to the heart of my Son.” 8-29-93
GUIDANCE: The consecration becomes a perfect renewal of your baptismal vows. Before baptism, we were given to evil. In our baptism, we are given to Jesus. In our intense pronouncement of the consecration and the renewal of these vows, we are given to Jesus through Our Lady with a height of purity, because of our imitation of the heart of Our Lady. The consecration is the perfect route, designed by God.
In the consecration, we renounce all that is of evil origin just as we have done in our baptismal vows, but now we do this in an even deeper manner, for we pledge our hearts to Jesus through Our Lady. In this way we are giving the greatest honor to Him by honouring His greatest creation of grace. In belonging to Our Lady, we also belong to Him.
DIRECTION: God always desires to speak to the heart and not the mind. The mind is filled with far too much personal will. Our heart remains as the portal of our soul. In essence, when Our Lady asks that we open our hearts, she also asks that our soul be opened to receive her grace. We find, through our consecration, that her heart, beating within us, shall give to us the strength gained through her own trials and sufferings. In this act we are transformed interiorly. Our soul is molded to be a receptacle of grace; just as God asked of Our Lady.
She asks that we keep a constant focus on her Immaculate Heart, because by this focus, we gain her protection and become enclosed in her maternal embrace. In all our daily tasks, we should seek her Immaculate heart. Our refuge is found in her.
MEDITATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, I pray in the intensity of my heart’s desire, to find my refuge within your Immaculate Heart. I pray that in all things I shall seek recourse to thee. I look to find my solidarity and sense of direction from your guidance and protection. Teach me dear Mother, to seek your heart in all that I think, say and do. Fill my heart with the joys of your Triumph, that they may carry me when the times of tribulation occur. Lead this wandering soul into the depths of your heart, where you offer to me the love, consolation and compassion of the Holy Trinity.
“Christ suffered for us, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps.” 1 Peter 2:21
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MESSAGE: “To become a child of my Triumph requires a metamorphosis of the heart. This requests an extraordinary grace to prevail in the soul – a union of divine nature.
The battle is revealed, and all must now choose which side they shall pledge their allegiance to. There exists no area that is neutral. If I am not allowed to possess the heart, I promise Satan shall not allow it to remain dormant; he shall own it in the moment it has denied me.
I tell you it is a truth that my Triumph shall bring about the succeeding consequences upon the world.
The world needs now more than all else, a prayer of unity; one that shall not serve the purpose first to join hands, but hearts. It is now necessary for each child committed to this divine plan, to be joined by hearts through me. Only in this way can all efforts be united.
Remember t his, a child’s greatest adversary is pride; it is the seed of dissention and illusion. Time is so critical now. I cannot express to you the importance of your sincere efforts in these days.” 8-21-93
GUIDANCE: Our perfection consists of being conformed, united, and consecrated to Jesus. To do this, we must have the way to fulfill these requests. If we wish to become consecrated in union with Jesus, wholly and completely, we must use the avenue to Him, designed for this specific purpose. Since Our Lady was the soul most conformed to Jesus, it seems most natural that through her, we would be conformed the deepest to God. The route to this most perfect union is through the consecration. The more the soul is united to her, the deeper it is united to her Son. It is true, the perfect consecration to God is completed in our consecration to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.
DIRECTION: Through our consecration, we should rejoice in the good done by all for the good of Our Lady’s Triumph. We should recognize when we have strayed from the charity displayed by Our Lady. Have we grieved, not because others have been successful, but because we were not as prosperous? Do we regret the success of others deeming them unworthy, or perhaps because we find it is an obstacle to our own advancement? Our consecration to Our Lady, helps us to advance in charity towards the good of others. The Triumph shall come when we seek to be the example of Our Lady within the world. Satan shall come, however, to divert his holy quest in us, by allowing us to believe it is unattainable. We should strive in each day to remain just as we felt in the moment of the penetration of the Holy Spirit and the grace of Our Lady consuming our soul in the pledge of our FIAT.
MEDITATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me to remain just as in the moment of consecration, and that I may seek to give the love of God by means of charity to all those whom I meet. I desire to overcome all that Satan magnifies as faults in others. Let me see all people as your cherished children, just as you have made me. Root out from my soul the sins of pride, that I may not give in to the illusions and deceptions created by Satan. I wish to seek the heart of each person for the good of your Triumph that we may be joined by the union of hearts and then through the work of our hands. Dear Mother, your Triumph is a grace of love and unity, moved by the passion of the Holy Spirit to create a metamorphosis within my heart. Blessed virgin, possess my heart unto yours, that it shall not know the grasp of Satan.
