
The retreat of Medjugorje Centre of Canada will be held online this year. The time will be held in Canada’s Toronto, Eastern Standard Time.

主題 Theme: 鼓勵的恩賜/The gift of encouragement

講者 Speaker: 程明聰神父 Fr. Francis Ching
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
費用 Fee: 免費 Free


Sat. Sept 19, 2020 10am-4pm (lunch 12pm-1:30pm)
Sun. Sept 20, 2020 1:30pm-4pm

Sat. Sept 19, 2020 10pm to Sun. Sept 20, 2020 4am (Break 12am-1:30am)
Mon. Sept 21, 2020 1:30am-4am

現時無須預先報名,請到以下 Youtube 收看。此避靜將錄影,並傳留記錄在 Youtube 及此網頁。歡迎 LIVE 參與或在日後不同時候重溫。



Slido ID: #82801

捐獻 Donation:

To give donations towards Fr. Francis’ missions:

From Canada & US:
1. Go to companionscross.org.
2. Click “Give” in the top right corner.
3. Click “Donate Now” near the top.
4. Fill out the form, type “Fr. Francis Ching’s missions” under “Special Notes”. You can choose to give by credit card, phone or mailing in a cheque.

Outside of Canada & US, you can give via PayPal, pay to donations@companionscross.org.

For donation to Medjugorje Centre Canada, please write a cheque in CAD$, and mail to the following address:

Cheque payable to:
Medjugorje Centre of Canada

Mail in address:
360 Highway 7 East,
Lower Lever 1,
Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4B 3Y7

Thank you for your contribution and blessings.

星期六 (早上):

星期六 (下午):
