LIVE Webcam
Current Time in MEDJUGORJE: Medjugorje Time
Below is a live video stream from Medjugorje
In the US – 12:00pm EST, 11:00am CST, 9:00am PST).
Webcam at Apparition Hill:
Current Time in MEDJUGORJE: Medjugorje Time
Below is a live video stream from Medjugorje
Webcam at Apparition Hill:
Fra Marinko Šakota is the new parish priest of Medjugorje following the death of Fra Petar Vlašić on November 8th 2012.
The 44 year-old Franciscan was born in nearby Čitluk and ordained in July 1996. He has served as a chaplain in Medjugorje since 2010.
His appointment was proposed by Franciscan Provincial Fra Ivan Sesar and confirmed by Bishop Ratko Perić who also presided over the funeral of Fra Petar.
Fra Marinko speaks Croatian, German and English.