“We live in God, we move in God and have our being in God.” Acts 17:28
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MESSAGE: “The heart of my mission is to bring all hearts to the state of unity. Unity is to become one of heart – to have the single-minded focus of the imitation of my Immaculate Heart. This is the path to holiness perfected in me by my Jesus. I come to bring to you all created in me and taught to me. Love all that is holy and good, and do not succumb to the thought of sin. I tell you that to come to the deepest peace and love of God, is to give one’s life for the light of this mission. The spirit of my Triumph is unity. The light of my mission is peace. The fulfillment of this divine plan of grace is conversion of heart. This is the response I call for.” 8-10-93
GUIDANCE: Jesus chose Our Lady for His inseparable companion of His life, death, and glory, and of His power in heaven and upon the earth. According to His majesty, He gave to her by grace, all the same rights and privileges which He possesses by nature. It is from this union of their hearts, that she would never be given less.
It is in this heavenly union that Jesus, by His place within the Trinity, gives to Our Lady the divine graces to share of Himself completely and in equal measure. This is the purpose of the Immaculate Conception.
DIRECTION: Find joy in your consecration, when you are humbled and treated as last; when you see yourself as an object of ridicule and regarded as foolish. When censured, even without grounds, neither excuse yourself nor seek to be excused by others. Do not hinder others from disclosing your faults. When you receive any humiliation, seek not who brought it to you. Should you discover this, be careful not to reproach them and not to show you know it. On the contrary, in your prayers for others, include them above the rest. Seek a humble unity with God. Respond through the grace of your consecration to become one with the mission of Our Lady. The Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart in you may only come when we find ourselves to be nothing, for it is then that God may lift our soul to the heights of a sacred union.
MEDIATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, I petition your intercession to bring the grace of humility upon my soul; that in recognizing the greatness in which God works through me, I may be humbled in His presence. Dear Mother, help me through times of persecution, ridicule and indignation, that I may offer the sufferings of my soul for the glory of your Triumph. May I offer to you a single-minded focus so that this, my consecration, may become fruitful in graces of your Immaculate Heart. In each suffering I pray to bring awareness to God’s divine plan of your Triumph, that the reign of your Son’s Sacred Heart may come to fulfillment through the consecration of every heart in unity to His through yours.
“If you be reproached for the name of Christ, you shall be blessed.” 1 Peter 4:14
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MESSAGE: “My Angel, my Triumph’s fulfillment hangs in the balance of my children’s response. I tell you, it shall come like the wind. You shall not see which direction it comes from. You cannot see how close nor far that it lingers. You may only feel its rush and hear its call. Be ready, my angel.” 8-3-93
GUIDANCE: Without the consecration it is impossible to join in the relationship with Our Lady and God to the degree that He has intended our souls to flourish in. This is why those who denounce Our Lady can never be brought into the heights that God desires to give. These graces from God are intended to be accepted within the union that He created.
The soul shall be formed in Jesus, and Jesus within it. Because the chamber of divine sacraments is within Our Lady, where Jesus and all the elect have been formed. This is why we pledge our consecration to Our Lady – only to establish more perfectly the consecration of our hearts to her Son.
DIRECTION: To fulfill our place in Our Lady’s Triumph we should be just as the ten virgins that wait for the arrival of the bridegroom. We should wait with our lanterns filled with oil, the wicks trimmed, and ready for the arrival of her Triumph in a rush of
grace. Let us stand strong in this final battle for peace in the world. When the blows of persecution shall strike at our heels, we should remain unwavering in our example; and we should hold our sword of truth high, to light the path for those who search in darkness. For those consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, all things are an occasion of merit and consolation.
MEDIATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me to never contradict God’s will for my soul. Grant that I may wait with lantern lit for the coming of your Triumph. Dear Mother, I desire to respond to His request just as you have always done. May the flames of love that consumed the life of my Jesus on the altar of the cross, come and take possession of my whole heart. Grant that I may be enraptured only in your love, sigh for nothing else but to love you more. I hope for all these things through the intercession of the Holy Virgin’s Heart.
“Place me as a seal upon your heart.” Song of Songs 8:6
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MESSAGE: “Dear children, shall we be one? I ask for unity of our hearts and souls. The tasks I send you to fulfill are of divine nature. Yes, it is true, you shall bring help to my children in the cast. But more than this, you shall bring fulfillment to my Triumph and the divine plan of God’s grace into the world. Look, dear children, to the heavens above you. See, when the winds shall blow, each cloud shall move in unison. Each cloud is carried by the wind alone. It is sent where God wills, on the breeze of heaven. The Holy Spirit shall come upon you now in this same way. He shall blow across your soul and it shall be carried by Him. It shall move in unison with my heart in this way.”
Mother how shall we release our hearts in such a way?
“Through your consecration you are set free from the world and captured by me. Go in this peace and love, and become all the Holy spirit shall move your soul to be.” 3-23-93
GUIDANCE: Our Lady will carry us from the consecration, through the Triumph, and into the Reign of the Sacred Heart: the Co-redeeming part of God’s plan. By this means, we are brought to the final hour of grace. The purpose of her Triumph is to prepare souls to receive the redeeming grace of the Sacred Heart.
The final hour of grace is a grace that is granted to all souls in the moment before the descent of the kingdom of God upon the earth—that time when the earth has been restored to its original state. This final hour is referred to by Our Lady as the second advent, the bringing together of their two hearts.
DIRECTION: The consecrated soul has no need of the world in its interior. It forgets all things of earthly nature and preserves its being for God alone. It is through the Immaculate Heart that Jesus has chosen your soul to become His. Therefore you must consecrate each day anew to His service. Uniting our will to the will of God is a constant resignation. Since nothing is more dear to us than self-will, the sacrifice that God Himself continually asks of us is simply this gift of our own will. Nothing else that we can offer to God can content Him, as long as we reserve our own will. Happy is the soul whose self- will is dead and the will of God burns brightly.
MEDITATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, permit my soul to be conducted in the way in which God leads it. I beg you dear mother to make known to me what is most pleasing to God. Help my soul to be resigned to His divine will so that I may bring the sacrifice of my personal will, as a token of my unity to His. May my soul blow in unison with the desires of the Holy spirit so that I may be led only to places He destines.
“Let it be done to me according to thy word.” Luke 1: 32
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MESSAGE: “My angel, God Father asks in the soul’s consecration, that devotion to my Immaculate Heart be held in deep importance. For this reason, I ask that you pray the Rosary everyday, practice the gift of the first five Saturdays, and give your petitions and recourse in life to me, for I bring all to Him. Do these things for love of me and know I offer all for love of you.
Dear angel, begin each day in this way:
O’Maria transform my heart unto thine.
Place around it a wreath of purity, adorned in virtue.
Take my heart, dear Mother, consecrated as your own.
Present it to God Father as an offering from me to you.
Help me O’Maria in each day to make your heart more known.”3-19-93
GUIDANCE: The consecration is a necessary act in fulfilling Our Lady’s Triumph. Her Triumph will raise the faithful to the state of fulfillment necessary for the Reign of the Sacred Heart, and together will give way to the purpose of redemption and co-redemption, the union of two hearts.
Our Lady will carry us from the consecration and through the Triumph; the Triumph shall then give the foundation for the Reign of the Sacred Heart. Within these two hearts, holds God’s plan of redeeming and co-redeeming grace for he world.
DIRECTION: In giving our hearts to the Mother of God, let us not create an illusion within our souls that there is no cost involved. She asks to become our mother and we her children, but this does come with requirements. First, we must truly desire to amend our lives and to reject all that is sinful, evil and worldly. Second, it is necessary to entrust to her our hearts, minds and the care of our soul. Third, we must endeavor to bring others to love her Immaculate Heart. Last, we shall remain forever at her feet and thank the Lord unceasingly for the gift of His own mother.
MEDITATION: O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray that I receive a soul of purity; for whatever you pray for, you are granted. O’Mary, I consign my soul into your maternal care. Obtain for me perseverance in divine grace. Grant to me in my consecration to have recourse to you in all my temptations and in all my dangers of losing eternal life. Assist me at the hour of death, and recommend my soul into the hands of the Father. In you, I place all my confidence, trust, and conviction of a single-minded focus for the good of your Triumph.
“They that work by me shall not sin. They that explain me, shall have life everlasting.” Eccl 24: 30
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